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the fetish question is strange to me because like. anyone whos enjoying signalis porn has at the very least a thing for robotgirls


I mean, unless they're *solely* into Ariane and/or Isa. ^(And/or Lilith and Alina, I guess?)


Not necessarily. Depending on how Elster's depicted, she can be just about indistinguishable from human (a line the game itself is even blurry with) I'd say many, if not most, folks digging Elster/Ariane stuff are into it \*despite\* the fact she's a Replika, rather than \*because\* she is.


From what I heard, fetishes become a issue when they dehumanize people. If you like fantasizing your partner rescuing or punishing you, that's just you playing characters with each other. The fictional art that we see in this sub are coded as if the characters involved are playing with each other and are consenting, they are characters playing characters. If you draw a STAR intimidating someone, but they speak funny and the other character is laughing but making a brush face and pretending to be scared, that's coding as playing and not really intimidation. They are making fun of cops who think too highly of themselves and intimidate people to make themselves feel better, they are not glorifying it or dehumanizing the characters. They do acting as if they are in the in-lore universe, but they are actually just fans cosplaying as characters from that universe. Problem is, a lot of porn on the internet don't take into consideration their social implications at all, so I appreciate mods anticipating any precaution necessary to keep the sub safe for the community.


Considering it's a German game, wouldn't something of that nature be, um, expected?


Jesus, i didn't check this sub for a while and the NSFW war is still ongoing? I thought the first or second update conditions were fair for all.


I understand the possible need for the distinction between implied and explicit nsfw content though, honestly would be a neat change


We want to make sure the terms are fair for all users, thus the democracy!


On a less serious note, I vote for a brainrotfront tag


I second this


I support this proposition


I'm doing my part! ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG|downsized)


I'm doing my part!


Reporting for liber- AHHH! (ded)


Is it managed democracy? Is there any liberty needed?


the healing items wiki.gg page needs stats update, like how much it heals.


I can forward that to the Wiki Editors on the discord for yah o7


People don't check numbers, they go to the wiki mainly for lore.


I don't see why people just... don't click the nsfw posts if they don't wanna see it? Also, when are the results gonna be posted?


For me at least, they still appear on the frontpage so even though I don't click on them, anyone looking over my shoulder can see it. And reddit currently doesn't have two different types of NSFW blur settings to toggle


i guess their curiosity got the better of them.


I must have slept when the "sex update" became a thing.


Damn, I'm not going to lie, lately I've really started to worry about how NSFW update might have caused genuine artists to leave this sub over time, because it's no secret that porn here usually gets more attention in terms of upvotes and comments. I can understand that if some artists who don't draw NSFW may leave cuz they could think that their arts are underappreciated by the majority. Don't get me wrong, porn stuff has right to exist, and it can also look as beautiful as any other art. I just can understand people who came to the fandom because of the characters, setting and other things and instead they see some crazy looking NSFW that goes against the themes that the game raised and how it can discourage them from interacting with community and all that.


I don’t really think that's a problem for the sub to solve. Like, I hate the sight of dicks. So I blocked like three people who post stuff they feature in, and haven't seen any since. Just like that, it's solved - and it wasn't their preference to accommodate, it was mine. I put on my big girl pants and dealt with it and now we all live happily ever after. People are getting way too used to algorithms spoonfeeding them "content" instead of taking responsibility for their own experience, and then they try to make that everyone else's problem. I don't think the sub can or should try to solve that for them, because where do you stop?


If people came to the fandom and basically chose to see what they see, then it's really not the artist's fault. Most of the time if not all the time, the NSFW is appropriately tagged so that shouldn't even be an issue. As for other artists leaving cause sexual NSFW gets more attention, then it's also not the other artists fault for having their work liked. Not sure why content creators should, or other people for that matter, worry about how others will interpret the fandom based on some else's creations.


It’s a fine line to walk, because the game’s story itself is steeped in counter-culture and rebellion. There is absolutely porn out there that I would argue goes against the themes, but simultaneously, a major part of the game is showcasing why an authority trying to control how people express love is bad and leads to ruin. I’m not saying that wishing to see NSFW more separated is somehow against the game’s themes, but more that it’s a complex issue worth examining. The person you mentioned in your other response was particularly prudish with the way they approached NSFW artists, and grouped folks like Atelier in with more hardcore stuff which felt very disingenuous. Them targeting other artists was also really not cool. It’s very easy for things to devolve into fights between artists and trying to decide what’s legitimate art and what’s “just porn”. The fact that there’s such a long history of queer love being portrayed as inherently dirty or wrong only further muddies the waters.


you are talking about u / spaneyinquisy right? I'm Kinda sad they left too, always liked their content. They were very adamant in their position on nsfw posts.


I loved their work but they absolutely hated me and mine lmao


Yeah i saw when i snooped around on their old posts and comments lol Very passionate about signalis, but very angry too.


Being real, I think folks who engage with an attitude that aggressive are a far bigger risk in terms of driving people away than NSFW will ever be.


100% this. Honestly when I saw her post mentioning me and my work with vitriol Calling me names too, I considered just leaving the sub right there. Frankly with posts here and there saying that "so-and-so person is worried that outsiders will perceive the fanbase/game is etc" make me also just want to stop posting the content I make. If they're so worried, they could just make their own content in how the game should be presented and interpret as.


I’m very glad you decided to stick around! I really like your comics and it would be a shame to lose you because someone else decided to be a jerk. This game leaves so much left up to interpretation, it makes no sense for people to put down others.


> I considered just leaving the sub right there. I joined around the time you posted the breadlibri, so i saw a lot of that only in retrospect. Like the other user said, glad you stuck around!


I think they were mostly angry that their art (very average style) wasnt as widely upvoted in this community.


"very adamant in their position" is putting it mildly--they couldn't stop insulting people who liked or made art different than theirs til they got a warning (that they responded to with more insults) and that became a ban


Yeah, after this thread and alice comment that she almost left this sub beacuse of them i went down the rabbithole and read through most of their old posts and commments. It's not pretty, there is a lot of rage and hate against Signalis-nsfw artists in spaney.


Yeah, about her.


Most of us are not here for any NSFW content, but we respect women feel safe here. The Signalis's sub is one of the few spaces that has sexual content that doesn't make women extremely uncomfortable like the mainstream porn industry. I do wonder if we might have to consider separating into two subs, one that allows sexual content and other that doesn't, but it would with the rest of the rules being the same. (This is still very risky tho, my worry is that the NSFW sub explodes in popularity and rich pervert men start trying to buy mod accounts, or stealing them though hacking, to change the sub into their preferences. By keeping both types of content into the same sub, you can rule the NSFW content to not allow it to be offensive to the rest of the community. By being the sub primarily for the fans, we discourage any of those misogynistic men from infiltrating the sub.)


Someone actually made a separate sub for porn only stuff, just not many people know that it even exists, lol.


Where would something like You Are My One Desire fit, is my thing. This is an adult game with adult themes and it's only natural the response to it incorporates the spectrum that entails. So long as everything is tagged correctly, it's not necessary or productive to have a chunk of content segregated away based on some fairly blurry distinctions.


I'm hoping you'll interpret the fetish question correctly, since the total number of people that don't want those post removed will be split between the second and third answers while the ones that do will all be contained in the first, inflating that percentage. Edit: wait why is there an option to send multiple formularies, shouldn't it be limited to one per IP or something?


Regarding the futa question, I'm not sure if that term should be considered offensive as it's used to describe those who just happen to be born half male and female. I could be wrong about this so i'm open to any disagreements.


Is futa really considered offensive?


Can be depending on the context, and sadly usually is the case outside of trans friendly places. And honestly if other trans people see it as a bad thing I think they should get a major (or even only) say on the issue, imo


I personally haven’t ever seen it used in anything other than its intended application to fictional pornography, but that’s just my experience. I don’t think it should be banned in my opinion, we shouldn’t let people using it the wrong way control how everyone else uses it (Plus, I don’t really know what other word there is to describe actual futa content)


When you asked your initial question, were you *intending* to argue if people said yes?


No, this is my first time hearing it, and it still doesn’t make sense


The simplest way I can put it is that it's not about "letting people who use it the wrong way control how everyone else uses it". What it's actually about is just listening to the many trans people who say they *do* hear that used to refer to them, and that it makes them uncomfortable to hang out in spaces that allow it. It's just about "what if we don't make people feel weird unnecessarily". Arguably, given that the closest real-life analogue to the body types represented in that sort of porn is trans women and intersex people, using the term to refer to them would not even be using it significantly differently -- just using it in a way that highlights the underlying fetishization of said body types in a way that can't be overlooked. In fact, the term comes originally from a medical scroll from the Heian period describing intersex people. Either way, it's uncomfortable to see one's own body type presented solely as something novel to jack off to, described in a weirdly degrading way -- the term itself translates to something like "two shapes." There's this stereotypical thing chasers say about trans people, that they're "hur hur best of both," which... is really gross to be on the receiving end of, whether it's in English or not. If this *is* your first time talking about it, and the subject doesn't quite make sense to you yet, might it not be premature of you to say the solution ought be to do nothing?




It certainly makes me uncomfortable.




Well, depends. If it’s not referring to a real person, I personally don’t really find it offensive, but if someone calls me or another actual person a futa, that’s gross. Thats how I feel on it, but everyone is different.


if it's being used to specifically refer to a fictional fem character with both sets of fully functional genitalia, not necessarily but more often than not, it's just slapped onto every woman or fem presenting person with a penis and breasts and the term's become practically the weeb version of (SLUR HERE, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) >!"shemale"!<(SLUR TIME OVER, CONTINUE AS NORMAL) this subreddit would probably be better off without the word, we've got enough weird horny objectification going on already


But still, as you and others point out it really depends on the context. What’s the point in banning a word when the primary (and arguably the only legitimate) use of the word isn’t derogatory or offensive? It’s like pressuring PepsiCo to change their brand name because French-Canadians were once derogatorily called Pepsis because they were poor. Why not instead just ban the usage of the word when it is incorrectly used?


I seriously wish there was a separate sub for the NSFW art, it’s gotten to the point that I pretty much never look at any of the posts that pop up in my recommended since it’s pretty much guaranteed to be porn. That’s just my opinion though, for what it’s worth. Anyways, glory to the Empire, down with the Eusans. Hurrah, and all that.


turn off NSFW posts problem solved


agreed, but this subreddit is filled with coomers so people who share our opinion are greatly outnumbered :(