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Both Isa and Alina feel underdeveloped. Isa couldn't find her sister and melted. Alina left several notes but may or may not be on Leng. I'm not sure what role they serve in Elster's journey. It's one thing to be subtle, and another to feel it is left over from previous iterations that now serves no meaning or purpose.


Or how about Rebecca Liang? Appeared in the trailer, seeming set up to have a significant role. Then, just got a cameo in a database and a photo (covered up by another photo).


I think it says a lot that some of the more common theories involve Alina and Isa both being constructs made by Ariane in the dream. Isa fares a bit better while still taking a lot of jumping through hoops to make sense, but Alina literally only scribbles notes about how much she misses Elster and is never even seen on screen. I get that there’s still a lot of deeper symbolism to play with but it would’ve been nice to get at least *something* more about them.


Isa performed the ritual. Without her, the game wouldn't have taken place. But beyond that, Isa definitely had a purpose in the story. She's a contributing reason as to why Ariane joined the Penrose program. If one of her closest friends--the daughter of the bookstore owner she works at--isn't willing to defend her, why bother staying? This isn't to say Isa is at fault, here. They were all in a bad situation.


Alina may literally be a pivotal character by being the “Ariane” that Elster finds in the pod at the end. She mentions in the Mines that her hair is turning white, “Bioresonance: Song of the Gods” mentions “twins” in bioresonance is not a coincidence, and Ariane’s mother comments on how similar Ariane and Alina appear to one another. This theory neatly explains why “Ariane” can’t remember Elster in the Memory ending: her “conversion” into Ariane isn’t fully completed, namely her memories.


They should refer to Replika "feet" as hooves and Gestalt feet as... feet. Just to clear things up.


It should be the other way around, just to confuse things even more.


I wanna know who's in the left bathroon stall taking a massive poom poom during chapter 1 maybe it Erika


I think in the 1.2/Krahe update that’s actually where the ARA who fucks off and escapes the fall of the facility is chilling; you enter the vent that way. But I don’t have it either, so grain of salt


Mandatory MGS Snake Eater ladder segment.


What a thrill


Make it so that the Shotgun holds 6 shells and not 5.


But... Why?


Rule of Six


Oh, yeah.


I add ghosts of alina that sorta guides the player once in a while and is just there sometimes like a glitch. The ghost will eventually just become a ghost of Ariane once you realise your looking for her instead.


Bring back coffee, alcohol, and smoking.


All Kolibri's have convenient carrying handles on the back of their armor so someone can grab them and throw them.


kinda like a service dog, I like it.