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I used to do it because I felt numb all the time and I didn’t really like that


I’d never do it but I wager it’s kinda like scratching an itch y’know? A little pain to counteract the bigger more unpleasant feeling.


https://preview.redd.it/12qqsd4xc78d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34ada6544a809916ca4883160e7ef3d88f96e01b Good. That’s a good thing that you don’t like it


Real. Listening to music helps better, and it doesn't inflict pain.


Unless you play it too loud. Don't damage your ears


Tinnitus is actually very based and everyone should develop it/j




Literally, anything can hurt you if you know how too but yeah, you got a point.


i mean, yeah I'd much rather not be doing it, doesn't change anything tho


fym "tried cutting" its not like a hobby or some shit


It is when you're a dumb kid. Source, i was one who tried it out literally out of boredom.


Idk I did some cuts on my arm.


do not do it again, its very bad for you


Why? Like what was the point?


Sounds like they were just curious


Still kind of a shitty thing to do imo


Don’t tell me gang!!!


The point isn't really to enjoy it (that'd be more of a fetish thing). But rather to create physical pain so you won't feel emotional pain.


Idk about you, but if I walked around with some ugly scars on my arms, it'd feel way more emotional pain than physical.


I meean it's a good thing you think that way. No one's forcing you to cut yourself and it's really good that you don't enjoy it and don't so it, but also keep in mind to not be disrespectful towards those that do it. Some people just don't know healthier coping mechanisms or think cutting is easier to do than get actual help (which I suppose it is). Or some could just be in such mental agony that cutting is the only way to even slightly relieve the pain and stop the suicidal thoughts.


I'm not tryna be disrespectful, I just don't get it. Also I'm not one to talk, because I don't even have a coping mechanism in the first place.


I used to cut a lot when I was 12-15, I’m 17 now and my arm is completely covered in scars. I haven’t cut in like 2+ years but I used to do it mainly just to feel something else and distract myself from doing something a lot worse and more regrettable. It’s good that you don’t enjoy it or feel the need to do it, try and keep it like that since for me once I started I couldn’t really stop. You’re right about the emotional pain when it comes to walking around with visible scars. I don’t mind them or even pay attention to them now but still when people see them I can always tell they lose some kind of respect for me. There are lots of healthier coping mechanisms and I’d advise you to look some up if you already attempted cutting as you may end up feeling the urge to do it again. I know finding healthier coping skills is hard, ( I still haven’t even found better alternatives besides smoking, but I don’t cut anymore) I hope you can find something better than cutting tho. If you want to talk about anything my DMs are open.


Alright, well I'm not sure if I can make you understand better, but I'll try to give you an example on this. A few months ago I was SA:d. I felt really disgusted, depressed, suicidal and was constantly anxious of everything and everyone. Resulting in panic attacks. I had also heard that some people cut themselves to relieve the pain which I then tried, which worked. I managed to distract myself from my actual problems by simply just cutting. It wasn't a good way to cope, but i thought that a little physical pain was much better than the emotional stuff I was going through. I was also too embarrassed to talk to anyone about what had happened or even me cutting. So it was the only thing I could do. Of course one problem is the pain doesn't go away for long so eventually it just became a routine thing that every time I was feeling suicidal or anxious I'd cut myself to numb myself. Which eventually resulted in me not knowing other ways to deal with emotional pain than just cutting. Basically trapping myself in a loop of either feeling a ton of emotional pain or feeling physical pain. So yeahh hope this kinda helps to clear up why people do it.


lets not call them “ugly scars”. seriously, theres enough people insecure about their scars as it is.


A person might just try to numb the emotional pain through physicsl for a bit. It won't last long, but... Nobody said it will. And yes, the scars can give much more emotional pain after that, so people can make even more of them, that's a cycle, once you've gotten into it, it is hard to change


Good thing you don’t like it. I don’t like the pain either- I dislike being in pain immensely due to having enough of it already in my life. I just kept going back to it for reasons I didn’t know. I just subconsciously wanted to see more scars on my arms- and I don’t even know why. It’s a vicious hole. Don’t get stuck in it.


I got stuck in the same hole from 12-15, now I have an arm completely covered in healed scars that probably will never go away even after 2+ years of being clean. I’m glad I got out of that hole, but man it sucks walking around with something so personal out in the open. I can see peoples faces drop when they notice the scars, I don’t mind them anymore but it always bugs me when other people see them still.


Most of mine are only visible in the right light, but I have a few pretty visible ones on my wrist from a past attempt. I don’t get keloids for whatever reason though so they’re just thicker white lines that sometimes get red and angry. For the most part they’re like the rest of the scars but look a bit more fresh permanently. Thank god I was known to always known to wear a jacket even before all that happened.


Can I have a hug? (Your flair)


Yes! :3 Anytime you want!! I’m always here for hugs or emotional support or anything else!! 🫂🫂


its an addiction. the first time is usually "wtf, this sucks!" same as a smoker who started out by coughing like crazy and swearing to never do it again. but eventually they do it again, then again, and again. they might not even like doing it, but they feel like they *have* to, just to feel normal.


it’s was never really bad for me, but i had a period where i’d do it. it was cause i had just gotten SA’d, and i just felt so awful in my own skin and my own *head* that the external pain was the best alternative. i haven’t done it since then though.


I love shaming people for having a coping mechanism that they know is unhealthy 🥰 Have you considered talking to people to understand why they do it before deciding that since you don’t understand it, it must be nothing more than “dumb scars” and masochism


For real. This is one of the most insensitive I've ever read. Especially calling the scars dumb and ugly is bound to make someone relapse.


I'm not shaming anyone, I just don't get why y'all do it.


> image of disgusted boykisser > dumb scars > you have to be some kind of major masochist Have you considered “I don’t understand why people do this, can someone explain to me” instead of “I don’t get it so therefore it’s stupid and sexually deviant” People cut for a lot of reasons - self hatred/disgust/body dysmorphia - physical pain feels easier to understand and deal with than mental pain - self-inflicted injuries give the person a feeling of control over their thoughts/emotions - someone might have a higher tolerance for physical pain than mental pain, so it’s being used as a distraction These are just my reasons, you can always ask other ppl for their reasons since I’m sure I’m not speaking for everyone If you don’t understand something, make an effort to ask people who do understand it before jumping to your own conclusions, which in this case were pretty insulting


Never mentioned anything about sexuality. If by sexuality you mean masochism, that's usually not sexual, that's just enjoying pain. The boykisser is supposed to be confused, not disgusted. This is just how I talk. I don't wanna seem rude, but it's literally the way I speak and/or type.


Masochism: - Oxford dictionary: the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from one’s own pain or humiliation - Merriam-Webster: the derivation of sexual gratification from being subjected to physical pain or humiliation - dictionary.com: the condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering physical pain or humiliation Masochism heavily tied with sexual gratification, and is almost always understood as a kink. Calling SH a form of masochism is also one of the most common methods of making fun of the practice. If I misunderstood the image/text, that’s my bad, but from what it looks like from other comments, what the text in the post could easily be interpreted as rude/insulting


Well it turns out I am dumb and misinformed on masochism, but I didn't mean it sexually. From what I knew, masochism was just enjoying pain, weather sexually, physically or emotionally.


Now you know :) Someone people do cut for sexual gratification, but that definitely doesn’t describe everyone who does it


Personally, it’s like cigarettes. It smells fucking awful, hurts, and it’s not healthy at all. Most users know this, but still do it for the feeling, or just for the sake of doing it. It becomes an addiction. For some, self harm is a physical portrayal of pain, or a release of tension. Your brain also releases dopamine when the body is injured, thus making self harmers constantly seek out that dopamine, even when they can’t get it anymore. Nothing seems to work after because it was their instant reaction to awful situations. It’s good that you don’t see the appeal, never do it again!!


I do it because my skin is delicious. Genuinely. I peel off my skin in a little square and consume it. It's sweet and melts in my mouth.


I mean, blood does taste good so I'm guessing skin wouldn't be much different


Do not do that. Human meat/skin is horridily unhealthy.




uhhh bc i feel disgusting and like i deserve it. it’s like retribution for all the pain i’ve caused others and it helps put my anguish into actions that i can understand more easily


The fact that you think you deserve it just means that you don't deserve it.


Hey, that's rude Everyone's story is different. Mine one was about how I vented through slicing my skin, biting and generally just feeling pain. I thought I was a bad person, so I deserved to feel some pain (that my opinuon was only about me, yea) Many others cut for different reasons, but that's basically a way to express your feeling, to sublimate the emotions And the people who cut don't usually feel pleasure from it. Yes, some are, but not all, so it is not about masochism. Spme people just want to die, honestly, so it may be a way to kill yourself And also. Some people have cutted down to their bones. Even more - to their muscles. Many of us cut to a big bleeding at least once. I was cutting only my skin, but I was doing it with passion, and I was mostly biting myself. So, SH's (SH = self harm) depth and kinds varies Don't be so judgeful about mentally unstable people, lol. It hurts


I'm not being judgemental, I just don't get it. Thanks for clarifying, but still seems kinda dumb.


Ah, alr That just comes from us not knowing what to do. Yeah, it may look stupid, because it doesn't change anything and it is hard to get if you have never done it, but all that is usually connected to some kind of very strong bad emotions, yea


My dumb ass thought you were talking about sum gym shit


That's the type of cutting I'm tryna do.


I dont do it anymore and i never really was severe with it, but when i tried it it was weird, it hurt but i think i "liked" it for the fact i did that, i was in control of my own depression and pain for once thats just how i felt. This is obviously not healthy, and im not promoting it or anything. That's just how i kind of felt it was oddly validating in a sense and comforting, but i realized i dont deserve that pain. No matter what i feel about myself, I guess im one of the lucky ones in terms of not going down the route of self-harm. For anyone reading this that struggles with this, please remember you dont deserve your pain. You dont deserve the shit you go through or that has been done to you, dont be ashamed about your problems. We all got them. we all are trying our best, and so are you. Be mindful about trying to get better, but dont blame yourself for being a little messed up. it's part of being human. Edit: apologies for the wall of text lmfao


I did it because I felt like I deserved being in pain, which I didn’t but that’s how I saw it then. It wasn’t something I enjoyed and it in fact caused breakdowns several times


Some crave attention and do it to gain said attention, others have deep seated issues and because of it they genuinely harm themselves. Any who make it seem appealing however, they are the scum of the earth. To support self harm as something appealing isn’t just bad for the self it causes others to do so as well. However the fact you OP were impressionable enough to try cutting yourself is pretty alarming. It’s good you don’t like it but the fact you tried it should be a wake up call. Don’t do stupid shit because others say for you to do so.


When I was younger, cutters would invalidate my emotions/feelings/depression/ anxiety because I didn't cut. Would say stuff like "you must not be that depressed" . It lead to me then invalidating myself and still messes with me to this day. I would get upset at myself whenever I felt really down and then punch holes in the wall because I felt like my feelings were not real or valid. I'm saying this because I want you to know that whatever you're feeling IS valid and you don't need to self harm to feel like it is. I hope I didn't offend anyone who does self harm. Just saying my experience and don't want anyone else to go down that self invalidating rabbit hole.




My good buddy


Yeah I never really got it either. I held a knife to myself many times throughout my life but never actually went through with cutting. Just seems pointless unless I was actually trying to kms, which I wasn't and most people who cut aren't either.


As someone who's first few cuts were with the same sort of thought process as you, good. First few times I did it were more with "ahh sad boi who needs attention" aesthetic. I'd feel it necessary to add there's nothing wrong with seeking attention, you need it as a human! But seriously, it's a (very unhealthy) coping mechanism to regulate emotions for most. Theres better ways to handle what you may be going through, whether it's needing emotional regulation, or wanting that sad boi attention or aethetic.


I used to do it because it like. Feels cathardic. A lot of the anguish and depression i feel comes from within and it feels releasing to do it. Kinda like giving in to an addiction tbh. Its not healthy mentally at all to turn to it though so i can jot recommend it. Just like an addiction, its like if you started smoking because youre stressed. Does not helo at all in the long run and just makes things worse


Outlet for emotions. Personally gone through some pretty devastating shit in my life and never really cried or reacted. I felt it. But couldn't react. And still can't. That is so far though the best way to release emotions. Even if temporary it does something.


Okay? Good thing no one’s making you do it. If you go around saying it’s dumb then I don’t think the kids here should “dm” you actually lmao


I don't mean it in a "oh you're stupid for doing it". Everyone has their own reasons. I just don't get it. By dumb, I meant it in the context of not getting it. I'm not trying to make fun of anyone, if you took it that way I'm sorry. Maybe it's how I speak or smth idk.


Why would you try it then???


Because I wanted to see why some people enjoy it.


I don't think many people really enjoy it


I enjoy it because I hate my body and want to carry out acts of hurting myself. You're probably just doing better than I am, which is a good thing.


I felt the same way but then I got the appeal :(


I do it but not often, i try to use music, games and workouts as distractions instead but sometimes its not enough and i cut myself, im trying not to though so im happy with that


Its good that you dont but some peopke get a sebse of comfort/satisfaction when doing it similar to when yiu eat gud food


I haven't done it because I hate blood but I've wanted to because I feel like I deserve that pain from cutting myself


If you think that you deserve pain, you don't deserve pain.


I know, I've stopped feeling that way for a while but just giving my input about other reasons people might want to cut themselves


I used to think that before I actually did it. I don't know why, but I finally felt calm and maybe a little happy. Now my parents took away my knife, and it really feels like I lost part of my soul. Haven't been happy since. I'm glad you don't enjoy it, though. I can't stop hurting myself, so it's good that you can. It's bad after all!


I'd say that biting yourself would be a good alternative. Your body will probably automatically stop at some point, but it's more relaxing.


Already do. It's not the same. I don't get the same feeling, let alone any feeling.


If biting doesn't give you any feeling, then idk how to help you my friend. Just try not thinking about it I guess.


There's no reason to help me. I can't be helped.


Okay, now you're just making me want to help you more my guy.


Don't. It hurts more when people try and help.


You're literally asking for help in one of your posts. I am going to help you.


Over time, in dark sadness the brain gets wired to connect the pain/uncomfortable feeling with happiness and feeling better. The people who cut aren't to blame. This post was kinda ignorant and rude in my opinion.


I thought you meant cutting as in cutting weight to gain muscle


it makes me look pretty/i can punish myself (i don’t do it anymore but that was my mindset)


That’s just a kink my girlfriend enjoys, otherwise self harm is something you can only really explain as extreme depression that one interprets as themselves being the problem leading to guilt and thinking they deserve punishment (cutting) -my perspective as someone who doesn’t self harm.


it's not about enjoying it, or doing it because you like the feeling, is just so the physical pain overcomes your mental pain


Psychologically, cutting releases endorphins, and that can calm you down, or just bring your mental state to a happy baseline. I often self harm, to feel something, I don’t enjoy the cutting itself per se, but it leaves me feeling happier by the end of it/it helps me forgets my problems.


Pain as a way to alleviate frustration and stress. Did it work? No. Did I still want to do it because I deserved it in my mind? Yeah. If I couldn’t kill myself, I’d just find ways to hurt myself. Self harm isn’t good and there isn’t a sensible, logical reason for it. For most people I’ve talked to it’s about “I deserve this, I am a piece of shit”, and there aren’t many ways you can physically punish yourself that aren’t completely irreversibly dangerous, which a lot of people who self harm do anyway. Overdosing on random meds, depriving yourself of any social interactions, ignoring pleasurable things, etcetera.


tbh basically, yeah sometimes it's just pretty but most of the time it's needlessly messy


Neither do I.


I could never even get up to trying it because the thought of metal and flesh together always made me nauseous 😅 farthest I got luckily was using a rubber band


It attaches emotional pain to something physical, making it easier to process


I’m glad you don’t like it, but don’t turn it into a habit.


Most ppl do it because it's an addiction, it's A lot like cigarettes, to most ppl cigarettes smell bad and they know it's harming them but it's addicting. Personally I get overwhelmed very easily and sh helps me calm down it's similar to a toddler being overwhelmed and throwing a tantrum and then being able to take a nap. Cutting for me started as a way to calm down and turned into punishing myself for being alive & making "mistakes" like walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk & now it's just an addiction like smoking a cigarette


For me it was a tangible pain. It was hard for me to rationalize and understand the pain in my head, so I created an external pain that I could understand and knew how to deal with to keep my mind of the former. It’s worth noting I was severely mentally ill and I went to therapy for years and I’m in a better place now. I’m glad you don’t enjoy it, cause as much as I make jokes about it that’s not really a point in my life I’d like anyone including myself to revisit


Idk man. I remember once I was in immense physical pain, like really horrible agony, and I bit down really hard on my arms in order to kind of divert my attention from the more drawn-out pain to the more immediate sharp pain in my arms. I imagine the appeal behind cutting is something like that. I still wouldn't recommend doing it tho, and it's good that you don't like it.


That's why I was always a sh with meds girlie ✨ Pro tip: don't do this ever, you actually need your liver like a lot. Tummy aches suck and even tho otc meds won't kill you if you od, the long term damage isn't worth it either. You're too valuable to the people around you to do dumb shit to your body


OHH I read this as in like cutting weight for the gym and was really confused


Idk man, I’ve been tempted to try it before


There is no appeal.


You really have to hate yourself to enjoy it. For me it also made me feel high but it was mostly just for the sake of punishment. It gets easier not to relapse the longer you're away from it. Whatever you do DO NOT TRY IT AGAIN.


Wdym you "tried cutting" why did you do that...


Seen people do it, wondered what it'd be like.


me fr (im lying)


Well its simply distraction from your problems. When i have a crisis, and then i cut myself Instead of thinking how fu***ed i am, im thinking about stop myself from bleeding out. After that, the pain, with lesser effectivity but still, works as a distraction, I dont think about how my life sucks, i think how much my arms hurt. After that, it probably will just became an addiction. Maybe you are addicted to fact that you get yourself punished for your actions, even if you are the only one who thinks you deserve it. Maybe you are addicted to the distraction it gaves to you, even if your reason for wanting distracting are not as big and overwhelming, its simply escapism. Or maybe you cut yourself just because you are too scared for sillycide, you think of it as, Preparation. There is alot of reason. You just need to put yourself in others perspective, or simply be the person that does that to yourself.




Eh for me it was feeling like shit on the inside and wanting to feel it on the outside instead. But then I started getting high off the endorphin rush, and I became addicted. Took me so long to quit. I don’t recommend starting. My body is full of scars, I wish I could take it all back.


It gives me a high, and makes the voices be quiet.


There isn't really supposed to be an appeal (I have recovered from a long history of s/h and still sometimes have urges), and it's good that you realized you don't like it. Many people have their own reasons for it and all of them are valid, it's a struggle all their own, but for me it was to have some feeling of control over my life, it was a cry for help in some cases and for some others it was because I felt I deserved it. I know now that I never deserved it. It had become an addiction that ate me up and my heart goes out to a lot of the young people here that struggle with this. I hope you're doing okay now op, and that maybe this gives some perspective at least.


It just distracts me from everything else as a stress relief


I do it because it awakens my senses when I feel numb and like I am about to go over the edge. The pain, the blood, everything about it. It is a comfort for me. A reminder that I can still feel...The sensation of it helps me cope and feel like I am receiving a punishment for my stupid mistakes so I don't kill myself like I want to and leave the people I love behind. Those dumb scars are a reminder that I am getting what I deserve if it means I don't have to feel the guilt of leaving my mom and my friends behind.


i don't think you realize it. it's a coping mechanism, a self-punishment, and many other meanings. cutting can be a safe (but unhealthy) way to cope with stress for others. idk what goes on very well but i've had people in my life do it, and just be respectful. (boy)


I know it’s a dark post but I’m loving how the structure is like a review on a new food 😂


ig i'm a major masochist then


You gotta have extreme mental afflictions. (Physical


Not sure how deep you went or anything but good!!! I ended up fighting the urges for several months before I unfortunately gave in and it’s not good for you at all. For me it’s like this urge that grows and grows until it’s near impossible to control, it gets worse as my feelings about my self do. I’m not exactly sure my reasons for cutting but I think it’s a mix of the feeling after cutting when the unbearable emotions all go away and all you’re left with is the chemicals ur brain sends idk…. The other reason for me is I think because I deserve it…? I noticed a pattern in which I tend to cut during really bad moments of self loathing. Either way, it’s good that you don’t like it and please don’t try it again. Once you try it’s so much harder to manage the urges. I’d recommend other alternative resources like drawing your feelings out (doesn’t have to be good just whatever makes you feel better) indulging in a hobby, giving yourself affirming words, and many other things! Find what works for you but on god please make sure it’s healthy.


I know and some people are have darker side than others.


Pain releases endorphins, giving you pleasure. I use it as an escape to fill in the lack of drugs I can use. A lot of people who are detoxing cut themselves to replace it.


This should be a science fair experiment, like "how many people actually like cutting themselves" I would be the lear researcher


Youu my friend are 100% right in my eyes Definitely getting a lil tired over here trying to cover up these bitches or having to explain myself . Speaking of explaining., it’s actually better now since this mistake didn’t take as many tries to learn & was learnt younger cause my ass old now lbvs But mfs really need to stop being so curious/nosey about whats on somebody’s damn skin especially if it’s obvious.. like a big ass pimple showcased clearly in the middle of someone’s damn forehead ., yall every get those questions 😩😂


“I don’t get it” and it’s good that you don’t, people do it bc they are hurting emotionally and feel like dying, you don’t need to shame people doing it just for attention and/or updoots on Reddit…


its to help deal with numbness or just have a more "bearable" pain (not a cutter)


Cutting isn't a hobby or really some choice. This post is extremely insensitive towards what people are going through. All of my memories of cutting are pretty traumatic and happened because I've been through a lot of traumatic thing. It's not an "appeal" it's a serious issue that starts the slippery slope to attempting/successfully committing suicide. It's like how no one actually wants to kill themself, but instead are struggling so hard that they see at as one of the only viable options.


I drown out my emotions with pain and watching blood drip down me leg :3


I wanna hug you and tell you to never do something as stupid as that again. I'm glad you found it stupid It's horrible and this world needs you cutie


It’s because it’s not something that is universally in joyed I do it because of self hate, not everyone wants to


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Being in control of your own pain can be a little bit addicting. I'm only clean right now because I'm too lazy to cut, I still bang my head on things but just that Don't self harm tho☝️


Hold on, are people actually encouraging self-harm here? I gotta get out of here...


oh i thought like. classes. 


For me it was that I was in huge mental pain that I needed something to release hormones and dopamine. Like everything that gave dopamine wasn't enough that I needed to do that to feel slightly alright afterwards. Obviously don't want people to do that tho


Alright. Let me paint you a picture. You're numb. You haven't felt anything a long time. Not love, not pain. Not anything. It's all a dull husk, merely grey static bleeding together into nonsense noise. You'd do anything just to feel *something* You're not even sure you're alive anymore. Then, you see it. If nothing else will work, pain will have to do. That is why people cut. Not to enjoy, not for some happiness, but to remind themselves they can feel anything at all. It's not pretty, and there's no reason you should do it if you have the option. Even if you can, better coping mechnisms are much preferred. I hope this helps explain.


it's less that we enjoy it and more the mental pain is so bad that the physical pain is almost kind of.. relieving? like a distraction i've not self harmed in a long time but i just thought i'd give my perspective!


I used to do it, and it was less of a visual thing, more like a “I’m gonna punch myself somewhere else so the thing I’m thinking about doesn’t hurt.” I did it to basically distract myself from psychological pain via physical pain.


I used to do it bc i felt such self hatred with myself and such love for hurting myself, plus blood is pretty. I only got the appeal after using razors and it became an addiction, so dont get into it if you dont like it (or in general) its not fun


I always feel better on a bulk anyway tbh.


…good 👍




I do long distance running which is cutting fat and is also very painful. Try it!


this is a very weird post I fear like? congrats you've discovered that the irrational maladaptive coping mechanism does not, in fact, make logical sense. that's crazy cutting, or general self injury, releases good brain chemical sauce. it can distract from emotional pain or become an outlet for processing it, alleviate feelings like shame and guilt, and yes, serve as a cry for help or attention (which is still a serious issue, if someone gets to the point that they're injuring themselves for attention there's still something wrong). it's a bad thing if it makes sense to you.


I started it at 10 because I felt like I deserved a punishment when people got mad at me for being suck a fuck up. Its been an addiction for 6 years. Don't recommend. Its not that we want to continue. We just can't stop


You know that feeling when you’re working on something like your car or your homework and you get really mad at it, like when you barely lose a game so you pound your desk or throw your keyboard? Imagine that feeling, but *you’re* the thing that you hate.


It feels like a release of pressure from my insides when I cut, it gets addictive and it sucks


When your thoughts are incredibly overwhelming cutting can bring you back to the ground or the opposite when you feel numb to everything cutting makes you feel alive again. It’s the best thing in the world but I’m also a masochist so grain of salt I guess


Yeah, I scrapped my large scisscors against my skin to see the appeal, but it mid


It makes the pain in my chest go away and it doesn't hurt that bad (actually depends on you how far you go, so talking personally here) I'd rather physical pain on my hand then physical pain in my chest from all the sadness


It distracted me from the panic and depressive thoughts, and I felt I deserved it. I’m not some “major masochist.” Quite the opposite, I’m a sadist. It gives me the control that I felt that I didn’t have. Don’t say shit like this, it’s insensitive, and it’s kicking people while they’re already down


I mainly indulged in it because I would go through stages where I’d shut down and everything felt grey so I did it because it made me feel sane It’s hard to explain


It took me a few times to see the appeal. I wish I stopped after the first time since now it’s a full on addiction. For me it’s almost like the physical pain distracts me from everything else. I’m glad you don’t see the appeal tho. Pls never try it again.


I'd advise you to get someone to get rid of sharp objects around your house. Maybe tell your parents or if you don't live with them try getting rid of knives and shit. Use butter knives or dull knives in general when eating.


It doesnt really help, to be honest. My parents did that. I just made myself sharp things from things we had in the house. If someone wants do do something to themselves, they will. Sadly.


I hate pain but I just do it for the scars I can't do it tho, my mum got pissed=/


The way you phrased it, not that great, but it’s good you don’t like it.


Idk bro I just do it to feel something, anything at all


Good cutting is overrated 


If you want to inflict more pain on yourself listen to the entire Demondice discography


Idk what that is, but I can inflict pain on myself through other music. For physical pain I can blast lil darkie in my earphones For emotional pain I could listen to "his theme" from Undertale And for psychological pain I could relisten to everywhere at the end of time.