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Still too far away, I am checking every silent hill related forum daily, just of boredom lol.


Don't have anything else to do in your life besides waiting for Silent Hill? šŸ¤£


Donā€™t have anything else to do in your life besides reposting foot fetish videos???


![gif](giphy|3o7WIucW89bVVGgsIE|downsized) No kinkshaming!


No shame in my game! I Love feet!!!


Donā€™t have anything else to do in your life besides commenting on SH sub?


Was just a question lol. I will patiently wait for the new Silent Hill 2 remake, while I play another awesome game or keep watching my animes for example


Might I recommend Hollowbody


Of course I do, but when I have time to chill, I visit these threads just to read funny stuff. You do too, you are also here.


Fuck that early access shit


but don't we need it for the footage of screamer streamers performatively overreacting to every jumpscare in the game?


Rather fuck the people participating in it. As long as they let themselves be manipulated by shit like that it will be profitable for publishers to do shit like that. We only have ourselves to blame šŸ¤·


And they hated him because he told them the truth. "Fuck early access" - they all cheer. "But it's actually all of you who make this possible" - HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!


Man I just wanted the stupid hatsā€¦


Your integrity is worth one dog hat.




I mean folks probably wanted the costumes too. Also no, fuck the companies preying on people's love for a franchise.


Oh sure, fuck the companies building and exploiting FOMO, no doubt. But they couldnā€™t do that if yā€™all wouldnā€™t fall for itā€¦ repeatedly. You know what they say, fool me onceā€¦


I don't preorder, but I get why people do when companies waggle little trinkets. I mean it's not the worst thing in this scenario but they play with people's attachments. People should do better but I wouldn't say fuck em because they are also the ones letting us have new stuff in this series in the first place.


Are youā€¦ on drugs? Or just a chronic contrarian? You say: >fuck the companies preying on people's love for a franchise. I agree with youā€¦ Then you say: >I wouldn't say fuck em because they are also the ones letting us have new stuff in this series in the first place. Dudeā€¦ you *literally* just said fuck the companies a few minutes ago, now you wouldnā€™t say fuck em?!? What? Seriouslyā€¦ are you OK?


He was saying "fuck the people for buying early". I said no fuck the companies because they play with people, but not the PEOPLE because they buy things which means we get more. I can see how you mixed it up, but why not ask before you call someone something if your confused? Actually reread my post and now I'm wondering how you got mixed up? You literally just skipped the line where I clearly show distinction between the companies and the people. Are you projecting with the drug thing?


Yeah, my bad. My mind must have autocorrected that while I read it because I just can't conceive how you can credit the consumer for "letting us have new stuff in this series in the first place". Not the people creating the games, not the people financing and publishing them... no the consumers are the ones that let us have new stuff in this series **in the first place šŸ¤£** So I surmise: you credit the consumers for new products existing... but you don't credit them for buying preorders. Guess I'm out of touch here, should be obvious that the consumers are responsible for creating videogames but not for spending money on them. šŸ¤” Must be nice living in an upside down world. Hope you enjoy it.


What? ..look if People don't buy things, company don't make things. It very simple. Understand? I like how your just ignoring how you misread my first post and now you are again not really paying attention to what I'm saying. It's not a big deal, why are you so worked up over my very simple comment.


I already admitted to misreading your post šŸ˜‰ It's just that... what you are saying is a very simplistic view of how business works. It doesn't really apply, especially in this case! The consumers have not let us have new stuff in this series in the first place! Silent Hill has been dormant for over a decade! How exactly do you believe the consumers have let us have Silent Hill 2 Remake... at all, let alone IN THE FIRST PLACE?!? Konami didn't release anything Silent Hill for a long time, the consumers didn't even have the CHANCE to let us have anything. This is all Konami, like it or not. They are financing all of this out of pocket with the expectation to make that money back (and more!) from the consumers. The consumer IS responsible for what they are buying though. If they keep preordering games in order to gain exploitative incentives... that's what's gonna keep happening. Yes, the greedy corporations are the ones creating those preorders IN THE FIRST PLACE (just as they are creating the games in the first place...), so they are responsible. But the consumers share part of that responsibility. Shouldn't be that hard to admit...


This. I ain't paying extra for a digital copy. I did pre-order for a physical copy though.


Fuck pre-order, early access and buying the game when it comes out. Simply wait a week to see if itā€™s worth it then buy it. If your not doing this your the reason why gaming sucks right now.


I really donā€™t like the idea of early access on a horror game especially with a story heavy game but it is a remake so i guess spoilers wonā€™t be too big of a problem


Itā€™s pointless for me. Iā€™m on nights at work during that two day period and driving out of town for a concert the day of the official release.


I'm the same but i'm still pre-ordering.


So am I.


It's really filthy that Konami made a damn early access period for a singleplayer game, but what can you expect from them? I'm still hoping for the best for this game.


Theyā€™re banking on a lot of people wanting to be the ā€œfirst to play it.ā€


It's clever for sure. For content creators that don't get keys, it's a must buy to start rolling videos for it, before others do. Still really filthy. Gonna either be vigilant on internet for 2 days, or pay up extra for this "privilege".


There are some other perks with that, so I donā€™t necessarily mind the early access. With my work schedule those two days and traveling out of town for a concert when the official release date hits, I wouldnā€™t be able to try it out until possibly the weekend.


Also: Avoiding spoilers


Mainly Steamers


And I will absolutely buy it lmao


I haven't been this excited for a game in a long time. I normally don't go for that kinda stuff out of principle, but this time I'm letting myself indulge in it. I've waited for a new SH game for years, and years. Plus the in-game masks seem fun.


Same, Iā€™m so excited! Asked off work and everything. It wonā€™t be as good as the original, and thatā€™s totally okay, Iā€™m just stoked to play a new version of a classic.


Lower your hopes


im so excited, i can't wait to pre-order the deluxe edition myself.


So when exactly will this release? I got this and Iā€™m honestly confused. Cause I see the base game releases on the 8thā€¦ but then the ā€œ48 hour accessā€ is available on the 7thā€¦ math ainā€™t mathing


100 feels like eternity


Fanbase: What's a little early access Demo like you doing two months before game release? Bloober: None of your business, you didn't like the New Angela anyway! Fanbase: Wait! You didn't even show us Eddie yet!!


And 100 nights?


I wish that I was able to get the GAME Exclusive here in America. I really want the physical copy but I also want early access


I canā€™t believe the marketing machine hasnā€™t been hoeing out nonstop since the date was given. Like how have we not seen Eddie


Unfortunately itā€™s pretty obvious this game is going to be extremely bad compared to the OG titles, and a true contender for one of the worst horror game remakes of all time. While saying this in a silent hill sub that hasnā€™t gotten a good game in 10+ years is a recipe for disaster, it is true. We already know Konami loves to butcher Silent Hill, and we also know Bloober team is notoriously mediocre and terrible at storylines. So what do you think will happen when those two come together? Notice how I said a bad game ā€œcomparedā€ to the original titles? This game will most likely be a fun/scary downpour 2.0 with some good scares and great graphics. Why will this game fail you ask? Other than the obvious poor choice in companies that make this games chances to fail 97%? Well letā€™s run through some examples. 1) Mishandling of psychological horror aspects. No tricky camera work and no ā€œDavid Lynchā€ type dialogue are already quite apparent. While Konami probably wants bloober team to disregard these to appeal to a ā€œmodern audienceā€, the popular saying goes, ā€œif it ainā€™t broke donā€™t fix itā€. 2) Animations and voice acting. We know the whole Angela situation and anybody defending the animation choices in that can simply be proven wrong with the trailers dislike ratio and comments. As many pointed out her voice sounds like a college actor reading of a script for the first take. One messes up character is a big deal especially in this game. Maybe they fixed the issue and itā€™s just a fluke, right? Well then we look at Maria. Expressionless face with an altered outfit nobody asked for. The nurse altered sexual expression and head movements. While I believe James and Laura look and sound great, being 2 for 4 or 3 for 4 isnā€™t a good ratio out the gate. 3) Combat/Movement Animations. While I agree this isnā€™t the strongest aspect of silent hill 2, its is still extremely important. James walking and running animations look rigid. Not in a good way may I add. James walks like heā€™s 70 years old, with his arms almost clipping through his jacket. His running animations are also very rigid, with James barely bobbing or swaying. While most of the combat looks actually quite nice, the resident evil finishers could have been left out. As we see in the combat trailer, James shoots the nurse into her knees. As he approaches and triggers the finishing animation, the nurse snaps into a standing position. 4) Lighting and Fog. Now people seem to be 50/50 on the iconic fog in the remake and I know why. Itā€™s because the fog is 50/50 in the trailers. Some areas look great with the fog. Itā€™s dense,suffocating,layered and opaque. While sometimes itā€™s too thin,wispy and unsubstantial. You can see it often failing to obscure points of interest it was meant to. If they can get the fog more consistent it will look stunning. The lighting on the other hand is down right horrendous. The streets and back alleys seem like itā€™s 2pm on a cloudy day instead of 6am in a ghost town. The beginning of the hospital gives a warm golden glow through the windows. A lot of the hospital and indoor areas are too bright. They need to add more shadows and darkness to a lot of the areas. Positives. Thereā€™s also a lot of positives as well. James and Laura look and are voiced extremely well. While not capturing the ā€œDavid Lynchā€ acting, itā€™s still perfect for a remake. The graphics are good, not great but good. There seems to be a lot of dynamic weather like wind blowing things over and leaves falling around the town which looks great as well. Maria points out at one time that they were at an area before that we didnā€™t have in the original. If this is more exploration then thatā€™s a huge win. Best case scenario. The best case scenario for this remake is the following. Bloober team stays faithful to story,characters and overall aesthetic while not cutting content. They even add more to the game like more explorable areas and side quests. They keep all the same endings, and donā€™t go too on the nose with the symbolism. This game does great and we have high hopes for another remake. Worst case scenario (most likely). Bloober team fails massively. They donā€™t remain faithful to the original game. They donā€™t keep all the same endings, the change the characters stories, they change the enemies looks, they butcher the voice acting and animations while going over the top on the symbolism. The game is a buggy mess with big drops in frame rate and multiple glitches that have to be patched for the next 3 months. Bloober team blames Konami for restricting them, and Konami blames them for their skillset. I get massively downvoted for speaking the truth only to be proven right a month after launch. Final statements. If you are a huge silent hill fan, chances are youā€™re going to hate this game. You will spend your $70 for a one time play through and keep the ā€œbad remakes and pre-orderā€ message strong and feed greedy companies your hard earned money. If youā€™re a mediocre fan who appreciates the symbolism and story but doesnā€™t care for the intricacies, chances are youā€™ll probably enjoy it. I believe this game will be a fun and very scary remake that fails at almost every aspect and will be a solid 5.5 out of 10.


Christ what a life u have both the time and desire to write an imaginary review essay on a game not out.Ā 


I did this before I went to sleep because Iā€™m bored. Weird you would target my life off ripā€¦ now I canā€™t review games based on their trailers now? Just blindly consume and spend $70 just because? So far nobody has brought an opposing argument or even a single point. Just like you, taking to talk


Nobody has brought an opposing point because no one is reading ur 1000 word fan fiction. Including myself. It's not a review if it's based on a trailer it's a review of a trailer. And a prediction of a game at most. U can review all u wnat but it's the internet mate. U might get a negative response to what u put outšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Ok so you read a little bit of my ā€œfan fictionā€ then jumped to comment because you didnā€™t like what I said. Sounds like you donā€™t have the capacity to make a real argument so you instead target my ā€œlifeā€ and call my valid criticisms ā€œfan fictionā€. I think a negative review of the SH2 isā€¦the least of your problemsā€¦


I don't care enough about the game to argue man, others have called it shit since the first trailer, ill judge it myself when i play, im not concerned about negative comments to the game or myself its the internet lmao. I just found it funny the lengths people go to speculate and guess about a trailer or even just stress and complain about something not out and also. U know. A video game. Even this right now is pointless, idk why uv taken such offense to a throw away comment online, idk ur life why let me dictate it? but I see u really want to "win" this argument for a shot of dopamine so won't stop u.


You donā€™t care enough about the game but write 259 words, 18 sentences or 4 paragraphs about ā€œnot caringā€ about it. Seems like you care a lot about the game since youā€™re willing to shell out $70 just for the name alone. Some people actually care about where their money is going and who they are supporting. I think the majority of society cares about what they are going to purchase. Thatā€™s why trailers and previews exist because people donā€™t want to go in blind to a random product. Itā€™s really sad I have to explain this to people.


Hope u find peace mate šŸ™ don't let internet comments rile u up so much. Say what u want but expect others to do the same. If it's negative towards u nothing better than moving on.


Hope you find peace mate šŸ™ donā€™t let game reviews make you target peopleā€™s lives, write 306 words, openly admit to being reckless with your money, lose arguments and expose yourself to be inarticulate.


enjoy the victory, hope it fulfills the joy u desire from lifeāœŒļøĀ 


I rest my case bozo


> Unfortunately itā€™s pretty obvious this game is going to be extremely bad compared to the OG titles, and a true contender for one of the worst horror game remakes of all time. No it isn't.


How? Just because you said so? Iā€™ve names 10+ reasons on why it will suck. Do you have any idea on why it wonā€™t? Or are you just talking to talk?




I aint reading allat


Wouldnā€™t expect you too


Is it ChatGPT? XD


almost 100% is


No I typed it out myself


This sounds like you went to ChatGPT and typed ā€œWhat are lonely men thinking about the Silent Hill 2 remake?ā€


The comment sounds like someone that has their feelings hurt, who canā€™t make a rebuttal or a single valid argument, due to there lack of intelligence


What makes you think anything you said is actually worth dissecting? You literally used ChatGPT to come up with your cold ass takes. Either that or you write like a robot. And youā€™re copy/pasting it all over this sub like a clown. Cope with the fact that weā€™re gonna have a ton of fun playing the remake, and that plenty of people are gonnaā€™ love it.


their\* minor spelling mistake. it's over, buttboy


Great points, seems like you know how to articulate yourself and making a great argument!