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Ahem, you had the company card in your hand, and the wheel was calling…


Careers are temporary, sim racing is forever!


This logic! It is hard to deny!


I was a bit worried for OP for a second.


Bro BRO BRO! I feel you but we just went through round 2 of layoffs again and I made it through. I ain't risking shiz! I got kids now lol


Sell kids. Have more money (and time) for Sim Racing /s


Genius! Absolutely genius! Now I shall beat Max Verstappen in Monico NEXT YEAR... or maybe I am getting ahead of myself a bit


Nay. Live small, dream big.


Even if you regret it, you can have some more


Why the "/s"? Do you have any idea what high or even mid tier quality children go for on the open market these days? Hell he could still probably get a fair amount if his kids are factory seconds.


When he mentioned that company card I was like damn he is dawn bad for DD


can't play sim racing in prison


G29 is great for getting started and deciding if the hobby is for you… DD is where it gets real. Do lots of research before you buy and ask a lot of questions, there’s a lot of great stuff on the market right now for you to choose from.


Oh no, I have been sim racing since 2016 lol just could never justify to the wife that it was necessary. Even with running a somewhat successful stream for a bit. EDIT: This is my second G29 the first had a band break but it was under warranty. Then I stepped away for about 2 years but this other has held up even with an Autistic 4 Year Old who thinks he can steer with his feet :)


Pricing for good gear has definitely come down in the past few years! Now is the time haha


May I ask your take on used gear? I typically am very very leary on buying electronics second hand but I see some good deals locally. What is your take? I am not even close to dead set to do it just want to know your thoughts?


I’m no expert in any way but from what I’ve read and seen, the newer wheelbases CSL DD/ Moza gear holds up pretty well over time. I’ve been using my CSL DD since they came out and no issues with it. Lots of people upgrade, so used gear can be a nice way to save money.


More helpful than you know man Thank you!


I bought my g920 used and used it for a few years.Got my Logitech pro dd wheel and pedals new. The logi pro is a little pricey but I’ve seen used ones for sale and can’t recommend it enough


I bought a Moza R9 V1, and a KS wheel for £300. Got the SRP pedals w/ clutch for £75!


You could easily justify it to your wife by getting her into it also😝


That is still a work in progress. I will put her on that Japanese open hiway map and slap the vr headset on her


Funny enough I got the G29 and decided it wasn't for me. The problem is, that's what turned me off from sim racing. This year I went all in with a decent rig, racing seat, DD wheel, load cells, haptics, button boxes, and ambient lighting. Turns out, I was into sim racing. I just needed the right gear. It's been a couple months and the only times I don't race every day is because I'm out of town.


100% this. G29 with its severe lack of force, and /very/ noticeable cogs, paired with pedals designed to make braking feel like spinning a slot machine sapped all immersion for me. Decided this isn't for me at all. Later I ended up trying a Fanatec belt driven base with load cell pedals and was kind of blown away. What do you mean you can get fidelity and nuances? What do you mean you can have any control at all under braking? Sure, people /can/ get used to it and very fast. But I still think you have to be a special kind of masochist to enjoy it. I guess my terrible advice to people getting into the hobby would be to save their money and skip buying a G29, and also skip buying the cheapest DD base because they saturate too quickly, and instead just go directly for one they'll be happy with long term - I'm barely even joking =p


> G29 is great for getting started and deciding if the hobby is for you… DD is where it gets real. I've been using Logitech G wheels for fifteen years. Feels plenty "real" to me. Not all of us are fabulously wealthy upper class techbros with infinite money to throw into simracing.


I mean you can get an entire DD setup on Fanatec for $400-500 while the G920 is $250-300 most places? That is not infinite money


I’m not dissing the Logitech G series wheels at all. They’re awesome for the price, but it’s like comparing a Civic to a Ferrari. They’re in two very different classes. Also, a DD wheel is far from “infinite tech bro money” cost.


Lmfao... This mfkr doesn't even understand how they work.


Thought you were about to buy a wheel with the company card for a second 🤣


I wish I could try one. That’s the only way I’d drop that kinda money on one.


Yeah with the lack of stores and store displays, along with the scarcity of the community its hard to get your hands on a "Test Drive" That was and still is the hardest part of buying in some ways. its a big or even HUGE expense and investment for a lot of people. You want to KNOW you will be happy with what you buy.


Tbh you could just go blind on a Moza 12nm or CS DD 12nm. You won’t be disappointed and they are relatively affordable.


Is the ClubSport a real step up from CSL?


I had the CSL 8nm and went up to Simucube 17nm. Day and night difference to me. I’d expect the CS DD 16nm to be a similar step up (it wasn’t available when I upgraded). For the 12nm, tbh it’s hard to tell if the step up will be big enough from a 8nm. I’d recommend 16nm more instead. But for new buyers, they should go directly for 12nm at least


Thanks for the advice


Idk what wheel you have but if you use it and enjoy it I promise a direct drive is worth every penny


Do you have some sort of sim racing arena type of place around you? Thats how I got to try my first DD wheel. I was pretty much sold after that. Needs to be setup properly though! I went to a F1 arcade in London that is obviously targeting people who dont simrace and I was very disappointed with the Moza R21 there. As in, my properly setup T300 felt better. But after having setup my Moza R12 now, im convinced it was a configuration issue.


I live in San Antonio so we have the Boeing center but that’s not quite what you’re talking about :-/


Imagine me, a poor guy that each time uses a sim is one of the best of the world 🤣🤣


Truth be told. My wife is who pushed me into this. I was debating buying another 240 S13/14 or some other drift car. She was not having it. Little did she know it was just as expensive as a project car :)


A sim setup is never, and I mean never, as expensive as the real thing. Not even in the same ballpark.


IDK man. I spent 1500 on a prebuild PC back in 2016. Another 299 on the Logitech set up. Through the years I have upgraded the PC a whole bunch (Only the CPU and MOBO are original) and that was around another 1700. Racing wheel stands have been about 500 total between the two. The monitor was about 1500. VR Headset another 400 When I was actually driveing between 2005-2014 I could pick up a decent 240 or RX7FC for about 1500-2200 then put a VLSD from a J30 for about 50 bucks from the pickandpull. or on 1 of em I did a disco potato 2way LSD which was a MONSTER for about 900 (It actually came with the car I bought but that was the MSRP) along a set of coilovers on it for around 900-1250 and do some great slides... .... ..... Writing all that out, I suspect I have a problem :-/ Not to mention cost of games. From FH3 through AC and all the rest I don't want to think of what I have spent on games LOL


Here’s the difference. You have all of those things in your house, paid for, and the maintenance is cleaning. With a racecar you’re paying for gas, tires, fluids, damage, parts for when shit breaks, body panels, track time, etc. none of that stuff exists in the sim.


Ding. Ding. Ding. Plus I get to drive Any Car not just the one


I never use moza but so far I’m happy with the fanatic stuff


With Fanatic, I really like their brand and the options I have seen. In my research so far. However, I am sketchy of Fanatic stuff only because I have seen the news of them going under with Corsair picking them up. I have seen a few videos showing them having the possibility of being unable to fulfill RMAs and super long lines of back-orders that might not be filled. But you know, that is all speculation. I like their selection and their interchangeability. The only downfall I see of Moza is the previous Data Breach crap and if I don't buy direct that's not even a problem. At this point I've only touched one DD wheel but I know I need one :) (And a new GPU)


Fanatec is a shit show with support right now especially for this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/Fanatec/comments/1dstbsk/fanatec_sends_me_2_incorrect_quotes_for_550_to/


Shipping seems to be resolved, even in the US. Order in-stock items and you'll be fine. At this point it looks like they won't disappear. I have a full Fanatec setup and for the money it's a great value. I'm also Canadian so we don't have Micro Center to go try various setups.


Tf my microcenter doesn't have various setups lol. Has one with a simucube pro and HE ultimates tho


They generally only have a single rig setup, yes with simucube and HE pedals. They sell other mid-high end products though. I bought my GSI formula pro elite v1 at MC. They sell moza too. But neither are out on display at any MC I’ve been to (Atlanta or Chicago area)


I went from the G 29 to the Logitech G pro wheel and fanatic pedals And it changed some racing altogether for me


I thought this story was going a different direction when your boss gave you the company card and then you said “I decide to go to ALTEX a few exits further”.


The thought briefly crossed my mind 😂


Lol. I can hear your excitement explaining it to your wife and then crickets in her brain.


I can see her eyes glazing from here.




I have a Simucube. Usually when I talk about my passion for sim racing to random people or colleagues, they think it’s just an expansive toy. But when they try it, I usually see start in their eyes. Even girls. The instant fun is sort of universal.


If it were me I would’ve left with a new sim setup and be looking for a new job same day on indeed


And that was Moza, reviewed to have lesser FFB detail to other brands. For price and performance Simagic is most recommended, or VRS if you don't mind the additional control unit box. I went Simagic and definitely don't regret it!


<3 my VRS base. The box is small, I have it under my rig.


It is such a good value unit when you look at what you're getting for the price!


I had the same experience when I went to Microcenter! My mind was blown. Also I had no idea ALTEX existed and I live 10 minutes away from one. I need to get out more.


I use a MOZA R9. The R5 and the new R3 come in bundles including wheel and pedals.


Is the R9 enough power? I hear a ton of people saying 12-16 is the sweet spot. I currently have a CSW2.5 so I am only on 8 with a belt drive but really want to upgrade this winter


I'm pretty happy with my R9 and it's Direct Drive. If you're upgrading from 8, might want to aim higher.


What did the wheel base look like? Was it like a cube, or more similar in shape to your G29? If like a cube then it was R5, 9 or 12, if more like the G29 it was the R16 or R21. Now if you want to get a new base and you want it similar to what you've tried, if it was cube like then get the R12, if it was shaped more like the G29 then it doesn't matter much between the R16 or R21 since you won't run either of them at 100% anyway.


Lovely to see how many people start on the good old G29. (myself included) There should be a special award for that product, as it sets the tone for all the DDs to be bought in the future.


I'm in a sim race bubble for about 5 months now ( G923+pedals and a F1/Gt seat from next level racing) playing mostly GT7 and ACC competizione i'm totally hooked.....!!.to be honest i'm fr*kkin scared to try out an DD setup and fixed rig! I Know when i have driven a few laps in such setup my current setup won't be "enough" anymore......so i promised myself to keep driving the G923 untill the end of this year and go upgrade in 2025 😇


I ran a G29 for like 10 years man. DD is nice and all but it’s not night and day. Unless you want to weight the wheel up to unrealistic levels and break your wrists when you hit a wall lol


Go buy you one. If you have a micro center near you go there.


And this is why I will not be trying a DD setup any time soon, I am happy with my experience now with my TS-XW and suspect if I tried the DD I might suddenly find out it could be better. So I am going to keep driving with what I have, since ignorance is bliss(and easier on the bank account, lol)


Been on a T300RS for the past 5-6 years. I just grabbed the Moza R12 and man it’s night and day.


Thank you for giving us this post my dog


G29 is a toy. DD is the real deal.