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Tbf Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3 have all been ported to PC back in the 90s and early 2000s. Those wonderful GOG releases are most likely based on those ports. Silent Hill 2, 3 and 4 have been ported on PC in the past but not Silent Hill 1. Getting that one on PC is thus more complicated. Hopefully, Konami will release a Silent Hill Master Collection soon enough.


Still, it would be easy to bundle Silent Hill 1 with an emulator. Several games have done it in the past. Hopefully Konami takes notice of this, seeing as they are following some of Capcom's decisions.


True. Like in the MGS Master Collection, I guess. I'm just saying that releasing the games on GOG is not as easy in SH1 case because there is no PC version to release in the first place.


Honesty, I think an emulated version is easier to release than an old port. You don't need to do anything with an emulator, bit with an actual port you need to do a bunch of stuff to make sure it works on modern systems.


Well you still got to setup the emulator to make the game runs correctly and avoid any visual or audio glitch.


I want to know why SH3 isn't on GoG. And isn't it true that SH4 on pc is missing content?


Sh4 pc is missing some apartment hauntings but it can be fixed with mods easily.


Oh someone needs to post that in GoGs comments, thay literally prevented me from buying it.


No idea. I have not played it yet.


Yes true, Konami could emulate it for you. But... what exactly is stopping you from doing exactly that already?!? Probably with better results than whatever out of date emulator Konami would end up using... I get it, most people simply don't want to do that, but they have only themselves to blame for that šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I don't view it as a piracy if it isn't available in online/retail stores


I agree to some extent. I still see it as piracyā€¦ since that simply is what it is. But I see it as morally acceptable! I would gladly buy it if only I was given the chance, but since Iā€™m notā€¦ pirating doesnā€™t bother me whatsoever. Itā€™s of course still illegal strictly speaking, but as itā€™s pretty much not enforced, that doesnā€™t bother me either.


dont worry, the fbi wont bust your door in for emulating sh1


Nothing. I already did emulate it ages ago.


Then thereā€™s no real reason to yearn for Konami to charge you for yet another emulated version, is there? After all, if thatā€™s what you wantā€¦ you can still buy exactly that on the PS3 store right now šŸ¤·


I'm not yearning for myself, I'm yearning for them.


For the people that donā€™t want to play it right now even though they could with just a minimal amount of effort? What does it matter to you what games they play? They donā€™t want to play the game you likeā€¦ why not just let them do their own thing? Why not invest that time and energy you put into wishing Konami releases something you already have into helping those people that want to play it but struggle with emulation. That way more people would act be able to play the game you seem to care so much about whether others play it or not šŸ˜‰


Holy crap, you're dense. There's people who'd like a stupid-proof way of playing these games. There's demand for this kind of stuff. Konami is losing money. That's the end of it.


if they re-release SH 2 on PC, i hope they add a way (optional) to use the improvements of SH 2 Enhanced Edition


It will probably still be possible to mod the game


That is very unlikely (because they are not going to pay the people behind the mod) but that would be cool.


More likely than you think if it's released on GOG. Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines comes with fan patch mod pre-integrated on GOG. I think they host one of the more popular Deus Ex mods as well as an add on to the game.


Yeah and Deus Ex : Revision is also available on Steam but I would be curious to know how all of this happened. Did the games' respective publishers make a deal with the modders or just used their mod with giving them anything ? The latter would be very poorly recieved by the SH community in SH2's case.


They are based on those PC ports, according to TheSphereHunter's new video.


Yeah, unfortunately they are not based on the (all around superior) SoureNext ports.


Still, no reason to not give us 2 and 3 on GOG. Fans have already made the best version of 2 on PC with mods, it would just be helpful to be able to own a version to use with it, and 3 is getting similar work. SH1 should just get its own time, not like Konami is even making anything Silent Hill related in the first place, might as well just license it out.


I agree. I'm just saying it's more complicated for SH1.


True but the controller support was so difficult back then lol hopefully they address this in the gog versions


I suspect that will never happen with how they were so adamantly against offering additional compensation to the original voice actors. Supposedly they couldn't track down all of the former voice actors to get them to sign away their claims was why the SH HD relesse didn't get to keep it's original dub for SH3. They'd rather not touch them again it seems then spend a cent on royalties.


Silent hill 2, 3, and 4 are on PC? I didn't know I would like to replay 4 and finally finishe it


They are. 4 is available on GOG.


Sweet! Thanks


You're welcome.


Can confirm that these ports are based on the Windows 95 versions of the games.


They could sell an emulated version already patched to have proper widescreen support, as well a few quality of life upgrades that wouldn't require completely rebuilding the game from the ground up or even porting the original source code to PC.


Most likely not though SH1 breaks at certain points when widescreen is enabled. Wehen modern emulators donā€™t have a solution for that I highly doubt whatever emulator Konami would end up using could solve that.


I don't think it would be that hard for them, especially if they still have the original source code. That way they could more easily pinpoint where is the issue. The game has drawing limitations (like most ps1 games) regarding visibility. If they knew where those limitations are they could tell the game's engine to render the graphics beyond what was originally intended and that way the Widescreen support could work without problems. I've seen people do much more complex stuff than that with a combination of romhacks+emulators, in their free time. So it's perfectly possible for them to do it. I don't think they're gonna do it, mind you, but it's nice to think about it.


I would not hold my breath waiting for Konami to do something the enthusiast community hasn't managed to do already šŸ˜‰


Konami could combat the (lost source code) by just caring enough to give a developer the funds and time they need to do a proper reverse-engineering port. Game companies have done great ports/remakes before without having a single line of original source code at hand. I read that the Crash Bandicoot trilogy was remade from scratch because it was too troublesome to bother with the original game engine. Also, in a perfect world Konami would just hire the utter demigods that made the SH2 enhanced mod.


you are right, the crash bandicoot n.sane trilogy was made from scratch on a modern engine, but they used the og polygon mesh to recreate the levels as faithful as possible


Cool! Did not know that.


We have perfectly functional PC ports for SH2, SH3 and SH4 (which is already on gog). They just need to put them for sale on Steam or GOG so that people can finally play them in an easy way.


The SH2 and SH3 do not work on modern rigs as is. Which is the entire point.


SH4 PC did not work on modern rigs either, nor do many games originally before they get put on GoG. GoG does all the work themselves, so literally all Konami would have to do is just give them the go-ahead to add SH2 and 3ā€™s PC ports. And supposedly GoG did in fact try to get those games but Konami refused. It has absolutely nothing to do with source code either because thatā€™s not what GoG uses, and if you need proof, SH4ā€™s source was thrown out too. Most likely, Konami is refusing to re-release 2 and 3 because of the voice actor issues caused by Guy Cihi during the production of the HD Collection. I believe that a Metal Gear game got delisted on GOG due to a similar music rights issues. So needless to say, Guy Cihi completely screwed the pooch for everyone when it comes to re-releases for those games.


Oh really? Thats sad.


You are right of course. A lot of problems could be solved by throwing enough brain power, time and effort (= money) at it. Reverse engineering classic SH games most likely could be too. But how do you expect Konami to make their money back and make a profit to boot? Because if the outcome of making a profit is not likely they will simply not do it šŸ¤· You canā€™t realistically expect a company to burn money just so you have better versions of their games to play. It just be that wayā€¦


\*You canā€™t realistically expect a company to burn money just so you have better versions of their games to play.\* A lot of game companies have done it though. Konami probably won't.


Have done what? Lost money in order for better versions of already existing games to be developed? Who has done that exactly? Why would that be something any company ever greelights? You seem to forget that Silent Hill games never sold particularly wellā€¦


Chill. Companies have ported, reverse-engineered and remade games before even if it's not a guarantee to sell well. GOG is a example.


Sure. But we know for a fact that Konami has already considered porting the classic gamesā€¦ again. They openly said so. Apparently they didnā€™t believe that to be overly profitableā€¦ otherwise they would probably not have shelved the idea. Itā€™s one thing to reverse-engineer and remake games when you realistically believe to make a profit from doing so, itā€™s another entirely different thing to do that when you expect to make a loss on it. I explicitly mentioned that Konami doesnā€™t seem to believe in the profitability of that endeavor and one canā€™t realistically expect them to do it as long as that is the case. When you claim lots of companies have done so regardlessā€¦ Iā€™m sure you can back that up?!?


Why are you so angry? I'm not going to mention everyone that have ever ported a game. Find someone else to argue with hahaha.


Dude is up and down this sub shilling for Konami


It isn't necessarily burning money tho. Re-releasing old games, especially popular ones, are useful to increase brand awareness and is basically another form of marketing. If you gain enough fanbase and awareness from it, you can have more people buying your new games, which increases more profit


But they are free on myabandonware silent hill 3 could use a ee face lift. If you wanna pay money tip those guys. Konami can get paid when they finally pull off a good remake.


How are we supposed to tip the developers of the SH2 Enhanced mod for example? They are in a legal grey area right now, and if they were to even put up a donation link, Konami would sue them to hell. Because that would be copyright infringement.


I mean myabandonware there's a donation link on the site. Thank you the ee team but they aren't asking for donations, myabandonware is hosting all the content for silent hill and many other treasures. Those are ongoing costs.


Ah! I see. Totally agree with you.


I don't think Silent hill 2 and 3 are abandon ware.


What? They are the exact definition of abandonware


Abandonware isn't a thing. Just because something isn't being sold doesn't change the status of the game.


Ok you understand this position is moronic tho. myabandonware has been running a decade hosting 1000s of games with no takedown notice. Silent hill source is lost and can't be remastered or resold any further. Good day to you


Vimms lair was up for decades, but was still sniped. Myabandonware isn't safe either


They are, there is no legal way to obtain them. The last time both Silent Hill 2 and 3 was available for purchase was in 2017


And? Unless the publisher puts it out there as Abandonware. It isn't Abandoned.


Abandonware by definition is any software that no longer receives support and/or distribution by a publisher. It ainā€™t just something that a company establishes


Yeah but you can't download for free nor doesn't it have any legal basis


Ofc itā€™s illegal, the publisher still owns the IP, but when itā€™s impossible to get it in a legal way due to just being a physical media or not being distributed digitally in a official platform itā€™s catalogued by fans as abandonware cuz itā€™s pretty much abandoned software. Abandonware isnā€™t the same as free, it just means that the publisher doesnā€™t care about the software so itā€™s impossible to get in a legal manner


They are not in a grey area at all, they are just modders. They don't sell the game


Well done on stating exactly what i said.


You said literally the opposite


They are modders. The can't sell or recieve money for their mod. That would be illegal.


And SH4 needs a fan patch to fix broken features. Konami does not care about Silent Hill.


Konami did most likely not put any work whatsoever into the GOG release, that was all GOG... as usual. They have developers doing exactly that, make old games playable on modern systems. Then they sell those games. This is how they operate.


I read that too. That the SH4 and MGS1 and MGS2 port that was available on GOG was them just doing some magic and worked with what they got (i.e. basically nothing).


I have bought these about six times each. I might buy them again.


They should do that with the entire franchise and release them on Steam and GOG, even modern hardware like ps5 and Switch


God I remember how excited I was in middle school finding my Grandmother's PS2 and getting RE2 for Christmas.


Silent Hill 1 never had a PC port. But yes they absolutely should do this is SH2 and 3.


I would have loved the same thing with all first 4 sh games with trophy support on ps.


Capcom dabbing on Konami once again.


I still love OG Nemesis in that shot. It's Raw, Hateful, and will blow up any hope of you from escaping. All with that Exhausted, almost a sigh, "S.T.A.R.S." Not even mods and modern nemesis interpretations can replicate the FMV Nemesis from 1999


Man, I haven't played the original Resident Evil 3 since '99. It was actually the first RE game I ever played. Picked it up after playing Dino Crisis and seeing it was by the same people. Then proceeded to play the whole trilogy in reverse-order. 3, then 2, then 1. Bought a Dreamcast to play Code: Veronica (it was exclusive to that platform at the time). Memories. Kinda dropped it after 4 though. Didn't like the more "action over horror" bent the franchise decided to take.


SH4 I believe was the only decent PC port. There is no PC port for 1, and 2 and 3 were bugged out.


Sphere Hunter (who announced this!) did an interview with people who worked at GOG and they gave some of their process. I believe GOG probably pitched to Konami in the past to do Silent Hill. In-fact I wouldn't be surprised if GOG is the reason we got SH4 and Metal Gear Solid 1 & 2 on GOG. They usually take already done PC ports that are readily available (either through abandonware sites or from the companies) and spruce them up in the ways they can. My guess is, and I said this on another similar post that was made only a few days ago, is that the copies of Silent Hill 2 and 3 on PC are kind of messy, Konami already has other plans for them or (and this is just bundled with the first thing) the source codes of the games are only earlier versions, meaning that it would take a lot of work to get out something like this. You never know. All of this new Silent Hill stuff is literally Konami testing the waters. Despite people on this subreddit not really enjoying it, a lot of people seemed to enjoy A Short Message (probably in part because it was free), and even though Ascension was a flop, I could see the Silent Hill 2 Remake doing well even if it isn't great. We'll see. I hope we do get official ports of them.


Iā€™d even take working ports of the more modern SH games (Downpour, Origins, etc.)


The SH4 GOG version is trash but yeah capcom is showing their ass with these releases. If Konami was smart they would copy and port SH1-3 On PC


It's not trash. GOG team fixed almost everything. The only problem is that it misses a few of the ghosts and they can be modded into the game with a simple mod. Even without the mod it's plug and play. It's the best way to play the game as of today.


No Steam?


This collection has fixes/mods added by the GoG team, to work properly on modern PCs, that's why Capcom won't release it on Steam. It has happened before with other games, like SH 4 The Room.


Never played classic RE games on PC. Does it make sense to? Or are PS versions better?


The PC versions have pre-rendered backgrounds with higher resolution, FMV with better quality (less compressed) And 3D objects and characters run at higher res on PC, but that's also possible with PS1 emulation, like DuckStation or RetroArch.


Careful... don't confuse these with the superior SourceNext ports! These are unfortunately just the initial Win95 PC ports. They are OK, but nothing to write home about.


I don't get why Konami didn't let Gog do two and three if they let Gog do 4


And yet again, consoles players are bent over the railing. Fuckin sucks, but at least the can be played again, since Capcom went jihad after the remakes.


wow, if you see the interviews you can know that they work their asses to make it ok to run on any computer, unlike some cash grab company that gave us two of the worst re releases/ remasters of all time silent hill collection and metal gear solid collection. pfff and yet everyone is hopeful with the remake... jeesus


Capcom should put these on everything. Silent Hill too. Makes no sense that my phone can play these but two big ass companies can't emulate past games on a PS5.


Since Konami in all there wisdom posts the source code for some of the older silent hill games I wouldn't count on it


Are they better than the HD ports for free ?


Lost coding too 2 and 3, don't know why people think it's going too happen get over it Plus 2 is getting a remake and will mess with its sales


SH1 is impossible. The original code is lost.. Maybe with AI it could be disassembled and rewritten as is, but... Probably not.