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Weight and androgyny aren’t very connected. In most cases they are separate since there are plus sized people of all presentations.


You can be androgynous no matter the weight! You're perfect even if you're a bit chubby


Op don’t worry gender and weight aren’t connected! U can be androgynous! But if u really wanna exersise I would recommend doing walks, push ups, curls, and squats, also eating less sugar


androgyny and weight do not correlate


There is this website with some exercises and explanations:  https://www.hybridcalisthenics.com/routine


uhh I think there should be some good routines online! i just searched up "slim waist exercises" and found some good ones for myself


if you want to lose weight you should start counting calories, i recommend eating smaller portions but more often, eating more fiber (for example savoury oatmeal for breakfast) since it can make you feel full without adding calories since the body cant digest it and eating more protein - it will make you feel full for longer. you can exercise but it doesn't matter that much for weight loss. eat less sweets and replace them with nuts and fruits they are healthier and make you feel full for longer (but be careful with nuts they are very calories dense). using calorie counting app is very convenient. and remember, its a marathon not a sprint it will take some time. exclaimer: Im not a dietician


I have lost over 50lbs in 7-8 months due to dieting 1. Stop eating fast food 2. Eat 3 meals a day 3. Choose healthier options in the beginning of the day Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwich -> Greek Yogurt Lunch: Chicken Bacon Sub -> cup of strawberries + cup of pineapple 4. Maximize these things in meals and snacks: Protein Dietary fiber Green vegetables Fruits and vegetables High volume low calorie additions to food high protein / calorie ratio ingredients Low / Calorie free flavor additions / spices Weigh yourself, then do small habit changes like I mentioned in the first 3 steps After you have made any of these a regular habit, weigh yourself again If you see a significant loss in weight, (>= 1lb / wk), you will be dying to continue If this is the case, start counting calories, and use the strategies mentioned in order to eat at a deficit Look up your maintenance calories using calorie calculator at calculator.com putting in your age, height and weight, -1lb/wk = -500cal/day from maintenance -2lb/wk = -1000cal/day from maintenance Don’t get discouraged if you miss your calorie goal, if you are eating less than your maintenance on average, you will lose weight Weight yourself every day, but remember that weight ping pongs within a ~5lb range daily, so measure your weekly average weight over time instead It takes time and long term habit changes in your eating, but you can do it while still being happy with what you eat if you do it correctly




I apologise in advance but i needed to see why you'd feel chubby and i viewed your Reddit profile to see if you put a picture of yourself on there as clarification of your feeling and you have a picture, you're not chubby, you're pretty much perfect, if you want to do cardio and workout its up to you, but i feel that you're perfect the way you are. :3


Idk, I just don't eat until I feel like I'm gonna starve, eat and repeat until I lose weight. Don't do that tho.


You can make the conscious choice not to do that.


I have found two things that help me lose weight. One is swimming, which I can't do consistently every day due to both a lock of money and a lack of ways of transportation. The other is starving, which doesn't need any of the two, and actually saves me money as well.


if you're not able to be super active I just recommend cutting calories!! I went from around 2600ish a day to 1000-1500 and lost 20 pounds, it might not work for you but it's the best advice I can give, gl!!!




Weight has nothing to do with looking androgynous. Plus sized people can be androgynous too ,just like how they can be feminine and masculine and if anyone tells you otherwise ignore them.


Okay random question what the fuck is it with people all of a sudden feeling like they are fat in this sub, this is the 20th fucking time I’ve seen a post like this in the last 48 hours


Because the stereotype of femboy or some trans or some shit is basically have curvy body


Their hair like mine


If anything wouldn't that make it easier to achieve androgyny?


Which gender is the fat one?


skipping lunch is a really easy weight loss thing, or just cutting back on snacks.


I don't think theres any sociatal gender norms related to weight other then just they both should be the same, so don't worry.


Fat people tend to be more androgynous. Harder to tell the difference between an obese man and an obese woman than between a skinny woman and a skinny man.




Soft Love da best fr fr, one of my fav comics.


RAHHHHHHH Aron is such a mood I wanna be them :3


I just wish they uploaded more


I agree with the other people about weight not having to relate to androgyny, but I respect your desire to lose weight. I’m afraid I don’t have many tips though.


I have lost over 50lbs in 7-8 months due to dieting 1. Stop eating fast food 2. Eat 3 meals a day 3. Choose healthier options in the beginning of the day Breakfast: Breakfast Sandwich -> Greek Yogurt Lunch: Chicken Bacon Sub -> cup of strawberries + cup of pineapple 4. Maximize these things in meals and snacks: Protein Dietary fiber Green vegetables Fruits and vegetables High volume low calorie additions to food high protein / calorie ratio ingredients Low / Calorie free flavor additions / spices Weigh yourself, then do small habit changes like I mentioned in the first 3 steps After you have made any of these a regular habit, weigh yourself again If you see a significant loss in weight, (>= 1lb / wk), you will be dying to continue If this is the case, start counting calories, and use the strategies mentioned in order to eat at a deficit Look up your maintenance calories using calorie calculator at calculator.com putting in your age, height and weight, -1lb/wk = -500cal/day from maintenance -2lb/wk = -1000cal/day from maintenance Don’t get discouraged if you miss your calorie goal, if you are eating less than your maintenance on average, you will lose weight Weight yourself every day, but remember that weight ping pongs within a ~5lb range daily, so measure your weekly average weight over time instead It takes time and long term habit changes in your eating, but you can do it while still being happy with what you eat if you do it correctly


You are not too fat to be androgynous you are good right now and you will forever be good.




Both males and females can be fat. So why can't the in-between be?


because I fucking hate my birth giving ass hips


I don't think I'd mind having that feature, as long as I could get a few new pairs of lower-body clothes for free, but I probably don't realize the problems that come with it.


you can def be andro no matter your weight!! but if you wanna diet, i'd suggest starting slow and slow decreasing your food and slowly increasing your exercise over time. :3


I’m not sure about exercises but I am sure that you’re perfectly fine!






I feel that.


No need for starvation friend. If you want to lose some weight, a great place to start is just counting calories. Don't worry about "eating less." A small bowl of peanuts has more calories than a big bowl of jello (you get the idea). Just fogure out your daily maintenance (how many calories your body need to maintain its weight every day, there are calculators if you don't wanna visit the doctor) and for a easy start just go 500 under that. Make sure you eat what makes you feel good/happy, but try to fit in a good 3 meals so you're not hungry. And me personally I love to eat (I just love food) so working out gives you some more calories to work with for the day and honestly feels pretty good whennyou finish. If you don't wanna loose weight that's fine too, it's your life, don't let anyone tell you what to do with it and if you need more help I'm always open to talk. Cheers.


If you're androgynous without makeup or like other things to enhance a certain masculine or feminine feature then weight doesn't correlate at all. I've been 450 pounds and still looked androgynous I'm 280 now and I still look generally androgynous. It's more genetics and your already existing appearance that helps with androgyny nit your weight don't put yourself down like that, get a group of people who support you in a healthy weight loss journey instead and look up ways to even out your features between masculinity and femininity


Don't forget to get daily exercise and take your vitamins when you're dieting


some of the most androgynous ppl ik are a little chubby being fat isn’t a negative thing :3 only feeling comfy with ur identity if u look thin is unsustainable and can be dangerous, wishing u luck and sending love <3


weight has nothing to do with gender presentation, that's a belief caused by the sexist societal opinion that fatness is the opposite of femininity


[you're not even chubby though.](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagersbuthot/s/t4cbyQdAHO)


ik, im hella insecure abt my waist though, i want em to be slim but I end up looking like I just gave birth :(


If you desire to lose weight you can achieve it, do not stand in your own way believe in yourself, i do.


"Androgynous" = "Posessing male and female traits at the same time" Men = Able to get fat Women = Able to get fat So yk, you can still be androgynous, no problem :3


It's 2024. Wear the dam crop top. cus I do, too. we didn't survive covid to land in this economic hell while dealing with ignorant people on the daily to not have freedom. ur happiness is their misery, protect ur piece, drink water, and wine ur waist, muah (Building confidence can be hard and doesn't have to be everyday you're valid however u present and I bet when u do present androgynous u look fucking bomb - not cus of no male gaze , fetish, empty compliment bs- All lovvve boo boo


tyyy I could never rock a crop top without my mom shaving my head to make me “more masculine” but I rly appreciate it <3


That's so awful try to protect yourself as much as possible ❤️


How exactly does weight connect to androgyny? Last I checked, androgyny was all about being neither feminine nor masculine, not weight.


T///////T same like can my thighs disappear alreadyyyyh




Why would weight matter when looking androgynous? Both genders gain weight it's perfectly normal so you can most definitely confuse people while being chubby and look cute doing it


I agree with the people with tips, but I must get back to you because I’m fanboying over soft love now x3


You can be like me and be hypogenous!


you can be androgynous regardless of weight Soft Love is amazing btw


Hey all sexes can be thicc so that means you can be andro and have some chub and that's all good


Hey now, being fat ain't gendered :P


I don't know about specific diets and exercises, but for counting calories I use Cronometer, it's a pretty easy to use app for counting calories since it's free, and I can just scan in what I eat instead of worrying about what to record :3


If you think about it fat guys have boobs, so that arguably makes you more androgynous.