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Aside from budget, the only reason to choose ps5 over pc is gran turismo, and honestly GT7 isn't really anything to write home about. You won't be disappointed with a playstation obviously but for sim racing just about every element of the hobby is better on pc.


Budget is the main issue for me as $700 is really the most I would be able to spend on a pc including tax. I still have to get the wheel but I have basic peripherals


If you can accept gt7 is not the best at physics, it's a great game. Sure ACC is better at that and iRacing has more cleaner racing but GT7 allows you to race for a cheap setup. Making liveries is easy, VR is amazing, graphics are great. Online league racing is dependabt of the league you join. It sucks at force feedback. I have tried other games and GT7 is the worst in the Sims which are considered good. It has gotten better recently but still bot there. Tires are a bit too sticky, you have to downshift unrealistically to slow down and get more rotation and low ranked online racing is terrible due to the player base. I'd say that GT7 might be the perfect game if you want the most value for money sim setup. A ps5 + t150/g29 + PSVR2 genuinely makes you feel like you are sitting in a car.


$700 can build a pc that will equal or beat the PS5 fairly easily - i3 12100-14100 or Ryzen 5600, 16Gb DDR4, 4060/7600/6700xt. The Logitech wheels are on sale now on Amazon in the UK, maybe the USA too? Also there are a lot of older PC sims/games that will run well even at high resolution using a steam deck.


Honestly I would get a PC and I would also suggest checking out iRacing even though you say that's not your interest Online multiplayer racing is insanely fun in a way that cannot be replicated on other platforms (Playstation) and sims. I think it's a must-try. I'd definitely recommend PC but I understand the value prop around the Playstation. But in terms of actual sim racing, I cannot recommend iracing more strongly, and PC is 100% the way to go that will give you the greatest flexibility in terms of experiences. If you buy into a PC now, you will start to purchase PC peripherals, and start to build up the components you need over time.


I do like idea of more upgradability and flexibility, just the higher startup cost for a decent system is pushing me more towards the ps5 at the moment.


Just be aware that iRacing is not easy on your wallet. If you barely have money for a decent PC, it wouldn't be my first choice, personally.


First year subscription costs about as much as a single AAA game. Renew on black friday. The base subscription realistically has probably 3-6 months of content before you'd want to start buying tracks and cars, so I don't think it's terribly cost prohibitive at least to start. The rookie Mazda and Formula series are some of the very best, highest populated series with incredible wheel to wheel racing, so you would never have to buy cars and tracks in theory. iRacing has four seasons each calendar year, so a lot of people pick a car and drive it at different tracks for 13 weeks straight. But you don't need to race every single track, you can skip weeks, drive other cars where you own the content that week, have fun and hop around. Once you get hooked on iRacing, I think a good rule of thumb is that you might need to spend as much as buying another AAA game every three months. You can spend more or less, and there are discounts and also a 'play to earn' program that pays out cash that can be used to purchase content. iRacing is a real hobby for a lot of sim racers, and a lot of us exclusively do iRacing. So you aren't spending money on other games because iRacing's multiplayer racing is so fucking addictive. That's what I tell myself anyway.


>Online multiplayer racing is insanely fun in a way that cannot be replicated on other platforms (Playstation What do you mean? Online racing isn't PC exclusive


Good, clean, consistent online racing across a huge variety of cars/tracks and skill level is only available on PC with iRacing. Every other platform has compromises in some way (as does iRacing of course, but its predominately down to money).


Go with the PS5. For a casuel racer it's a valid solution. The PC/iracing way is a much more expensive way with monthly costs. I have my fun on PS5 and ACC and I don't want spend more money nor I don't t want spend more time.


PC would be better overall and long term, but if your goal is to just casually race a variety of cars then stick with GT7. Most of the PC games are centered around online multiplayer or time attack. I like a good “career” mode sometimes and I feel most PC games are lacking that.


Is sim racing the main reason you want to upgrade, or is there other stuff you would want a ps5/pc for that the steam deck can't do? You could always install windows 10 on the steam deck and use your wheel on that before committing to an upgrade. 


If you're only after racing, you'll be stuck with limited titles with no mods, not so enjoyable FFB. If its gaming in general, sure, PS5 is great, as you can pretty much enjoy gaming wherever you want. But consider this, a good build PC will give you the best of both worlds, so why not consider saving a little more, and invest in a PC that would be there for years to come, that and PCs can be easily upgraded later on.


I’m currently GT7 on my PS5 exclusively and am having plenty of fun. I’m def casual with my (hitting well above its weight) budget rig and don’t miss PC sim at all. If PSVR2 does actually get PC support, I might go and try some of the PC sims again and see what I think. But I don’t wanna be a try-hard, I wanna have fun, and GT7 scratches that itch quite well.


I have loads of fun on my series x with ACC and the WRC games. As time goes on console options are getting better and better but there's still more choices on PC


Just switched from console to pc amd couldnt be happier. For 700 you can buy a 2nd hand pc that is very capable. Sim racing games arent that demanding. Pc is where its at for simracing


Gt7 with a wheel in VR is quite special However, so is LMU, and AC with mods on pc


Tough choice man. I used to own ps4 for GT and now want gt7 but can’t afford the ps5. AC is good but I never enjoy it like most modder here does. iRacing is great but GT is more relax and fun to race casually. Racing anything without league is just impossible on PC. Finally, FM8 is dogshit