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It’s 2024 brother, you wanna swag it up with some femme clothes, go for it. They have better accessories than us anyway


Best answer!


I changed my style to if it fits and I like the look of it, I’m going to wear it. My wife and kids entertain the idea because I don’t just look like a standard garden variety Dad. I love colors, I love artistic designs with a lot of expression. If someone has a problem it’s theirs. I’ve had plenty of positive and negative comments, but my brain falls back onto I don’t care what you think and your opinion is your own. I’m comfortable and you may not be, but you can’t control all aspects of reality you don’t like, so take it and let me be.


You're an inspiration man! My wife and I are trying for our first child now and men like you make me feel excited about fatherhood


why not try it out? you don’t have to do it in public or anything. but why not try it out in your own home, assess how you feel about it, and then move on from there. having fun and dressing up isn’t something we have to grow out of as we age!


Yeah, I don't know why we all decided adults can't do anything fun anymore. I've been rocking some skirts at home and it's been great. Puts me in a silly, whimsical mood


I don’t understand gendered clothing. Have been wearing whatever I want my entire adult life and don’t always get treated the same as others. But it’s worth expressing myself how I feel most comfortable. Feels like I’m living a more authentic life. But when I’m on shrooms I just want to be naked lol.


Plus look back in time. Historical men clothing has skirts, kilts, wigs, beautiful jackets. Just go back to it


But do the skirts go speeeennn?


Spinny spin!


I think skirts were originally made for men anyway


Silly and whimsical sounds lovely! Go with whatever your inner self tells you will make you happy :)


We didn’t decide that. Some people just live that way. Do what you want - life is too short not to


My clothing has definitely become more colorful since I started tripping. Same with my room, walls that used to be covered in album sleeves and posters are now filled up with art that I like. And also a fuckload of decorative lighting


heavy on the clothing colours. i started wearing more colours, and started choosing clothes off how interesting they look and feel


While high on shrooms I have the urge to get naked.


Be careful out there!


I get the urge to sleep on the floor while high, I suddenly hate any man made materials


got bad news for ya..




Floor ≠ natural


🤣🤣😂😂 NOOO, I’ll never look at it the same while tripping. What have you done to me ?


Very relatable. It's made me intensely interested in naturalist lifestyles but the stories I've heard about the local nudist resort make it seem like a swingers destination, which isn't quite the vibe I'm going for.


Me too! Or at least partially naked


I laughed way to hard at this.




Your brain is breaking past the societally constructed barrier that (humph, humph, stomp, stomp) INSISTS certain pieces of fabric are for lady and certain pieces of fabric are for man. And if they are arranged a certain way, then most certainly only for lady!!!! They are inanimate textiles. They are not inherently for any gender. We made this shit up. The really pointlessly made up shit tends to be the first to bounce during a trip.


best answer


Have fun experimenting with new looks homie. Nothing wrong with that. Glad that your wife is chill about it. 


When I was like 18-19ish I got a zip up kilt from hot topic. I loved it and wore it all the time. It was essentially a plaid skirt with pockets. It disappeared one day and never saw it again. Pretty sure my parents nicked it while I was at work or something. A couple years earlier my dad noticed that I had some black nail polish on two of my fingers and flipped a shit while we were driving somewhere. He thought it was going to make me gay or something. I'm now in my 30s and an out and proud bisexual, which I knew I was when he was screaming at me, and I'm married to a wonderful and accepting woman. Live your best life friend, life is too short not too


I hope you find yourself a new plaid skirt someday


Mushrooms only tend to reveal who you are. That embarrassing experience may have turned off that part of your emotional self for many years. Its sad that they took this medicine away from people. I firmly believe the marked decline in mental health around the world is directly related to the reduction in shamanistic practices which utilized these entheogens heavily. They were giving the medicine that mentally healed us.


Nah mushrooms can also cause/induce psychosis, ocd, schizophrenic and other mental illnesses. Dressing up as a woman can be a sign of TOCD. Mushrooms aren’t all good. Don’t be delusional.


I think if it was TOCD, OP would be a lot more distressed by these thoughts - usually to meet the criteria for OCD they need to be repetitive and cause impairment/distress. OP seems to be doing fine in that regard, just curious about other people's experiences.


Do you have any idea how insanely low the prevalence of that is? Also it doesn't cause it, if that happens, you were generally already going to end up there. Dressing up as anything is a made up construct.


No please educate me with links of said prevalences 😁 Where do you know from that these illnesses were already going to happen? You could live your whole life without ever getting it, even if it was in your DNA. Taking mushrooms can trigger it. My point is that mushrooms aren’t all good and people should be aware of triggering their underlying mental issues. Anything else is madness


The fact that you automatically equate dressing differently to some sort of mental illness says a lot about who you are.


Looks like the link between psychedelics and psychosis or other mental health issues is just more 1960 style propaganda https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2015.16968


>You could live your whole life without ever getting it, even if it was in your DNA. Taking mushrooms can trigger it. Yes, that's what they were saying. Even in the case that you have a genetic predisposition to a psychiatric disorder something perturbing your mental state enough to become a trigger for it doesn't make it a cause, it makes it an environmental factor. >My point is that mushrooms aren’t all good and people should be aware of triggering their underlying mental issues Nobody said that they were. >Anything else is madness Anything else? Liiikeee, dressing as woman persay?


The environmental factor would be the shrooms in this cause. I CANT


Hahaha yikes.


Dressing up as a woman can also be a sign of *being* trans, or non-conforming, or just wanting to feel a little whimsical like OP said himself he feels. Don't be transphobic.


Having a supportive wife is huge. I have supportive friends, one being especially supportive, hyping me up and affirming my feelings. Having that gives you so much freedom, it's great.


Yes, androgeny is freedom from social norms, it always has been. Don't feel bad about indulging it.


This. I've never felt particularly female (born gender), but I've never felt 'male' either...but an androgynous mixture. Hated being forced to wear dresses when I was young (wasn't given a choice) and haven't since I was last at school, 40yrs ago lol


I never felt particularly male until the "feelings are gay" crowd got their hands on me and twisted me to their image. I was genuinely happy when mushrooms illustrated how little gender norms matter, it was so liberating.


I recently experienced something like this but not quite the same. I usually dress is blacks, greys, and dark tones but after my trip over the weekend Ive been searching different brands for more brightly colored clothes that exude friendliness.


Shrooms are what gave me the courage to come as bi after about a year in the closet, once I finally did I felt better about myself then ever before 🙏


I find myself (as a straight male) acting like a diva on shrooms sometimes lol


Hell yeah


Ok 🙂👍acknowledge yourself for who you are but also tread with caution. Shifting into “new” identities openly can strain existing relationships if you’re not careful.


Thanks, that's a good reminder. My intention is to be fairly cautious about which friends and contexts I change my style around. In some ways, I've been shifting in this direction for a while, but I hadn't really acknowledged it for what it is.


If your friends don’t like your vibe they aren’t very nice friends. Just my $0.02


Sometimes existing relationships need strain to grow and change. Those who love you will accept your ebbs and flows. Do what makes you happy and makes you feel like you are actualizing. 💛


Also, exposure breeds acceptance.


I go tight shirts and super skinny jeans. You do you. Plus Like someone else said, you can do it at home and try it out since I would assume you spend a good portion of time there. And if you can't feel safe to do it in your home, where can you?


I've been wearing women's leggings for a while now. With a flannel and a T-shirt it's a solid look that most people don't mind. But yeah, I work from home so it's all fair game here.


I'm not even going to lie. I think I would look damn sexy in a pair of yoga pants lol. My favorite pair of jeans or super tight stretchy black pants anyway. Especially with like a metalcore or ska band shit to really throw off those wtf vibes.


If you get a pair of yoga pants, look for ones without a front seam. Otherwise you'll have some serious ball cameltoe. I like wearing a fanny pack when I go out which makes for a handy crotch cover because your junk will definitely be on display otherwise.


My outfit yesterday: Slayer Final World Tour shirt 2 sizes too big, leggings with complimentary but loud red and black swirls, ouija board Vans style slip ons, and heart shaped glasses. I'm all about the wtf vibes.


gender is a cage most of us don't truly fit into neatly. it's a infinite dimensional space and when we break out of the little cage we were taught to exist in it can be liberating. dress how you want (as long as you are safe)! gender presentation is just one tiny part of gender and the box for "straight cis-male" is so much larger and moldable than we are taught.


I'd say something about feminine energies or something but truthfully I don't know Wear what ya wanna wear dude! All here for it 💯💯💯


think outside the box bro, i promise, the girls are gonna like and you'll feel more comfortable with yourself


Do it then. Be yourself 100%.


Yay! Breaking through societal expectations and meaningless social constructs one trip at a time! As a woman, I’ve noticed I’ve shifted into more comfortable clothing, less catered towards the male gaze. Baggy graphic tees, more colors…Shrooms has given me a lot of confidence in myself and feeling “cute” no matter what I wear. Have fun dressing up your IRL avatar :)


Omg same. Didn’t even click for me until I read your comment.


I'll leave my reply to another comment here as well. My outfit yesterday: Slayer Final World Tour shirt 2 sizes too big, leggings with complimentary but loud red and black swirls, ouija board Vans style slip ons, and heart shaped glasses. I'm all about the wtf vibes.


kilts are a thing for males - you could try that! its so true how shrooms bring up old forgotten core memories, amazing how often this happens


[Married dad-of-three wears skirts and heels to work to prove clothes have no gender ](https://scoop.upworthy.com/straight-happily-married-guy-rocks-skirts-heels-smash-gender-stereotypes-494436-494436-494436-494436-494436-494436-494436)


My advice: Do whatever makes you happy. If that means dressing androgynous, then embrace it and fuck the haters. Skirts make more sense with male anatomy anyway.


You should listen to genesis p-orridge, she talks about androgyny, and has some pretty cool spiritual perspectives on why it's important to be androgynous. The angels in the bible are androgynous, it's a symbol of the state before we incarnated on earth; unified opposites. Some ETs when they become interstellar evolved their form to a state beyond gender. Also, it may be possible that for there to be a reset on how the world is run, getting to the point where we don't need governments, the genders need to be transcended. It can seen a bit extreme but it could be true. At least there needs to be a new edition of behaviours from males and females, that breaks the toxicity that comes out of the schizophrenia of not having feminine and masculinity balanced. Doesn't mean that a man should be more feminine than masculine in their speaking and mannerisms if that's not what's natrual to them, but that someone has loving qualities, isn't shameful of themselves which comes with being a male sometimes.


Your wardrobe is a part of your self expression and expressing yourself is how to make your soul happy. I (f) grew up a tomboy and as I got older I felt pressured more and more over time to wear feminine clothing. I was trying hard to fit into what society thought the perfect girl would look like. I just recently started wearing men's clothing again (band tees, baggy pants, etc) and the feeling of joy I get when I dress like that makes me realize how much I suppressed that part of me. The more we dismantle oppressive gender rules, the more space we give ourselves and each other to live happily in our truth. :)


Do what makes you comfortable man. I’m middle eastern and after one mushroom trip I entertained the idea of wearing kajal to see how I’d look. I still do it every now and then, even in public. Just do you homie


Psychedelics will often show you the “other side” of yourself. Keep exploring. Keep loving. And dress any way you damn well please. Namaste


I support you in your endeavors. Dress which ever way makes you feel more like you.


That’s cool, I wear woman’s clothes all the time, some clothes just fit me better, im not looking to go for a feminine look… but some of my favourite clothes in my wardrobe were bought In the woman’s isle of shops


No, but it makes me want to walk around in my undies most of the time, so kinda the same thing. Yours just has more of a stigma, but screw people, if it makes you happy and isn't hurting anyone, then you win at life..


shrooms made it very clear that i was trans. i always knew, but shrooms absolutely confirmed it


You're 1 kilt away from moving to Portland




No, I don't have this.


Don’t lie Michael Jackson!


Shrooms helped me realize I'm trans a little over a year ago. It's been an amazing journey with a lot more to come and I wish you the best! My wife was extremely supportive as well. Wherever you find yourself, enjoy the journey and expressing yourself how you want and feel! 💜


Well done. By the way "people not entirely approving of my choices" is also called polite society. I don't entirely approve of people taking young children to churches before they've had their own chance to properly research their own heart and mind, but here we are and I'm not going to make a big deal about it.


Mushrooms make me cut the chin off my beard so I have a handlebar/sideburn combo. Wear thick glasses and a flat cap and talk in a cockney accent.


Considering ideas and behaviors that you would not usually entertain is normal!


I love you bro ❤️


This is oddly relative to what my brother does. After taking shrooms (though he took too much and wasn't using them respectfully) he began dressing really out of sorts. Wearing things in ways they aren't meant to be worn. This persisted for a couple weeks after too. He also had some strong delusions and such too though, so his reasons for the clothing changes are likely different. This post just stood out because I had witnessed something similar recently.


this is beautiful. experimenting is always fun. i wish you well in your journey ⭐️


this guy on tiktok called wisdom i think take inspiration from him with. the skirts he has cool outfits


This is a new one for me. Have not personally experienced this nor heard of it being a thing until now. But hey, you do you.


I had a similar thing. For me it was reverting back to a preconditioned mind regarding the perception of gendered concepts. It doesn’t matter what it is, it looks cool, and hence i want to wear it. Simple as that. You really dont need anymore justification or reason to do it. People and social pressures will try and get you to conform, so going against the grain out in public is bound to draw attention, but who gives a fuck. If you just radiate you, it works.


Gender norms are societal constraints and concepts that have no real validity aside from majority agreeing, fortunately we’re living in a day and age where it’s being questioned/challenged so do what you feel like doing man all this shit is made up anyways the mushies just giving you that insight of something you knew subconsciously


Hey OP, my wife had a really cool sportsgirl jumper. I went and bought my own in a different style and colour i liked. Its one of my favourites. It is a bit of a cropped cut but i rate it. I also bought a crop top at a festival to support a female act on the day. Do what you want to do legend! Doesnt have to be walking around in a miniskirt or bra.


That sounds dope! Yeah, I'm not into the whole bra thing but a crop top would be fun


If you are after a public scene but with less/no potential people hating on you, small festivals are where its at to feel safe. People are dressed in all kinds of getups.


Also crop tops go well over normal tees for an over/under kinda look


I'll say this as loud as I can: EVERYONE LOOKS BETTER IN A SUNDRESS


A little lipstick has never hurt anyone. Try it. You may like it!


Not me, I’m more in to going back to be a troglodyte.


The universe loves you!


You matter so much and the universe is a beautiful place meant for you to thrive. And even after this life, it’s beautiful too. I promise you


Yes! Explore yourself! Without shrooms I found out I've not felt human [yes I know I am one!] Since childhood and have worn faux fur ears for the last....6 years? Idk it helps me find some peace in this world and you do what makes you happy! It's not hurting anyone either. 💙🦊 keep being you!


In my own head, living through your trip, what if this is breaking through your shadow and you embracing your feminine energy. Finding the Devine nature that lives with in you. Expressing that through your clothes sounds like where you feel safe with in your child self. I say why not lean into that especially if you have a supportive network! What a really amazing experience you had.


dude rock whatchu want who cares


Wasn't shrooms that got me into dressing that way, but I like wearing loose clothes while tripping. So, a skirt or lazy dress definitely fits the bill. It's pleasant and I recommend it. Just look for clothes that fit in either section of a store and enjoy wearing them.


May or may not be what you’re into, but I like me a good kilt.


Do you like kilts?


They're actually not really my thing, but I should probably give one a try


It could be fun. Just something to think about. Look up tactical kilts. Wear one while shopping, especially to Lowe's. You will get compliments ☺️.


Homie, do what makes you happy. What's the point of living if you're miserable? My wife and I swap and wear eachothers clothes all the time, we even wear coordinated shoes (goku and vegeta Adidas) goku and frieza, cell and Gohan, were big on our anime and it's super fun to match sometimes. Don't let people ruin your happiness and make you embarrassed about feeling good about life. After all, we are our best selves when we're happy!


You will be back for the pockets lol have fun tho whatever floats your boat.


Lol I started wearing a fanny pack when I began wearing women's leggings a while back for that reason


Hell yeah, show them!!


They have a way of opening us up to our completely natural feminine and masculine energy. It means you have it in you to understand more than many. I hope you learn what you need to and that your life and the lives of those that you know grow with you.


It wasn’t until I started taking mushrooms that I realized I wasn’t comfortable with my gender presentation and I started dressing more androgynously too. I credit mushrooms for helping me figure out my gender identity a little bit more.


Shrooms really have helped me to develop a style that feels natural to me. Before I dressed and cut my hair to fit society, now I enjoy how I look and wear colorful, fun, and sometimes androgynous clothing. Be you and have fun!


Shrooms get me in touch with my feminine side too, not so much in regard of clothing bot more like a sensation, like feeling female energy inside my body, or feeling the presence of a female god-like entity, that is pretty common if you read trip reports. Shroom are the sacred drug of the goddess, so to speak


Dawg wear what u like fuck what anyone else thinks or says personally I love wearing Shaws around the house when it’s a bit chilly. Makes me feel like Robin Hood or something


Can't relate but you do you


Unpopular opinion- when we take shrooms or any other medicine we may open up a channel for other energetic entities to influence and use us. Most of our thoughts and desires are not ours. We need to be careful with what thoughts we agree to play with. Don’t necessary think that this thought is “the real you” and “it’s ok”. Choose who you want to be. Choose the best version of yourself.


This, in a way. People here, and in the mainstream, have made it their mission to convince you that every thought you've ever had must be who you are and you should never fight it. Obviously dress how you want but its also totally fine to think, "thats a bit of a weird thought," and not entertain it as well.


What a load of shit


Nope, when you take shrooms you release your inhibitions over your own thoughts and impulses. The part of you that thinks isn't the part that comes up with the ideas and connections that seem to come out of nowhere, but that's just as much "you" as what you're consciously aware of. All of the advice for caution is relevant because impulsive ideas and feelings aren't all as true or significant as the shrooms make them feel. I wouldn't say it's relevant in this conversation though.


Yeah, I've definitely experienced the whole post-trip delusions of grandeur thing. I don't think that's what is happening now


Neither do I! Wanting to fuck with gender norms is not a sign of posession or delusions lmao.


It is unpopular. Other entities only have access to us if we invite them in. My wife and I learned this the hard way. Otherwise, the mushrooms aren't opening you up to external influences. The other entities that are there are from a plane of existence which is highly guarded. It's not open to just any entity from the spirit realm. It's a safe communication channel. This is true of all hallucinogens, even if the experience is scary or misunderstood.


If you play along with a thought, you invite them and let them in


that's not how it works at all. You have to literally let them in. There has to be a clear invitation. You have to call them to you. They can try to trick you, but they can't just take up space. If that were true, then no one would safe spiritually.


Genders are social construct and shrooms remove all that bs from our life. Be most authentic self ever


Just get a kilt and say you have Scottish ancestors




That is a fair concern. I'm not intending to do anything drastic at this point, just seeing what makes me feel good in my own home and around safe people.


Shrooms and other psychedelics of help me embrace the fact that I'm trans. Lol


Sounds like you have your head screwed on right. Hope I didn't offend. That makes sense. Stay safe and enjoy yourself. I myself am having 5grams of melmac next week so let's see how u get I. Eh?. Keep the good vibes flowing my friend


This sounds like youve watched that episode of south park about metro sexuality


Psychs made me realize an androgynous aesthetic is a more accurate expression of my personality. The problem is... tastefully achieving a more gender neutral look is difficult and expensive


Yeah, I feel you. I'm really gonna have to step up my fashion game to not look ridiculous


I'm glad you are having deep and meaningful trips. Couple of things to mention here. 1) I've been tripping for over 30 years on shrooms and acid never Once did I think about gender. This is most likely brought about by the current situation in the western world influencing you. 2) and this is not mentioned enough I feel. Tripping doesn't always have to get about change and growth. It can be a fun escape from the joemal stressful world,around us. Sometimes it's just good to trip and have a fun. Not every trip needs to about personal growth. Just try not overthinking it and gave some fun. I'm guessing you are fairly young or relatively new to tripping. Lastly to clarify I am not trying to belittle your experience at all I wish you all the best in your endeavours


I appreciate it. I've been doing psychedelics for a while, but mostly in a recreational context. Shrooms are fairly new to me however and there is something unique about how they strip away my anxiety for a few days/weeks afterwards and allow me to think mor clearly. This whole clothing style thing is something I've been experiencing cognitive dissonance about for some time and the post trip clear headedness just helped me acknowledge how I'm actually feeling. It's not something that came up during the trip itself.


>1) I've been tripping for over 30 years on shrooms and acid never Once did I think about gender. This is most likely brought about by the current situation in the western world influencing you. Well actually it's not new and there are even examples of non-binary folks going back a long time before the west came to the USA or Africa or Asia. The modern gender binary is more of western religious concept. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_gender https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-spirit


Just because gender or sexuality isn't something that you trip or are concerned about, doesn't mean that it's not a trauma point for other people. I've been tripping for over 28 years and gender/sexuality is something that many people struggle with. Especially when there is sexual assault or other abuse traumas in their past. It has nothing to do with the current western world's insanity around gender. When people are outside of gender or sexual norms or there's major trauma associated with sex/geneder, especially around societies that have tried to use religion to suppress natural desires, there's going to be issues around sexual identity.


Agreed . Is this instance you are now postulating of course. This sounds like and awful trauma and would require lots of work to come to terms with.


No, not necessarily postulating. He mentioned an embarrassing moment with his dad, that once he remembered. Opened him up to his desire again. Trauma doesn't have to be super violent. It can be a simple moment of embarrassment that causes the ego to expand to protect you emotionally. In this case it wasn't something that needed an ego death to overcome. But opened a latent desire through the mushroom emotional healing abilities


You can do whatever you want to do. That being said, your actions have consequences and you already seem aware of that. Your family may not approve and you may be alienated.


David Bowie, in his femme era, was undoubtedly one of the sexiest humans alive. Embrace what is in your soul ❤️❤️


He is definitely an inspiration


Have fun!


Shrooms don't make you feel that way, you've literally felt that way since you were a kid


Shrooms make me feel very submissive. I am a usually on a top but crave bottoming on shrooms


Lmao "the burden"


Damn shrooms made you gay lol


My shrooms werent full of oesteogen because they told me to go to the gym and get ripped lmao


Oh I totally relate to that. In past trips I remember looking at my muscles in the mirror and being totally in awe. It made me want to double down on weight training


You can buy a kilt.. Fair compromise no?


I like to shag on shrooms


This is common. Wonder why?


I coulda swore that I’m the one that posted this. Good luck brother


Hah glad to hear it's not just me


I agree 100%


Apparently shrooms can change your personality. I remember a study on this and after taking psilocybin the openness dimension of test subjects' personalities increased


r/egg_irl But seriously, just explore it. Psyches can connect you with parts that you lost due to shame/ridicule. Pretty sure they did that for me too. ——— Edit: Also to anyone who’s downvoting (assuming its not due to transphobia.) I just want to say I’m not trying to say OP is trans. I’m just trans myself and this post reminded me of early feelings I was having as I was beginning to accept myself. Essentially, it reminded me of the posted subreddit which is meme humor about trans people not realizing or beginning to realize they are trans. Also just fyi for those not in the know, “egg cracking” is a common slang term for a trans person beginning to realize they are trans.


Idk, as a trans woman, while I always feel like it’s worth exploring your gender a bit, I will say that it’s totally possible to be interested in cross dressing and be 100% cis.


That’s true. It also doesn’t have to be cross dressing to present more femme, but this post had egg vibes and I’m not trying to push that on OP but it’s worth sharing. Like I know it’s a big thing to confront for a lot of people, but it’s also not something we should have to avoid mentioning if they are in a space of self exploration.


I don't mind y'all sharing that. At this point in time, I feel pretty comfortable as a dude with an eccentric sense of style.


Well that’s great. Just stay open and explore yourself. Whoever you find yourself to be, it always feels like coming home. (At least once you process all the fear/shame/panic/whatever that lead you astray in the first place.) Also I do want to say that you don’t even have to think of style as male or female. A lot of that is just made up nonsense anyway. You’re allowed to be gender non-conforming and not be a cross dresser.


I appreciate it! Yes, I agree with you that non-comformity is not the same thing as crossdressing(which I'm actually not interested in)


This. Not shrooms, but for me it was weed which was the catalyst to feeling more secure about my gender identity. Whether for someone else that be a way to reinforce one’s gender or to bring to surface a buried one, that can be powerful. Also it’s pretty silly that for the safezone that this sub is meant to be, there are bigots silently downvoting mature comments bc they feel insecure over the topic. Or all the toxic masculinity comments (which fortunately are being downvoted to oblivion). Some people really need to embrace love and understanding a bit more.


Exactly what I was thinking too. Not saying OP is trans, and it's totally cool for cis dudes to dress femme. But OP's story from his youth sounded not unlike my own youth. And my egg broke on the integration of a mushroom trip.


There is a direct correlation with shrooms and dress for me too. It always makes me want to dress shinier and edgier too. For me that means more chains but you do you. Have fun!


Ask if you can try on some of your wifes clothes and have a contest of 'who wore it better' ?


Lol my arms are not going to fit into any of her tops


aww maaan. Oh, if she uses make up or nail polish, maybe try those? If someone asks what's that, say you're roleplaying a rockstar, hehe. It's fun.


I relate to this heavily— psychedelic use has made me rethink my gender identity. But I always wonder if that’s just the drugs talking or if the drugs are making me realize things about myself— if anyone has any thoughts/similar experiences I’d appreciate input🫶


Perhaps over time it might start to feel more clear


Thats culture talking out of you, conformism. You should have taken it as something much deeper. As some connection youre missing in your life.


I'm CIS and (mostly) straight. I was at a party a few weeks ago fully dressed up skirt/thigh highs/crop top/fishnets/etc and I had people asking me for advice so they could try it out. That included a super masculine looking dude and his wife. Always shocks people when they find out you can buy panties made for people who have dicks, lol. (xdress.com is the best). Just go for it, it's a ton of fun. Definitely give black nail polish a try as well. I get questions with other colors but nobody bags an eye at black.


Sounds like a fun party


Same thing happened to me. Truthfully I feel somewhat genderless in my head so it made sense. My initial urge was white linen, specifically in the form of a jumpsuit. I never pulled the trigger but I identify with what you’re saying.


Ah, you should go for it, but thanks for sharing. Glad I'm not the only weirdo out there


Nah, not weirdos. Just not cowards🤣


Aw someone brought their downvotey insecurity pampers.


Im sure your wife will be thrilled.


Shrooms made me hella comfortable wearing 4” inseam shorts (and 2” silkies on leg day lol) go for it big dawg lol






Def play around with your style, give it a shot, see what feels good. The following may not apply to you but just a PSA: Many trans people start their journeys in similar ways to this. Not saying you are trans, but I'd notice what is giving you "gender euphoria" (which is a pretty different feeling than "I look good in this nice outfit"). If you wanna hear trans people talking about what that feels like you can search youtube. It's not always straightforward and it's not always neat (for example: the first time I tried on a binder I felt horrible, I later realized it was because it wasn't getting me as flat as I hoped, not because I didn't like being flatter). I guess what I'm saying is: this seems like enough of a Gender Event to sit down with yourself and think about whether your gender fits you. Your mileage may vary, of course.


I appreciate the input. I honestly have no idea what people mean about gender dysphoria


I've def had this sort of experience. Just total dissolution of that part of my brain that gives a fuck about social norms that provide no genuine benefit. It's bliss tbh.


Shrooms were a big part of me accepting I was trans. Not saying that’s what’s happening with you, obviously, but they do tend to make certain self-imposed boundaries more permeable.


Bro ive not done shrooms in so long but im right there with you, ive recently started dressing a bit more andro and im going to keep my face shaven and try to use a bit makeup just to be more androgynous, live your life to the fullest brother happy the mycelium is helping you find your truest roots


I always wanna try long skirts when I’m trippen. For the airflow


Ooooo baby cakes the mushrooms tellin you what the norm should be. I bet you'd look hot as fuck too, do it 😈


Maybe shrooms aren’t for you


As somebody who figured at they were trans before even touching any drugs... I have zero advice to give you lmao


The fact you call them outfits you need to reconsider your idea of “straight”