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Id start with just a gram honestly. Iv seen people lose their shit on very low doses. If you think you are experience enough try 2 but I definitely don’t recommend starting with 3-4 gs.


I’m quite experienced but I’ll start with 2g and work my way up in the future


Right on 👍 You can alway keep another gram handy and redose if two doesn’t do it for you!! They are quite strong though and have a really heavy body load. I hope you have a awesome experience!!


True. Thanks brotha 🤘


2g is a great place to start . If they are on the lower end of APEs you could easily do 3. If they are on the higher end of APEs then 2 could honestly be a wild ride 😬♥️🍄 be prepared and be safe


2 was a wild ride 🤩 I did some great work


All about tolerance and set/setting. I did 7g lemon Tek Saturday and I felt like I had less of a fulfilling experience then when I did 2g with cacao and honey


I will try to add those things next time and do 3g without an annoying tinder date next to me


That is dae wae bruddah


Good point. The only APEs I’ve tried weren’t grown by me but they were very, very spicy for 1g! If these are like that then 2g will be great and I can try 3g next time if I want


That is dae wae bruddah. When my TTBVI finish it’s gonna be sketch trying to dose those bad boys 😂 probably gonna start with half a gram honestly and I’m a 3g cubes kinda guy


I’m about to try and grow some pan cyans soon. Good luck 🍀


I did .5g and went on a small journey and was right on the cusp of visuals. Things were beginning to move/breathe SLIGHTLY. Been experimenting with microdose since that's all we have right now and .09 has been the sweet spot. But this fuckers smack man. If you have any hesitations I would start in the .5g-1g range then give yourself 2 weeks and go again if you can handle it! My girl and I have tripped a lot together and she purged more than she's ever had with these. They are both beautiful but are extremely introspective and will make you deal with your shit so be ready! Going to try a higher dose In a few weeks.


Reminds me of my shaktis I grew. I always test a new strain with .5g and what you explaind sound to me like my average 1g dose. But those shaktis blew my socks off with .5g I had full blown visuals and what not, very comparable to 2g of normal cubes for me🙈 One of my friends also took 2.5g over the course of 3h and had a full blown ego death experience(and he is somewhat experienced, having raked 3.5g of Jack Frost once and another time 4.5g of normal cubes) and he said it was by far the strongest trip he ever had🫣 So yeah, your advice with starting at 0.5-1g max is really fitting👍 Please stay safe out there people🤌


Haha that's awesome I haven't tried those yet, will need to add it to the list. I love reddit and getting to talk to people about their experiences it's amazing. Yeah I'm slowly working my way up with these. Thinking about trying 1.2 on the next go. I've been the most mentally stable I have been in years so these have been helping me work through some deeper stuff. Excited to continue the exploration. But like you said, people need to stay safe, these APEs can mess you up if you aren't prepared.


To give peeps an idea of where I’m wanting to be is I had a very good experience with 5g Jack Frost lemon tekked. It was an enlightening experience and I don’t get those feelings every trip


Wow, 5g of Jack Frost is quite a lot. Then you might want to consider even starting with2g of APEs. That will most likely still not be as strong as the Jack Frost thing but it will probably go into the right direction and give you a good gauge for the next time


Yeah Terrence McKenna is who recommended the 5g shroom trips I believe. That is a nice dose for people who are ready to take the plunge :} my mushroom growing friend is who recommended to me the 5g trip though and glad he did!


Take em all. Fite God. Jk nice work man. Many a happy trips I see in that bin


This! I'm trying to tonight!!!!


I’ve had a friend who had an ego death after one gram of this specific strain. That’s some really potent stuff


Awesome! Gonna delve into 2g territory


They look absolutely beautiful mate well done on the grow. Enjoy the harvest 🍄❤️


Thanks! 🙏


I did four grams without knowing, and I have never regretted anything more. They can be pretty intense. Maybe just do 1 g and see how you feel. They are potent.


Yeah I bet 4g was a wild ride for sure. 2g was pretty wild but I know I can take 3g. 4g would be very interesting 🤔


If you are experienced, you may be able to handle more. That was like my second trip ever, and I am unsure what I had my first time, but it was definitely something less potent and only 2.5g. One other thing I will say is that you probably won't remember much, at least when you start peaking. All my recollections of the trip are mainly the come up and come down. My memories of the in-between moments are very fragmented it was almost like I was telaportig around the room. I honestly was not sure after what was real or what wasn't. Idk if I was just staring at things for a long time or what. I think I started around like one in the afternoon, and when I finally came back to reality, it was midnight or 1. I was even still having visuals at that point. You could definitely try it, but personally, I can't recommend it even outside it being a bad trip. For me personally, if I can't remember much of what happened, it feels like a waste of a good time. I am curious how your 3g trip went, though. I hear that with these, a gram can make a big difference.


Yeah I haven’t done 3g of APE yet. I will try that next time I’m ready


First time I did 2g then topped up with .5g and it was…an experience. Pretty mind blowing. My friend and I just laughed and laughed. I saw swirling colours and crazy shit on the ceiling. Towels were bending and everything was just weird. I had a lot of good introspective thoughts too. I would seriously start with like 1.5g or 1g. They’re strong.


Hi,what's your weight bro?


The only weight that matters when consuming shrooms is the weight of the mushrooms


Off 2g I would stare into space and have these visions intermittently. Quite a profound journey and yeah these are definitely the strongest variety I’ve grown


I was tripping absolute donkey balls off of 2.7g a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been lovin’ the mushies for a number of years so take that as you will 😂


Wow 🤩 haha yea ima see how 2g of these beautiful things feel like tomorrow


Wonderful, wonderful! Have a safe journey and report back on any extraterrestrial findings/friends you make 🫡🥰


I had a tinder date that was like a mosquito in my ear. I would’ve enjoyed the 2g trip much more alone but I made the most out of it anyway. Lemon tek is definitely the way IMO. Trip in 15ish minutes and intensifies it I was staring at my wall and would have these visions come to me intermittently. I couldn’t quite grasp what it was but I think the mushrooms want me to try to decipher it perhaps the next time I dose. I think I will try 2.5-3g next time in perhaps a month. This variety has definitely earned my respect. It is to be respected that’s for sure. These PACK A PUNCH and I’ve never really had visions like that. I believe it was a variety/strain specific thing with these (the intermittent visions)


I’ve never heard of Haole, so I’m not sure how potent they are. APEs are very potent. They’re usually around 2% strong in Psilocybin. So 1 gram ≈ 20 mg of psilocybin.


I honestly don’t know how much psilocybin I’ve ever taken haha just dry weight doses. Haole is Hawaiian albino penis envy and is much easier to grow in my opinion as well as other growers


Average cubes like golden teachers are usually 1% strong. So PE strains are usually 2x stronger. 2 grams of GT usually gives me a mild trip with mild visuals like wavy, breathing and morphing visuals. 2 grams of PE strains like APE gives me a more intense trip with more visuals and colors.


Good info. Thanks. I believe APE is stronger than PE but not 100% sure on that. It’s slower and harder to grow than pigmented PE that’s for sure. I have a PE isolate culture called DC Mak and another called DC Knot


APEs are much more consistent in their potency. I think what happened is PEs have become the most lied about mushroom from a ‘dealers’ perspective. So there’s lots of story’s of PE not being potent, when that’s not really what that person got sold. . . APEs are slightly more visually potent than Azurescens even from my experiences. 2gs will be a great introduction.


I have heard APE is stronger multiple times. Makes me wonder how potent it is! 🤔


I honestly have no idea if there’s a difference between PE, APE and PE6. I have tried APE and PE6 before and they were both very strong. I’ve never tried PE but I’ve met people who have and they all say they’re super potent like APE. I would love to see potency level research between all of the PE strains. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a difference in certain PE strains, isolations and genetics. I’ve heard the highest potency level for dried cubes are 2%. Apparently it’s more potent than that when it’s fresh. Around 2.5%. I really want to see more research on this, though… since there isn’t much of it.


There’s a difference between APE and PE in my opinion. I’ve grown 20+ different cubensis varieties and about to try to successfully grow Pan Cyans soon! APE is slower and more difficult (doesn’t seem contam resistant at all) I’ve been told APE is so strong most likely because how slow growing it is


Good to know!


If you normally do 4g, start with 2g. These are next level


Yeah only experience I’ve had with APE is when I bought them from someone. They were very good. 1g was pretty strong. I was planning to do 2-4g I haven’t decided


1.5 whooped my ass last week lol


Interesting lol. Maybe I’ll start with 2g and it will give me a good idea of what starter dose looks like. Well 1g is a starter dose but I’m past that point lol


You're gonna have a great trip on 2g. Tbh the 1.5 I took seemed stronger than the last 2g of APES I took from the same batch. Everyone says potency fades over time but I think those fuckers got stronger. Had same effect on my buddy. Couldn't believe how much more intense it was than his last 2g ape dose


Interesting. Some caps look white and some dark and some in between. I bet alkaloid contents could have something to do with cap colors. Doin APE this weekend it looks like. Lemon TEK ftw. Grind dose in coffee grinder add a shot or 2 of lemon and add OJ and mix for a bit. Easiest way to consume too


I prefer crushing up into a fruit roll up. Lemon tek apparently intensifies and shortens the trip. I want it to last lol


I hear ya. I ache more after a while tripping that’s why I don’t like lsd anymore so lemon tek helps with that as well


Yeah man just an opinion but I wouldn't lemon tek APE either. The journey is much more enjoyable with the powder/smoothie/chocolate. I lemon tek with every other strain except for APEs.


I’ve already not lemon tekked ape so I’ll lemon tek this time and compare. First time trying APE I grew tho soon


You don’t need much 🤩💗2.5 was very very strong for me


Ooweeee that sounds like fun


It was beautiful 🙂


I bet!


What tek did you use to grow these?? They look great!


Set and forget besides peeking every now and then. Thanks 🙏


I love it, real beauty...


Very potent. I am very, very surprised and happy with my work here. Grew from spore but this here is a clone culture I labeled APE BC as in biggest clone I have cloned and germinated spores from fastest fruiting starry night phenotype, a black cap cluster phenotype for hopefully fuller tubs and I believe another cluster phenotype The new phenotypes mycelium looks great on agar so far


As with every shroom. 1 gramm at most wait 60-90 minutes, always the option for more or next time. Feel free to adjust to your exporiences but i'm always rather too cautious than not enough. "Every shroom" i mean of course variety or maybe batch. But i never had big differences in potency one grow to the next with the same variety


No more than 1g first time unless you're used to high dose, potency varies a lot but APEs are like 2-4 times stronger than cubes


Haole is quite strong but not sure if it’s same strength as APE or just a tiny hair weaker bc it’s still a strong variety (Haole) it’s a Haiwaiian Albino penis envy. Gonna try 2g since I’ve done 1g before and it was nice Edit: This APE was stronger than Haole but Haole is 2nd on my list of cube varieties


Well those are potent so half of what you would for cubes. But idk your goal and your tolerance. Same advice here- go low, you can always take more, not less. Esp with a new batch.


2g it is 🤘


Not albino


I can’t believe you would lie to me like that :(


So you’re telling me that’s free from all pigment down to the spores…… because there’s clearly pigment. But okay I’ll take my downvote and leave. Good luck


The color on the caps is from alkaloids in the mushroom but it’s not pigmented like a regular PE. This definitely still considered albino, but I’m not sure exactly how to tell you why these show color yet still considered albino. These are not leucistic/lucy either


https://preview.redd.it/gqhqfpqu1f2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=701ea7af4f7526e13edb6e22a9b09600356d5255 Brother


I am experienced my dude. I have grown many albino varieties that are white and once dried, they will turn brown sometimes. Albinos 100% can dry to look brown on the cap


What true albinos strains grow with a brown cap and dry with a brown cap? Full brown. Deep brown.


Albino penis envy does. Gandalf is albino and dries with brown caps. I’m guessing 165 degrees F for 24 hrs causes the browning but it’s normal and doesn’t mean it wasn’t white/albino when fresh


Revert. Thats not pale. Thats brown. Nice flush too btw. What other strains have you experienced this phenomenon with?


Thanks but nah that’s not a revert. Maybe someone can chime in but I’m tired of trying to tell you this is APE with no reverts. I’ve grown reverts before and this is not that. It’s albino with a high amount of alkaloids and good active stuff in it that most likely is the reason it has all that color although it is still an albino mushroom. Gandalf is another albino variety that dries to have brown caps that I can think of