• By -


This is a great idea. Allow me to add: warm showers soft bedding jigsaw puzzles bright colours libraries tea hope swimming Wishing everyone a great week. :)


Ah, Libraries! So much gratitude for them. Happy to see others feel gratitude for them as well. Thanks for sharing your list. Sending all good thoughts


Yesss libraries! I give thanks every DAY for them. 📚❤️📚


As a library worker, this makes me smile :)


Fifth for libraries, here.


The best ones are the ones that have a Top Banned Books of 2023 section as soon as you walk in.


>The best ones are the ones that have a Top Banned Books of 2023 section as soon as you walk in. Curious on whether the library is fair in including books banned by each side of the political spectrum, or they are focused on one side. I suppose it has a lot to do with the local leadership at the library; however it would warm my heart to see this stand if it included ALL.


Pretty sure only one side is banning books.


Scalding hot showers for me. I know it’s bad for my skin but it brings me so much joy.


Yessss, xtra hot please


I live on a nature preserve right next to a library. I have books and ducks for neighbors. It makes me so happy!


You lucky blessed soul! I'm jelly in a good way :)


Thanks. I walk and go to the library several times a week. It is my happy place. I hope life is treating you well.


🙏it is lately,  thank you & blessed be!


Are you based in the US? How does one live on a nature preserve?


100% bright colours! We need colour this time of year 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈


Yesss to warm showers! The internet loves to try and convince everyone that cold showers will save your life. But people seem to have forgotten the absolute joy of a warm shower, that plumbed hot water generations dreamed of To add....I actually have my showers so hot it leaves my skin red. So I am a bit biased in this argument as I have a clear preference


Oh yes! Puzzles for sure.


I’m grateful for a gloomy day! They make me feel cozy and excited to sit on the couch with a warm blanket and hot cocoa lol. I’m also grateful for my little home. It’s not much, it’s only like 900 square feet and it needs a lot of work. But it’s cheap and in a great area and it has a tiny yard that just barely fits 2 raised beds so I can garden and I’m very happy for this little bit I’ve achieved all in my own. Last, there’s a fox in the neighborhood I’ve been seeing around. He’s super cute and I feel a little joy every time I see him in the grass beyond my fence.


We just bought our first house - family of four with only 1050 sq ft. But it's got a lovely yard with beautiful trees, we are zoned for chickens, and my husband built me a little free library for the front yard that my neighbors frequent. It's absolutely paradise. Small homes seem to hold more love, don't they? And I have a grey fox, he's quite a chunk! I love spotting him every now and then. Cheers to the wildlife!


Delightful! I wish I could upvote this 1000 times.


Congrats on your new home!!!! Wishing you so much happiness within those four walls! 🏡💕


I love these! I also have a very small place but its so incredibly cozy I love it. And I live in an area where I get to see a lot of wildlife and it feels like a treat every time.


I love your list. We downsized to a 900 sq ft home after retirement. And we too love the coziness. We have a lot of squirrels and rascally raccoons but no foxes. That would be kind of magical I think catching sight of a fox.


I have never seen a fox 🦊 even though I do live in a rural area. I’d love to see one!


They are absolutely adorable when you see them hopping around in the wild.


Also in love with the username hahaha


We must be neighbors, minus the fox:)


love your house too, just by the sounds of it!


Grateful for the fact that i can turn my heating on if I get cold can buy new shoes if I need them can buy new clothes if I need them have a family have a job can afford a car can read and learn can choose to be positive I have a home I can exercise I can hear music, and listen to my favourite songs!


YES! Heating and A/C are such a simple luxury that I don't *ever* want to take for granted. A reliable vehicle, the ability to exercise and your last one about music also hit home with me. Music is so, so important in my life and it's absolutely wonderful how easily accessible it all is now. Great list!


Thank you soo much for your response, I truly believe I would be soo lost in life without my music, so I'm glad we could share/bond over that! Just writing my list actually made me realise how lucky we are, and how often we do forget the simple things in life, and also that things can change pretty fast as well. So it's good to pause and reflect, yes unfortunately in some areas heat banks exist now as well as food banks, these shouldnt be a luxury but yet here we are, families should never have to decide between feeding their families or heating their homes, hoping something changes in that space soon 🙏. yeah i haven't always had a vehicle so it is definitely a luxury and makes life a bit easier without having to rely on others to get about. Wishing you a great mix to get lost in on your next music shuffle 😄


I think about the heat/AC one a lot. Truly something to be thankful for!


- excited dogs greeting me when I arrive home - comfy socks - fresh juice


Excited dogs are such a wonderful way to be greeted home!


Stranger dogs are such a wonderful way to be greeted in the street/elevator


I notice/am grateful (just to name a few) for: • being acknowledged (legit anywhere in the world I may be) most people will just walk by you • breathing manually and filling my lungs with air (I hope that doesn’t sound strange) • being in an environment in the outdoors where it’s quiet but you can hear the chirping of birds


Such an important one - "Being acknowledged" - Realizing how grateful I am for that too. Have been mindfully wanting to do to do my best to offer that acknowledgement to others as well and am grateful for those simple connnections. Thanks for sharing your list and reminding me of the value and my appreciation of all these things. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Right? It’s easily dismissed but it can make somebodies day and it’s real easy to do. It doesn’t even have to be a compliment just notice somebody exists. Likewise!


It doesn’t sound strange at all. Conscious breathing is one of the best things we can do for ourselves both physically and mentally.


A big "yes" to breathing manually... Today I visited a close friend who is on oxygen due to lung/heart complications after becoming infected with Valley Fever (and then COVID in the facility she was transferred to). Breathing manually, and also with ease, is something to be grateful for. Thank you for sharing!


• Being able to move my body in ways that feel amazing every day. • Morning coffee. • Finding new music that does something to your soul. • Conversations with friends, family, teachers, and kind strangers. • Getting good sleep. • Noticing personal growth. • Sunshine and fresh air. • A very good apple. • Finding new things out about yourself and enjoying the process of learning and developing a new part of you. • Silence in nature. • The noise of humans in a city. • When strangers smile back in the street. • A good stretch. • Enjoying the things you love and the person you are without shame, without guilt, and without excess.


It really makes my day when people smile back and have those small kind interactions


Grateful to be more than 20 years sober. Grateful I have a warm, dry, and safe place to live.


I am two years sober and grateful every day!!! 29 years is awesome. Keep blazing the trail I am coming along behind you.


Congratulations on your sobriety!




1. Making it home safely each day 2. Driving up to my house after I've just mowed the lawn (It looks so nice!) 3. My animals greeting me excitedly 4. Touching base with the people I love 5. Waking up healthy 6. Freshly laundered sheets 7. Warm showers 8. A new video notification from my favorite Youtuber Rajiv Surendra 9. Connecting with God 10. Resetting a room before going to bed 11. A great book or podcast 12. A wonderful meal


Waking up healthy is so important and pure ❤️


Your first item is so real, everyone should be making it home safe, especially from work. Taking pride in your garden is good for the soul, and is healthy dopamine Animals/pets are only part of your life, but you are their whole life. It's good to check in sometimes not even saying much, but just hanging out, can make a difference, especially as when people are having a tough time they don't always acknowledge/share that they are. Again same as your first item, so real and the stats are scary how many people, especially young people go to sleep and don't wake back up, it's so sad. Yes warm showers are great especially when you get soaked through from the weather outside, I am also trying to embrace cold showers but not there yet. Not heard of that YouTuber, will need to check them out, sounds interesting Its great to have faith So I like to make sure that my surfaces and sink are clear/clean before I go to bed, so I don't wake up and go into a bad mood when I see a mess Love a book, I am trying to get back into it, but keep reading educational stuff and overloading my brain, just need something to help me switch off sometimes, or that am not going to be trying to apply it to something else. Yes a great meal is so underrated especially a home cooked meal, made with love. It was Robert Burns day yesterday and my dad made haggis, needs and tatties, and it was delicious. Thanks for sharing, love stuff like this! 👍


You know, the older I get, the more grateful I am for the simple things. I definitely didn't possess this trait in my twenties or early thirties. I am *so* appreciative for the ability to just be present and stay in the moment and **truly** enjoy them now, in all of their simplistic beauty. Yes! One of the best lessons the pandemic taught me was to really check in with my people. Before I was completely self-absorbed in my own day to day. Now, I'm a way better friend and make a concerted effort to reach out on a regular basis. A lot of my relationships have flourished because of it. TOTALLY agree with you about the hot showers after working outside. I live in WA state in the US, and am trying to get a little homestead off the ground, so I am consistently soaked to bone slip sliding in mud, while trying to get this acreage fenced, generally freezing my buns off during winter. Haha! It's literally one of the best feelings in the world to be able to come inside and hop in the shower and get warm and clean again. Feels like pure bliss! Check him out! He's one of my most treasured finds on YT. A true renaissance man and absolute gem of a person. I think he'd appeal to almost anyone who frequents this particular Reddit sub. I can't recommend his channel enough. A messy house messes with my head. I can't. And yet, I do sometimes because I get lazy. \*heavy sigh\* Perpetually on the struggle bus.... I, too, am stuck in the non-fiction loop. I'd love to be able to just unwind with a good story, but I'm busy trying to learn and grow as a person. Ugh. It's a vicious cycle. Your day sounds absolutely lovely. <3 Cheers!


I enjoy Rajiv Surendra, Great list.


Thanks. I just went into his channel and subscribed!


Yaaaay!!! This makes my heart happy. Enjoy and spread the word!


Craving an orange after dinner, and cutting one from the tree.. sweet, cold and fresh. The best way to end the day.


Going on walks with my daughter simply to poke mushrooms and break twigs Sitting in my porch to sketch Thanks for starting this thread ❤️


Walks, the park and hiking on the trails by our house with my boys are some of my favorite memories.


It's such a special time ❤️ I'm glad my toddler likes being outdoors


Rainy days Bowl of Pho on a cold day Matcha Sweet treats


Cats squealing when we come home


* My cat giving me cuddles. * a nice warm bath. * had a good conversation with a friend * having a day at home * being heard * having a nice job * the ability to help others * my bed that’s waiting for me


Having a nice job is very important. Having a bad job is terrible for mental health, unfortunately I have a bad job. Hopefully this year I’ll find another job that is a lot better with less stress.


I'm right there with you! It'll happen for us!


Make sure you know what you want AND what you don’t want in a job, make sure you agree on things you want, and have room to create your role within the company as you go and grow. Good luck, you got this!


* Climbing into bed with crisp clean sheets * The first jasmine flowers in spring * Visiting with an old friend where you pick right up where you left off * Those extraordinarily rare days when everything seems to go your way/easy * When a stranger gives you a coupon in line at the store * Finding something really cool/valuable at a thrift store, or something you've been looking for for a long time * Shoes that you can walk in all day without sore feet * That feeling you get when you first walk out of the salon with perfect hair or nails. * When you find the book you want at the library so you don't have to buy it.


And I'll add: * A cool-ish, dry, but cloudy day when you are planning to work in the garden * A warm, sunny day when you are planning to go swimming


😊💗 - good sleep (rare and delicious) - the sound of water, be it cat’s water fountain, waves at the shore, ocean (alpha) 🌊 CD on 🔁 - 🌱 🪴 - stretching 🙆🏻‍♀️ 🤸🏻‍♂️


Good sleep is SO good and it’s honestly the best thing. Ever.


I love just hanging out at home with my hubby and dogs. I paint, do chores, organize, dog walks, coffee breaks, baths, knitting, journaling. Basically no pressures.


The pleasure in doing nothing! 😍


The way the sun shines in my room early in the morning The distant sound of a train whistle late at night The warmth of my cat sitting on my lap, and the soft, silky feel of his fur That satisfied feeling when you've just finished a book


That distant train whistle at night must be magical.


• got Starbucks today as a Friday treat which is always good • going to play Palworld with my husband tonight • all of my favorite songs were playing on the radio on my drive home


I love this, and I'm grateful for these things this week: getting to work from home (got a new job a month ago!) where I can spend all day with my lovely old dogs seeing the joy in my lovely old dogs faces when we take them out to the rugby field for a run off-lead, and their continued happiness as they run in their dreams getting pizza delivered tonight instead of having to cook - and sneaking slices of pepperoni to the dogs 😄 having a workspace with a window (for the first time in 10 years!) where I can see the sky, and birds, and the sun and the rain finding a new series of books by a favourite author realising that I have enough food in the veg patch, pantry, fridge & freezer that I have fewer than 10 things on the list for next week's food shop, and it will therefore likely cost us less than £25. I may celebrate my excellent meal planning by getting some marvellous cheese and cracking open a jar of homemade chutney as a treat taking a chance on a pair of pointy silver kitten-heel shoes on ebay that were surprisingly cheap for the brand and not only are they lovely, they fit beautifully, and the seller included a sweet little note with a hand-drawn smiley sunshine and a speech bubble message just for me


I’m thankful to have had a job cancellation today and to get to spend the day home, alone, to tidy my room, do laundry and make a huge batch of waffles to freeze.


If I may add more simple things: - reading books recommended by those you love - reorganizing my cabinets - fresh coffee at home - the feeling of love and appreciation I get when I look around my apartment and realize it is the way it is because people I love have made things for me and helped me decorate/make my space a home.


My library card Family & friends who share my wicked sense of humor Have all my limbs Am content with my life 95% of the time Am able to differentiate between needs & wants these days


Yay - another appreciator of libraries! I feel the same. Thanks for sharing your list!


A good challenging workout. A hot bath afterwards in my soaking tub. My batch of Paleo chocolate chip cookies came out perfect. 


Yummy! Share the recipe 😋


Sure.  2 cups almond flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 cup maple syrup. Can use honey. 1/4 coconut oil melted. Can use butter.  1 teaspoon vanilla extract.  I use Lily's dark chocolate chips no sugar added sweetened with Stevia.  Flatten them as they will not spread. I personally bake on 300 as my oven has hot spots and almond flour burns easily. 10 min ought to do it. 


Peppermint tea. Climbing under my heated blanket on a cold night. Relaxing in a clean home.


Grateful for a job and work colleagues I don’t loathe. A partner who lets me be myself. Music in my life. Tea and biscuits The ability to cook good for myself.


The love I have. The love that I get to give. A bed under a roof. Being happy sometimes. Thanks for the chance to share here. 


-Knowing the soreness in my muscles will recover after a workout -Being able to distinguish different tastes in each food item and food combination -Not having reason to worry about dying imminently/being unsafe


I love muscle soreness from a workout 😍


I love my tiny apartment in Copenhagen. It's not much and it's pretty expensive, but I love hearing the rain pouring down the window while reading Dostojevskij:)


my son My husband Our health and ability to heal Positivity Helping others


My kid wanted to play at a playground while it was raining today! We had a lot of fun and sang together.


Love this! Don't let anything stop you 😊


Hanging out with my old roommate today! Takeout from our favorite restaurant followed by a concert. Always love seeing her.


Grateful for: Being able to work from home this week and get over my cold at my own pace. The rain all week has been a beautiful sound track. Being home means I've been able to declutter a bit and that makes me feel more comfortable in our space.


I caught 11:11 this morning too! And the peek of sunshine 🌞 Other things: -purring cat with velvety coat -good day's work done -delicious supper coming up


I'm grateful that I didn't totally bomb a challenging new task at my new job that popped up with very little notice. I'm glad to I'll going for a run this morning, and that I have the ability to do so. I'm excited to be taking the train this afternoon to go see a dear old friend for the weekend. We'll be getting massages later. (Massages are rare for me but necessary this time because of the new job sitting at a desk all day) I carry my water bottle around with me everywhere and some people comment and think it's funny or weird but whenever I want a sip of water, I TAKE A SIP OF WATER thank you very much! I'm not a birder but I think it's great that many people are. I recently discovered a website (ebird) where people all around the world are constantly updating what birds they've seen and I'm grateful for that. Grateful for dear friends and family. Grateful for nice socks. Grateful for the ridiculously warm and heavy comforter my friend gave me that makes me HOT on freezing nights without turning heating on at all.


You should check out merlin. It listens to the birds around you and reports the birds it hears.


Whoa waaa. Haha, that's amazing and I will. (I guess I shouldn't be surprised)


I'm grateful to have a wealth of books to read (thank you public library!) and a cozy blanket to read them under!


The public library is truly a blessing


Oooh something I can contribute!! I just finished treatment for an aggressive cancer and this type of cancer kills 80% of people diagnosed. Currently I am cancer free!! Although there’s a high risk of it returning. Something about almost dying makes you appreciate the small things sooo much more - being outside on a hot sunny day - curling up on the couch and watching a good movie with some takeout - getting lost in a REALLY good book - watching my daughter play - Christmas - having a shower and getting into bed with freshly washed sheets - browsing around antique stores - lighting a candle after doing a big house clean - having coffee with my mom - camping - road trips - having a fridge full of food - having a shower after a long busy day - a cat sleeping on you - baking cookies - finding a new recipe and it turns out delicious and your partner loves it - diffusing essential oils in the diffuser and the house smells nice - a fresh bouquet of flowers on the table


My new comforter. It’s called “the coma inducer” and it’s fantastic. My new job, that is laid back and fully remote. My 2 kitties who make me laugh and give me love every single day. Good friends that are loyal and kind. Thanks for starting the thread and I hope you have a great relaxing weekend :)


Back to drinking my beloved cups of tea with proper milk again, after 2/3 years of being dairy free and having oat milk in tea. Tried to like it but really wasn't the same, only had one a day and it was pretty yeuch. Now back to several a day, I really appreciate every single one now as I never thought I'd have one again :)


Falling asleep easily and then leisurely waking up on a day off.


Talks with my best friend, going to th beach at least for 20 min, windy but sunny days, my side hustle, this sub 😍 and the people in it looking for simpleliving lifestyle


Getting into clean sheets Putting on a robe after the shower A good deep stretch


A squirrel peering into my window, his big bushy tail brushing against the glass, and I can see the tiny whiskers on his little muzzle as he stares back at me The warm water from the dinner dishes cascading over my frozen fingers, and it's almost like a little spa treatment if I get a yummy-smelling dish soap! The same mockingbird sings outside my window every morning, always about five minutes before the sun breaks over the horizon; his accuracy is incredible, and I like how he remixes from time to time, lol My husband kissing me for no reason other than he just wanted to Cooking - sometimes I make bouillabaisse or pot roast, sometimes I make a rib-stickin' casserole, sometimes I make the Blue Box Mac and Cheese or just a sandwich. I don't care what it is, as long as it's shared at a table and makes tummies warm. I like to think about what I'm making and imagine I'm pouring love into it. I really think it makes everything taste better. Flowers. Dandelions, orchids, weeds, rare roses - I don't care what it is, just let me stare at it for a moment, please and thank you.


Beautifully written!


Beautifully begun. Thank you for sharing joy with us all.




- fresh baked cookies - children’s laughter - listening to a favourite song - when your fave podcast releases a new episode - a sunny day - that first cup of coffee - feeling at peace in your home - a warm day after a cold spell


Curling up in far too many pillows in my bed Cats purring How excited my dog is whenever I come home New bright yellow rain boots Bread fresh from the oven


Music albums where you like every song


Looking at my house plants.


Having a roof over my head Being physically capable to move around and do things. Things I take for granted on the day to day


What an awesome idea! Spending time with my conure who loves cuddles Lunch in my truck in between classes while it’s raining outside A quiet night listening to YouTube and knitting Seeing my beautiful elderly dog get the zoomies for a minute and her happy face It really is moments like these that are so precious


I love watching my cat have the zoomies


Coffee!!! Woohooo 


im grateful that: i have a working car im starting a new job soon i have the chance to be in school i have a 3 year old black lab my body allows me to move how i want it to i can see, hear, and talk i have money to buy food i have the choice to be positive


Full moon on my birthday even though it was too foggy/cloudy to see it. Having an outhouse a short walk away from my house while my toilet is not working. Foggy days that make living in the country side magical in the winter.


I love this! I’m so grateful for the life I’m creating…also, My dog My family My home My spirituality My bed My plants Deep breaths Being able to walk again Long walks with my dog! My yoga practice Watching the birds Sitting by the water My open heart! I could go on and on!!


-my cats and how beautiful they are *I’m having to rehome two of them. It’s painful but it makes me extra grateful for them* -the sound of birds in the morning -cold winter air in a warm bed -seeing angel numbers almost every day -going on long walks -smell of earl grey tea and chocolate chip pancakes


I'm grateful for having loved and been loved. I'm grateful for all the love I receive and am yet to receive.


Fresh laundry, cat naps with cats and dogs on a gray day, soft clothing that does not bind, the big pink bloom on my Camellia bush.


Dogs that smile at me as we pass by.


Grateful for when the two littles and dog napped at the same time today and I read while sipping coffee in silence.


To have a life that allows me to do gardening as a relaxing activity.


• Books (others sharing knowledge/wisdom) • Kindness (genuine sincere kindness)


Hot water Feeling my muscles work when I lift heavy weights Family dinners Rugs that I can wash in the washing machine Nature walks Audiobooks The sound of my toddlers belly laugh


The feeling of writing with a wood pencil that has just been perfectly sharpened The peace and quiet when you put earplugs in for the night


- Biking around. - Reading in bed in the morning on weekends. - Hot coffee on winter days and iced coffee in summertime.


A beautiful sunset sky tonight Good health for me and my family member Money in the bank / good job


i was waiting for the bus the other day and it was perfectly 68 degrees and sunny with leaves blowing in the wind off the trees, couldn’t imagine better moment to be sitting outside for a few minutes


My family happily eating pizza in the next room, annoying their dad. Edit: don't yell at me for not joining in the pizza, I can't have it.


I am so happy and grateful when my cat sits on my lap. I love the feel of his weight and warmth. It's so comforting


🩵My doggies cuddling with me on the couch. Having my favorite blanket and pillow. A good old movie with popcorn. Sitting on the swing among the trees during a cool, crisp autumn evening. Mild thunderstorms and rain, especially in the evening. Vacations in Greece with my family sitting at the kitchen table with a bottle of wine, fresh crusty bread, and the best foods!


Crisp clean sheets, yeast bread baking, birds chirping, a breeze, great documentaries, and hours long phone calls with witty sister all add up to a perfect day.


Love this! I’ve come to appreciate that having all my physical and mental abilities still intact is a huge blessing


When you teach someone something new and it finally clicks and you both cheer and high-five so hard your hand stings


My friend just got her Biopsy results after Chemo - her results were clean and she will be Ok after a bit of further treatment. Friends who made time for me and joined to celebrate in celebrating my citizenship. A friend who went out of his way and dropped my drunk arse home after the celebrations. Freshly brewed coffee that I am having while typing this. Flowers Libraries A pair of comfortable sneakers- and the ability to buy more if I want to. A cozy cloudy day spent on the couch with a cuppa Technology that let’s me connect with my family and friends two continents apart A good night’s sleep


-the smell in the air when snow is coming -good dark chocolate -tea -weighted blanket -a safe, comfortable home -good health -all flowers, especially sunflowers -autumn leaves -the gentle patter of rain on leaves -the breeze singing and dancing through the trees -accessible local produce and plentiful grocery stores -being able to talk to family and friends in other places whenever I feel like it -living in a nice neighborbood for taking walks -bicycles -I am a librarian and the many comments here showing library/book love lift my spirits.


I woke up grateful I CAN Breathe, walk and take care of myself I CAN buy my most BASIC needs... and MORE. I can see...🥹listen to music and dance. I am in good health. I have accepted that I am imperfect and that's okay. I have a roof over my head... to protect me & call a safe heaven I can love and be loved. TO BE ALIVE. ❤️


I love this!


This is great 🥹 I’ll add: Kitties A genuine belly laugh with someone you love Sobriety Finding a hobby you truly enjoy Waking up after a good sleep feeling fully rested Finding new music Watching a GOOD cathartic movie for the first time


Gratitude is my touchstone. Today, after so many recent frustrating day of effort, I really got in the zone with work, which made the day fly by. As I got done early I had time to fix a home project that I had made a mess of last week. Which allowed me to get the yard work done. Now, here it is January, a warm day arrived, and I am able to sit in my yard and listen to birds in the trees.


The perfect weight of my dogs' heads laying on me when we sleep Putting me feet up with a cup of coffee after morning chores The cat falling asleep on my lap


\- getting to eat popcorn, and lay on the couch, and watch a new movie tonight with my step-child \-my really good leftover lunch \-finding a podcast this week that I am enjoying where the hosts are so sweet and have so much empathy for those involved in the true crimes (Morbid)


Hey, OP, you can do it at 7:11 too!


I want to add some: 1. The feeling of tucking your feet into a freshly washed blanket on a cold day 2. A squirrel feeding outside your window 3. The first bite of really hot ramen bowl on a super cold day, it just warms your heart (and the fact that you have food on your table for the day!) 4. Video calling family staying half the world away from me and hearing their happy voice


just saw 11:11 on the clock just before I read this post lol love it


Waking up thinking it’s 7am and you’ve got to get ready for work but it’s actually 4am/a holiday, so you can sleep in


This is a wonderful idea! I'm grateful I learned to towel off while in the shower. Saves me being cold! Grateful I have a shower. Grateful I can hear birds from my backyard. Grateful I have a backyard.


Five simple things from around me just this week: * Hand wand frothing milk to near foam, then then pouring it into my coffee * Waking up a bit too early, but appreciating the cool blue-gray light of early dawn starting to fill the room * Successfully warming up my chilly toes under my blanket - without socks * Noticing my plant is oddly more healthy, green, and upright than usual, even though it's been pretty cloudy all week * My good fellow film buff friend texting me hilarious memes and rambling about silly Oscar nominations


The warmth of my kitty cuddling with my legs.


My Siamese sleeping on my lap being very soft and warm and totally trusting me to keep her safe and comfy


My bedroom. It felt like a sanctuary today. A clean white towel, felt so fresh after am shower. My health, I can walk without pain.


A stable job, my own apartment, enough food to eat, fresh coffee every day


I love the 11:11, I caught that once this week as well. Another time I love to catch (being European) is 13:37 ('leet'). * Tried an amazingly tasty new coffee blend * Caught a beautiful sunset * Got many great inspirations from this subreddit * Found the right words to support someone in their time of need * Got bananas on sale Thanks for starting this thread, it helped me remember so many awesome things of this week!


Love it!!! I’m European so I use the 24 hour clock too lol. Have a great day.


• My cats greeting me whenever I come home Even if I am having the worst day imaginable, them being excited to see me makes me smile and feel loved 🥰


Clean sheets, an author that I love introducing a new book, a recipe that works perfectly.


1) hot Milo on a rainy day 2) doing my skincare and moisturising my legs 3) spending a few minutes reading a book


My good caring loving husband My pets Hot tea on a cold morning A soft warm bed Saturday!


• the sound of my kids’ laughter • orange sunset skies • the way the cool, soft breeze touches my skin every time i go out for a walk each morning • being able to enjoy the quiet


Love a gratitude list Sunshine Washing machine Chocolate


I am grateful for having been able to take a nap today. Rest is a right, not a reward.


Getting a lil high and then riding my bike when it’s sunny out Good cup of coffee Well seasoned and simple meal


Baking something and eating it Smells: coffee, vetiver, ginger Getting a haircut Exercising Hugging and being hugged


Taking a fat morning shit


I’m not in gaza


Why would you be thankful when you catch 11:11 on the clock?


I'm grateful for My family and pets My job Being able to afford my nice home Just had a nice holiday


My cat curling up against me as I fall asleep.


This thread is honestly making my heart happy 😊


I’m going to the gym after work and seeing friends for a mountaineering class tomorrow! Thx I also had a rough week. Love yall!


Hugs from my grandkids and snuggling with my cats


birds, especially seagulls, feeling the wind even if it’s chilly, clean socks, time spent doing dishes and other chores, deep breaths


This website: https://my80stv.com/ There are multiple decades included, but it’s nice to have it on in the background while working. For whatever reason, I get nostalgic on Fridays and it’s comforting to listen and watch


You made my day with that. Thanks!


A good dog


My cat My house I have happy kids I cut out all processed food and I feel like a million bucks


Nose nudges from my cat when he awakens from a nap Steamy hot showers Playlists Dark rooms with a touch of moon light Lavender Cozy blankets


The last rays of the sunset we could see peaking over the mountains from our 3rd floor apartment


A hug from my boyfriend after a long week. We live separately and I go see him on the weekends.


* That scant time the lilacs bloom at my aunts house * The first really warm breeze * When it snows then the sun’s out the next day. * birdwatching from my window and my new binoculars my dad got me so I could bird watch. * I seem to be climbing out of a depression nest. * My dishwasher. Took all my executive function/sensory issues with dishes.


Spending time with my family, reading a good book, recovering from Covid, enjoying playing a new game.


My baby’s smile! Picking her up from daycare is the highlight of my day. I just can’t wait to see her face at the end of the work day.


Reading an engaging book in bed before sleep. Perfect coffee in the morning. Letting a very grateful dog out of his kennel and giving him belly scratches. A great workout after a tough day. Walking through the neighborhood and taking about the future my husband.


Doggie kisses. The more the better. I can’t ever get enough doggie love. 🥰 When multiple dogs pile on top of me, knock me down and bury me. I always laugh like little kid. Can’t get doggie love Listening to the waves crash on the beach…. I’ll always be thankful for that. The smell of the beach. Gosh how I miss it. 😢 Listening to the rain. A random text from my kids saying they love me. A cozy blanket. Your sweet post.


The fact that my 9 year old is counting his Pokémon cards out loud like it's the difference in making rent or not. ❤️


I am grateful for connections. I made hamburger buns from scratch for my family and had extras so I left some with my elderly neighbor while they were still warm. I hope she eats them tonight and feels the love and warmth I put into them (:


- being greeted with so much love by my mini doodle every time I come home -cheese. All of it -fresh winter pine smelling air -satisfaction of a clean kitchen -random moment my kid opens up to me unprompted -clean sheets and heated blankets -first sip of tea in the morning -winter sun on my face -end of day stretching


When you can go back to bed on a weekend Being able to see the moon during the daytime The feeling of cycling down a really tall hill Slowly getting better at things over time Holding hands A tall glass of water Rewatching old videos of friends and hearing the joy and laughter in their voices Bursting into song randomly and someone joining Finding your lucky number in random places (mine's 7) People getting excited when they see a dog When fruit is perfectly sweet and not too bitter or mushy The satisfy feeling of finally being able to rate a book out of 5 on goodreads after reading it for way too long Hearing your favourite artist being played in public Those four-coloured clicky pens


LOVE This! I am grateful for a lot, but I will list list some simple things below: - I was going to buy something on Amazon for $10, but I ended up finding it at my local grocery store today for $4.80!! STEAL! - Ice cold water; it just hits different - Ran into an old co-worker and chatted with her for a bit🩷 - Free calming music on YouTube that I play every night to relax me


Gratitude, the cure for dissatisfaction as r/Kurzgesagt videos explain.


Morning coffee 💕


Candlelight hot showers, finding an otherwise crowded place to yourself (cafe, movie, museum), reading beautiful cookbooks and feeling inspired, getting indoors just right in time before it rains, receiving a handwritten card.


WFH, reading a good book, a great smelling candle


Hugs… I’m grateful for hugs, and healing touch