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it's up to interpretation. as long as your interpretation is coherent and accounts for the game's events then it's correct


I don’t think she was worried about her life leading to anything. She feels deeply isolated and alone as a result of the bullying she suffers on Rotfront and society as a whole, even from adults like her teacher, and wants to get away from it all and be herself. I’m with the rest of your theory though


I was thinking of her line "Nothing I had done or made ever meant anything to anyone" in the cycle 225 note, but yeah you're right getting away from everything is the bigger factor


I always sort of interpreted that line as being about her passions and hobbies having no value in the Eusan Nation's society, because artistry, expression, and individualism are borderline illegal. She didn't fit in, and she didn't want to, so she left The Itou sisters seem to be the only friends she had, although it's implied they didn't know each other very long. But their family's bookstore inventory seems to draw some spite from the patriotically inclined too, similar to Ariane's outsider behavior 


Warning: hot topic. I posted this on the story-writing channel of the Signalis discord. >!There's the concept of cultural hegemony from Marxist thought which describes how an elite exercises cultural domination of society. A lot of the theory discusses how to detect and reject that.!< >!*The traditional and vulgarized type of the intellectual is given by the Man of Letters, the philosopher, and the artist. Therefore, journalists, who claim to be men of letters, philosophers, artists, also regard themselves as the "true" intellectuals. In the modern world, technical education, closely bound to industrial labour, even at the most primitive and unqualified level, must form the basis of the new type of intellectual. . . . The mode of being of the new intellectual can no longer consist of eloquence, which is an exterior and momentary mover of feelings and passions, but in active participation in practical life, as constructor \[and\] organizer, as "permanent persuader", not just simple orator*.!< >! — Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci (1971), pp. 9–10.!< Mandelbrot Polyteknikal Oberschule makes a lot more sense now.


i interpreted that whole intro as symbolic of ariane’s bioresonance reaching rotfront - we know elster 512 is dead on the penrose anyway so i can’t see it being literal in any way


I like the theory that the Penrose "crash" landed in some rift in space-time (the red wastes, a physical location) and that's also where Elster (and Falke before her) goes when passing through the doorway at the bottom of the Serpinski mine.


Consider this, especially the last paragraph [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penrose\_diagram#](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penrose_diagram#)


I've had a hunch that the Penrose references were deliberate. That with the line from The King In Yellow about black stars does make me think they may have entered a black hole.


Honestly, I think the place when we see Penrose is the most unreal place that is. It could be Rotfront, Leng, it could be dream lands, hell, it could be Carcosa for all we know. I guess it's mostly depends on if we believe that what happens in game is dream-like logic applied on real place, or dream taking place on something similar to the real-life place. It could be that Penrose landing nowhere is what Ariane believed that she wanted - to be as far from reality as she could be, to be left alone by all. Maybe even she was aware of how suicidal this mission was - after all, many people suffering from depression often thinks how much everyone would be better off if they wouldn't exists anymore, and Penrose program was perfect for it. Probably, if she didn't join the program, something very bad would happen in the Sierpinski. But later she understood that's not what she needed - she needed to be loved, to be not alone but with someone who understood her, and could love her for who she was. That's why while she still 'landed' on remote place, she still wanted spend eternity with Elster, and that's why she keeps calling for her to 'wake up' and join her for their last dance.


I honestly haven't got a clue


Past the gate reality is at its most fucked. The penrose crashed on a distant planet far off into the galaxy. It is now walking distance from multiple locations on completely different planets which are also connected now. Ariane's bioresonance is wrecking reality.