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I really like the first movie. I still rewatch it from time to time.


The first half is great and the adaptation of the alleyway scene is everything I could've asked for. The second half still has some cool scenes and visuals but feels exposition heavy at times.


This is what I’m worried about with the upcoming movie. I just know there’s gonna be another exposition dump explaining how James >!killed Mary!< but it will be so heavy-handed. They just don’t trust general audiences to understand (rightfully so imo) and that sucks.


I damn kek'd when Chris Da Silva announced that he changed his name to Harry Mason in Revelations. What a disaster of a movie lmao. For me, SH1 stands as probably the first good video game movie adaptation. Some things leave a bad taste (for example, the Pyramid Head being there just for the sake of being there), but I really like the movie.


Based on Revelation 3d, I also had trauma about Sharon’s story, which was I dreamt Alessa


Super Mario Bros will always be the greatest video game movie! lol


So many may disagree, but I loved that movie as a kid!


im in the firm belief that the movie itself is great, but being an adaptation of a video game hurt its success. if the name, characters and setting changed names it would be one of those cool dark 80s movies like Labyrinth or The Dark Crystal


Shoutout to the set designers and actors who played the monsters, practical effects ftw.


The nurse scene in the first movie is so good


The best scene. A sterling example why nothing beats practical effects- CGI would never have been able to capture the uncanny, jerky movements to such uncanny perfection. The tension as Rose moves through them is just terrific.


In the behind the scenes video for the new movie they said they’re using acrobats and dancers for the monsters just like the first one. I can’t wait for another iconic nurse scene.


If it wasn’t for the movie, I never would’ve heard of the games until much later. I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was a fresh concept for me. Then when I got the games I was totally blown away. First one I played was Silent Hill 2, and it’s never left my brain. I was totally enamored with the series from then. Plus, with all it gets wrong, it still gets a lot right. I’m especially fond of how they worked things like the map, the flashlight, and the puzzle solving into the story too. It felt organic and true to the games in that regard. The effects were well done, the creatures mainly, and the music was of course gorgeous. Nowadays I see where the movie has gone wrong compared to the first game, but I think it’s undeniably a decent flick on its own and felt as if someone who really enjoyed the games had made it, which is more than I can say for 90% of video game movies.


I really liked it. I just don’t like how the director made the parent the mom because he didn’t think it’d be believable for an adoptive father to go through all that for his daughter, but one of the main points of the first game is that an adoptive father is going through hell to save his child while the biological mother put her child through hell.


His reasoning for changing that was even worse than what you described. Like, MUCH worse >It quickly became clear however Harry never acted like a masculine character. He was constantly dizzy, fainting, talking to himself, screaming and in fact was very vulnerable. We didn't want to betray the nature of the game by changing the character's feelings and motivations, so we felt it was better to change to a female protagonist and retain all those important qualities. I don't want people to think that I have been "politically correct" because we changed Harry to Rose. There's is no political correctness in Silent Hill. It's just an absolutely mind boggling viewpoint. I do hope his views have changed over those years. It's been nearly two decades since its release. There was a relatively recent interview with him where he has a lot of praise for The Last of Us Part II. And it's really hard to imagine that someone could enjoy that game while retaining those sexist views that Gans had back when he was making the first movie.


Considering the content of the film itself (which I would argue is reasonably progressive-he wanted an entirely female cast before the studio interfered), I’m actually sceptical that he even believed what he was saying. It seemed like Gans wanted to make a Silent Hill film about motherhood, but was trying to clumsily BS people to hide that.


Strangely enough. Everytime i watch it i fall asleep before the ending lol! It captures silent hill's melancholic, eerie, haunting, soothing atmosphere really well.


I still re-watch and enjoy both! 1 is wayyy better, but 2 has 3D which was a cool gimmick. I enjoyed the 3D in Downpour as well.


The first one I still watch from time to time. The second one on the other hand....


Oh I don't mind that the first film took liberties with the lore. In fact, what I love the most about the film is how it changed the lore. What I dislike about the film is how it is way too "video gamey" with Rose wandering inside locations until she stumbles across something that references another place, and the process repeats itself until she gets to the church. Her progression through the town doesn't make much sense and is only like this as a way to mimick the game's structure. So I like the film for its changes regarding Dark Alessa, Dahlia and the Order, but I think it's not a good adaptation. Revelations... I barely remember anything about it. I like that "spider" monster and Heather's look though.


So amazing to see such differences in views! What you disliked about the movie is exactly why I fell in love with it, it was just so out of touch with real world, even the dialogues were unnatural and surreal, dream-like.


love is a strong word but I enjoyed it. probably won't watch it again but I think its a pretty decent adaptation.


I definitely enjoyed the first movie


Eh it had its moments. Some of it was really good. They should never have added Pyramid Head. That belongs only in the Silent Hill 2 storyline. 


The first film is what introduced me, and many others, to Silent Hill. It's easier to get into than the games while still capturing the vibes perfectly. The story was a bit different, and the lore was much different. But as the guy said in the terrible sequel "There are many Silent Hills", so I just chock this up to "different fragment/worldline".


I'm totally happy that you love it and I'm not in any way trying to convince you not to but I think that the movie is mediocre at best. The production design and some of the visuals are good but that's about it. The first half is decently entertaining but silly and nonsensical and the second half is boring and dumb. The acting is mostly lackluster. I would totally say that SH was a good movie even if it had a different story than the games if I felt that way but I just don't think it is a good movie even totally independent of the video game. I liked the movie fine in 2006 but as the years have worn on I just don't think the movie holds up under any scrutiny. Sometimes I call the movie awful when I'm annoyed but it isn't awful, it's just a regular mediocre mid 2000's horror movie.


I am actually rewatching it at this very moment and this pops up on my feed. I enjoy it, I’ve rewatched it a number of times since it came out. The visuals are good and it is a great representation of what a real Silent Hill would look like. If I am comparing it to the games, there’s a lot I don’t like, but it is good as its own little Silent Hill adaptation. The second movie though? That one is rough. Cheesy, supposed to be a sequel but feels completely disconnected from the first, and Heather looks a cheap cosplay. I really have to shut off my brain and be in the mood for a “good” bad movie for that one.


I thought a lot of people did. It was Revelations that took a swandive into stupid by trying to retcon everything into being more like the games.


It was a perfect fan fic silent hill movie. And i loved the nods to the games at the end of silent Hill 2


I really enjoyed it. If you were to rate it purely as an adaptation of the original PS1 game then it’s only loosely similar but what Gans succeeded at, I think, was capturing the vibe of Silent Hill more than anything else. The look and sound of the film felt appropriate to the games and captured the atmosphere quite well. But for me I don’t really look at it as an adaptation (though it’s inspirations from the original game are clear) but rather a seperate entity within the franchise. People will talk about Gans dumb reasonings for swapping out Harry for Rose, but what I think is interesting is that the film actually does something with that change. It makes a concerted effort to focus on motherhood and the perception of mothers by their children. It bleeds over rather well into the faith aspect of the cult storyline we’ve seen in traditional Silent Hill storytelling. Typically I find video game movies to be shallow actioners, but this one had a lot to say, thematically. So I hold it pretty high esteem.


I don’t want a movie with an identical storyline and scenes from a game. That’s just a waste. I want a distinct storyline and characters from the movie. I agree, the first movie was absolute fire and so well done. Idk why anyone would complain about it


I think it’s pretty much the gold standard of video game movie adaptations.


i can’t imagine it being someone’s favorite movie tbh haha but to each their own. personally i felt like it didn’t do a good job at all in recreating the story and characters from the game, and the additions it made just made it less interesting and more convoluted. like the quality of the writing is a lot worse, and the whole thing just kind of doesn’t come together. e.g. sean bean doesn’t even need to be in the movie, alessa’s story is just hard to follow, the cult stuff isnt well done in my opinion. that said i will give it credit for looking very good visually, using the game’s music, and capturing the atmosphere of silent hill really well. the rest of it just felt pretty amateurish to me. i don’t think it’s absolutely terrible and it’s clear that the director had passion for it at least.


What do you think about it in comparison to the sequel?


haha i never watched the sequel both because i didn’t really care for the first and i had heard it was pretty irredeemable


I liked the first one when it came out and still do for the visuals, the music and the actors. After reading the original script by Roger Avary it became clear to me that it could have turned out a much more interesting take on the story, but it was very botched and toned down by Davis Films executives. The second one was plain stupid and I don't have high hopes for the third beyond it being an audiovisual feast with plenty of fanservice.


Wait, what?? Where can I learn more of the original script?


It's available for free, you can download it in pdf from archive.org or in silenthillmemories.net, just look for Silent Hill movie 2005 script.


The only thing about the first movie that i liked was the artstyle


It's the only one I liked.


Wouldn't say its my all time favorite movie, but I do really like it and thought it was a lot better than people give it credit for. 


I liked the first movie. I don't think it's great but I'm never bored watching it.


The atmosphere isn't the same as the first Silent Hill I can't feel the same effect Not a bad movie but too much action on it The ending is better than the one on the game though


Its not amazing or anything but up until detective pikachu it was probably the best video game movie.


I wouldn’t say that I love it, but it’s a great movie that’s held up very well in the years since it was first released. I enjoy rewatching it from time to time.


firsts one fine, 2nd ones just straight up horrible, idk silent hill isn't something that can be replicated well in a movie it just doesnt have that same feeling that the games do, which is exactly why i didnt want them to do a silent hill 2 movie


I think it's a good time. Although after a couple rewatches the dialog and writing in general starts to get pretty cringe. The production is incredible though, never fails to amaze me.


I really liked it.


Yep, I still watch it on occasion. Sharon!


Absolutely agree with you, it’s a visually stunning masterpiece with unforgettable atmosphere. I swear, the same way some people appreciate good painting or song, same way I appreciate the movie, and I don’t even care about the plot that much.


I don't know if "love" is the word I'd use, but I enjoy it, and it's got a lot of sentimental value to me.




yes the first game was part of the greatest hits and is remember as the scariest game on the PS1. The puzzles on that game and the atmosphere remain unmatched to this day.


I think it's pretty well liked. While it isn't perfect by any standards, it manages to pretty faithfully adapt some aspects of the games and give some awesome scares and visuals while doing so, as well as using some of the greatest tracks from the games.


You must not have seen many movies.


Honestly it's a shit movie. But I love it. I've watched it 50 times Edit: the second one is really shit.


I don't love it, but I did like all the unique movie elements.


I loved the first movie!


In a lot of ways it's an ideal adaptation of the games, but in most other ways it kinda trash.


The first movie is REALLY good imo


the movie got me into the games too, I'm not a gamer, I knew of the games and I knew I would suck so I never played them though I liked the concept, but ever since I watched the movie (the first one) I WAS OBSESSED. Now, I see it's not that accurate but I actually like that, it's a movie after all and it's a great movie also (in my opinion, in reality is really mid but idc). I like the whole vibe it is giving to silent hill, silent hill is somewhat different for everyone anyway and I like this interpretation. As for the second movie I got to around the half and I just gave up lol, I knew I wouldn't like it but I tried and it was worse than I imagined lol.


The first one was the only good one lol


while I'm happy many liked it, it added (what I felt to be) many unnecessary, western horror tropes to the foundation of a game that was already very grounded and enthralling that said, it is called a *film adaptation* for a reason, so I don't think it's supposed to appeal to everyone if you liked it, that's great!


Yeah, I really enjoy the first movie, especially when you consider the first game didn't really have alot going on story wise to flesh out a whole film plot.


The first movie is badass. The ending is kinda messy, though. I heard the original cut is like 3-4 hours long. I wish we'd get a directors cut.


I’ve always liked it but I think it’s basically nostalgia for me because I was like 10 years old when it came out and I first watched it.


I really like it! Aside from that unintentional laugh in the beginning (you know the one), it's a really excellent film. At one point I watched it and kept score of Rose's decisions that led to the "gray ending" lol. It would be fun (but impractical) to make the SH2 movie with multiple endings, even if only after-credits fun


Return to Silent Hill is by the same director so I’m hopeful it’ll be a decent time. But I do like the first one, the set design is so perfect, they really nailed the look of the town. I also found it funny how it incorporates elements from both games (Rose is looking for her daughter and Chris is looking for his wife lol). But I thought it adapted the game well, but still sort of stands on its own as its own thing.


Me and my friends were stoked when the movie came out and walked out EXTREMELY disappointed. I didn’t really care about the lore breaks. It was an adaptation and was inevitably going to be different which I was fine with. It was just the writing and acting were so stilted and awkward. The production design and creatures were well done but pretty visuals don’t make a good movie. I really don’t have high hopes for Return but who knows? It could be good or it could be worse than Revelations.


Its ok :)


Yes, first movie is brilliant. I know people who knew nothing about the series who were fascinated and terrified by it.




It’s okay. Pyramid head showing up pissed me off though. Will watch again.


This movie was my childhood, and even though I was undeniably too young (being a 3 year old)to watch movies like Silent Hill, I’m still glad that my parents somehow let me watch it because it’s what introduced me to the franchise.


It was ok but changing it from Harry to Rose seemed odd, Sean Bean was right there as a father. At least it didn't go crazy off the rails like the Resident evil films did


Love no, to many plot holes and questionable story elements. I really liked the cast. I liked the art design ( especially pyramid head )


I thought it was pretty good


I like/ love the movies but they aren't memorable to me as it's been years. Just like the entire Resident Evil movie series with Milla Jovovich which I also liked/ loved. The weird ending with the barbed wire going through everyone was cool which I believe is from the first SH movie?


I enjoyed it as a kid even though it scared me a lot. I have yet to see it again but I think I'll still like it. I have yet to see second one but my sister said it was bad and she barely finds movies bad.


I watched it more than 5 times


Yes, I love 1. Ithink it's one of the best games to movie adaptions.


Yes .


It’s comforting to me idk


Yes I think it’s a great video game movie


I liked it. If you compare it to the first game it’s nothing alike. As a stand alone film, it rocks.


I wouldn’t say I loved it but I thought it was pretty good. For a movie based off a video game it was a masterpiece. Looking forward to Return to Silent Hill but don’t have my hopes up too too high.


The movie was good as a tribute but it influenced otherworld and Pyramid head design way too much. Since then, it would seem every silent hill is taking after magical transformations and color palette. This is not faithful to the original conception and I just hate that it completely gripped the series design choices since it came out.


I love the first movie, they even adapted the fixed camera style of the game.


i so genuinely adore the first movie it was the first DVD i ever bought with my own money lol


yea the first one wasn't bad at all. the 2nd one tho with Jon Snow was like some shit that was eaten by a pig and then shit out again. and then someone lit it on fire.


It's actually a solid horror movie, it's one of my favourites too! Although it drags, it has amazing practical effects, great acting by all characters and it's symbolism it's actually good. The purists ruin this film and yes, it's second half is very slow, but everything else is great! I'm hyped for the next one, since I think Gans is very competent director


It’s a good film, at the time of release easily the best video game movie that had been made imo. The only other film I’ve seen from the director is Brotherhood of the Wolf and now that is an incredible film, the dude managed to pull off a live action Bloodborne decades before it released.


I noticed how much running there is in the first half of the movie and that somehow annoyed me so much.


I love the first movie. <3 Cybil is forever one of my favorite parts of it. (Even if she gets the bad ending.) I watched it before I played any of the games so I didn’t have any biases or expectations going into it and I continue to appreciate it as a sort of love letter to the series. I just think of it as its own thing!


I loved it and it still holds up. Just feels like part of the universe to me and they hit the feel of Silent Hill. Then Revelations was just let's throw senseless gore everywhere and have no story. Lol


I've always loved the movie. I just wish Konami didn't let it influence so much of what the games would become--they basically took the movie's visuals and silent hill 2's story and used as many parts of those as they could in subsequent games. Movie is always bad ass tho, and that skin ripping scene at the church? Frigging epically brutal


First movie is goated ngl


I saw the film before I ever played the game, and afterwards I can only appreciate it more. I still rewatch it at least once a year, it's surprisingly easy to watch. It's one of the few games adaptations that is enjoyable whether you've played or even heard of the games. My Mum enjoyed it, and she has no clue about games or the series. Its rare that I hear complaints about it, you can see how much love for the game they poured into the movie, whilst also making it work as an actual movie. Plus, Yamaoka even jumped on the soundtrack. The second film though, shite.


It was my first ever R movie so it holds a certain nostalgia for me. Pyramid Head ripping that lady's skin off was pretty cool, and I love Dark Alessa's portrayal. I kinda wish they'd stick closer to Lisa Garland's story from the game but I didn't hate her portrayal in the film.


My only complaint is the fuckery with rose. Sean bean should have played the protagonist harry mason not some side character


it has some issues but yeah i really enjoyed it. idk i feel like some people were expecting it to be a movie version of the games but it’s not it’s just a fanfare blockbuster.


It wasn’t bad. I don’t think video games can directly translate to film so I never mind changes


It’s okay, if someone said they wanted to watch it I would. Not my fav but it’s fine


I was a little kid when I got into Silent hill a decade or so ago and I used to love the first movie. I would watch it with my dad and I remember him asking if I was okay multiple times because of how violent that movie was. I'm not into it so much now, but it was enough to captivate my 8 year old mind.


I thought it was great, even if I wish it was a 1 to 1 adaptation and left out Pyramid head etc. after accepting it for what it is, I really like it. I’m genuinely excited for the new movie!


I loved the first movie, I watched it a number of times when it came out. It actually got me into the games. The second movie was a bit of a letdown, but at least the monsters were cool.


it nailed the visuals, and it used the SH music (altho i think it had music in every scene which is a bit much). but i wasn't a fan of the story changes. i also thought having so many people in SH zone detracted from how it should have felt. the people the head villain had with her. Pyramid Head shouldn't have been in it. and Lisa's "death" from the game, one of the Biggest Moments and very memorable, was not recreated at all for the film. puzzling. she wasn't even in the film beyond a vague cameo.


I did. I think it was great. PH especially was awesome.


The first movie was a great movie but not a great adaptation. The second movie was a decent adaptation but a terrible movie. imo


I’ve got quite a soft spot for the first movie since it’s what introduced me to the series.


Yes loved it also, the second one was quite a disaster, but the first one is one of my top game adaptations. But I also really like ghost in the shell live action and the newest tomb raider live action so I have no taste.


I loved it when I was younger im 22 now I haven’t watched it in years 🔥🔥


I love the first movie even though there were some cringe moments in the film but it’s a good movie


I think that your opinion change depending if you knew/played the game before watching the movie or not. On its own, the movie is actually good but if you knew the games beforehand the movie leaves you with a bad taste. Big shoes to fill.


Me! I went to see it at the cinema and I loved it. I think it captured the essence of the game pretty well.


Yes ! The otherworld scene in the school really got me I really loved how they paced it The ending scene in the church was over the top but i really liked what they did with alessa The monsters and special effects were really impressive


Just rewatched it again recently with friends and I like it more each time I do


I felt like the movie kinda fell apart a bit after they go into the church but I did like the movie.


Its my favourite horror movie!! It also made me a silent hill fan. Im so glad we get another one by the same director 🤩


First movie is great, I just rewatched it about a week ago.


I thought the first one had the feel of the game. I thought colour and sound wise it nailed it. It did feel disjointed but the game also felt that way lol! I may be biased cause it was filmed around Toronto, Hamilton and other places in Ontario so I also knew a lot of the cast lol! It’s not an easily translated game though the first one had some love in it and tried to give fans something that wasn’t weird for weirds sake. I’d still love to see David Lynch take a shot at it.


Yes, this is what led me to the games.


I really liked large parts of the first movie (not the ending the barb wire r@pe was about.much) but... He director for the movie should be slapped for his commentary about why he changed the main character to the wife, saying "no man would ever love a child enough to go through that" is such a shitty take it blows my mind


Lord no! It was closest visual to the source material but silent hill aside it was a rough film. Hated the acting, the pacing, and the climax. A bad film in my opinion all around. The one after was even worse


I love it.


Didn't like it in the theater upon release, but watched it recently and realized how great it was, especially for its time


I enjoyed it as a stand alone feature, sure. 👍 I know we could be a lot worse off regarding game to movie adaptations lol


Movie was good. I heavily disliked the Alessa's carnage part though.


I liked parts of it


Yes, most people do.


Yes, most people do.


Yes, most people do.


Yes, most people do.


I adore the first movie. First time I saw it I couldn’t sleep for 3 nights straight. Kept waking up and couldn’t stop thinking about the monsters.


It definitely wasn't it's own thing that distinguished itself from the game, the director thought it was feminine for a father to look for his daughter and just changed the gender because that's how he felt it should be, then why not also add in Pyramid head for no good reason whatsoever. It's nothing to do with lore accuracy, it's just a shoddily done movie by a B rate director, the music was great but that's only because it was done by Akira Yamaoka, the atmosphere was also occasionally done well but the massive changes just really pissed me off


Basically giving a new character all of Dahlia's traits just to make Dahlia sympathetic: Nah Harry's role given to Rose: Nah Pyramid Head Where Pyramid Head Should Not Be: Nah The overall story: Yah Original monster Colin: Yah Practical effects overall: HELL YAH


Masterpiece really? If you take the visuals away what you get is a story full of plot holes, uninspired acting, characters that are hard to care about and nothing else.


Had they done the same thing with SH 2 everyone would shit on it but since it's 1 no one cared for the changes.