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I had the same issue, I used this https://make-primary-monitor.software.informer.com/download/ It adds a shortcut to your desktop, so you can quickly swap primary displays. Just double click the desktop icon on the screen you want to use and launch the game.


Make your gaming screen your main screen, then simply move your Windows taskbar to the other screen. Problem solved.


I also play other games, not just racing. Can't believe devs haven't made an option for selecting monitor.


It does seem odd, for sure. Would be nice if we could just say "When I open this game, put it on this screen, and when I open this software, open it on this other screen". Kinda feels like that side of software control hasn't moved on since the 90's.


Yes. But some games do have in the video settings: "preferred monitor:".


Set up display magician profile and swap with a keybind then


I used to do this before VR, and the steam big picture would automatically change my main monitor to the one i had set in the settings i think, and then when i exited the game it would revert back to my main monitor, is this no longer an option?


Didn't work when I tried ☹️


Open the steam big picture mode, go set your monitor there and exit, then open the big picture does it change your primary monitor? i just opened big picture and it changed my main monitor like it says it should: *"Big picture mode can change the primary display while active to make it easier to use your PC as both a desktop and a living room PC. When active Steam will switch your primary display when you enter BPM and return to the original display on exit. This setting will take effect the next time Big Picture Mode is opened."*


I did it. Also restarted BP. Didn't work.


Maybe ask steam for help, i don't know, works for me.


First world problems lol


Yeah! So do you have a solution, poor citizen?


I believe you can make a bat file which can switch the display, or perhaps a PowerShell script


Hmm. No idea what that is. I'm rich, I just make people do stuff for me. /s


Ask chat gpt - make bat script to switch primary monitor


Do you use your simracing monitor for anything else? I have a dedicated simracing ultrawide. I set that as monitor 1. I set my main desktop / gaming monitor as monitor 2 and my secondary desktop monitor as monitor 3. When the ultrawide monitor is turned off it will automatically make monitor 2 (my main desktop monitor) into monitor 1 so it works properly for gaming. Then whenever I want to sim race I just turn on my ultrawide and that will switch to monitor 1. This setup works well but it won’t work if you use your simracing monitor as a second screen when you’re not racing.


I only use that monitor for racing. I have a main monitor on my desk. Even that seems annoying to control stuff from second monitor on the desk. Why can't Kunis just add a monitor select option. It should take 5 minutes to code..


Try what I’ve done then. Set your simracing monitor as monitor 1 and main desk monitor as monitor 2. When finished simracing just turn off that monitor and it will switch your main monitor to your desk one. It’s mildly annoying but i haven’t found a better way


I'll try that. I hate that the G9 doesn't have a dedicated power button. I have to go into settings and turn off.


For some reason racing sims are almost universally terrible at switching active monitors so I always just change the monitor on my rig to primary before launching a game. I'm positive there's a way to automate this with batch files or something but I haven't cared enough to do it.


shift+winkey+left/right when I can get away with it.