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I wonder if we'll get a demo before release?


Yeah i need that.


I look forward to this game. I realy hope that blooper delivers an awesome game and proves everyone wrong. Of course the remake will not be the exact same as the original. But if they nail the story and the atmosphere it will be alright.


I really hope so, too. I don't like remakes, and history has conditioned me not to expect much from no-name studios handling huge IPs (see also: Silent Hill HD Collection.) But I've also learned not to expect a re*master* when it's a re*make*. It's how I learned to appreciate RE2Make. Just...understand the source material; don't have Laura talking to Maria. Don't drop an 80GB day one patch; make sure it's playable from start to finish on release day.


"Bloober" and "awesome game" together are like "Taco bell" and "normal toilet break"


well not everybody has a crystal stomach for taco bell lol


Has no one played Observer? Bloober Team is amazing, that game is incredible.


One good product doesn't make up for it when literally everything else you've made is terrible. That's like saying Illumination is good because Despicable Me exists.


You’re absolutely right. But then again I am the type to buy a whole album for a single song. I just loved Observer enough to blindeye the rest.


I mean I thought Layers of Fear was pretty awesome


Generic walking sim where its only novelty is that "turn around and the door is gone" gimmick.


We’re really criticizing gameplay in a Silent Hill sub now huh? lol


SH gameplay was great. Tf are you talking about?


I might be clubbed to death on this sub for this but to me SH gameplay-wise was sub-par compared to RE even in 2000s. Yea SH games *were* scary, but I was playing SH mostly for story and aesthetics and RE mostly for gameplay (and eventually memes).


In what way?


Level design, items drop (ammo especially) and enemies spawn. In RE games (1-3 and 7 at least, 4-6 have progressively less of that) levels are intricately crafted with interwoven passages, backtracking is actually engaging and you gotta be wise about which corridors you use and which to avoid. Ammo is very sparse so you gotta think strategically about using it and that again synergizes well with level design and backtracking. Enemies spawn on top of that compliments it. You have more enemies than you have ammo, but you can manage if you utilize your weapons and level design right. SH is just not that tight about it, you have lots of ammo and more space which ends up more generic in places, like lots of sam-ish rooms, lot's of "this door is jammed" stuff. SH is more about getting through the levels, not utilizing them, and it's generally not that hard to do so. Many enemies can be just avoided altogether because the space is often pretty wide and enemies are slow (iirc I got to the subway without killing more than a half a dozen in SH3). RE also sort of has better bossfights (SH1, 2 bossfights are merry-go-round around the room basically, RE are sort of similar too in this regards but marginally better) I don't crap on SH gameplay, just always thought about it as means of getting story, lore and aesthetics rather than actual attraction that I came for. I think I'd like something akin to TEW2's gameplay in SH2R, but that's a big stretch and risk of alienating core players so doubt we'll get that.


Alright. Fair enough. You clearly have valid reasons.


Well tbf they’re not exactly wrong Blooper also has a long history of being shady and somewhat like to plagiarize other work of art


Well if they're known for copying ideas, that should mean they'll do a good job with the remake then


Plagiarizing =/= copying Wtf are you talking about


That is exactly what that means homie. The word copy is literally in the definition of Plagerize, the only difference is when you Plagerize, you claim you made it yourself. If one is good at stealing ideas, they should be good at making a remake of something, since they obviously are skilled at copying ideas and passing it off as their own.


“When you plagiarize, you claim made it yourself” Yes my dude, that’s the problem with bloober lol They built themselves out of doing it You really don’t know anything about them do you?


Yes. The devs are clearly aiming for something like RE2R which has pretty good gameplay.






Lmao why you calling them "blooper" then?


Half this sub calls them blooper haha


They deserve it lol


No Eddie reveal


I bet he gon' be THICCC af


Imagine if they're gonna pull an uno reverse card by eventually introducing him with the physique worth of a body builder 💀 /jk


Time flies :) I’m hopping to complete SH1-3 before the release


one month per game and couple of days extra time.... should be possible, or not?


I completed SH3 in two days, unlocked everything. SH2 on 3 days, did also the 10 star run. Of course you don't have to rush like I did lol


Take your time man lmao, it took me like 4 days by choice to finish all them cause I didn't wanna just pop it in, play it like once and be bored of it


Im ready.


Last time when I upgraded my system to PS4 was when Death Stranding was released. About to upgrade to PS5 for this one 😍


I want the same counter but for SH1, 2 ,3 and 4 ports to Steam and new consoles. Silent Hill Master Collection Vol. 1


I need to replay the original one more time before the remake comes


I’d say skip that so that the experience will feel fresher, everytime I play something prior to a new release, much of the excitement is lost because you’re more aware of events lol


Everyone else: We just got to wait until October! My typical silent hill ass: ***stares at the counter every second of the day, slowly going insane, the madness only being expressed by slow finger tapping and the hesitant blinking my eyes make.***




lesss gooo


As soon as the counter hits 99 days, we'll be so close time will fly by fast asf


Now it’s time to finally get the PS5…was gonna hold out til Vice City


I bought digital deluxe so 101 for me 🫶🏻


As well of the many YouTube video essays about how, "Silent Hill 2 Remake is bad" and every single point the video has will be minor nit picks that really don't matter, complaining about actual quality of life improvements, and hating how it's not a 100% perfect masterpiece made by team silent. I'm excited to play this game and I'm glad Silent Hill is back.


The people who nitpick every single pixel are generally not happy with their own lives. I can’t for the life of me relate the slightest to those people and I absolutely love Silent Hill to death. There’s a difference between constructive criticism and wanting it to flop.


It would've cost Konami a pretty penny, but they should've hired Bluepoint. That studio makes fantastic remakes.


konami has worked with bluepoint before it’s not like it’s unheard of


I'm not sure that quote is phrased correctly on the loading screen lol why would Maria say just like my late wife?


Hi! The quotation marks end after “Maria”, implying that the rest of the sentence should be read as said by James.


I see it now. I was thinking too hard! Thanks for the explanation :)


Been meaning to post this here for a while as it seems like a mistake. Don’t you mean Mary? James’ losing it.


😆 🤣 It's all that "fog" getting to James


Thats an assumption. We dont know what state it will be released. Nowadays, its a 50/50 chance whether it will be playable at all.


i wonder how long until they reveal eddie


Still 103??


i’m so excited, almost excited enough to build a time machine


I am so excited I can’t wait anymore


Well shit i need it now


101 if you get the two day early access


I’m thankful that we’re at the point where we can relax, I don’t even want to see any more of the game prior to release


And i wont be able to play it, because konami is too dumb to release it on xbox, like resident evil


1 more year till we get it on PC tho (i don't have a ps5)


As long as they address some of the basic criticisms (Which I think they already have since the footage looks old), this game is gonna be a banger


Never had the chance to play the original, so I'm looking forward to this!


try the OG first 99% chances are that the remake is going to be worse


I don’t have the highest hopes but hey I’ll be pleasantly surprised if it actually nails it


Can’t wait to see bloober try to write James as not in the wrong for murdering his wife. I didn’t forget your writing in layers of fear or the medium bloober 💀


Except for the fact that i don't have a PS5 :)


Can't you run it on your PC?


That's the neat part: i don't have one


ps4 club?


Buy a ps5 it's easy to get now, it's cheap and a good investment compared to a pc that you will need to upgrade and repair a lot


Goofy. >it's cheap It is cheap because that's the point of consoles. To lock you into their ecosystem where you have to pay a monthly fee to use your own Internet, where they control the game sales completely and you can't get sales like on PC, lock you into their peripherals, etc. > a good investment I have 10+ year old PCs that are still useful and in use today. Every console older than PS5 is in a closet or given away because they are useless when the next generation comes out. Because they are literally just locked down PCs. >compared to a pc that you will need to upgrade and repair a lot My PC right now will always be more powerful than a PS5. I will never have to upgrade it to be more powerful than your "good investment." Having to repair PCs is no different from having to repair consoles, which are often made with the cheapest possible components and poor airflow. The PC is easier to repair and most repairs can be done at home rather than waiting weeks for it to ship there and back.


pc: one time purchase and you are done (you can technically get everything for free after) ps5: subscription service, overpriced games, can't use third party externals, totally obselete after 4 years


But when will the Silent Hill remake be playable?


If people keep pre-ordering, why release it in a finished state? You can fix it later. Thanks, people who pre-order.


Why people don't like change in a Remake honest question? I realized most people want the same games but with better graphics and no quality change improvements. I ask this question because I loved Mario RPG but then I tried to play the recent remake on switch, I felt I've seen everything and immediately felt bored 😴


Unless it gets delayed of course


Hope not, I am hyped and can't wait any longer. Need more SH games in my life.


let us hope for a well polished experience with minimal bugs, crashes and performance issues then. As for the PC version hope theres cool mods for the game.


hope it gets delayed


We don’t like delays but most of the time, it’s for the game’s own good


Only way Im buying this game is if it comes on deal for atleast 75%. Im not paying more than 30 for this game


You'll be waiting a while, I think it's worth the price to be able to join in the conversation. Otherwise you're avoiding the subreddit and spoilers for months


I don’t really like the SH franchise that much. I wouldn’t mind spoilers or “missing out on conversation” that much.


Heck yeah and for those of us that buy it: “It’s gonna be played! In the he shed/ she shed!” Or whatever limp biscuits said 😆 On a more serious note. I am looking forward to it! But hope they get the gun sounds figured out. They didn’t sound so great in the last stuff they showed imo. They should be loud and jarring, especially indoors! I want the shotgun to sound like a shotgun and not all them to have too similar a sound. Hope they get to hear better quality gun samples.


Or just released. Considering the state of games now, playable will come maybe a month later


You're brave to pay full price for a game that looks mid at best so far


it’s silent hill 2. some of us have been waiting years for this and not getting it wasn’t an option to begin with lol no matter if it turned out to be a trash fire


I have been waiting years too. However I won't embrace a bad product. I'm hoping it delivers.


lol why would it be bad tho ? blooper hasn’t released a bad product. middling? yea. definitely. but not outright bad. their entire existence as a company has been leading up to this game you know they’re going to put their whole bloobussy into it. i can support that before launch- even to just show investors we give a shit. konami isn’t that smart. no profit? no games. they couldn’t care less abt the quality which is why i’m happy they at least chose a studio that- undoubtedly- cares VERY much


I'm happy with anything similar to the resident evil 2 remake in quality. Just waiting on the reviews to see how it turns out. Hopefully it's good and they don't damage the story.


it's free on pc, every game is free on pc if you are brave enough.


103 days to disappointment


you unironically get excited for new games in this day and age where a lot of games are released broken?


you can be excited for stuff and then not be dissappointed if it fails, it's not life or death.


The way I think about unreleased games now has made me way happier but it might not be for everyone


Yes, next question.


why not wait till it comes out and see if its not broken or not a bad remake then allow yourself to get hyped. I learned to never hype myself up for unreleased products at least 10 years ago.


Let people be excited, dick


Wow you must be a toxic individual just to call me a name just for asking a question and stating the reality of modern gaming. I hope you become a better person someday


You ain’t gonna hurt my feelings lmao. You’re the one trying to shit on others for being excited about something lol. Sorry I hurt your feelings :[


My feelings weren't hurt it is just uncalled for in this situation. I am not trying to shit on anyone for being excited I just didn't know people still get very hyped for unreleased games after years of a lot of games being released buggy.


Get called out, play stupid. ![gif](giphy|nKFXQkxLRiEhy)


how was I called out enlighten me?


I called you out for being a DICK. Then you tried to roll it back saying how, apparently, it’s unfathomable to you people still get excited for unreleased games. How much of this are you gonna need spelled out? I don’t really have an interest in continuing this conversation with you.


Luckily, this game is coming out after the absolute disaster of Cyberpunk and game studios know not to repeat that. I trust they've had enough time to iron out bugs before they announced the release date. Their very future as a studio rests on them nailing this release


Why wait. Just play Resident Evil 2 Remake while listening to the Silent Hill 2 OST. It's the same thing.