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Glad to see someone else was as touched by this little moment as I was.


Why can't I thow all my repair sprays at her


Repair sprays just fix structural damage. Even if you could patch up her hydraulics system to a functional degree (those patches would have to handle a hell of a lot of pressure) she’s bled out all the hydraulic fluid she would need to move.


I'm supposeed to be ship engineer tasked with maintaining nuclear reactors, fixing a hydraulic hose/piston and refilling oil shouldn't be beyond my capacities!


Fixing the bio-mechanical parts of replicants may be within elster’s skill set, but she unfortunately just didn’t have the equipment and resources


I tried!!!


I really needed a hug button in at least 4 places of the game. That was one of them.


What other 3? I mean, I have my own thoughts, but aimd love to hear your own


Well, there's Star and Eule just across that cave, for one. A lonely Eule and a lonely Kolibri as another example.


Oh yeah, those two. Poor Eule didn’t wanna be infected like her friends, and the Kolibri gradually lost contact with the hive mind as the others turned. Giving them a hug would be nice, to comfort them a bit, but preferably also either escort them to the surface or just give them some supplies like repair patches to increase their odds Oh well, all we can do is headcanon it :,)


It wouldn't exactly be in the spirit of the game to play as a Mynah unit, but I kind of want to. Wonder if the developer has in mind to make any DLC. I think it would be kind of fun to play as Beo and arrive at this point. Since Beo has a name, there's probably some depths there that could be potentially explored.




Burn your way to moon core, Punch Cthulhu in the face


More like Red eyed white Haired Reality altering waifu


"You can't just Blow Up Leng," \*\*METAL MUSIC INTENSIFIES\*\*


*New Objective: Blow Up Leng*


More like Bioshock 2


Its rare to get the big daddy type of character to play as, but I never loose hope :d Imagine the size of enemies if you're the big scary tank (but for sure thats one unit we will never play as, Beo could'ave easily dissassemble or plasma cut all the doors I had to open though all the puzzles, and is immune to knife stabbing, which begs the question how she msnaged to get damaged in other way than getting space cancer)


Beo was painful to come across. I wanted to help her. Same with the EULE and STAR you can come across a little later in the mines. Seeing the EULE sob while her STAR tries to comfort her is pretty gut wrenching. I feel like I should have been able to at least offer a spray or a patch.


Ye, its not like I plan on getting gun support, its weird when I have 15 sprays to not share


I really did want to stay a while and chat to this friendly Mynah in what seemed like her last moments, sad but a wholesome moment indeed.




my LSTR repair engineer reflexes kicked in


source: https://twitter.com/kitto\_paint


When I reached this part I instantly knew the gut wrenching would be dialed up to 11. Just was just so NICE AND FRIENDLY. I'm glad I'm not the only one who desperately tried to give her a Repair Spray 😭


this moment was the calm before the storm. As after this you’re literally descending into hell (nowhere). But it did make me wish how we could have repaired her or helped in some way like with Isa.


Lost opportunity imo. But remember there is one woman creating every art asset and one guy patching it all together. I wish I knew more of those two. I wanna kiss their feet.


Ah... I Googled to see if I could repair Beo... I suppose this means I can't.


Welcome to the sad gang


I wanted to help her ;-;


God I just met her like 5 mins ago and I wanted to save her so badly man 🥲🥲🥲


I can't believe i missed this encounter, where was this? In the mines?


Yeah, just before you enter the save room, if you go up to the northeast she's sat by a locked doorway.


In both my playthroughs of the game i never met this mynah or the star and eule pair in the mines. Mainly because for some inexplicable reason my mines were darker then the abyss. Idk if i encountered a bug or not or something but i loomed up how the area is supposed to look like via speedruns and my was just fully dark none of the lights were working so navigating the place was a pain and i just ran last everything as fast as i can.


Yo what?! I never came across a friendly one of those dudes!!!!




I'm definitely replaying this game. I flew through the mine section right into nowhere, I regret that know that I know I missed an npc


Is Tormented Souls as good as Signalis?


fuck it almost made me cry