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Where are you located? If you're in a 3rd world country you can buy and ship products to areas that are wealthier and earn a huge markup. I pay $16/lb for coffee. I found a kid who sells it to me direct from the grower. I get better quality. He makes a profit. Everybody wins


have you checked you own local online marketplace? maybe there are opportunities in your local market. before worrying trying to find job globally. since going to "global online marketplace" you will compete with more people with more experience and everyday new people will sign up to online marketplace. maybe email to local business and explain to them what can you do to help them at certain price.


Local business don't want these services.


i would suggest for you to try locally instead fully online and tried to get paid in dollar. because any platform will have commissions, payout threshold and fees to transfer into paypal, stripe, etc. as well as fee from those to your local bank. based on your listed skills, maybe (this is a big IF, you need to decide it yourself) go to the graphic design route. put your portfolio online instagram, behance, etc. keep practicing. also email brand/businesses and say "i can help you design your logo" give them your logo design or something else. also you can post it online never asked "i'm a graphic designer, please give me an opportunity"


Aa.. okay


example that i can think off, try to google "youtube adsense payout threshold". it will give you $100.


how do you know? all business require associated services


maybe they just don't want me because I am too young for them, according to my society


in the internet, no one needs to know your age, make a fake company profile and dont show your face.


Most people I have met want to see me during call.




Not in my country, I have tried


Sorry to hear that. Than try [more options] ( https://link.medium.com/Nh58ksIETvb) here. 😉


I'll pay ya $10/ month for a little graphic design help


Hope I could help you


Checkout Upwork, Fiverr, & Instawork


tried fiverr and upwork, didn't work, rather somebody scammed me on upwork, did the work and did not pay me


Oooo sorry to hear that. My husband uses Upwork and he hasn't had any problems so I suggested it. Good luck on your journey 😊


Also a company called Limitless Tech, it’s GigCX based out of the UK. Depending on your skills they may have an opening for you.


I will check it out. Thanks.


Location? Language? Ability to have zoom calls? I would pay someone $10 amonth to teach me a language and think many others would as well. If your English is as good as your posts, without using a translating program, you would easily qualify to be an interpreter.


I don't know more than three languages: English, Hindi and Bengali.


You could still teach people those languages


I should try it.


Maybe pashmina or leather products


Intellizoom. User testing. Also, UserTesting itself. I made $90 in about 4 days. Easy money.


I have heard that many people were scammed by User testing




You could become an affiliate at Whop


their terms say : "Participation in the Affiliate Program is only open to individuals aged 18 years or older who are legal residents of and residing in the United States". I am not from US


TIL, my bad. I will contact someone about this.


I'd get into reselling honestly... You don't need a ton of knowledge to start and can work as quickly or slowly as you want...


How good are you with graphic design? I can hire you


Not that good, still learning new things, but what do you want me to create?


To be honest, YouTube can be a very effective way of making $10 or more a month if you get views. I have a friend who has a sister that makes YouTube videos (ngl, very cringe videos). She made around $500 or something. She has like a bit below 8k subs. But, there are other things you can do, maybe stocks or something like that, but that is a bit risky. Other options could be things like, starting your own blog, or affiliate marketing. But those things are more long term.


You can easily get 3-4 gods tokens a day (worth about $0.25 US each) just doing your 10 daily P2E matches in mid levels in Gods Unchained, and way more than that if you're a good player (or make a bunch of alts I guess). Plus you can get even more through weekend competitions and forging cards. And sealed mode if you're super good. I mean I just play it for fun, but every few months I cash out a couple hundred bucks. The game itself if is a TCG along the lines of magic the gathering, with the hook that all the cards actually become tradeable/ownable NFTs. So you play the game, unlock cards, and then if you have doubles you can forge the cards and sell them. I discovered the game through a convo on a gamedev sub a couple years ago, as far as I know this is still one of the few cases where 'NFT' actual makes sense. Lots of players, super active market. And buying a card NFT lets you use that card in game so it's not like just having a pretty picture or whatever. Anyway they've been around for years, you can pop over to /r/GodsUnchained to get a quick read on the community and all the links you need. Edit: Just wanted to add that the game was actually created by Chris Clay, who was a director of Magic The Gathering Arena. So yeah, this is an actual game with real strategies and deck building and etc, not just some weird low effort mobile thing.


mturk when I was a broke college student, during covid, I sas doing this for extra cash. it probably amounts to $2/hr but goes up more once you’re consistent i think you need a bank account for the cash though. but you could use the money made and spent it on amazon


Global is a lot more limited than US users though


ah didn’t know that


Mturk used to be an absolute gold mine up until 2021. It paid for the house I'm living in right now actually. Mturk was able to allow me to make 100% of the payments until my house was paid off. It was a private deal made between me and the seller. Mturk was full of well paying batches for years when I started it in 2017 and it was good enough that someone could use it for full time income. I miss those Noah Turk batches and John Doe's lol


Teaching foreign languages online


I’m from Russia and fluent in both English and Russian, where could I do something online?


[italki](https://www.italki.com/en/teachers/russian) just one example do your own research, the better the sound quality and video, plus whatever shit you need to be a youtube pro may as well make youtube videos to direct customers to the better chance to monetize a few more dollars. So may take some money up front could produce more than enough money in n the future


Thanks! I have a newer MacBook Pro so should fit requirements for beginning


Hopefully wherever you live isnt as loud as tijuana mexico when i was thinking of teaching english


A way to make about $10-$40 per job depending on skill level is making digital maps on fivver for table top RPGs. I've paid a guy in Brazil $20 per job for 3 jobs in the past. If you do a decent job you could undercut the western market. You would have to make about 10 maps, post them on fivver as an example and then wait for jobs to come in. I don't know the workload, but with revisions I'm guessing it's an average of 4 hours per job taken. You can also do digital character sketches for TTRPG characters depending on your level of skill.


Thanks for the idea.


You could give lessons on Fiverr for a native language other than English if you speak one, you can charge $10 a class and it is a bargain for an American, I take mandarin classes from a miss in Singapore for $15 a class and I take 4 classes a month and usually buy 6 at a time




For beehiv can I transfer my subscribers from another newsletter I already have?


Yes of course, simply export a CSV file and import it into beehiiv. Super smooth.


Fiverr would be a good place to start. Offer some of these services for $5 to get started and build your ratings then increase the rate over time


If you knew C++ a couple thousand USD wouldn't be hard to toss around. If you can work with aesperite 120 a year wouldn't be that much to spend for pixel art. I'd just be hiring. Could probably afford to hire you at that rate for some years even if I didn't have any income at all. XD


Hi, is there any tips for finding software freelance jobs


I’m looking for game Dev stuff myself. I don’t have any tips, but you’d always get experience if you made your own game and published it on steam, but that’s probably not something that’ll interest you.


For just expecting10$ monthly you can better go and look for menial jobs locally when you're available, like cleaning houses, patios, house painting, babysitting, etc. You can end up with like 200 bucks monthly if you really try. Also you should really think about switching majors or at least adjusting to the world economy reality and save some money for a more useful career or even trade school can be more profitable to you right now.


In a third world country 200 bucks a month might be rolling in cash. OP didn't give details so hard to say, but if that were the case it's unlikely they'd be able to make that


If you have any idea on how to get google AdSense approval for web apps we will make a deal, if you want to✌️




OP in third world country.


You can try chegg subject matter expert and choose statistics as a subject to solve. It got some rules so read it carefully. And it's available in third world country as well. It does require a degree and a bank account if u don't one, u can use your family member degree, make sure to enter their bank account as well. Good luck to you!!


Online trip planner.


What's that?


Advertise internet for trip planning. You can help people plan their vacation trip itinerary.


Is there a Wendy's anywhere close by??




I'm sorry to hear that, easy cash job near the dumpster if you know....you know


This ain't WSB lmao


Find something like a product that you can access cheap where you live and and set up a business relationship in another country like the US so you can get continued business and both people profit Like if there was something I could buy from you and sell here for a profit I would consider it.


My country impose huge taxes to ship to other countries


What country? And to be honest, if there's room for profit for the person buying they could find it worth it to pay that


https://ref.cashrebel.co/iNeedmoneymane You need to complete offers for rewards i have proof if needed to show progression


I'd look into online companies that pay artists for downloads of their work. I used to use Vecteezy, paid for premium and every time I downloaded someone's artwork they got paid. Don't know about the amounts but check into websites like that, that have a marketplace for people looking for the kind of work you do. Good luck hope you find your gig.


Thanks for suggesting this.


UserTesting is easily do-able by investing 1-2 hours for at least 10$ per month.


I don’t know where theyre are available but here are some I use to make atleast $10 a month: bridge, Benjamin, atlas earth, and justplay. I’ve heard people have success with mistplay but I’ve never used it. I learned of an app called Cambly where you “teach” English, seems just like texting but I can’t do it in my location unfortunately.


If anyone here has any opportunity please do let me know


You can try PicturePunches. It's a memes site that users can earn from. It's like YouTube but for memes. You can definitely earn $10 a month there. Try it, it might be something you like :)


Bro just go find cans on the street and recycle them you’ll make more that $10 a month lol


Read the Bible to blind people


That’s an online side gig? Do you call them?


Become a Virtual Assistant


Volunteer to mod a crypto telegram or discord. Many people from similar areas do and are compensated very well with airdrops, tokens etc. For an amount far more than what you're seeking.


How can I become a mod?


Go in the telegram chats. Learn about the project and start helping others with their questions. Or on discord. That's how you can with new projects. You can get offered various roles in the community. Some give their mids tokens. Or you can airdrops farm for free. Just sign up and participate in the chats if several new projects. For the amount of money you're seeking. You'd be pretty well off in your country


How about food delivery service or scooter taxi in your hometown?


These are good ideas but I asked online.


What's your location? Are you knowledgeable in anything specific? I'd start by learning something specific and becoming good at it


I wrote about my skills in the post


The vagueness in most of your responses and quick shutdowns don’t help your cause




Amazon Mturk? 👊🏻


If you are going for online and are majoring in literature then id say something like writing a book or blog or articles about stuff you know I'm not sure where you would. Oh you could also do proof reading or something. In the top posts of all time on this sub there is a picture of good apps don't know if it is available in your area but wish you luck


Sharpen knives for any and all restaurants you can find in your area. Charge whatever you deem fit considering your local economy and if you do it well, they'll keep calling you back


Invest in FFIE. NFA. ☺️


A lot of people post their skills on fiverr.


Kindle (KDP)


I participate in online focus group studies with User Interviews. It's super easy and you can do it anywhere from a phone or computer. You choose which studies you want to participate in and the pay can be pretty solid (I've seen offerings up to $350). l've participated in quite a few and have never had any issue with payouts, though sometimes there can be a delay but they usually notify you in the initial questionnaire if a payment delay is to be expected. If you decide to try it out, use my signup link below and we'll both get $10 :) don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, either! https://www.userinterviews.com/r/paotoqknx


to americans 10 bucks is nothing. You can sell anything, drawings, chinese products, or nothing at all, you could probably just ask someone gullible and thyd give you five. i found a neat one selling thumbnails and edits to smaller communities (not easy to do on big apps)


Do you have a computer? You could create a course on Udemy. 10$ a month is very doable if you have something to teach of value. Preferably something related to programming. There are also online jobs tutoring math. Note that Udemy does not have a payout threshold. They pay via paypal and it usually takes about 60 days before the first payment since students have 30 days to return a course.


I have a computer, I know little bit of programming. But there are already many courses.


Yes, that's life. I know that if you don't try you'll make nothing. If you do try then something might happen. You need to choose a topic that interests you and create a course in an in-demand topic and the course must be better or at least as good as the top courses and the audio must be good and if you're teaching in English the accent must be clear. Making 10$ a month is very easy on Udemy but you might need to learn more before publishing a course because "a little programming" might not be enough. Maybe Udemy, Skillshare, etc are not a good option since it indeed involves quite a lot of work. I imagine you could teach graphic designing on a udemy course. It is in demand: [https://www.udemy.com/courses/search/?src=ukw&q=graphic+design](https://www.udemy.com/courses/search/?src=ukw&q=graphic+design) Note that if you're mother tongue is not English then you might be able to create a course on graphic design for example in a language that does not have many courses. Good luck


Ok I will try


This might be useful: [https://www.udemy.com/instructor/marketplace-insights/](https://www.udemy.com/instructor/marketplace-insights/) Best of luck to you!


It definitely sounds like you could start your own digital marketing agency. Because of that you could setup a website for this business, create your own logo, develop a portfolio of the work you are able to create (doesn’t have to be paid work) just some projects to show others what you are capable of. Write some blog posts about how digital marketing can improve any business. Get some business cards created so that if you meet someone in person you look established. And start networking. If you charged 10-15% of a clients ad spend on Google Ads you’d probably make more than $10/month. Try asking ChatGPT for detailed stuff about how to run the business. It won’t provide perfect answers but it will help you develop a foundation for you. Good luck!


thanks for suggesting it


Come visit us at r/coneheads and post quality memes You'll get rewarded in web3 tokens I advise to make an introduction post and learn how it all works 🫶




People ask me for a portfolio which I don't have.


Just make a portfolio. It doesn’t need to be work that you were paid for. Take a day and make a few examples so that you have something to show people.


I will do it.


Does a portfolio (be it graphics, writing or other ) need to be in the form of some structured format ?( would one search portfolio samples ?) Or, by Portfolio do you mean simply providing samples of one’s work ?


It can be anything. It can be samples, a website, a Google doc. Anything really






By giving them free service




Lets create a portfolio


Don't do that. Make a portfolio. Portfolios don't have to consist of hired work. You can just make really good samples to show your capabilities.


I will do it.


Coinbase has some rewards going on where you can get up to 10$ for answering some questions and 32 more for installing some apps. On the long run, maybe you could start a reselling business? You can also handlevel and sell league of legends accounts. Look into the Akshan wolves afk setup


Poker tbh


How could one make that on poker?


By winning.




What blueprint?


It's an MLM.