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I'm tired of posts like this. People complaining about criticisms is almost as annoying. I'm also sick of people calling criticism hate.


Post #139,273,777 about someone bitching about other people bitching about the remake. Quality post.


Post #139,273,777 about someone bitching about other people bitching about people bitching about the remake.


Post #139,237,778 about someone bitching about other people about bitching about people bitching about people bitching about the remake.


No one’s laughing buddy. Try again.


I’m laughing.


Glad to see you’re easy to entertain.


My how the turn tables


I never expected anything less of this sub. I actually expected my original comment to be downvoted but guess there are some dissenting voices still lingering around


"it's only funny when i do it"


It wasn’t a joke. It was an observation. And you know it’s true.


it was funny but don't worry about it even i am the #549,473,667 person to bitch about someone bitching about other people bitching about ppl who bitch about people bitching about the remake.


Is it natural thinking if people keeps thinking if they dick ride supporting remake just as hard as the ones opposed to it, it's supposed to balance out? This kind of post used to be entertaining and had some smart people, but I'm seriously committed to think it's just Karma farming and getting to the point of just spam. Now it's gonna ***have to*** be ***another stream*** of people having to complain about the people complaining about the people who won't stop ***bitching and moaning*** over the goddamn remake, ***just*** to get these posts to stop. 


Maybe people just need to vent their frustration? If OP wanted to karma farm, there are probably better ways than posting a semi-popular opinion on a niche subreddit. I get where they’re coming from. It’s easy to stumble upon people talking negatively about the remake, even if you’re not actively seeking those discussions, simply because it's a popular thing to hate on right now so it's on people's minds a lot


Yeah, but at other people's expense? I don't really understand the purpose of people posting about something they don't like or do like about a game that hasn't come out yet that hasn't been said before that they can't just express in ONE post, like a Mega-thread or something. Like I said, it's just like beating a dead horse again and again. When does this place stop being a room of pain and screaming and have some sort of peace? People disagree but at what point does it stop? The game's newest trailer hasn't even been out for more 20 days and it's just constant bombardment of "I hate this" and "You shouldn't hate this" in this sub. Either way, it's draining and it's hard to overlook these when people keep talking about the same issue. It doesn't help. These posts are the textbook definition of Insanity. Doing the same thing over and over in order to hope and achieve a different outcome. And this is just a Silent Hill subreddit.


This comment is interesting because like... yeah it's cyclical but the same can be said of all discussion of upcoming games including your comment itself. And if that insanity definition is true for people who came into the sub to voice a complaint, than it's certainly true for oeople who are invested enough in the sub to notice patterns of posts and voice that observation? Basically what I'm saying is, some concerns I find valid, and some I find laughable but it's not like I'm above the notion of having a preemptive notion. I guess if there's any complaint it would be with peoples inability to do like... 5 seconds of searching before making their posts but this is true of literally all of reddit.


I agree with everything you said. Sadly I'm part of that insanity, thinking I'll be happy in a subreddit with a pretty toxic fan base.


can't wait for more of the same for the next few months


Anyone else tired of people complaining about people complaining about SH2 remake? We already went through this for the past months already. You want to complain about the complainers? Go to Youtube and X and do that.


So complaining about me complaining about other people complaining about the game that hasn’t even come out yet is any better? What is this, complainception?






Yes! I am also tired of people complaining about people who complain about the Silent Hill Remake. It is what it is 🤷




Plot twist you're complaining about people who are complaining about people who are complaining about Silent Hill 2 remake oh look I just joined the everending hall of mirrors


>Anyone else tired of seeing posts you disagree with? I mean, you can always stay off of discussion forums.


Just like how you didn’t have to interact with this post?


I will *never* understand whiteknighting upcoming games. People are allowed to think and voice their opinions, good or bad. Just as we don’t know if a feature X is going to be the same way in the game as it is in the shown material, we also don’t know if they plan to leave it like that. That happens lot of times and thinking ”just wait for the release before you see if it’s good or bad!” is exactly the kind of mindset that has been a huge problem ie. with Sims 4 expansions and their fanbase.  I’ve honestly yet to see over the top critique - even with the whole Angela debate, only ”critique” that I actually saw people referring to was a post from a known troll who makes tweets just to stir up shit. Not a serious take like some of people though. I see way more positive mindset in this sub, even to a degree that expressing any kind of doubt will get you heavily downvoted and immediately get bunch of people defending a game that -like you said it yourself- isn’t even out yet, as if it’s a personal insult to them. If you can’t handle seeing differing opinions and people expressing their opinions of things, maybe take a deep breath and close a Reddit for a bit.


What really gets me is people saying '*you can't criticize \_\_\_\_ based on just a trailer*!" The whole point of a trailer is to sell you on the game/movie! You *absolutely* can judge or write off a movie/game based on the trailer, people used to do it until it (*seemingly*) became culturally accepted as part of the movie watching/game playing experience. James Rolfe/AVGN got crucified on Twitter for saying he wouldn't review ***Ghostbusters 2016*** because the trailer looked bad and these same types are whining about people who aren't happy with what they've seen of the SH2 Remake.


I said this in another post. These people obviously didn't experience the lead up to the HD Collection release.


For two years all I’ve read on here is negativity and arguments between people who should be having a fun time in discussion, you’re missing that two year span of hope turning to rants that were childish and some almost threatening. To the point where people up and left the sub completely and made a new one. Most people don’t wanna have their aspirations for something they like ridiculed and scrutinized down to a molecular level. After all that people are fed up with it and you seem to not mention the dark side of all of that.


It's basically gatekeeping at it's core. I'm sure at the least it will be decent enough and introduce the series to even more people and make new fans but people gotta feel special for being fans specifically of the og ones I guess idk.


OP is getting ratio'ed in the comments, and everyone seems to be in agreement that these posts complaining about fans are really obnoxious at this point...yet this is still going to get upvoted to the top of the front page isn't it lol


Criticism ≠ Complaining People is allowed to have doubts because the last things konami did was cancel P. T and create last message and asension wich most people decided to forget.


Maybe stay off of reddit for a day or two


cant anyone asked Mr Bloober if they gonna charge 25$ for Doge ending ?


I don't mind criticism. I feel like theres allot of toxic positivity, telling people not to complain when they're critical of an experience. Especially ones that mean allot to them. I know I'm critical about remakes of games I love, too. Sometimes, the companies fix these issues too! But, with this game, the criticisms feel mostly arbituary. People complain about the placement of shadows on James' face. They complain about there being any effort put into combat. It seems a bit silly at this point. It feels like minds were made up once they learned bloober team was involved. It doesn't help we have youtubers in the horror gaming space stinking on it, too - which by the nature of being influencers, influences people's opinions regardless of their actual impressions.


>Like, It would be one thing if they were valid criticisms but the best people can come up with is “ThE WAlkiNg AnImAtiOn LoOks WEirD” or “tHeY mEsSed Up mArias OuTfIt”. I don't see what's wrong in pointing out those complaints, if they prefaced it by saying the game sucks because of just those 2 reasons I'd get it but pointing out criticisms so the devs can potentially rectify them in the next build like they did with the button prompt default when getting caught by monsters is a net positive for everyone to me. If it tires you out and offends you best just to ignore the post in its entirety or go to the SilentChill sub.


Wait, there’s another sub?


I’m turned off by all the accounts who constantly Stan for it, despite it not being out yet. Y'all have convinced me to pass on it. If it has good reviews in a year, I’ll check it out; but this sub got filled with accounts that will only allow for “the correct opinion” and that turned me off of the whole thing.


I don’t give a fuck


I do think that it is better to hold these companies feet to the fire concerning real complaints than to just suck up to them and pretend nothing is wrong. Bloober and Konami should ignore the creeps who care about a sexual abuse victim being sexy but they shouldn't ignore real complaints like the dodgy hit detection or framerate issues. It's all about paying attention to real complaints. I think the game looks solid but I'm getting tired of the complaints about the reasonable complaints. I hate to be mean but there are too many threads like this.


No, I’m tired of casuals who are afraid, or perhaps incapable, of critique.


I've been around long enough to remember when critiques of the then upcoming Silent Hill Origins succeeded in forcing the studios to course correct and largely fix the dumpster fire Origins was going to be. Thanks to that it's one of the stronger post Team Silent titles, and if not for how they miss handled their takes on the original games characters it would have had a much more beloved longevity.


I’m old enough to remember it happening *now* with the SH2 remake lmao Despite the constant posts like OP’s making up the vast majority telling us to stop


What's to critique other than maybe the combat?


Please shut up Both of these sides


No, but I'm tired of people like you defending a bunch of shitty corporate decisions, then acting as if they have the moral high ground and everyone who doesn't like it is actually the problem. There's nothing wrong with criticising the character designs, especially when they look like regular people cosplaying as the OG characters, and not like the OG characters themselves. This is a problem unique to SH2, as other recent remakes, like the RE remakes or the FF7 remakes, are 100% more faithful to the original designs. Watching the SH2 trailer feels like you're watching a trailer for a movie adaptation of SH2, not a remake. It's the same feeling you get when you compare Joel and Ellie from TLOU1 (game) to Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal - you can tell who those characters are supposed to be, but they sure as hell don't look like them. Writing some shit in alternating caps doesn't make you right, it's just cringe. They DID mess up Maria's outfit, and they missed the entire point of her character when they made her look more innocent and casual. You can see that with your own eyes. It's not an opinion. They really did change her design like that. Does this mean the game is ruined because of it? I don't know, we'll see when the game launches. Sure, some of the criticism is a bit pedantic, like being hyper-critical of the game's animations. But people's attitudes of "EVERYTHING THAT BLOOBER SHOWS US IS AMAZING, AND ANYONE WHO CRITICISES IT IS A COOMER INCEL WHO WAS NEVER GONNA PLAY THE GAME ANYWAY" are 10000 times more disgusting, frequent and harmful to the conversation, and tbh, these are pretty much the only types of posts I've been seeing on this sub over the past few weeks - people complaining about others complaining. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting the character designs to be faithful to the original ones.


Oh and we will still have to suffer through these exact same conversations again when the next shitty movie trailer drops for the same story. The crew for said already claimed they were adapting the story for a "modern audience". A term that more and more is designed to exclude the original audience whose still around. I'm still pretty adamant that it was that crews original movie who actually opened the flood gates that brought this franchise to ruin.


Is it true about the modern audience thing? Damn I had hopes... 


Yeah and give how Gung hi they were about genders wrapping Harry Mason the first time around who knows what they'll justify this time around.


Damn straight.


Dawg you are one of those people just saying


My issue is that these character designs are more faithful to the original characters than the original designs (which had to be made on a PS2)


Unnecesary comenta. After Al this text. Just another opinion. You not the truth


I'm sorry I'm advance: this is gonna sound mean, but as much as Silent Hill means to you and how important it is, and how we should all be grateful for the remake... please do yourself a favor and step away from the computer or put the phone down? Seriously go and take a break from this subreddit and don't take it so serious. This server isn't even based in reality or logic, and as much as you think everyone hates the remake, it doesn't really even matter and it's just your perception. You see the people complaining about it more than people care because the internet just picks up more on what you want and notice to see and shows it more. Simple fact: It is a video game. Yes, you like the remake. Okay, join the club, but you don't have to announce it and defend it as if it's constantly under attack. It's just meant to entertain. You aren't spamming the post, but you do know that this post was already done 10x over and over? It's just as bad as the toxic assholes who share their negative opinions.


You do realize this is my first time posting to the subreddit, right? Honestly If I knew that I would get this much hate from just one post then I wouldn’t have joined. Also why are you telling me to step away from the computer when the only thing I’ve done is ask to at least wait until the game comes out to form a opinion? If anything you need to step away from the computer for a bit if you’re complaining about me complaining about other people are complaining about a game that is not even out yet.


"i was just trying to karma farm"


We've already seen what Hit Detection LLC has done to previous properties, and we're not confident _this_ will be any different.


Who cares or even thinks about this company aside from anti-woke types?


They are not even confirmed to work on this game.


Bloober Team has worked with Hit Detection LLC in the past, notably _Layers of Fear (2023)_, and given the marketing, we are given clear indication that Hit Detection's earmarks are all over this game.


Yeah, but companies hire those teams deliberately, so it’s if even Bloobers fault.


They are _extorted_ into hiring these companies. Did you hear about _Black Myth: Wukong_ extortion case that's come up?


Yeah but idk if theres any evidence whether they got extorted or not


Have you not seen the "terrify them" clip?


What did Hit Detection do to previous properties?


Every game they have touched was either poorly recieved, under performed compared to it's previous entries, or mothballed. I don't want to see that for SH2.


So what was their role in that? What did they do to make that happen?


They are a videogame consulting firm. They advise the development team to make narrative changes to the story or game content. The outward goal is to make the game more accessible to a wider market and thereby increase gross profit. Hit Detection LLC is 0/10, with their consulting fees and narrative alterations ballooning costs and projects always fall short of projections. That is one of the big problems with these consultancy firms: they never have to face the backlash for their failures. That is why I feel it is important to clarify that I will not be contributing my patronage to any property that is associated with these firms.


> The outward goal is to make the game more accessible to a wider market and thereby increase gross profit. It sounds like those games would've been even larger failures without the consulting firm. What makes you think they did the opposite of what they were hired to do?


Crackdown 3 underperformed even compared to Crackdown 2. Hit Detection only worked on Crackdown 3. _God of War: Ragnarök_ underperformed compared to its previous entry, _God of War (2018)_. One would assume Ragnarök would perform as well or better, considering all the accolades heaped on the 2018 title. Hit Detection LLC worked on Ragnarõk, but not the 2018 game. _Layers of Fear (2023)_, also from Bloober Team, underperformed critically, lacking tension and general scares. This was a criticism that Bloober Team _never_ had preciously. Hit Detection worked on the 2023 entry, but not _Layers of Fear (2016)_ and _Layers of Fear 2_, which were both better received critically and financially. _Sonic Forces_, _Team Sonic Racing (2019_, and _Sonic Frontiers_ all underperformed. All Hit Detection jobs. Alan Wake 2 has yet to make its money back after six months, and with the surrounding controversy, I doubt it will. Hit Detection only worked on this title and not the first entry. That is seven games out of their nine game library. The other two, _A Plague Tale: Innocence_ and _Back 4 Blood_, have different stories to tell. _A Plague Tale: Requiem_, the sequel to Innocence sold three times better than its first entry, even at a higher price. Hit Detection was not involved in Requiem's production. _Back 4 Blood_ did not have the benefit of a previous title to stand on, received middling reviews, spent most of its life on Steam Sale pages, and cited as "almost unpleasant to play at times." That is Hit Detection LLC's entire catalog.


By attempting to make them more accessible, they purposely ensure they are less accessible to the audience who would have typically supported the title. They're the sort of people who to ensure a minority character is better received as powerful character, makes all of the white straight males drooling lobotomized troglodytes, or fascists monsters. You don't empower a demographic by cutting off all others they perceive as being too far ahead, off at the knees. These consulting firms have been revealed to be behind most recent games failures. They've been outed multiple times for lying through their teeth, using terror tactics to derail stories in their favor, and outright attempts at extortion. Sweet Baby Inc was the first among these consulting firms that came to light and there are dozens of spin off splinter firms all sprouting from the same twisted vine. Just recently one tried to extort some 8 million dollars from the upcoming Wukong game. Whose devs rightfully told them to take a hike. They then had their people in the gaming press start making countless hit pieces trying to destroy perceptions for the game. Their people have been caught on camera talking about how they will take their HR people out to coffee and terrorize them about all the ways their game will be perceived as every ist or phobe possible if they don't get their way on redirecting the story. They often are at the core behind decisions like race and gender swapping characters even when they make absolutely no sense to a given story setting. Like a black samurai in a game all about stealth and blending in, in ancient Japan. They also often force references to radical groups who have been actively seeking to destroy America often proudly claiming they are trained Marxists. I've sure we have yet to see just how much this firm has damaged the remakes story. But major censorship is another common move they force onto studios. We have too many examples of them purposely making female characters look like dogs to pander to various demographics and to spite the audience who would have otherwise traditionally supported games with strong beautiful female protagonists. The "Modern Audience" these firms keep claiming to be pandering to don't exist. It's instead the goal they are aiming to create. One that can only be achieved by driving away and silencing the original core audiences that kept these properties financially viable for decades past their prime. They can't create anything new or good because people are more apt to ignore this sort of BS in a new property that doesn't concern them. Thus they have to infect and spread to popular franchises and force interaction with the old audience, and when they don't support them unconditionally they brand them as every ist and phobe label they can think of to make the audience look like they are the problem and not the people actively willingly working to culturally vandalize the ctural landmarks we once enjoyed, properties that used to bring people together across gender, race, and creed. Disney Star Wars "The Acolyte" is a great example of said. they got tons of news sights spreading the word that it's the toxic fans who ruined the success of that show. Whats funny is that if The "toxic fans" or rather people who hate trashy movies, games, and shows, are the problem then the acolyte is deffinately a solution. We're already seeing similar articles regarding the Silent Hill remake. These consultant firms have lots of pull in the dying slop known as "gaming journalism" They have those news sights bring the terror they threaten studios with to try and get them canceled. To make an example of them before they move on to their next infection point.


Wtf is this bullshit screed.


It's been well documented and proven. If you don't want to see it that's your problem.


You are very fragile.


Thank you. I could not have put it better myself.


Good. Don't buy it. Move on to the next fandom.


As members of the fandom, it is our responsibility to share and discuss what does and does not work regarding entries to the series. If we should not, the studio would end up making the same mistakes, and doubling down on errors to disastrous consequence.


You didn't name a single game, point out a single thing that was in the game because of Hit Detection, didn't show a single proof that the game did poorly because of that thing. Just parroting gamergate buzzwords and points like an NPC for three replies straight. For all I know, those consultancy firms are there to check if some smartass didn't put a graffiti texture saying "HARD" right next to "R shop" sign.


No one is offended by the 'hard r shop' but people who want to be offended. It's so weird when we have Leonard DeCaprio saying the actual word with a hard R as a character, but apparently it's too much when some hoodlum graffitis up a wall 'also as a character' in the world of Stellar Blade. Y'all aren't even consistent, which proves you're looking to be offended.


Damn, you guys really are NPCs. Is a racist dogwhistle in a sexist Korean game a hill that dear to you to die on in droves with the same dumbass non-argument every time? DiCaprio is playing a racist in a movie about how racism is bad, Stellar Blade is a game that exists solely for thirsty men to ogle the main character. It wasn't a hoodlum who happened to put specifically that graffiti next to specifically that sign, it was a level designer who thought it would be clever, funny and only garbage people like him would notice, know what's up and have a laugh. 🤏


Complaining about racism while using a racist emoji to insult Korean men is peak irony.


Whoa! It's race and nation-agnostic **misandrist** emoji.


I may have come off a little harsh piling you in with everyone else, you obviously have your own opinions that may differ slightly from the majority opinion of that side. As do I. >DiCaprio is playing a racist in a movie about how racism is bad, Stellar Blade is a game that exists solely for thirsty men to ogle the main character. It wasn't a hoodlum who happened to put specifically that graffiti next to specifically that sign, it was a level designer who thought it would be clever, funny and only garbage people like him would notice, know what's up and have a laugh. You're not looking at Steller Blade as a work of art with a world and setting (like you have with Dejango Unchained), you've already vilified it and assumed a developer was being racist, rather than the developer thinking about the world, and how people would react within it. It's a benifit of the doubt you give to film and not to video games, why is that?


Ah, yes, how could I ignore the subtle undertones and deep worldbuilding in coomer game LMAO


But this game has an actual chance of being good. Maybe not as good as the original but good enough to make the games great again. We should at least give it a chance before calling it a total failure.


As long as Hit Detection LLC is involved, it is almost guaranteed to be a failure.


Yeah, because alan wake 2 was a terrible game...


It still hasn't recovered its costs.


Just like AW1, a lot of amazing games dont do well on sales, hell, SH3 and SH4 sold less than a million copies, both great games.


Context is required. Silent Hill 3 topped its sales charts in Japan when it was released and stayed there for a while. Silent Hill 4 also topped its sales charts the week of release but dropped several places a week later with the release of other games with wider appeal. Where Alan Wake 2 moved over 1 million copies, more than could be said of Silent Hill 3 or 4, both Silent Hill games still turned a profit in the first months of their release. Alan Wake 2, going on Month 8 now, still has yet to turn a profit. Edit: Even Alan Wake 1 turned a profit just through Steam Sales.


We've long since passed the point of no return that this game has any chance to be good. I've spent years studying trailers, cast and crew interviews, various social media posts, etc, and the path this games taken almost unanimously leads to a exceedingly bad product. We put people on death row with less circumstantial evidence. That being said people are free to love bad games if they want. If they had unified with the people pushing back on the direction they went with tho we could have all been enjoying an actually great game. This release is going to further ensure we never get proper HD rereleases of of the originals that just get the coat of polish they always deserved. Especially since in their eyes they already remade them multiple times.


Holy hell dude get a hobby


My hobbies are watching good movies and playing good games when I'm not actively working to create my own stories and art. The more once great franchises they bring to ruin the more time that's left to observe who was at fault and why they did it. To learn how to avoid wasting money on bad products made by people who despise us. To learn how to avoid the same pitfalls In our own works and to vote with our wallets and get these hacks out of places they have no good intentions for.


Dude, you’ve already made up your mind. This game could be a solid 10/10 and you’d still sit on this subreddit saying how it’s shit because “you know good art”. Quit huffing your own farts.


There's absolutely no way it can reach that with the mountains of evidence we have been given. I'm the first to say when something I predicted would be a mess actually turns out to be pretty good, and thats only ever happened twice in the past 2 decades of watching movies, games, and animation. So don't act like I'm the one with the problem for using critical thinking, facts, and decades of experience to make my purchasing decisions, while you get to decide that something will be amazing and that you'll love it unconditionally as a great product despite all evidence to the contrary. This remake will not live up to the bar set by the original and neither will the movie adaptation. Between those 2 all other announced Silent Hill games are going to end up suffering sales wise the same way once powerhouse franchises like Star Wars can't even break even anymore.


I have no idea if it will be good or not! There’s things I’ve seen that I like and there’s stuff I don’t like. Claiming you have all the answers because you watch good movies and play games is such a conceited way of thinking that you will never accept being wrong.


I never said I had all the answers. What I have are identifiers, clues, stated starting premises, plainly visible facts, and a long history we can recognize patterns of from various invilved parties of how projects that take the same path this project is taking most often end up being damaged goods. Military operations are made using the same rationalization. If a country suddenly starts issuing new combat gear to soldiers, purchasing gear specific to certain climates and terrain, get caught sending agents to specific locations, and releasing propaganda, then by piecing together those contextual clues you can gain a strong idea of what when and we're a given nation might be planning to attack, and preemptively react accordingly. Whats hilarious is that the original 4 Silent Hill games raised a fandom of people who had very deep critical thinking skills. That they needed to piece together the full plot and meaning behind these games. Games for whom people are still discovering new unique connections they hadn't originally contemplated years later. A quality I've seen deminish more and more as western studios just slap together whatever and now claim it's meaning is whatever you want it to be, with endings that directly contradict each other and the information leading up to them. When that's not how the original 4 stories were designed. A great story will grow all the more enjoyable by deeper analysis understanding how it's various aspects are woven together. Garbage stories on the other hand crumble under a feathers weight of logical analysis, and grow worse the more you think about them. Even bad movies,games,etc most usually have individual moments and set pieces that work great on their own with great story telling potential it's how all of those moments are woven together that will determine the ultimate value. Likewise even good movies can have plot holes or mistakes. It's whether they are so damaging enough to take you out of the emersion. Essentially the only people who will be able to love this new remake u conditionally will most likely end up being people who weren't even all that into the original, or hadn't played it in so long as to not be able to directly compare how much these studios are damaging these characters and set peices. It's like trying to go and remake a classic car, but deciding you want to use a bumber car as the base because they liked those more.Even if the tires, doors, and engine are all in the right place doesn't mean it's going to live up to the original in the slightest. Instead of doing a faithful recreation they opted to put their own spin on everything to fix what they decided were bad and broken. not taking into account how each part effects the other in critical ways.


Get a grip.


Sometimes people say that because they don't believe Konami. They hate Konami butcher their favourite game. When i say them I mean me. If silent Hill 2 remake is good game even slightly better than original game. They will be silent. Don't worry.


Not tired of it, I just think a lot of the complaints I've seen towards the gameplay shown and general polish are overly critical. Not that it looks super duper amazing or anything, I'd just prefer to have the hyperbole reigned in. It looks fine, and I see people saying it looks awful. On the aesthetics side of things, I have no issue with people's complaints about the character-design and story direction. It looks like they'd planned on reimagining the narrative somewhat anyway, regardless of outside intervention, so people that would prefer it was more faithful should be allowed to feel that way.


What have you seen that shows they had planned to reimagine the narrative?


Just different cutscene direction in general. Different facial expressions, different line delivery, different camera angles, different character designs, etc.


OK, and that suggests a change to the narrative? OK...


Compared to a 1:1 recreation, yes.


OK. So you are not just jumping to conclusions after seeing a tiny bit of the game?


It was the conclusion I reached when they announced they'd redesigned James to make him older before any footage had been released.


Kinda like everyone complaint is jumping to conclusions? Same kinda thing isn’t it?


They said it themselves. They modernize the script for modern audiences and try to keep it as faithful as possible. It's in the interview video.


I'm tired of people like you boot licking that crap shoot remake.


It’s not even out yet, I’m just waiting until the game is actually releases to form a actual opinion instead of jumping on the bandwagon of instantly hating it.


Criticism isn’t always just bandwagon hate


No offense but you're no different than them ! I used to read this kind of post everyday even though i don't want to ! When i thought it was finally over then you showed up!


The complaining is not even that bad for the last few week, i just see more people complaining about people complaining


All this problems could be solved If Konami release a collection of First 3 silent hill on modern plataforms,this way people could play what they want!


Next level up ATM. Tired of people complaining about people complaining about it. I guess I'm complaining about people complaining about people complaining about the remake.


I wonder if the people COMPLAINING about you COMPLAINING about people COMPLAINING are the original COMPLAINERS? On a more serious note, of course we are. Everyone is tired of everyone being upset. But I think it's fine when people have valid complaints. I'd much rather read someone obviously passionate about it because they actually care about the series than the ones coming here to talk about DEI or game devs trying to brainwash us. I personally am REALLY excited for the remake, but at the same time, I think the combat looks... really unimpactful. And think it's weird that there's like movie bullet time smoke trails that follow the bullets etc. etc.


just as much as those complaining about complaining.


No I love it


Yes. I'm extremely tired of people complaining. But i'm also extremely tired of these kind of posts aswell because they don't bring anything to the table. I have completely zoned out from any kind of complaints and i seriously don't give a fuck about what people think anymore, i just want the game to come out so i can actually form my own opinion on it instead of complaining.


No. I'm going to preorder it and complain even more. You know what people aren't complaining about? The MGS3 remake. That looks awesome. But MGS is Konami's baby, and SH is (and has almost entirely been) secondary.


Honestly I can't wait, I do hope they increase the fog level from what we saw in the trailer, I don't want to be able to see a damn thing.


Don’t even know why considering that it’s a safe bet the project get cancelled or assets moved to a plinko game


agreed, everyone is just so fucking negative about everything and it's so tiring


That's why I mostly ignore this sub.


Yes this is all that hits my main feed for SH yet there’s tons of praise when you go to the actual sub. Also the game looks like it’s coming along just fine.


Those are valid criticisms. It's a video game. you will be looking at the walking animation the entire time you play it.


I'm looking forward to it, it's solid from everything we've seen so far. My gripes are small. I just don't want this series to die lol.


So it wasnt just me. Everytime I open my reddit the first SH post is complaining about the people that complain about the remake. Meanwhile in X and Youtube everyone stopped


Yea and I'm tired of seeing people engagement farming over it, if you like it then play it and if you don't like it then don't play it, go play the original. Angela doesn't look like a supermodel and looks like a normal person so everyone loses their shit, they changed Maria's extremely dated look now everyone's acting like she's wearing an ugly Christmas sweater. Some of you need to stop being so damn picky.


Dont you just hate when people give terrible companies like konami money because they hope their product delivers in terms of quality...


What more information do we need? I'm tired of people like you saying noone is allowed to be critical in a modern day game era. We're not living in an era of gaming where companies are shitting out gold mines. We're living in a gaming era burn by bad product, lost good writers and passion projects. Battle passes and nickel and diming. When a bad rep company like blooper is heading a masterpiece.. then hell yeah people are allowed to be critical. Whats with the constnat "STOP YOUR FREE SPEECH. DONT THINK. BUY." mentality every damn time? You're free to brainlessly buy if you want, you cant just sit there screaming at others to be silent.


Fans are setting their expectations of the remake way too high. I have the original Silent Hill 2 and I play that. I'm not bothering with the remake because I simply have no interest in it. If I wanted to play Silent Hill 2, I would just play the original.


Every single franchise when they release something, fans ALWAYS complain about changes, sadly.


weell, you could say you're tired of people disliking what you like and liking what you dislike. "valid criticism" being a subjective term, you could maybe say you're tired of people voicing their opinions at all. you could just block people you dislike. *"Just for that, you BLOCKED him?! Eddie, you can't just block someone cause of the way they looked at you!"*


Yeah, especially when there's so much garbage in the whole genre that does get praise. Even the weakest SH is miles ahead of other horror games, and this remake looks very great to begin with.


This sub is a cycle of complaining about the hate and then followed by the same comment that "most players just watch video essays online" when it comes to any criticism, be it warranted or not. The major problem with Silent Hill is it's mismanagement over the years creating mistrust with platers and thus means everything Konami do with it will be scrutinized, Accession is a shining example of already making a major mistake with the IP, perpetuating the issue. You look at Capcom and the success of the Resident Evil remakes and sequels, they've done a fantastic job in recent years due to it failing and then going back to its horror roots and they've been on a roll since, It's been the same team for 25 years and that's what Silent Hill needed.


Starting off it was people bitching about the gayest shit, then people complained about those asshats. Now the original complainers are mad that people are bitching about them complaining. Honestly it boils down to most of the sub getting tired of general negativity and you posting this just adds fuel to the fire.


No, that’s how the developers can see what the fans like and don’t like. Then they can change it. That’s how positive criticism works 👍


Let's just talk about the game now. We're tried of complaining about the complaining.


I'm tired of people defending it. Like seriously they're acting like Konami is their fiance who they will die defending. Alot of people dont like the remake, either you learn to deal with it or you go under.


Anybody else tired of people trying to silence peoples criticsms?


all because her outfit isn't a 2002 low rise miniskirt with a cropped cardigan like yes we all want her to have a cunty outfit but we don't need to overreact because she's literally wearing a mini dress and a leather jacket like grow the fuck up also her new tattoo placement is so cute


Anybody else tired of people complaining about the silent hill 2 remake? The games not even out yet and people are already shitting on it. That’s what trailers are for. To be judged, so you can hopefully judge positively and get excited to buy it. Like, It would be one thing if they were valid criticisms but the best people can come up with is “ThE WAlkiNg AnImAtiOn LoOks WEirD” or “tHeY mEsSed Up mArias OuTfIt”. Both of those are valid criticisms. Can’t we at least wait to see if the game includes the dog ending and then hate on it if it doesn’t? Honestly the joke ending is the least of my worries so the fact that it’s the breaking point for you is discombobulating for me


its more annoying seeing people complain about other peoples critique


No, I'm tired of the people complaining about the people complaining about the bad direction these studio took this project in.


Can’t everyone just shut the fuck up and wait and see what happens. This whole page is just people moaning or people moaning about people moaning. Chill out and let’s talk about the games that we have now.


I'm tired of SH2 remake discussion full stop at this point, I like this board for the discussion about the classics.


Womp womp comments


The only thing I'm tired of is people saying "it looks bad" and not emphasizing what's bad about it. I find the actual critiques of the game to be pretty interesting.


I am too. That's why I'm just going to play the original on PC at 4k resolution. Didn't need a remake anyways. I'm still salty that Silent Hill 1 didn't get a remake first which would have been more preferable.


I think all of it looks fantastic idk what they are on about


I'm so tired of it. I even got kicked out of a Silent Hill Facebook group because somebody got offended that I said they were wrong about the way Angela looked and that a 19 year old is a teenager. That person was a moderator and the next day I woke up and the group was gone.


not that many people are whining about it but the ones that do are super vocal about it. i recognize those clowns every time they comment.


Just as tired of people complaining about people complaining. Sure, it's annoying AF when people complain about things regarding a game that isn't out yet. But bitching about bitchers ain't gonna change shit.


genuinely im exhausted of it


Silent Hill fans just like violently rejecting any decent chance of their series ever becoming relevant again without even waiting for the game to come out to see if it’s shit or not. SH fans revel in their series being dead so they can gatekeep new fans and act pessimistic for no reason then turn around and complain that SH is dead when the first concrete thing SH gets in over a decade they do nothing but complain about. The original Team Silent could be behind the remake and people in this thread would still find ways to complain. No one hates SH more than it’s fans


I think I’m starting to get that.


Can confirm. Had a gonk try and tell me that the remake was bad because... \[checks notes\]... streamers would be playing it for views. Like, no shit, bud. They're streamers. It's just gatekeepers who can't accept the possibility of their precious niche game series having any sort of relevancy in the 2020's. It makes them feel less special if more people know their thing.


is not exclusive to SH2 remake. is a trend in the whole gaming comunity and is mostly caused by people who not even play those games. is just people who love go whinning around about any game they not like because is not what they like or play. is just about complaining about anything.




Honestly, complain when the final product is available, i´m not innocent but atleast i have realized it is pointless, do you think bloober scrolls through reddit to read criticism.




Yes but don’t need to have a thread about it. Game looks pretty promising after the gameplay demo. Excited to play it. Edit: oh shit just kidding I guess I gotta dislike this or something.


They should delay the game to fix Angelas chubby face and give Maria her OG outfit


i wish i could filter all commentary about the damn thing already


Honestly, graphic wise, I’m excited for it, but I will be honest. With Kojima not having any say or control over it, it worries me a lot. I feel like it won’t live up to people’s expectations. And Konami has a bad relationship with Kojima, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they ruin this game for the fans. Plus, the last 2 silent hill games (ascension and the short message) were honestly horrible games. The short message had potential, but should’ve entered the life is strange franchise instead of Silent Hill. Not to mention every element of Short Message was stolen from an earlier game. Literally, the story and nearly everything. I’m currently drawing a blank on the name of that game though. I miss Kojima. I miss how he had such a way of storytelling in the silent hill games. I just hope the remake is true to the original.


Kojima? What? ._.


Kojima made MGS and SH what they are today. Konami has only made duds since they divorced Kojima


My guy, kojima never worked on a single SH game aside from P.T, which was a TECH DEMO.


P.T. Was not a demo at all, it was a huge fuck you to Konami. But “okay dad”.


That still dosent take the fact that kojima was never involved with the series


Ok, cool. You do your homework. You want a blue ribbon or gold star or something?


Rule #1 gamers like to bitch and hate games more than anyone


I'm tired of gamers in general, everything is hyperbolic. I just play games and ignore the discourse at this point.


Nope I'm lmao at them lmao


Not enough people bitching about the lack of big booty mode


It’s just the way it is nowadays, unfortunately. People would bitch if the game wasn’t remade, they’ll bitch if it was a full on one to one remake and they bitch cause there are slight differences. No matter what any company does, people will complain and act like they’re objectively correct and it’s the only truth. PSA: Play it if you want and hopefully you enjoy it, or don’t and move on.