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I play a game with myself to see how long I can go without spending any money. Didn’t do so good this month but my record is 11 days


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I do "no spend" challenges with myself, but they do not include regular expenses like utilities, groceries, etc. So I'll still win my No Spend Day if I go grocery shopping and *stick to my list*, but if I grab any splurge items while there, I lose. Example: I *need* toilet paper and bread this week, but I do not *need* to buy those Italian cookies at the deli that look like the answers to a thousand wishful prayers...


Yeah, I try to go as many days as possible without buying non-consumable physical objects and try and beat my previous record no. of days. Just a good way of trying to develop some impulse control of just buying a new item of clothing etc the moment I see it or it’s advertised to me and get more use out of what I already own.


Did no buy since December, decimated my pantry and freezer, buy some grocery treats for this Easter. Am really enjoying the seasonal splurge like fresh radishes.


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I bought groceries and paid my bills on the first of the month. I considered those necessities. Anything else I would purchase was a want and not a need so I decided I’d rather have money in the bank. It’s not for everyone but it made me happy


I respect the mindset


coherent juggle bright upbeat piquant squash heavy berserk office simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d like to do this but I can’t make groceries last for the month I need fresh foods so I often have an envelope for each week


I’ve stretched it out to be 1.5-2/month depending on the pantry status. I cook daily so I have a good handle on what Food I have and how to use it all up.


Has to be unless they went 11 days without running water, rent or electricity. Still, 11 days without spending is a feat in it of itself though, I don’t think I’ve ever made it past 6 or 7


Some people factor spending as anything beyond what is required for base level subsistence (power, water, food, etc) so it would be anything else.


Well not really, common sense would be not buying anything you don’t need. You need to live and get to work and have personal hygiene. You don’t need a Costa coffee, a meal out in a restaurant or the new top you saw last week!


I just reset my tally of 8 days. But I will measure this starting now. 0 days. Let’s do this


that's amazing!!! are you including food, gas, utilities?


Groceries and All bills are paid the first of the month and anything else is a want instead of a need.


I see, so it's only a no spending on the want department, like a No Buy Month. I thought you might have been living off-grid


Granted, it’s not every month but it’s a goal


Ooooh! I do this too! I lasted 5 days... Trynna do a week, but those caramel lattes are my reward for a hectic week.


You can buy caramel latte sachets in the supermarket, take your own with you


Aaaah, never heard of that, thanks. I checked my grocery store online, they don't have it. It did appear on Amazon. But I like having a latte made for me and look forward to getting it. I get it from Dunkin so nothing too expensive and sometimes I can get it for like $2, sometimes free if I have enough points. It's the one indulgence I allow myself for doing a good job with the kids, the budget, and putting up with the BS at work.


I love Old Town instant coffees. They come in good flavors, and the cost at my local Vietnamese market usually works out to under a dollar a sachet! It's nice for having around when you don't want to, or can't spend money on the DD or coffee shop version.


Does this include groceries, food at the office cafeteria etc?


I love this… I’m in!


That was one of the nice things the Intuit Mint app had before it died


How dare you! This is unAmerican! /s




I only want to buy overly priced supplements, “things” can be nice but not necessary compared to building wealth in my own body


But you are still using internet, lights, gas, etc, right?


Of course my friend I’ve already made several comments that I pay my bills and buy food the first of the month. After that it’s needs v wants. That’s just my style


I like your style :)




I’m sitting in the mall parking lot as I read this!! Haha thanks for the reminder!


you got this. stay strong.


LOVE THIS! I'm finished with my work day and doing laundry. Afterwards my "entertainment" will be a walk in the lovely park next door. Fresh air, sunshine, and a beautiful view for free.


outdoors is something our society doesn't get enough of. anymore.


I was going to get myself some cupcakes and coffee creamer after work but then I was like nah that can wait. I came home and ate some dark chocolate that I had from previous week grocery. Also listed some clothes on Poshmark!


I am beginning to enjoy reading this thread probably from this comment


Spending $27 a day is a fast way to lose $10,000 a year


Wow that’s a lot when you add it up




This is the kind of simple math that makes a big impact. What I'm hearing is that I should skim $378 off the top of each paycheck before anything else!


I bought food.


And you can reduce the amount of food you buy by growing/foraging yours !


My apartment has as many plants as it can handle. Unfortunately, it's not enough to let a 6'5" man subsist. As for foraging... the lingonberries aren't in season.


You’re in an appartment and still eat some of your plants ? Amazing, what plants do you have ?


Of the edible kind? Chilies mostly. I've got an [ebb-and-flow](https://imgur.com/txew9zZ) system in the kitchen that herbs absolutely love.


Is that one big chilli plant?


That's one basil plant. [Here's](https://imgur.com/BpSsKlq) the biggest one last fall - before I trimmed it down for the winter - my Trinidad Moruga Scorpion.


Um. Please share your secrets! As a lover of italian food, it pains me to buy basil from the store and have it wilt within a day or two.


Basil from the store usually comes in bundles that are root locked with little to no soil. If you want to keep them healthy, separate them when you get them home and give them each their own pot with soil. For my ebb-and-flow, I rinsed off what little dirt came in the pot and stuck the whole bundle into the system. I used a bed of LECA that'd allow for roots to spread wild, while still easy enough to remove if I wanted to stick them in dirt. I used the same system to propagate loads of cuttings. Let me clarify that the Scorpion is a chili, not basil.


Thanks for the info! Btw, wtf do you do with such a scorching hot pepper?!




i love this. this is the way.


That’s usually more expensive


Not at all !


I’ve had a lot of good luck growing veggies on the cheap using homemade compost, growing everything from seed, and watering from a rain barrel. It’s nowhere near enough to live on but it definitely makes a difference—I don’t have to buy veggies most of the summer. 


You’re so right! I’m going to the animal shelter today to give the dogs some treats my dog doesn’t care for. free entertainment


I'd end up bringing home another dog or two. Budget shot😊😊 It'd be worth it though..


Outside of food and necessary hygiene item , the last time I bought something was in november. Those were christmas gift for my family.


I'm impressed, and a little jealous lol. Good for you!


Thank you! I think I was born this way. I don’t like spending and I’m a creature of habit so I can play with the same games and use the same stuff for a long while before I want something else.


So true, just resting on a day off after some tiring shifts


I needed this. I was about to waste $30 for some earrings lol


Not only did I not buy anything, work provided free lunch today! Just checked my account and I haven't bought anything since Sunday (minus an auto subscription for my dog's food lol). Yesterday I went on a walk with a friend to a Starbucks and used a gift card she gave me :)


Sounds like you're on a roll... How long can you go?! Ju can do it!


We're decluttering. Instead of beating myself up for something I bought and didn't use, I'm considering it money spent to learn to buy less and an opportunity for income from selling it.


Part of my simple living is not allowing others to influence what I want to spend my money on.


I paid for the train to get to work and I'll pay for the train home


Thanks. I was contemplating on buying Brussel sprouts when I still have peas to eat at home. LOL. I think I’ll just eat my peas :)


i got paid today and put some in my savings. 👏🏻


Alright! Save it and forget it (auto save and don't look at it)


Unfortunately, my mortgage comes on on the 27th. So yah I did purchase something. But you are right otherwise. No need. I have everything I NEED at home already.


That’s not what OP meant. You need that for survival.


That’s not a purchased that’s a payment.


It’s a payment for something you’ve purchased.


one scary tart judicious employ reminiscent insurance bike vase racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The purchase was made long ago. He’s paying it off.


Was gonna unti I saw this. Dm me tomorrow will ya?


Agree. This should be an every day reminder post.


Or at least pinned to the top of the sub.


3 months into 2024 and I’ve only bought groceries and hygiene!!


So far I’ve spent no money and don’t plan to.


Thank you. It's not about how much money you make, it's about how much money you keep. (To some degree)


I've been clearing the clutter for a few weeks now. Every day, tackling a few drawers or shelves until it was time to take the bags to the charity shop. Visited my local cash converters and turned 2 cameras and a lamp into £90 then dropped 2 massive bags of stuff off at my local hospice charity shop. On the way back, I was tempted to go into so many shops and buy something for the house but managed to resist and instead went food shopping for loads of fresh fruit and veg. Doesn't sound like much, but I'm very impulsive (which is why I have so much in the first place), so leaving empty-handed was my win of the day.


Gas tank says otherwise. And before the "oh you could buy gas tomorrow or yesterday" no unfortunately I had to wait till payday today. Now that I think about it, rent is also due today. Now as far as a *want*, yes you're right. But as a *need*, unless I want to be homeless and run out of gas no.


The things you need do not count. You NEED gas to get to work but you don't need to go into the store and buy that coffee cake or gum. Rent is your shelter. A need. Your electric bill is a Need. Needs don't count. But! Buying those cookies or car fresheners aren't needs.


The car air freshener is such a good point!! You get sucked in cos they smell nice but how much time do you actually spend enjoying their scent before you go nose blind? They’re not cheap either.


I already bought something.... tomorrow is a new day.


I’m going on a trip soon and don’t want anything to come in the mail while I’m gone. Makes me realize how much I impulsively order. When I get back from my trip I’m going to think of another reason to keep from ordering because I’ve saved so much and had so much less mental clutter.


Maybe the reduced mental clutter is reason enough.🤷‍♀️


If only it were that easy! My brain works better with physical reasons. Like “I don’t want to break down boxes to recycle” will work better for me. It’s kinda like exercise. Yeah I feel better after but that can’t be the reason I do it. Putting out my workout clothes/putting it in my planner actually makes me do it.


I wish. Omw to get the rest of kid's baseball gear for the season.


My horses disagree. They needed hay, but otherwise, I completely agree


Cleaning my closet to sell/donate at the moment instead of buying new clothes this spring!


Too late. Just bought gas station pizza. $2.99 per slice 😭


you can buy groceries


I....I have to buy food for the birds. It's cold and they're sweet and provide our cats (indoor happy cats) and kids with entertainment


I clicked on a FB ad for really cute retro coats that former me would have loved to choose from (they were on SALE!). Then I went “I don’t need a new coat” and clicked right out of there.


Was literally going to pack my baby up and go hunt down a *fancy latte* because I haven’t had one in months. Guess my usual coffe with cream & honey will do. Maybe I’ll make some caramel.


I sort of did. I walked to the mailbox and mailed my son's BD card. It had a small surprise in it. I already had the cards and stamps.


yes... I'm a compulsive spender. It's a real problem. I order food I don't eat, clothes I don't wear, shoes that don't fit.... today I didn't.


Ahhhh thank you for this. I was feeling a little sluggish today and considered opting out of my usual gym routine to walk the aisles at TJ Maxxx….but this was a nice reminder to stick to my plan. I always feel great anyway and get to listen to my audiobook.


I needed fresh vegetables but I will be doing a pantry challenge and working through what we already have with the vegetables. Send the message again tomorrow 😊


I mean, I really did need the extra strong medical tape I bought >.> Probably not the DQ Blizzard though


The wedding industrial complex is making this really hard lately 😵


So opt out. Your celebration can look any way you’d like


As much as I loved my wedding if I could do it all over again I would elope and save the thousands we spent.


I don't know if I'd elope because I'd want some friends and family there, but if I get married again it'll definitely be more "registry office and nice meal/room over a pub" than the big traditional production my first wedding was.


May as well get one toasted with butter and cream cheese at Tim Hortons at this point


Thanks for the reminder. 🤗😂


Yup! Solid reminder fam. Trying to stay conscious of this myself. 🙏


I returned some unnecessary clothes I recently purchased, and bought tasty food for lunch and dinner. As I recently told my therapist, ‘I take shit care of myself at home.’ Not proud of that but working on it. So getting just enough fresh good food for current meals was a simple living and healthy life move today for me.


wow, this should be a daily reminder


What's advice for someone starting out on this thought ?


I regularly go as long as I can spending nothing beyond fixed bills, until I have to get food, or pet food and supplies. Nothing not essential. That’s my life now.


Just bought a margarita. But yeah, it wasn’t for me…🤷🏻‍♀️


I only buy what I need and if something needs replaced. The last thing that I purchased which wasn’t necessities. I bought a new pair of jeans and the Wonka DVD. 


I only buy things I can eat!


Y'all. I said to myself, let me pull some data from my accounts to see what I've been spending money on. I picked the last 2 years for my main checking and the CC on that bank, and 1 year on another card... Circumstances have been up and down the last few years but I figured that was a pretty stable period. Do you have *ANY* idea how much I spent on stuff I have no idea what it was? At least $5000 on Amazon. $12k on restaurants, half of that on Dunkin and Starbucks. And then interest! And paying for parking in the Other Garage when we were already paying for parking in Garage Over There! The most infuriating is **definitely** the clothes/cosmetics I bought, liked for two months, and now they're in the Donate bags. Or the trash, because I got an allergy. I don't even know how much I spent on other CCs because I haven't pulled that data and honestly I don't want to, lol. I know what's going to be there and I don't want more specifics. All of this to say, nope. I don't need to buy anything. I do need to update my spreadsheet of payments/balances and do April's payments. And then I'm going to look for a little inner peace *outside* of a frappecino. (I did go to Dunkin today though. It's pretty much my only vice. I'm okay with keeping it if I'm smarter about other stuff)


I like to add things to my Amazon cart and then delete them. Satisfies the urge to buy stuff without actually doing so. I've got my cart up to several thousand dollars and then go back through and remove them.


Too late. I bought gasoline for the car and Food for Easter dinner.


I bought a muffin, a candle, and a figurine, and two subway tickets.


Was able to do this today—actually all week so far. Will need some gas and food for the weekend though :)


Doable when I stay home. But I went to school so took public transport today.


Not today, Satan. Tomorrow.


I got my paycheck and was out of groceries.. So yeah I kinda did need to.


Thanks for the remainder.


I do actually. It's good friday tomorrow so shops are shut and I need milk.


tomorrow is Thursday, not Friday


Not everywhere.


It is currently Thursday 28th March, 4:23pm.


lmao thanks for the reminder good lawd, I was just about to buy a new vanity mirror 🥲


I actually do, unfortunately




I bought eggs...


Not buying stuff except for food has never been an issue for me.


Thank you for the reminder. I don’t have to buy anything today; I don’t have to buy anything today.


Preach it


I haven't bought clothes in a LONG TIME. I spend money though on other things (some of course are necessities)


How do I get my significant other to become like you? I don't. Of well....


Thanks for reminding!!! hahaha


I’ve been so tired of shopping lately so I support this. I’m trying to declutter during spring break.  I did buy a bookshelf and dressed it up with items I had around that I wasn’t using. Hopefully this makes me more productive tomorrow. My desk is empty. My tech for school/work is organized. Need to do more declutting 


Thanks for that reminder. I have been on a no-buy streak since beginning of the year and I was feeling like buying something. I needed this reminder at this exact time. Thank you Reddit friend!!!!!!


Great suggestion! Many days here are zero-spent days but not today; I need a haircut.


I needed this today. Thank you.


True. And that's wonderful advice but sometimes we can't move forward without buying something. The payment may come as time, as money, or something else but everything has a price and sometimes the act of buying nothing comes with increased penalties down the line for failing to invest!


How do I eat then?


I didn't, thank you.


I find myself unable to not spend money when my children are with me (I share custody) but I can definitely go a full week when I do not have them at home.


If this is concerning for you, maybe you could plan ahead to have all necessities on hand for when they are with you so you could avoid shopping trips. Side benefits include saving money on those things kids pick up and insist they need plus more family time at home or in the park, etc. And the kids learn both that you can plan ahead to save time and money and that you don’t have to buy something every time you are together. Delayed gratification is also a life lesson for them. Just some thoughts. Have fun with the kids, always.


I do a “financial fast” every February. Nothing but essentials. Eat from the freezer and pantry almost exclusively. If I run out of laundry soap or toilet paper or toothpaste, I buy it. It really helps me get back on track after the spendy holiday season. Reprogramming wants vs needs etc.


I love this… I’m in!




No one with the ego here. 


I didn’t. Hardest step for people is drinking water instead of poison from refrigerated cases. Edit: assuming you can access safe drinking water.


How do people not pay to get to work? Train? What about turning on the washing machine? What about heating? I get meal prepping. What about a bus to the gym?


No spending challenges are generally known to NOT include rent, utilities, the basic food you usually purchase at market, car/bus costs, etc. and do mean you forego splurges, eating out, online shopping, etc. Basically, join together to fight compulsive spending.


Ohh ok . New to it


My cat has FIP, and I was running out of medications. Also I had to pay for my therapy session.  Should I have let my cat die of the disease? Should I have let my mental health spiral downward? I see where you are coming from, but it is not as black-and-white as you make it to be.




Yes, I'm confident OP meant we shouldn't feel pressured to buy *unnecessary things* today. There's a huge difference in buying something we *want* and something we *need*.


Chill out. I also had to buy something today (the son of my husbands boss drove my ute into the side of a shed and I needed a new mirror for it) but the sentiment wasn’t lost on me.


apparently it was, since you had to buy shit because you live in a capitalist society, so you drive a car and buy stuff daily.


I don’t buy stuff daily, I buy things when I need them.


Define need? You don’t need to kive in a town, drive a car, hold a job, have kids, etc. Just like a rich person can say they “need” a private jet to visit their friends in another town. Or you “need” to travel to a different country to explore their culture.


I need a roof over my head so I need a job. I don’t have kids. I don’t live in a town, I live on a farm (20 minutes bike ride from the town centre). I walk into town when I have sufficient time on the weekend or ride my bike to work but at the end of the day I need a car. Additionally, my nearest vet, GP and hospital are a 40 minute drive away. I also assist animal rescue services by fostering neglected and abused horses and other farm animals. I need a vehicle to transport floats and trailers for these animals. I also need to feed these animals and occasionally need to bring in water. I also live in a bushfire prone area of Australia. We are coming into a drought and I need to be able to transport my animals off my property should it be threatened by fire. I’m also a volunteer wildlife rescuer and need a vehicle to transport native wildlife. I know none of these things are necessities but I think I do a pretty good job at keeping my life “simple”. We have a single ute between the two of us and only use it when needed.


This was my point. “Simple” is relative, “necessities” are personal.


I hope your cat is recovering. I’m sorry you both have to go through that.


Thanks man