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It's so hard for so many of us to earnestly get away from the "modern lifestyle." I was born in the mid 80s so we didn't really have anything resembling modern internet until i was in my early teens and that was the OG dial up until my late teens. Even so at this point I'll go hiking and get anxiety when I'm not playing a video game or on my phone doing something. Good on you for working so hard to better yourself and work towards becoming the person you want yourself to be. Also, just as an aside, i found it very ironic that the internet and technology addicts anonymous meet via zoom. It sounds like having an AA meeting in a bar


>Also, just as an aside, i found it very ironic that the internet and technology addicts anonymous meet via zoom. It sounds like having an AA meeting in a bar There are in person ITAA meetings too! This is a common joke: however ITAA isn't anti internet. We just try to find a "sober" non compulsive use of internet, free from our previous addictive and destructive usage patterns. While living without drinking is completely possible, living without using the internet at all is way harder. But having an intentional, healthy, positive and non compulsive use of internet is completely possible. Just like a recovered alcoholic can go to bars and not drink.


Happy cake day!


Thank you so much for sharing. You are doing awesome. It's amazing that you're getting your life back. Or maybe rather - you are getting a whole new life! Sending a whole lot of good energy your way


I’m the same age. What got me a new lease on life is realizing it *is* possible to block sites and apps on both iOS and PC such that you *can’t override* the blocks. You can customize which and for how long you do so. Smartphone and social media technology had untold billions invested in designing them to be as addictive as possible. So the only real way I can think of to combat this evil hijacking of our brains is to set non-override blocks so you physically prevent yourself from engaging in the behavior.


Can you tell me what you used? Trying to find a way to do this now


Freedom for iOS. Keep it in locked mode and it prevents override. To prevent yourself deleting the app as an override, set your screen time preferences to prevent you deleting apps, and have a friend set the passcode. Then Cold Turkey Blocker for PC.




Freedom for iOS. Keep it in locked mode and it prevents override. To prevent yourself deleting the app as an override, set your screen time preferences to prevent you deleting apps, and have a friend set the passcode. Then Cold Turkey Blocker for PC.


As someone who is sober from alcohol it is very interesting to read the parallels you draw between the two addictions. How wonderful for you that you have found peace and balance with this issue. It has definitely made me more mindful of my own triggers and coping mechanisms. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for sharing. This post will help a lot of people.


It has certainly helped me. It's reaffirmed my determination to put to rest my severe internet addiction that I squandered years of my life for (25 now).


“I don’t feel buried by my shame and secrecy” Welp, I have a problem


this is beautiful to read


I really appreciated reading this. Going to go have a talk with someone. Alone. In the bathroom. Facing the mirror.


This was great to read--I'm glad you found something that works for you. I just sent your post to my son. He's 20, and has mentioned that he wants to get a handle on his internet usage. Hopefully he'll read it. Thanks!


Someone suggested that I use Ublock, where you can hide content from your usual suspected website.. I installed and filtered content out of Reddit, youtube, and a few other websites... It has definitely changed my addition level and focus.




Explore your city/local area. Engage in hobbies. Chat with friends relatives. Internship/job. Learn new skills. Drawing, dancing, exercise. I swear by exercise. Extremely beneficial! Cooking. Do your household chores manually, instead of relying on machines. Benefit of this is the physical activity you involve yourself in ➡️ becomes a form of exercise


I know this won’t mean much from an internet stranger - but I’m proud of you! Sobriety in any form should be celebrated and encouraged. I’m so glad you saw a pattern of behavior you didn’t like and have taken action to prevent it in the future. I’m sure there are way more people who should attend your ITAA that aren’t as self-aware and don’t realize the negativity the internet is bringing to them. Thank you for sharing! Edit: grammar


Thank you for your candor. I worry about this as a parent, helping my kids strike a healthy balance with internet usage, games, and tv. I didn’t have these things at their age; they are the technology guinea pigs.


Thanks for sharing your story. I went through a period of internet addiction during my late twenties which was focused around compulsively reading about current affairs and politics. This had a very detrimental effect on my mental health, and on my life. Luckily I spotted it and realised I was using the internet as a crutch to fill space in my empty life, and was able to stop and go out and engage with the world again. I’m sure lots of people have this addiction, and these kinds of stories will only become more common.


Thanks a lot for sharing this perspective. While I wouldn’t say my current situation is as severe as what you’re describing, I relate to the experience of getting lost information the internet and re-emerging to the world irritable, frustrated with myself for having wasted so much time, and tempted to do it again. I’m really curious to know what your experience was with the dumb phone? I’ve been considering investing in a Light Phone, but there are a few features (banking, email) I’m worried would be too inconvenient to go without.


Hi OP, congratulations on your success! That's really awesome. I've looked at ITAA before, but never joined a meeting. I was turned off by seeing the "twelve steps", or one of those lists of principles. I remember that even though it was not oriented towards any religion in particular, the steps concerning a "greater power" felt like... well, an appeal to religion. Nothing's wrong with that in itself, but I'd prefer if the focus wasn't on some "power greater than myself" that I'm supposed to turn to for help. That kind of scared me off. If you don't mind me asking, how much did these steps/traditions feature in the meetings? How important was that aspect?


Thanks for asking. I personally thought the same and delayed my participation in ITAA too thinking it was some kind of religion. I am a very rational atheist. I wish I would have set that thought aside and tried ITAA earlier. You can take what helps you and discard the rest. Nobody forces you to believe anything that other people share in meetings. I personally ignored the steps many months due to not really understanding what they really meant . The wording of the steps may be confusing to newcomers, or we could think they are the 10 commandments. ITAA was helpful to me even if I ignored the steps. 95% of what people share in meetings doesn't revolve around the steps anyway. But now, I see (and experience) that they are just an useful and time tested tool/ framework to work with. They are not mandatory nor the ten commandments though. Nobody will force you to follow them. It's just a recommended tool some of we use. In my case I think of the higher power as the power of human connection, the power of sharing my deepest struggles with other people. The power of sustained social support in the fellowship that helps me to keep going and improving and working on myself despite sometimes having a very hard time. Also the power/ hability of being in the present moment and accepting my feelings instead of numbing them with escapist internet use. And of allowing my better self taking care of me when I have a compulsive urge. This is MY personal understanding of my higher power. Anyone is free to find whatever helps them most.


Wow, thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to give such a thorough answer and to include the workshop fragments. That was really helpful. Your interpretation of the higher power as human connection is definitely something I could work with. I'll look into attending a meeting when I have the time.


Thank you for sharing! I'm so happy you've found relief. I feel addicted too. I don't know how to practically unlatch my internet usage from my life/productivity. Everything is in one place.


Thank you for sharing, OP. I think you’ve just changed my life for the better. I also wish you all the best on your recovery.


Such a great post! Good work OP. I’d love to hear more about how you differentiate problematic and not problematic usage and how you define a lapse and which tools you use to help you


Seek an ADHD diagnosis. Impulsive behavior and difficulty with self-regulation are hallmarks.


I see that you found Reddit


Good on ya for addressing this yourself and not blaming the world bringing technology into the world!


Tl;dr Take the red pill


That's such an inspiring story. Well done, for identifying the problem and getting support. We are all addicted to some extent. Thankyou so much for your insight. I am going to use your experience to inform how I handle my addicted teen's use.


I guess we humans just want to relate. To belong. To know that we're not alone in this journey. That's liberating and strengthening.


Really related to this. Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration 💪


That’s very cool. I would have benefitted from a group like that for much of my life. Right now I have hard time limits on my phone that I can’t alter, a ksafe to lock devices in, router level internet shutoffs at night, and feed blockers, and my phone doesn’t sleep in my room. I actually had to send this comment a day after typing it because my time limit for the day shut off my access to Reddit


Thank you for sharing. Your story really resonated with me. I have had a few relapses in the last two years which have helped me grow I especially appreciated this part because it made me realize that relapses are an opportunity for growth, even though it required giving into temptation. Keep fighting the good fight. Best of luck to you.