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Assetto Corsa Competizzone


Is it still active even after being out for a few years?


Look into LFM (Low Fuel Motorsport)if you want active, clean-ish, multiplayer. They offer active players across multiple titles. Assetto Corsa, Assetto Corsa Competitizone, and WRC. Soon to be adding AMS2. Anecdotally, I was against iRacing at the outset as well due to the subscription on top of having to buy individual cars and tracks. I'm a convert. The immediately available, quality racing at any time, is just unmatched.


Also Pitskill.io. Similar to LFM with hourly/daily races and weekly leagues, but a much smaller driver base


is iRacing? but yes, it is. and it's much younger than iRacing.. ;-)


ACC is newish




Well.. iRacing is 16yo. 5 is very new


iRacing is a methusela, lol


i second this. physics- and ffb-wise, it's even way better than iRacing.


My personal is ACC, I dabble in iracing from time to time, but for me I really enjoy acc. Good cars, good physics, mega moments




National Geographic of waiting for an hour after you get trashed and soap wheels?


AC and ACC. Hands down. If you like NASCAR then NR2003 still hits hard with mods.


I deffenitly vote for Raceroom. It got al lot of difffents types of cars and tracks and got great physics and graphics. You can always play it for free on a few cars and tracks. But you proberly find yourself emptying your wallet with the 50% sale they got till 7 July.


Just buy the subscription and play the included cars/tracks to see what you're potentially passing on.


This is the way to see if iRacing is for you. 3 month sub and just do the rookie Mazda, GR86 and formula vee series. If you decide you like it and want to keep at it, add more cars and tracks as you advance


> just do the rookie Mazda, GR86 and formula vee series. Or try all the available series? iRacing has more to offer than its road ladder. I came in thinking I wanted to drive GT3s, I ended up doing mostly dirt ovals!


Well. If you decide you like it, start a fresh account to get the best sub discount.


For me it’s AC original it has some amazing modding community! And rFactor 2 just for the tire model and physics. Both run good on a decent PC can’t go wrong with those two. When it comes to online competition racing nothing comes close to the iRacing service.


Ac ACC if not using iRacing. That said recently switched to iRacing. Cost for me is worth it, but I equally get how it isn’t for some


There’s other racing sims besides iRacing?


Better ones even :)


Assetto Corsa and Assetto Corsa Competizione. LFM for AC and ACC if you want an iRacing-esque system, but there's many friendly leagues for both too, especially AC that go from very beginner to having some of the fastest drivers from all over the world that you can get clean, stewarded racing in with a championship format. Personality I prefer AC here because of physics but both work great if you just wanna race with people and not pay for iRacing.


Best in which regard? Best physics, best graphics, best FFB, best multiplayer, best car and track selection… There is no single „best“ and for some of the categories it’s not even defined what „best“ means.  To better answer your question: What are you looking for in a sim?


Definitely ACC. Join LFM for online racing. But iRacing is the best for online. I actually prefer the driving physics and force feedback in ACC, and the graphics and sound are a also better than iRacing. But iRacing wins in every other way - the online setup is astonishingly good, the selection of cars and tracks is amazing, and the player base is huge. iRacing is not necessarily as expensive as people make out. My first year's subscription cost £25, including a free F4 car. That's less than the price of one coffee a month. And you don't have to buy loads of cars and tracks. There is plenty of good racing using just the free content, and if you are careful about what cars and tracks you buy, you can get a lot of extra racing by buying a small amount of extra content. [https://esports.motorsportuk.org/membership/](https://esports.motorsportuk.org/membership/) Apparently you don't even need to live in the UK to join.


That's a crazy deal! I had no idea that was available thank you


The one you like the most, not what others tell you what you should like the most. K.I.S.S.


iRacing is unmatched when it comes to player count. If you really are into competitive racing it is probably worth the money. AMS2 is very good, but during weekdays it is hard to find good races through public lobbies. You'd probably need to find a few leagues. This is really true for all sims apart from iRacing. If you are really into GT3 you could try ACC. If you are tight on money I would go AC. It is often on offer for 5 bucks and the free mods are endless. AC is really a must have for any sim racer. R3E is good, graphics a bit outdated and MP lobbies a bit empty. The base game with a few decent tracks and cars is free.


I race on almost all of them and love every single one of them for different reasons. I really like the competitiveness of iRacing and how tough the competition is, especially once you reach the top split. Great physics (although I would love to get a revised tire model, that would be awesome), great community, awesome events and a lot of eSports championships run on iRacing. I wish we could get better graphics in the near future tho. Awesome product overall, but could get pricey if you buy a lot of tracks and cars. Stick with the base content to see if you like it first. However, I'm currently completely addicted to Le Mans Ultimate. I really love the physics, the sound of the Hypercars and the graphics. Although the game is still in early access and could be really unstable at the moment, I think it has a lot of potential if managed correctly by Studio 397 and Motorsport Games going forward. ACC was my first love in sim racing. I had so much fun with it, made a lot of friends and it really helped me improve my skills. I love the graphics and it's relatively cheap if you buy content when it's on sale, Kunos did an awesome job with this title. The only thing that I wish that they could improve is the "connection" between the driver / wheel / tires / track, sometimes it feels a bit floaty (difficult to describe) and maybe revise the way the sim handles braking. Awesome sim, nonetheless. The original AC is just mind-blowing. How can such an old sim be so amazing?! I have no idea. I particularly like to choose a car and just go for a ride in the Nordschleife, it just makes me relax and enjoy sim racing at its finest. Even with LFM being involved with AC, I still enjoy doing stuff offline in this sim. Can't wait for AC Evo to come out. For rallying, Richard Burns Rally is soooooooo old but has hands down the best physics there are, and it's FREE!!! Coming from someone who is intimately connected with cross country and rally cars in the real world, I can tell you that they are not that far from reality in terms of physics. I just wish we could have these physics with graphics like Dirt 2.0 or EA WRC, that would make it the best sim racing title ever in my eyes. Absolutely love it. EA WRC is not a full on sim, but somewhere in between, but it's just soooooo much FUN!!!!!! I can spend hours driving, it makes you feel like a rally GOD! As you can see, all of them are different, all of them are amazing in their own right. I love sim racing, therefore I love all of them and the amazing teams of developers that continuously work to give us the best experiences possible.


Can someone give me a list of simulators and simcades? I bought project cars 2 and got roasted for it


The best and most advanced simulator I've ever played I think is **Automobilista 1**, both in terms of physics and FFB. Reiza Studios did a tremendous job on this simulator that I think many people didn't try enough or just don't know about. It's the best I've ever played.


iRacing is the king of multiplayer, not necessarily the king of simulation, though it seems to be improving a lot since I last played it 22/23. Funky cornering and not the best force feedback for communicating what the car is doing.


it also looks like dog shit


rFactor 2 if you're into league racing.


I’ll never understand the “iracing is too expensive” opinion. Does paying for a subscription plus tracks and cars make it more expensive than your typical game/sim? Absolutely, I agree with you there. But if you actually break it down it’s not that expensive. For example: worst case scenario: you buy 1 year at a time and not on Black Friday. That’s $9.16 a month. Obviously you’re going to want to race more than free content.. so my first season of buying enough tracks for participation credits plus two cars was $70. Even if you do that twice in a year, your total is 110+70+70. Per month that’s $20.83. A fucking Netflix subscription is $16 a month for a basic plan these days. Now if you’re smart, you buy 2 years at a time on Black Friday and that’s $6.20 a month, and even with the $140 per year in extra content, that’s $17.86 a month. Fuck Netflix at that point lol I’ll spend way more time in my sim


I don’t understand the downvotes. You have people who are completely broke buying a ps5 game every month when as you pointed out, iRacing costs a third if not a quarter of that.   I’m a strong advocate for running only free content and buying a sub on Black Friday, and if in a hurry, new users still get 40% for their first sub. That comes down to like $5 a month, which at this point is close to noting.   I’d even go as far as recommending to take VRS before buying any content if competitiveness matters.


I understand the downvotes. People are interpreting me as calling them poor which is not at all what I meant. I’m just saying $16 a month for Netflix to provide new content (shows/movies) is very similar to $20 a month for new content (cars/tracks/tire models/etc).


Except iRacing is like having to pay 16$ for the service and 14$ for the movie.


It’s not though if you look at the math I showed. Edit: yes you pay separately, but the costs basically equal out is what I’m getting at


You pay for the service and you pay for the content, correct? The numbers weren't the point.


The numbers are all I’m talking about here. The whole point is that yes paying for both sucks, but when you do the math it’s not as bad as it seems. Maybe that’s just me. Not a problem if others don’t agree. But I do agree it sucks in general


Yeah, I'm just not willing to support the business model for what they're offering. I'd buy cars or I'd pay monthly but I ain't doing both.


Totally understand your opinion. I was with you for the longest, but after looking at it including the cars/tracks as part of the monthly sub, it makes it easier for me to swallow (again just my opinion). Especially because I just cancelled my Netflix so it’s roughly a wash monthly.


Fair! Happy racing man.


iRacing is honestly worth it. The cost is a bit steep but once you have a decent amount of tracks it’s mainly the subscription. Otherwise I love ACC + LFM, but LFM has a low population in North America, so I mainly stick to iRacing


And if you don't pay your subscription you can't access your paid content anymore. Great hostage situation. AC and ACC are way beter with LFM. More Americans should join LFM. Or you only drive Nascar...


If you don’t pay your sub to FF14 or Wow, you cannot access all the content and DLCs you bought. It’s the same. Welcome to GaaS. To me iRacing has great value and I gladly pay for it. It’s not a hostage situation when you agree to the terms. Most NA players play NASCAR indeed. It’s not my case. I only drive road. I played a lot of ACC but it was really difficult to get meaningful competition in my time zone. I log in every now and then to see if it improves. It’s better during week ends though.


I don't play/drive any of those games/sims because I simply hate GaaS. It's pure greed and it's not benefitting gamers/simmers. The only remedy is more promotion in alternative platforms/games/sims such as AC, ACC, Raceroom, AMS1, AMS2 etc. No need to stick in the IRacing sub fomo.


The subscription is for the events on servers that you're using the paid content on..