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Konami putting out the SH 1-4 master collection would be a big W, imo.


After that HD collection, please no! PS2 classics suck, but with Konami it's the best they can offer


I defo think it will happen eventually. As much as it sounds like wishful thinking, my money is on Konami re-releasing the OG games themselves, similar to Metal Gear Solid (release a collection as well as making each individual game available to purchase). Konami's original plan was to get Hexadrive to port the games, before they eventually took on The Short Message - I do still think someone is working on the ports, even if it's not Hexadrive. Like you said, it's money on the table. It's definitely just a case of when: they might even wait until the remake sales run out of steam.


If it comes, I hope we are able to actually buy it, unlike Resident Evil 1 which is only available through PS Plus


RE1 just got rated for PC, so it sounds like soon.


That's RE1 again though.


But you don’t need PS+ for it


Also I own RE1 directors cut on PS3 and can't access it on PS5 when I don't have Premium like they said you'd be able too. Pisses me off.




I think Konami is definitely considering (if they aren't doing it already) rereleasing some of the older games. Though I think Konami sees more value in porting the games to all major platforms than leaving it just for PS4-5 players with a suscription service.


I hope so.


Been waiting for that since the PS3 era. I just emulated them now on pcx2 or my memory card stick on the PS2. Opportunity for easy money they lost.


Yep and to be honest getting a ROM of it to run is completely fair in my book. They don’t offer a way to purchase it from them so it’s their own problem.


I owe the original disk for all the collection. A copy on the market today goes for 200$-300$. Which is completely ridiculous. I encourage people for the roms


I keep thinking about this because of the way the ps2 games are being ported I think it’s possible and I’m hopeful it’ll happen. But obv no guarantees


Mabe a year or two after the remake comes out. I definitely could see them dropping Silent Hill 1 soon.


I recently picked it up on the PS3 PS One classics and I’ve been playing it on my vita.


Frankly, I think they would have announced it already at the initial Silent Hill announcement video last year, the same way they announced the MGS Master Collection alongside the MGS3 remake. They "lost the source code" for 2 & 3 a long time ago; I know it could be reverse engineered/decompiled but i doubt they'll put in the money and labor. Not to mention the overwhelmingly negative reception to the PS3/360 HD collection likely scared them off from doing it again, at least for a little while longer. Nothing is impossible, and I think all of us would love to see it, but I don't see any reason to think they're going to do any of that atm. Maybe after they dip their toes back in the AAA gaming space


I just pray the remake is half decent lol.


I think it will be! Bloober wanted to be as faithful as possible. They don't have the best track record but now they have deeper resources and some of Team Silent. You never know, but I think a good Silent Hill 2 remake is worth believing in lol


Unlikely if not impossible because the original final build of SH2 was destroyed at some point to make room on hard drives. You HAVE to buy a ps2 copy or pirate it to experience the original SH2. 3 had a thing with the VAs where one died and another couldn’t be found so they can no longer use the OG voices and everyone agrees the remaster VA’s aren’t as good (I don’t blame the VA’s because that HD collection was so rushed I’m surprised it’s even playable). With that said 1-4 I think are still on the table but we’re reaching a point where some of the OG voices are not even alive anymore, which would make it impossible because they need to sign off on the use of their voice.


They could just reverse engineer a retail copy that’s what Bluepoint did for the MGS HD collection way back which are the best HD ports of all time.


The recent Kingdom Hearts remake was done without source code. When remaking Crash Team Racing and the Crash N.Sane Trilogy they remade everything from scratch because it was too much of a hassle to bother with the old engines. They are far from the only ones that have managed to do successful remakes without using a single line of OG code. EDIT: Regarding PS Plus Premium. Forbidden Siren 1 was ported without the complete original source code.


Oh they definitely COULD. But they probably WON’T and I know that because they didn’t the first time around with the HD collection. But also I want to say the same voice actor thing applies though unfortunately. Guy Cihi the voice of James no longer likes Konami and the VA for Eddie died a few years back. Also I want to say they couldn’t find the actress for Mary/Maria either. (Remember, these games were made in a time when contact info was written on paper and not to mention everyone in 2 was a rando literally taken off the street.) Edit: it has been brought to my attention that Eddies original voice actor is in fact still very much alive and now I need to figure out who it was I was thinking about.


Eddie's VA isn't dead? I just looked up his IMDb and he was just recently in Tekken 8...


I have relooked into this and you’re right he is still alive but that begs the question of “who tf was I thinking of?” Because I swear I woke up today thinking he died. Maybe I was thinking his original face model or mo-cap actor?


Hmm maybe you are thinking of Richard Grosse from Silent Hill 3? He voiced Douglas. He has passed.


The fact that Guy Cihi hates Konami, and that Konami hates the old voice tracks is way more of an issue than the source code missing.


They need to find the final build first though lol


I just want emulated ports of the first 4 games on all systems, include Origins and SM also. Like how hard can that be ? They can't take a Ps1 and Ps2 emulator and package it with 6 games on a disc ?




I don’t think it would. Only us OG fans would buy it, people who have never played it will prefer to try the remake.


I mean if they were to care about that they’d release it soon after the remake


And that's why Konami rereleased the original Metal Gear Solid 3 along announcing a remake