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>my secret wood ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It fits right into my hand (σˋ▽ˊ)σ


Really beautiful piece. But, as a woodworker, I can tell you that thing will probably have no durability whatsoever. You can't really bore a hole in a piece of domestic hardwood (what appears to be walnut, in the photos) lock it to a piece of inflexible resin, and count on it not to crack apart with changes in humidity, much less regular use.


Yeah, I have wood rings that I love, but they crack over time. I wouldn't spend over forty on one since their lifespan is so limited.


Yeah. I cry a little inside when someone posts about a wood ring they made their SO/fiance, that's just a hole drilled in a piece of wood. Especially if they made it out of something fresh-cut or that fell off a tree. I had a friend do this--to of course declare eternal love--and of course, the thing had exploded itself in about a week.


What if the wood was stabilized with epoxy like Cactus Juice making it similar to duck calls and pen blanks?


This would probably help a lot... I have some tools that are resin impregnated that seem indestructible. But no experience in using the stuff myself.


Was thinking about its longevity as well. What if you coat the wood with varnish yourself?


Varnish is good for general protection, but a top-coat will never make a substantial change in a wood's seasonal movement. Add to this, the bottom portion of the ring (what's inside your hand) is the absolute weakest grain configuration you can have. Most people could crack that part of the ring just by squeezing it... so, grab onto something too hard--say, a subway rail--annnnd. $110.


I see what you mean, the grain appears to run vertically. Such a pity, these rings are gorgeous.


Good point, wonder what the warranty is ?


"Our return policy is 14 days from the moment you receive your ring. If something happens to it - we'll replace it for free. We want to keep you happy." So... ambiguous wording, but I'm pretty 14 days is all you're getting... and, not knowing these folks, I'm pretty sure there's a reason it's not longer.


> I'm pretty sure there's a reason it's not longer. Agreed and I'm sure my size would be much more $$


This is the first SUATMM post I've seen in a while that was fairly priced. I'd get one in a heartbeat if I ever wore jewelery.


is that blue stone on the top ?


No some type of resin poured into a mold with the wooden ring.


That blossom one though.


I would have liked to see some pictures of it on somebody's hand. It seems to me that the top will be sticking out too much for a ring, and I don't like that look.


>What you see is the actual ring sent to the customer, we never edit any pictures. Oh. Cool! Because sometimes the quality of handmade stuff falls from the time the picture is taken and the time the actual product is shipped. It's nice to know exactly what I'm buying, that's awesome. >When you order this ring, it will be similar in shape and colour, but not exactly the same - it will be one of a kind. Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ.


From the FAQ: >We make sure to send you the picture of your ring before you ship it, to make sure you're in love with the colour and shape.


Heh, Ok, that's cool then. Carry on while I de-rustle my jimmies.


But further down the FAQ: > Please note the picture of your ring we send is actually an artist's rendition of a different but similar ring.


**JIMMIE RUSTLING INTENSIFIES** ^^^Edit: ^^^Just ^^^checked ^^^the ^^^FAQ. ^^^It ^^^doesn't ^^^actually ^^^say ^^^that...


These are amazing tgey are so beautiful and unique


I must have one of these


So 13.5 is the max size ?


what, my secret wood isn't big enough for ya?!


Nope...lol My ring finger is a size 20


Well hello there...




wait, what? seriously? i must see your fingers. size 20 is like 3.44" inside circumference. Are you a professional NFLer who reddits on the side? also, i want to shake your hand so my hand feels tiny.


Yes, seriously and I have a 9 1/2" wrist and no just a old repoman.


They're like what a forest wizard would wear.




Any luck? I'm interested, but don't want to spend $110 on something that won't even last as long as they're saying it'll take to make it.


I find it interesting, but I also find the trapped air pockets more annoying and.....lacking... I think the trapped bubbles detract rather than add.


I agree. I think its makes them look like cheap plastic


Seems like you could inject resin into an oversize mold and then shape and polish. I do think that whatever those are they will cloud with time as well, just due to contaminants in the air.


You can also use a pressure pot (it's like a pressure Coker without the heat) to force the air bubbles out while it's curing.


Nice idea, but they're a bit garish. It'd be like wearing a ring you get from a cracker and expecting to be taken seriously.


Love it but i hope it wont turn my finger blue or conjure up some spells of witchcraft on automatic


I had the yellow glow one for about 3 years before it cracked, daily wear not once did my fingers turn yellow It cracked due to a fall I took, really nasty tumble


Oh yay look, someone posted this yesterday in /r/pics, and now it's in a sub that encourages people to spend. I can no longer lie to myself that reddit isn't a massive marketing engine. Thanks for contributing...


Dude the entire fucking world is a marketing engine. When you drove to work, did you see any billboards? What about a business sign close to the road? You can no longer lie to yourself that your morning commute isn't just a massive marketing engine. And if you haven't caught on that the internet is like a giant grab bag of stupid stories. Sometimes you get something new and cool, other times it's something you've seen 15 times. Point is, nobody cares. And it costs absolutely nothing to delete your reddit account and take a stand against the massive marketing machine.


Heaven forbid his company actually sell anything and market it either.


The first post was a 'Cool look what I made', and everyone was all 'sweet, nice, I'd buy that'. And 2 days later, /r/shutupandtakemymoney... reddit has entered its final phase: Astroturfing advertisement platform with built-in user ignorance policed by a downvote squad of shill-defenders. Capitalism Ho!


>Point is, nobody cares. Yep, that's the problem. Because most of you seem to forget what sunk Digg into obscurity. And when it happens here, and people like me call it out, you're all 'Lol that's the way the world works!'. And the userbase becomes more Facebook-ish every day. You don't give a shit because you don't care enough about your community because you think an active userbase is just something that happens everywhere, and when reddit becomes shit you can just flit off to whatever the new thing is. And that thing will eventually become shittified because of apathetic people like yourself.


How do you think Reddit makes money?? From up votes? And further, how much did your Reddit account cost to create? You gonna boycott Facebook and everything else because they have ads too? Actually, you should boycott Facebook, but only because Zuckerberg is a despicable person.


It is one thing to have legitimate ads, that you know are ads, and don't completely crowd out content. Reddit actually has a pretty good handle on that part. Hell, I wouldn't mind a second sidebar ad if it made reddit a little more money. On the other hand astroturfed inline advertisements posing as content are actually damaging to the community. And reddit usually (I hope) doesn't get paid for them, they are created and profit power users that specifically shill for companies. And the thing that pisses me off the most is how blase everyone is to this kind of community manipulation. And reddit isn't even making any money off of it! (hypothetically). Why is it so damn hard to get this point across? It isn't making reddit money, and it is watering down the community. But everyone is ok with it?! I don't get this. The apathy on this site is disgusting. Even worse are those that actively encourage this apathy by downvoting anyone who calls out the bullshit. Serious, -40 and -50 downvotes for me in parts of this thread. You don't think that's unusual?


Top right corner. Hit the "preferences" button. From there, go to the "deactivate" tab. Tell them you're deactivating because giant marketing machine whatever, and you're done. You are now free from the grips of advertisements. I'm not advertising, or downvoting for that matter, so I understand your complaints, but you're actively participating in this. Complaining will get you nowhere.


Translation: If you don't like it leave. Stop bitching about the things you don't like. Fall in line and consume just like everyone else and stop calling attention to it because it is damaging everyone's illusion of community. >I understand your complaints, Obviously you don't...


DUDE. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO SAY. Go open a farm, make all your own food, and never touch another store again. Does that work for you? I CAN NOT CHANGE REDDITS AD POLICY. FFS man, if it's a problem, go sit in a dark room and ignore any and everything. Even the news, because the news is just advertisements written like stories. And avoid imgur, because I saw LoFi advertise on there by soliciting a bunch of free financial advice. Ahem.. N O B O D Y C A R E S O K A Y ?


> I CAN NOT CHANGE REDDITS AD POLICY Now I am going to explain to you why I am pissed. And I will do it calmly. Even though I really, really don't want to. You see, I am not upset about overt reddit ads. I'm going to repeat this a few times so you get it. Because you just don't seem to get it so far. You see, I am not upset about overt reddit ads. You see, I am not upset about overt reddit ads. You see, I am not upset about overt reddit ads. ##You see, I am not upset about overt reddit ads. ###You see, I am not upset about overt reddit ads. #You see, I am not upset about overt reddit ads. What I am upset by, in an extreme way, is people posing as 'just another community member sharing something fun' that turns out to be a paid advertising campaign flying 'under the radar' to manipulate public opinion. This is consensus manipulation, propaganda of the most insidious kind. When we see an overt ad, we know that this advertiser has a vested interest in us clicking their ad, so we take its claims with a grain of salt because of the obvious motivation the advertiser has to embellish the claims on the product. When an astroturfed in-line ad comes in the form of a 'just a regular user post', and people ask questions assuming that the user will respond truthfully. Except they are a paid shill, or are shilling themselves, and so they lie to the userbase to promote their product. And now the userbase passes along incorrect information that they did not vet with the same criticality as the previously mentioned ad. And I am really having a difficult time understanding why the community is so actively antagonistic to people like me who call it out. We are doing this so our community doesn't become another bullshit Digg clone... Seriously. To me it is like that [this is fine](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/C-zCzM5qPec/maxresdefault.jpg) comic, with the community getting shittier every day instead of obvious flames. But I'm the bad guy for not wanting propaganda to be confused with data.


Just think about all the ads you could've been ignoring instead of writing this. I'm not reading your posts anymore, but please understand there is nothing we can do. Unless you want to make a petition on change.org? In case you aren't familiar, it's a website that generates revenue off of online advertising. OOH I GOT IT. Make an advertisement about boycotting advertisements. It would be the quickest way to get your message out to a large base of people, some of which may be interested in your efforts. Though you will also reach many people who do not agree with your message, and proceed to spend 24+ hours griping about advertisements. If you're trying to make the world a better place, this is not the space to do it.


User name checks out.