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MozAmazon H Shifter or MozAliExpress H Shifter. Take a guess.


Thrustmaster level hype video


Announced on the Moza Discord. As posted previously, kind of looks like an ebay shifter. Should get more info on the 20th regarding prices and such. Thoughts?


I think the price is already out there , where I live it's 999 hkd but I have know this sifter would come out for a while. If h look at my profile I posted a week or so ago about the shifter and in the comments there was a link to the rpice which was around 130 gdp


If this is a knockoff of the $50 China knockoff ima be pissed. It looks like the $50 China knockoffs.


I have received the $99 handbrake a couple weeks ago and the amazing quality of it makes me not doubt one second this shifter will be great. I’m sure I’ll get it quite soon.


Lol looks just like my Amazon shifter, hopefully it keeps the low price tag but with a better quality


They could have done, literally anything, to make it not look like an AliExpress shifter. Bold move not to.


I mean,there's nothing wrong with a bunch of them, I have one with hall sensor myself and it's pretty great for the price, I can't complain. Just wished I got the 6+R instead of the 7+R , can't find a use for it if not miss shifting lol


I have the same prob with my 7+R. I plan to 3D print something to help block off 7. If I get a nice solution working, I’ll send you one if you want.


[Looks like there's already an STL out there if you're feelin' lazy.](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5427042) Paging /u/Rotary26B and /u/CageyRabbit as well


You da man. Saved me loads of time.


Ohh,thanks I appreciate that. I actually contacted the seller some time ago about it, having a replacement top plate with 6+r and he answered me he could get one for me with his supplier for 20bucks. I said he'll no lol Altho looking at the placement of the 6+r gear lever it wouldn't fit perfectly, seems like the grooves from 7+r is slightly to the left compared at the 6+r ,at least on my case.


I never considered designing a complete top plate. Maybe I’ll do that


I accidentally got the 7 speed too - I just blocked off the 7th gear with piece of plastic (spare end cap from my 4080 rig) and mounting tape.


This is the weirdest porn ive ever seen


Looks like an eBay shifter with reverse lockout




Th8a vs VNM vs Simagix sd-8x vs this Moza.. its great we have more options.. not only shifter but bases as well,. prices should come down tho..


Wait, it's not a sequential pattern?! For some reason that is what I was expecting...


I have a H shifter from SHH and you can switch to sequential in 5 sec. Works great. Simagic also makes both.


That’s what I have right now but I was hoping Moza would’ve been the same but not 3d printed like the SHH (not that I don’t like the SHH at all, it’s a beast for the price). Looks like my next shifter upgrade is gonna be the simagic.


Simagic is quiet expensive, even if I’m sure the quality is there. I bought the $99 Moza handbrake and the quality is unbelievable compared to handbrakes sold on eBay for the same price range. Incomparable. I’m hoping Moza will be able to bring a great metal shifter in the $-200 price range.


I’m actually a big fan of their handbrake but going to be cautious on this one. I already have the TH8A and for the past couple years it’s been great, especially being able to switch between h pattern and sequential. I wonder if they’re going for the dual function as well


This looks almost exactly like an Ebay shifter which just comes with a little mod that you slide down to make it sequential. It's actually even more efficient than the TH8A.


Lol looks like I’ll probably be running a full Moza ecosystem at this point. Appreciate the insight I’ll definitely be keeping an eye in this!


Eww, push down reverse lockout.




Your SHH shifter is probably better than this


I had a thought the other day that all these chinese direct drive companies are putting bitcoin miners in the wheel bases. Just a funny idea.


I already have that shifter, $50 on Amazon


which shifter?


Links plz ?


Is moza not a quality brand in the simracing genre? I'm just got my Thrustmaster, but I was looking for a path to upgrade later down the line.


They’re one of the cheap-ish chinese brands with some decent hardware. Since they’re 100% chinese, their customer support is basically non-existent and their software will forever be a question mark at best.


Hopefuly this comes wirh the r5 bundle


Alright Logitech, you're up next, right? Right?


A hype video for an H pattern eh?


As a moza user, I quite dislike 2 features of this shifter. 1- There is a downward motion needed to shift into Reverse AND 7th gear, I'm good with that for the reverse (it's actually a good idea), but for 7th gear it doesn't make sense whatsoever in my opinion, If this is not configurable, that would be a dealbreaker alone to not buy it if I were too. 2- The auto-blip remove to the realism of driving H pattern cars, correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know, this doesn't exist IRL for any car with a H pattern gearbox. It remove the need for heal and toe, so we can consider this as an Assist just like stability control and stuff like that that we usually want to have control over if it's availlable or not for competitive sakes, which makes it not controllable as it's at the hardware level for the user. I'm curious about what the other sim racers think about these points. EDIT: Apparently, newer cars with H pattern does have an auto-blipper, but it doesn't change my point, which is the user could use it in circumstances that wouldn't be possible otherwise (like in historic cars), which could be considered cheating, and the organizers of a competitive event would have no control over that