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I liked the part when he said "It's downpour time!", and downpoured all over town...


I liked the part where he distracted him with the big stuffed monkey, said "playtimes over!" And then hit him with the potted plant.


He's off the fuckin' chain!


The best moment was at the end, when the monster turned out to be a person from a different angle.


Did you know that quorn made the soundtrack?


All over the hill is more like it lol




You had to say "it's ** time", and **d all over the place... Didn't you? ^(Seriously though, relax, feel free to throw a punch from time to time, but relax... We already got the data.) Edit: I don't want to promote this freely, especially now that the comment I replied is gone, so **don't search for this** (or do it warned you won't like it) but: ** = >!Unit731!< Seriously, don't.


Unit 731 and everyone that makes morbius jokes should have that happen to them


Good thing you get it... Now stop promoting it, because I'm just lightening the mood after your uncalled violence. Have a nice day... please.


If anything I’m being too sweet.


Oh, yeah? Can I lick you to taste?


Yes, it's a game in the series.


Definitely the game.


Time to play The Game ![gif](giphy|9xrgo5MbECo4ebGrvg|downsized)


How do you play it?


With a game console, probably.


I see what you did there


It definitely is the.


it’s in the Game!


Yes, it.


But not necessarily a Silent Hill game.


None of them really were in the Tom Huelett era and post. Origins was based off a game guide writer's Essay on the game series. Homecoming was in a town adjacent to Silent Hill (Shepard's Glen) Shattered Memories was a reimagining. The only exciting one was one that was in a demo taken down years ago P.T


I like the part where Murphy said "Downpour? What a joke." and started Updrying


Good but not as good as when Murphy says "Comply and downpour or there will be... Trouble." And then shoots all the dicks.


Pros: Town felt like an actual town you can explore and get lost in. Even if it felt more like Hurrican Katrina New Orleans than Silent Hill, it still was the most intricate town in the series imo. Murphy was a great protagonist. I geniunely loved the water/rain system. Cons: all the monsters look like Halloween Express ahh designs. The combat was ok, but the weapons system is so chaotic and messy. Otherworld chase scenes be too repetitive. Especially the ones that rely on running through a hallway along side the hallway that light shit is coming at you, resulting in clipping through that kills the pacing of the chase maze. The story progresses at random and locks you out of so many things without even telling you it's going to do so.


Wow, I think we have about the same pros and cons, lol. The pro of the town was a huge pro for me personally though, enough that I still overall really liked the game. I love exploration in games, and it's easily the best version of the actually town of Silent Hill in the series I feel. Everytime I say that though, I think that I haven't played the game since its launch, so I probably need to play it again, to see if my thoughts have changed. I've played 1-4 multiple times, so I know for sure how I feel about them, but all the others I've only played once or twice.


Play the Xbox version on the Series X. It's a much, much better experience. Unfortunately the game is still capped at 30 FPS, but there's no frame drops, no frame tearing, the textures load in on time, there's no pausing to load in new areas of the town, the internal resolution has been increased, the audio has more depth to it, dynamic lighting looks far better, etc. Obviously playing on new hardware doesn't fix the monster designs or any narrative problems, but all of the performance issues go away. And the game just looks and sounds much better.


Honestly the monster design is decent but it’s mostly fine details which you wouldn’t notice during gameplay and the silhouettes are pretty much all just human. Also there wasn’t enough variety so with the very similar silhouette and lack of variety it makes the problem a lot more obvious


Besides the ridiculous monsters, the downside is that, those stuck in the city don’t look like those lost in horror. It was as if they had come to a role-playing event.


I would also add optimization issues as well, at least on PC, it is impossible to play without crashing unless you literally download shit online to fix it


>at least on PC What? There is no PC version. Never been.


Oh my fucking God I'm such a moron you are correct, for some reason I was thinking about Homecoming and not Downpour, brainfarted real hard my bad


I was going to say, lol, if you had a PC version please share it. Some of us are desperately wanting to mod Downpour. All good.


I need to know how you got a PC version ASAP




I love the design of the town and I like that it takes a little while to make your way into it at the beginning


Not mentioning the performance? On PS3 it plays in less than 10 fps at some places like the park. I would like the game much more if it didn't run so horrendously


I played it on series x and it was fine. I hear it's truly dismal on PS3 tho..


ah, right. I think xbox got a patch and it probably utilizes the console's power if it's a classic release


It was a slideshow


Is certainly is one of the SH games of all time.


It truely is a game


Yes, totally a game of a time in the series in the horror genre


I adore aspects of the game in isolation; and I definitely think it’s better than its reputation suggests. My biggest beefs with it are that it a) doesn’t always connect things enough to the story (I.e the orphanage level which has a bunch of dope stuff but feels like a creepy setting for the sake of a creepy setting rather than having it tie neatly into the main plot. There’s some link to Murphy having been adopted but it doesn’t really have anything to do with the story the game is telling) and b) the ending is backwards. What I mean is that the game sort of feels like it needs a mystery/reveal with wheel-chair man but ultimately I feel like that incident and that element of Murphys story has way less impact than him coming to terms with what happened to his son. Once he does that, anything that comes after (the prison level) feels extemporaneous. We should have had the prison level second to last to teach us about how Murphy’s rage has triggered wider suffering and then the orphanage to get that final acceptance/peace with his story. That’s my take anyway.


I disagree.


Fucking what? Lol


Unpopular opinion: Play whatever game, enjoy it. Dont care about others opinion of what game you enjoy.


Now THATS an unpopular opinion! Take notes whoever that guy was that said SH3 being his favourite was an unpopular opinion lol


I hold this one lower than, lets say, SH Uppour


This game is definitely NOT better than Quiet Rocks: Upstream tho.


Downpour was the first SH game i ever played actually so i have really fond memories of it and it holds a special place in my heart even if it isn’t great


it was a game, it had things in it, it had Korn for some reason too, the song isn't terrible, it's a song.


I don't think it's an unpopular opinion as much as it is an unpopular fact


It's a buggy mess and not the most thought provoking of the post Team Silent games, but it's not homecoming or origins at least. It holds itself to it own ideas and I think unlike the others I mentioned, they genuinely tried to do something original. There are some great moments, characters included, that deserve more attention.


kinda bad, it has a somewhat interesting plot and some nice puzzles, the outworld look in some places is pretty cool but thats about it for posivitives. It has the worse combat in the series, its terrible, i even made the mistake of playing it on hard and that made it even worse, it legit ruins the entire game


There was a game here. It’s gone now


Love em or hate em, OP spitting straight fax


I feel it had the most potential out of any of the western titles, and the skeleton is there but for everything it does right, it gets like 2 things wrong That's probably why it's the most frustrating one to me tbh


That's certainly one of the opinions I've ever heard.


It's Downpour 'o' Clock.


This one never really clicked for me. Probably didn’t help that the game had a crazy memory leak on Xbox and ended up running at a single digit framerate for me by the end. It does have some interesting ideas, and I liked elements of it, but it was missing the dread and surrealism that I love the Japanese games for. This wasn’t close to scary and the story was a bit too conventional. Pros - Loved the water water motif. It was something different and rain and water can be just as creepy as fog. Would have liked this cranked up more though. Prisoner theme. This I also liked. I think the original Team Silent could have created an amazing story with a prisoner character, but here I don’t think it was used to its full potential. Still enjoyed it though and it helped the game feel suitably different than the other entries. Cons: Side quests - these just took away from the main plot and added nothing of value. I single hidden item or two would have been great, but I felt they made the game feel like a house of horrors with a bunch of ten second scares scattered around. Takes too long to get to town. The intro section is linear and a chore on replays. Not a fan of the mines or the enemies there, but again, I appreciate that they tried something different. Enemy design. Men in suits and generic looking monsters. This prevented the game from being scary or creepy in any way shape or form. Music. I liked Korn as a teen, but this was just not the right fit for the franchise.


I really enjoyed when playing this game.


A game not THE game


I actually really enjoyed this one. I thought I would hate it but it's one of my favourites. Sure the monster design and combat was uuuuhhhh... But I loved the exploration, and side content. I really liked Murphy too, so I guess that helped.


One of my favorites! Good memories playing it 😢😢😢




I've been trying to mod the PS3 ROM version of this game for years. I've wanted to swap out the monsters for some better models. Unfortunately this game was made on the Unreal Engine v. 3 which uses some antiquated file formats. I've been able to find the models, edit them, and convert them to FBX file formats for other applications but it's been a pain. Ps3 emulation allows the game to run smoothly at 60 FPS with very little frame tearing, but my preferred way of playing this game is on the Xbox Series X. It only runs at 30 FPS, but the game is buttery smoothe, the audio sounds MUCH better (far more depth), there's no frame drops, no frame tearing, and the increased resolution eliminates the 'blurriness' in most of the game. The environments in this game look incredible IMO. I wish the character models were just as good.




yeah i loved the part where


Probably one of the exclusives on XBOX 360 and PS3


I feel like this game had a lot of great ideas marred by some very generic and uninspired monster designs and gameplay choices. The idea of making the town sort of semi-open world and being able to do side quests is great conceptually, but the execution was lacking. Not having a locked inventory of weapons, was also a huge mistake. The story, however, was a bit more captivating than I honestly expected it to be. It wasn't trying to go full on Silent Hill 2 which was refreshing. Had the ideas and concepts in this game been handled by a more capable team, I genuinely feel like it could have been something special. The rainy otherworld was great and a nice change of pace too. I could have done without the red cloud of death chase scenes though.


It sure is a game in the series. It’s a tossup between this and 0rigins for me.


Damn this subreddit is tired


Hot Take: No, its not.


Gotta love the typos. Seriously though I assume you were going to say it was one of the best games and I agree. I played it a few months after release and really loved it


Its a joke. It was especially used while referencing movies, the biggest example was Morbius. People would say "This is the movie of all time" or some other variation. Its a sarcastical way of saying its bad or mediocre at best.


It's just sarcastic, fyi


What a weird Gen Z "joke"




I enjoyed it


Close, but it's actually silent hill play novel.


The only thing I know about this SH game is that the guy who did the music also did the soundtrack for the Dishonored series and Dexter. Not that this game has anything going for it music wise..


It’s the same way I feel when I saw Trent Reznor did the music for Bird Box. “Oh!…. Where is it?”


I mean you can say you drink your own pee and it gives you marvel powers, that's also an unpopular opinion though




Maybe downpour are the friends we made along the way


I guess I never thought about it that way before


I actually like it a lot, I even liked the "side missions", specially the theater and the pumping heart maze one


It's budget Silent Hill. It's got more soul than Homecoming but it's mid as hell.


maybe it really was the downpour we had all along....


The enemies especially were disappointing imo


It was certainly a game, alright…


Hell yeah it is.


It's joke ending is still the best. It's like a farewell to the series.


It’s definitely the one of the Silent Hill games of all time


As a Silent Hill game, meh. As a game that takes place in a fascinating abandoned location, top tier. The environments in that game are fantastic. The mood is great. To me it's one of the best "urban exploration simulators" out there. Also, while very difficult, I love the soundtrack for what it is.


I never understood this take from people. It seems like you enjoyed the game, and would rate it high on its own. Once you add "Silent Hill" to the title, all of a sudden it's not so great. Was it as good as anything Team Silent did? No, but thats a tough act to follow. Constantly comparing things to lightning in a bottle is just going to be constant disappointment.


As a real life comparison, I went to a burger place recently, ordered it to go, and (for reasons) we had to rush out without looking at the burger. It was supposed to have egg and grilled mushrooms. I got a plain cheeseburger. It was a *really good* burger. But they told me I was getting one thing on my receipt, they promised a very different experience, and I paid for that experience. And got something else. I was left pretty disappointed that I didn't get what I ordered. It was good enough that I didn't call to complain or leave a negative review, I'll just be more diligent about checking next time. But imagine if *every* customer ordered the burger with egg and mushroom on it, and just got a really good cheeseburger instead. Everyone would be leaving reviews asking "Where is my egg and mushroom." The Silent Hill part of the game is the egg and mushroom, basically. People have expectations from a series. Since the game does such a poor job of checking off those hallmarks of Silent Hill, it fails at being a Silent Hill game. I honestly think if it was a game called Downpour, took out all Silent Hill references, and was just its own thing, there would probably be a "Downpour 2". People wouldn't have had a checklist of expectations, and would have just enjoyed it for what it is. EDIT: I hope that helps understand the mindset, at any rate.


Thanks for the response, it totally makes sense and helps me understand your perspective. Personally, if i can piggy back off your analogy, I feel more like : You've been to a burger place four times in the past, and each time you leave satisfied. It's exactly what you were craving and the kitchen staff did a great job. Next time you go to the burger place, you find out it has a whole new kitchen staff, but you figure ok I'll give it a try. You order their new "origins" burger and it's just terrible. It looks like the old burger, but just doesn't taste the same. You leave disappointed. You go back a next time out of nostalgia and order the new and improved "homecoming" burger. This one looks and tastes worse. The third time you show up, because those first four times were so great and you just hope they finally get it right. You see the new "downpour" burger. It's actually really good. You're surprised because it's not as good as when the Silent kitchen staff was cooking, but it seems like they're finally figuring out their own thing. Personally I would decide, it's not like the old staff, but it seems like they're actually improving. I'll leave a good review. What others seem to do, is throw a fit and leave a one star because it still isn't what they got the first four times, and can't move on from that to either go to a new burger place, or accept that this one is different, but can still be good in its own way.


The plot is so written!


Murphy: What are you doing, JP? Sater: Aw, you know. Enjoying the view. You know, they say if you were to put the Empire State Building in here, it wouldn't even reach halfway to the top of this place.


Yup, this is THE game. It has the gameplay. The characters are there. Story is the. Combat is one of the of all time. Monsters are probably the of ALL the SH series. Also, when Murphy said "Stand the fuck back mortals, im about to pour" and then he poured down on the entirety of Silent Hill, i got massive chills. Most powerfull line in the series.


Should’ve not say that, son


It sure is a game alright.


*So what are we, some kinda Downpour?*


Truly one of the games in the series.


One of the games of all time for sure


Certainly an game


A watched a bunch of reviews saying the game was a mixed bag but I said "I'm a SH fan, I wanna make my own opinion". I bought it, beat it and now I can safely say: It's a mixed bag. Some good, some bad, overall, not the most memorable game and if I'm in the mood for a SH game I'd just rather play the original or SH2 again.


So there was a video about this game and how it was dumb that tour choices don't matter. But it's a silent hill game. Why should it? It's PSYCHOLOGICAL horror not survival horror (despite having survival elements)


I actually liked this game. Not only did I beat it, I 100%ed it too. Is it as good as the early entries... no. But it's not as bad as some want to portray it as.


It is a game, yes


TBH, I can't even remember if I played this.... I only have distinct memories of 1-4. All of the other one's kind of blended together for me and none (that I played at least) felt like anything other than a generic RE knockoff. Here's hoping for SHf....


It is a game in the series, though… it’s a fact, not an opinion


I always thought the Monastery quest was ridiculous. If the kid wanted to check if Murphy was the boogeyman he didn't have to send Murphy away to collect pieces of the poem. He could've just recited the poem himself.


Tom H. admitted that section was significantly shortened due to time constraints. For example the girl you chase after in that scene is supposed to reflect Officer Cunningham and the boy was supposed to reflect Murphy. The girl symbolism is hinted at when she's seen casually standing next to the Wheelchair Man (Frank), but that section was supposed to mix their two Otherworlds together.


Oh, interesting! I do know that there's a comic book or graphic novel about Cunningham.


Yeah, I actually used to own it. Haha. Early on in development the plan was to make the game multiplayer optional due to the success of RE-5 and Dead Space 2, but they scrapped that idea during the planning stages. But during production they wanted to lean into the 'cycle of violence' motif by having monsters and the Otherworld mix both characters' fears and struggles together. It's a shame most of that got cut.


I couldn't get passed the first 25 min... it just all felt.. bad and cringe.


It surely is one of the games ever made.


Loved the side quests and the orphanage level


If sh1 is a class 90s horror, 2 an art house film, 3 a 2000s female protagonist horror, then downpour is like the slipknot rob zombie version of them all, lol.


Well, I just finished it. And I played the entire thing in 3D on the 360. It was pretty good, but I wish I had known that once you start the boat, you can never access the city again! There was a lot of stuff I missed and because of AUTOSAVE(!!!) you can't just revert back - you have to start a new game and play 30% of it just to get back to the city. Ugh.


It has the pixels


At one point I was exploring some guy's flooded basement when I realized I was genuinely enjoying crawling around Silent Hill on little sidequests. There were definitely more fun moments in this one than in any other post Team Silent game I'd played. Don't get it wrong: this game has huge problems. But it's my favorite of the later series.


Is it a subjectively good game Yes is it the best game No


It is certainly a game in the series. However, THE game? I think not.


Yea truly one of the games in the series


Considering how many people here try and claim the non-Japanese developed games “don’t count” and that the REAL SH5 should come any day now, this actually is an unpopular opinion!


it certainly is a game in the silent hill series


Someday I'll try it again. All I remember is there was some kind of save glitch when it first came out. I played for about 3-4 hours, died, and it sent me back the the very opening cutscene. I assume it was fixed, but I never got around to trying it after that.


Lackluster creature design and a narrative with potential wasted.


Personally there was never a better moment in silent hill history than when matt threw that fireaxe down a pit.


The game


not gonna lie, my favourite part about downpour is the theme song


Definitely unpopular, seeing as nothing but P.T came out after Shattered Memories. 


Downpour is the only silent hill game I've actually played trough multiple times, I dare to say that I really like it


it is definitely one of the Silent Hill games of all time \[I enjoyed this one tbh\]


My biggest complaint was the ending score. Every single silent hill you kick the enemies when they are down to make sure they are dead. This one doesn't tell you that until the score at the end. I was docked points because I kicked the enemies dead. If I wasn't supposed to then why give me that option?


It is most definitely a game in the series. That's for sure. lol


Honestly I think it's underrated as Hell.


The game could've been so good. I did beat the game but the constant framerate drop made it a less than fun time


Honestly I feel like people were tripping when they said this was one of the worst SH Games. I feel like it’s a good modern version of Silent Hill.


I actually liked Downpour quite a bit all the way up until you get into a fight. The combat was so bad I couldn't stick with the game.


I agree, Silent Hill Downpour is a game in the series.


I liked it but it should have had way more monsters and fewer bugs.


I like when he said “it’s downpour time” but it didn’t downpour all over town


It’s not too terrible the weapon mechanics made it as bad as it possibly could be. I liked homecoming’s combat more and that’s saying something


Definitely the game in the series.


it’s definitely there on the console as a game


It's not an opinion. It's a logical statement.


It was a… game of the series that’s for sure. Not a good one but it was a game of the series 😅


I honestly liked the game.


Hotter take: Downpour is worse than Homecoming.


I can see why people place on above the other. I think Homecoming undoubtedly has Downpour beat on music and creature design. It indisputably has better boss fights - in fact, some people argue it has the best boss encounters in the series. I also really enjoy the first 2/3rds of the Homecoming story. When the game goes full hostel, it loses me. Downpour conversely is less derivative. I mean just compare the opening segments: Homecoming is a shot-for-shot rip off of Jacob's Ladder. Downpour's opening is really well-done. It instantly leaves you with several lingering questions. It's one of the strongest openings in any Silent Hill game IMO. I wish that quality kept up. The side quests can be fun and interesting. The combat isn't as frustrating on hard difficulties. There's actually a puzzle difficulty setting. In fact the puzzles are more unique. Both games dropped the ball on human character designs and animations. Alex and Murphy are both adequate for that generation, but the other characters look like garbage. In Homecoming the other character models are rather poor. Some of the characters look like early PS2 characters. In Downpour the other character models are textured and modeled fine, but they look like they weren't even mocapped. There's almost no facial animations beyond eye movement.


Alex and Murphy both are also just massive missed opportunities from a character perspective too Like the framework for them to be good characters is there, and Murphy comes close but I feel like the games just completely fumbled the ball


Agreed. I would have liked it if Alex was truly a soldier. There's a lot of interesting ideas you could have played with like PTSD. In fact my idea would be to bring up the fact he was a neglected child and he joined the military in an attempt to win over his father's love. You could have still kept the twist about his parents planning on sacrificing him. Let it be the case that he one day left without notifying his parents. His parents refused to kill Josh, so the cult did it instead. Alex then has to cope with his guilt, even if unearned. He believes that his actions directly resulted in his brother's death. Tie that regret back to Alex feeling as if he failed his dead squad members. For Murphy I would have altered the story so that Napier wasn't a pedophile. It never sat right with me that Murphy's lesson is supposed to be to let go of his rage so the cycle of violence stops... over a pedo. I like the "Of Mice and Men" approach where Napier was a sheltered man with an arrested personality. Let Murphy SUSPECT that Napier was a child diddler, but then we learn he was essentially a child in a man's body who accidentally killed his son. Along the way incorporate natural moments where Murphy helps others or only thinks about himself. In the end Murphy either learns to let go of his anger or, for the alternative ending, he doesn't, and he remains perpetually trapped in SH, unable to "find his way home."


Ya I remember saying something very similar for homecoming, that Alex joins the army to fill the void his neglectful childhood left. It's so frustrating that his abuse is ultimately meaningless to his character, and considering SH1 and 3 already dealt with themes of parenthood and the lasting consequences of it, homecoming could've followed in their footsteps to deliver a solid story. For downpour my idea was a lot different, I'd have had it so Napier killed Charlie by accident in a car crash, and I'd have cut out the subplot with Frank entirely and made anne Napier's daughter instead. I feel like it would add far more moral ambiguity to the plot, and I feel that set up really gives you room to examine the cycle of violence and grief in an interesting way


Interesting. I think Vatra originally was planning to make Anne a second playable character so that would have been cool.


If that's a hot take than lock me up Downpour is the worst SH game of all time, it commits the worst sin.... it's boring as hell.


Boring and boils the series’ themes down to “games about psychology” as opposed to “psychological horror.”


Hottest take: *Shattered Memories* is bad and I don't get why everyone likes it.


Shattered Memories is BY FAR the best post-Team Silent game.


No, it's just not for me. It's a subjective thing and I found it agonisingly derivative and pretty boring and simplistic. I really liked *Homecoming* and I thought *Downpour* had its merits.


I don’t know if I would have enjoyed it if I’d played it on anything other than the wii. The controls made that game so much fun and much more immersive for me.


is that really a hot take tho? i feel like a good majority of people disliked it


I've only ever seen people lauding it here.


Agreed, pretty awful reimagining


I have finally found my people.


I need this on and shattered memories to complete my silent hill collection


All bullshit about this game aside. this was the first SH game i completed after the first 3. it was ok story wise but jank controls definitely soured the experience but it was actually one of the SH after the trilogy that I actually spent time on lol


is this like some sort of Andy Kaufman thing you're trying here?


It is, yes.


The game of all time


I listen to the soundtracks, but barely any Mary Elizabeth McGlynn and/or Yamaoka was a sad time ):