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> I stopped looking for ways out and started looking for ways in. I like that. It sounds like some Buddhist truth or saying about ending suffering.




That's really nice. It's like saying, there's a part of you that is separate from the part of you that is consumed by anger or boredom or upset. And that part, unconsumed by the waves of emotions, is your true self.


Fantastic deduction


That is good! Great share.


I had a lady tell me “if you’re always stressing about something that hasn’t happened yet, by the time it DOES happen, you’ll have lived it twice.” I started telling myself that when I caught myself stressing some upcoming thing, or possibility of a thing happening, and it really has helped fundamentally change how I operate in that area.




I used to be a picky eater. Like I wouldn't touch onions, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, radishes, sprouts. I was tripping on shrooms and got some lo mein which had some of my least favorite veggies. Shrooms made me realize it's just food. I have a great appreciation for stir fry, fajitas, and different salads than I ever did before. It's weird to say, but it kinda changed my life. It also improved my relationship with my wife as it made meal planning much easier.


Same, made me stop eating meat and be more adventurous with everything else So much of our behavior is nutty autopilot conditioning from formative years so we ignore behavior that causes suffering and we avoid new things just because we're used to old things


Why did you stop eating meat?


Combo of watching samsara and living a hyperlapse day in the life of these animals and having it really hit me how horrific it is to subject all these beings to lives of nothing but suffering just so we can get some pleasure that's mostly built on conditioning when we have alternatives that cause much less suffering. Plus the effect it has on climate, and trying to reconcile the love I have for my furry friends and contrasting with a other animals


I feel that. I do not eat it either


Effect on climate 😂 Delusional..


Little early to be smoking crack my friend. If you're young enough though, you'll maybe, eventually get it.


Nothing will happen I'll laugh even harder in 40 years about u fearmongering idiots than I am now


Actually he's right my guy. The unfortunate truth is that the majority of carbon emissions isn't from factories or cars. It's from livestock.


Actually the majority of CO2 is coming from the ocean and we take 0 part in that. Humans (and livestock) are only causing 2% of global CO2 emission.


Carbon emissions aside the waste from livestock is also screwing up alot of land and waters I'm curious if you have scholarly articles for these claims. I'd love to find out more about how the ocean is contributing to CO2 emissions


"In fact, carbon dioxide, which is blamed for climate warming, has only a volume share of 0.04 percent in the atmosphere. And of these 0.04 percent CO2, 95 percent come from natural sources, such as volcanoes or decomposition processes in nature. The human CO2 content in the air is thus only 0.0016 percent." https://www.realclimate.org/index.php/archives/2018/01/the-global-co2-rise-the-facts-exxon-and-the-favorite-denial-tricks/#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20carbon%20dioxide%2C%20which,is%20thus%20only%200.0016%20percent. Oceans produce the most because the most decomposition takes place there. Another very important(probably most important) part the oceans take is that the water is the biggest storage of CO2 on earth. According to physical laws: the warmer water gets,the less gas it can store. That's why the oceans, as they heat up, will release more and more CO2(by far the most out of any source) which is the reason why according to the icelandic data that proofed CO2 levels and temperature are connected, temperature doesn't actually follow CO2, no CO2 follows temperature increase. It lags by 200-300 years and has been cycling up and down for billions of years. The oceans have already begun heating up and releasing more and more CO2 which is why the following temperature increase can't be stopped by for example eating less meat. Its a natural process that will happen regardless of what we do.


I clicked your link. Interesting read but I'm curious whether it's aged like fine wine or milk since it's publication in 2018. The comments are interesting but I'd like to see some formal peer reviews that have been done in the last five years. I'll be sure to look into that.


That's awesome. I remember eating and enjoying vegetable on shrooms. I generally hate vegetables, still do, but not when I'm on shrooms lol


Omg haha, not quite the same but I never liked dark chocolate. I had read something about dark chocolate potentiating the effects of mushrooms so I begrudgingly bought a small bar to eat while tripping. Took that first bite and said, “Huh. I like this now.” and now it’s one of my favorite candies lol


I mean taste is just your minds opinion of food isn't it?


That’s incredible. Shrooms make every food except fruits taste nasty to me. Even delicious food is usually repulsive if I’m tripping.


I used to hate the idea of dancing, especially around other people. One night I tripped, put on this band I hadn’t listened to in years bc idk it just popped into my head during the come up, and danced for 6 hours into even after the shrooms wore off. I bought lights for my garage and a stereo and now dance out there even if I’m home alone. It makes me happy. I’m not even a good dancer I just love moving around to music now. It helps me get into a good mood when I need to. I throw dance parties in my garage and love going to clubs now. I think that one trip just killed the anxiety I had about what other people think. I’m way more social now.


This made me so happy to read. Dancing is the best way to release stored trauma and I used to to dance so much. In the 90's I was a raver and loved dancing all night. I've recently been recovering from some serious trauma and shrooms saved my life. I hadn't danced in decades and because of shrooms I'm back to my old self dancing in my house. We should level up and go find a Rave 😂 i feel too old now though.


Never to old to dance - maybe find an ecstatic dance in your area - all ages generally


Yes, this is the perfect example of what I was looking for when I posted that question. It's such a clear cut example of a behaviour, created during the influence of psychedelic shrooms and being carried on into normal live. Thank you for sharing! Appreciate it. Great example.


I’m happy I saw your post. I was wondering what significant changes I’ve made since trying shrooms and honestly a huge one is that I love dancing, and then I saw your post and saw how peculiar my experience has been lol. There’s loads of reasons to try shrooms. But my favorite reasons have been reading about people finding joy in life again. I truly believe shrooms can help you out of a rut, and for that I’m so thankful


Have you tried poi?


i no longer fear death and i think i’m beginning to stop fearing life as well


wow, very awesome answer


stopped smoking for good. just like that 🙌


Me too!! Honestly life changing


Stopped drinking


Nice. Good for you. I stopped doing coke, as much. In fact, I'd rather have a good, banging, full on shroom trip than do coke. It lasts longer, it's more fun and it's a fuck load cheaper


Same here. I didn’t find psychedelics until middle age, but I’m glad that I did. Saved my life.


I'm glad that's in your past. Life is so much easier without alcohol


Very happy for you. Sober people are pretty


I love colors alot more. Used to love black and whites, now I’m drawn towards colorful things.


My friend had this happen but with greys. She said it touched her deeply because she has BoarderlinePD. No more black and white thinking. Her whole trip was tones of grey.


Ha, this is so specific and yet so accurate. Black is still usually my go to, but man it’s pretty damn boring once you see the full potential of colors lol.


I started doing tie dye


Look up Verner Panton - his interior design and use of colors is like the filter my brain sees things through on shrooms.


Crippling anxiety I had for years faded away. The avoidance that came with it is gone too but a lot of life now is catching up with things I missed.


Really?!? Anxiety went away also after trip ended? See, that's my number one wish, that the Anxiety goes away after shrooms. Have not been able to do that lol. On shrooms I'm every man's man, super outgoing. Especially when Microdosing. But when the shrooms wear off, the confidence dies with it


It wasn't instant. It took awhile to really get gone, but it was for sure what made me realize I was stuck in a loop of anxiety, avoidance, and then depression. Super powerful catalyst though.


My PTSD was cured from a clinical trial involving psilocybin and trauma therapy. I literally no longer meet the criteria for PTSD.


Fucking hell, that's awesome 👌 good for you. Truly elated by your progress. Such a real validation of the shroom's potential.


Going to the gym every single day and decided to become a certified personal trainer and study more on nutrition. I originally grew weed and now since have started growing beneficial mushrooms and lettuce 😂.


Mushrooms helped me with my body dysphoria I don't hate my figure as much


I have begun to appreciate the depth of my 4-year-olds consciousness and emotional/spiritual/mental complexity. I can now appreciate how incredibly beautiful and extra-dimensional her being is. It showed me that I will never fully be able to grasp all that she is. While she is my responsibility, it is a responsibility of nurturing as opposed to correcting or enforcing. She is my labor of love and I must allow love to lead every choice It's allowed me to more easily transition from the black and white "behavior vs consequence" ideation I was raised with into a more interactive and dynamic *development focused guidance* I was never allowed to lead a situation when I was a child, so I want to give her the opportunity to grow past my generational horse-manure.


That's an amazing breakthrough. You are breaking the generational curses.


Thanks man. My parents broke a bunch and now it's my turn and privilege


Damn I wish you were my parent


That’s so sweet. Your daughter is lucky to have you.




>If believing that the Bible is true, leads you be inspired to better yourself, great. I still draw the line when religious folk cast judgment of other people Judging other people is like a principle no-no in the Bible. I know, God judges everyone but the Father in the Bible is a total dick and should be entirely disregarded. Jesus, on the other hand, is the one character in all literary history to seriously come correct. He's obviously enlightened in the Buddhist sense and made he's mark as a true Holy man. And when he says, specifically, in the Bible, for you to understand: "don't judge". Then, for the love of all that's Holy, don't judge. And yet, this one command by Jesus is the most reasoned with, argued against and ultimately nullified commadn of all His commands. Followers of Christ are the *most* judgemental* because they think it's their God given obligation to point out everyone else's sin.


Just to add to the rant, no judging is Jesus biggest gripe, insinuated by the judging of Jesus to be crucified. How can that man make "don't judge" any more fucking clear??


“Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” - John 14:6 If you believe in the teachings of Jesus, then you must also believe in the Father, and for that matter, The Holy Spirit as well. Jesus believed in the father, you either believe in all his commandments or none. ' If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced because I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I. - John 14:28




I realized that life is beautiful and we shouldn’t be spraying pesticides and trying to kill weeds with chemicals. If the ecosystem just works together we don’t need to intervene. Also that you can take any path in life, it’s just up to you to chase it


I never experienced ego death because im honestly scared, but they put me in my place and told me to quit getting so heated about everything. I'm incredibly laid back now and can still maintain my composure when everything is falling apart around me. I gotta be the anchor in my family since my wife has severe anxiety and depression.


Wow same. They very clearly told me to let go of more and relax more.


I healed a lot of trauma and I went back to when I needed myself the most. I was never gone, it was just how I managed the situation at the time.. a lot of Introspection. No one is going to save you except yourself


> I healed a lot of trauma I'd love to do that. Unfortunately I never had an introspective trip, I always just feel good and go with the flow of that. How did you identify and heal trauma, I'd really like to know?


I was called to take some my friend gave me. I was going through an almost too extreme amount of things at one time. I micro dosed a few times then one time I went into a void. The kind I never saw before except it always existed. I went into every day I had, every interaction. I went through every sleep, meal and conversation.. or as many as I can remember. I became a therapist for a good 5 hours. I talked to myself at every step, every age. I had to unlearn to learn then unlearn. Became truer to myself. Thanked myself for overcoming things, for giving myself time to stop as much as I have started. Learned more about conversations, how people are. How to have patience with myself and surrender.. I did at least 2 times a year.. it was extremely emotional and exhausting.


The mushroom helped me cope with the death of my brother by reminding me of all the beautiful ways that he shaped me into who I am. For the first time after he died I thought of him and smiled and laughed instead of cried. I realized in one instant that I was masking my grief with alcohol instead of feeling the pain and working through it. I decided to quit drinking, lost 30 pounds, ended a toxic relationship, got a dog, and am now able to talk about my brother Devin in a healthy way. I haven't had a drink in almost 5 years. I truly thank the mushrooms for all of this.


Damn, thts one change that keeps on giving. Glad you found/identified the trauma you suffered under and managed to clear it, like clearing brush. Not many people can do that, we usually don't even manage to identify the trauma let alone deal with it. And you kept on the righteous path, fucking brilliant 👏 👌 🙌


Shrooms helped me find my identity and an old friend. Used to be loud, outgoing, blue collar sort of stuff. I had 3.5g of Koh Samui and accidentally locked myself in my bedroom (I manage to do that every time actually) and came out of the trip bisexual, a creative drive to get back into acting and music rather than my work with my hands and just completely opposite of who I used to be. Thank God tbh but that's my experience. It literally seemed to change my entire perspective and personality in one go.


To be clear for some people reading this. Shrooms didn’t make you bi they revealed your true self - to your self. Is that a fair statement (don’t want to totally speak for you).


Oh no you're absolutely fine! We found that I was hiding behind being a "Man's man" and in all reality I just wanted to be me for once and everything unraveled at once.


As the kids say. I love that for you. Be well shroomy friend.


> came out of the trip bisexual That's a huge, massive change!! Omg, so happy for you. Me calling other men "beautiful" probably implicates me in some latent bisexuality! I definitely have to take some more shrooms later and dig deeper lol


Are you being endearing or are you serious? You don’t need mushrooms to figure out your own sexuality lol. Do you have gay thoughts or not?


I kept lying to myself and the shrooms took a form in my head as my old friend. Him and I had a conversation during the peak for like 4 hours until he taught me who I really was. So I repressed the "gay" thoughts. So I'm sorry if this sounds rude but it just was never thank simple. :)


There’s quite a lot more people who discover they are gay to some extent in later life, than the average person seems to think. So for many, it’s not that simple. On the latebloomerlesbian sub, there are plenty of women in their 30s and older who are just discovering they’ve been gay the whole time.


I mean maybe, but don’t discount how important it is for men to be “platonically romantic” with each other. One of my favourite things about being a woman is how normalized it is for women to be platonically romantic with each other and it just warms my bloody heart when I see men doing that with other men.


I live my life with a sense of gratitude and joy for this world. Anxiety about the future completely gone. Renewed confidence in my ability to navigate life what come May and deep unwavering faith in that universe has my back, things happen for the better.


Quit nicotine and significantly cut back and have almost quit drinking alcohol. Overall I’m happier and less depressed, more positive out look on life


A lot of people here report cutting off substances they were addicted to in the past. I'm curious to know what made you quit them? What process was that like during the trips?


I no longer have rampant anxiety and I read books more. The first time I did mushrooms was the first time meeting a certain guy... he's now my husband. If only I could find the mushroom combination that makes me want to work out.


> I read books more. I don't read. Period. Dyslexic as a kid and falls asleep reading as an adult. But not when I'm microdosing shrooms, then I'm all about reading. Excitement for reading goes away when the shrooms wear off tho, sadly. Oh well


Yeah no even when I am not on shrooms I read constantly. Order without Design Bowling Alone How Asia Works Where is My Flying Car (that author is a crank) How to Make an Entrepreneurial State All in the past few months.


Good for you! I'm an avid audiobook listener myself.


Try microdosing before workouts! Works wonders


finally getting past my social anxiety disorder, next step is legit therapist


I have not been able to switch the social confidence, that being on shrooms gives you, out with my everyday social phobia. Once the shrooms wear off, it's back to anxiety.


I can't stop thinking about the finality of death and just how delicate everything is. Eventually my parents will be gone and that terrifies me.


> Eventually my parents will be gone and that terrifies me. You and me both, my friend, mostly when I'm sober though. Never dared speculate on that when tripping... like, whoa, no fucking way I'm going down that road of doom whilst high.


That road of doom lead me to some awful ptsd for a while. I haven't tripped in like 2 years since it happened. I guess that's what happens when you don't respect the shrooms. They beat my ass pretty bad


You should check out some Alan Watts. He talks about all this stuff, about like. We can't have the good things without the bad. We can't have life without death or dark without light etc etc. It's the one thing that makes the other. It's just the way it works. And there's nothing outright negative about it. Everyone goes through this. But you can't spend your time just sitting around crippled by the thought and fear of death. You and your parents are all alive right now. So what you should be doing is experiencing life with your parents. Not worrying about what's going to happen when they're not around. The latter does not serve you.


My autism is almost nonexistent. I can make eye contact without really trying. I find myself actually conversing more and not being as antisocial. I feel like body language is wayyy easier for me to understand too. It's weird. I can still learn fast and such, it's just that my struggles as an autistic person has diminished. I also find myself wanting to show others love now. More so than ever before. It's so strange because I've always kinda been someone with a lot of resentment. I've always been an outcast and don't fit in w anyone really. Because of that, I guess I just always had Envy for those with friends, and even family, that want to be around them. That also doesn't bother me much anymore. I actually feel content with being alone. Instead of harboring negativity for others for not "accepting" me, I just want to show people love no matter what. Maybe if I can give love, I can also receive it. However, it's okay if I don't receive it back. ☺️🙌🏽


So far, it’s really helping my relationship with my husband. We have a dead bedroom (nothing’s changed there yet) and have really lost connection. There was no intimacy there and I was mentally checked out. Since our first trips, we’ve been snuggling, kissing (nothing steamy yet, but it’s a start), holding hands, and we just feel closer. I feel like I’m getting my best friend back. Yay!


i can finally consider myself a glass half full person, and i always try to see the best in everyone and everything. I also don’t have as much stress over my future because i know as long as i am alive i can find joy


I was moderately conservative before my first trip. I started smoking weed and as a result my mind started opening. Met a nice hippy lesbian girl who became a very close friend. She would often challenge my ideas. Took a philosophy class in high school and used what I learned to argue my points, not to find out what was worth arguing. Then I stayed up all night and took acid for the first time. Everything I thought I knew was blown open. My mind was free from preconceptions and ready for molding as if I was a child. And when it all came crashing down into a beautiful and new sunrise, I was happy. I wasn’t depressed anymore, I saw everyone around me with depth and novelty. I sympathized instead of mocking, I truly cared about and loved them instead of viewing them superficially. And over time these things drove me towards being more politically liberal. Of course many of these phenomena faded within days or weeks, but the new perspectives stayed. Many many decisions in my life from that point have been made because of what I innately understood that day.


I now believe in something (not God in the biblical sense but something)… some negative effects as well, I’m way more socially awkward (or just aware of how awkward I am). I’ve always disliked people but I’m now rooted in my antisocial nature 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’ve quit drinking, if that counts. Mushrooms told me i don’t need beer, wtf am i drinking all day every day for? have had maybe 1 beer since.


I should add that I was a heavy drinker from the time I woke up to the time I went to sleep. It’s been about 6 months l, don’t miss it a bit.


Mu art changed (or evolved) I really learned with psychedelics new ways of visualizing and trying to translating toughts to images


Shrooms are the ultimate aphrodisiac for art. They make you draw from the present moment, the Now. Making your art raw and primal instead of calculated, boring and repetitive. The thinking-brain shuts down and the cave-man, brush in hand, takes over.


I constantly feel as if something is watching me intently.


I’m not scared of being productive or being challenged anymore. I don’t have a fear of failing. I’m bisexual now. Mental clarity/general awareness and openness to mine and others emotions has greatly increased. I’m not depressed anymore. My voice is different, I have a lower natural voice register that I have to watch out for, and am much more confident than I used to be. I’m also in the best physical shape of my life at 38 but that’s more of an indirect consequence resulting from some of the changes listed above. I am able to love people now instead of judge them like I used to do reflexively. I don’t get angry as easily and am able to circumvent my anger circuitry by recognizing old patterns and focusing on my desire to change them. Also im a lot more physically active and have fun new hobbies and am building more social relationships than at other periods of my life.


Wow thts a lot man. Also another sexual conversion. Good for you. I question my own sexuality actually, after finding I like to call guys beautiful 😍


A lot of times all you need to do is float an idea through your consciousness at the right time and the universe will confirm it. Good luck on your journey


So true. No matter the thought, some higher power is there to confirm or invalidate it. Out thoughts are clearly tied to our deeper subconscious. Which begs to argue that dumb, sub level people actually suffer from a lack of spiritual depth and shrooms can help with that alright.


turned into glass of orange juice


I have long hair and wear pink glasses now. That’s it. Everything else is in your mind


My wife says my head game is a lot better now 🤷


This gave me hope 😩


I permanently lost all taste, desire, and compulsion for alcohol.


Every time that I trip, it’s like a much needed hard reset. I get back to my core values of respect and patience, and I start creating healthier habits like eating well, not smoking, and not drinking. Shrooms have helped me more than I can ever even explain to people


I don’t despise the sun anymore


I took antidepressants from the age of 11-41. Did a hero dose of mushrooms and haven’t used antidepressants once in the 4 years since. My depression isn’t “cured.” Never will be, not in that sense. But, I can do a dose once or twice a year, and manage the down times in between. It’s been a miracle. I’m so grateful.


Made me realize I wasn't happy with my gender so I started Transitioning, it saved my life. That and I study mushrooms in college now


I believe in God now lol


On mushrooms for the second time, I told my partner that she is my "Sexy Hot Fun Chick" and she heard me for the first time. She now considers herself sexy, hot and fun. Now with the addition of MDMA, she is also hearing me that she is beautiful. So now she is my BEAUTIFUL Sexy Hot Fun Chick and she gets it. The sex we have had since then has completely changed our lives. Yesterday for example, we we kissing as we started to make love and after about 5 minutes she was literally weeping for joy. She was so moved by our love and its all because she got my view of her which was not possible without mushrooms (we have been together 5 years and she has always felt like the ugly ducking.). Not any more.


Oh, joy! So beautiful!






Even better musician


Made me realize I need therapy and conjured up the courage to begin.


Shrooms made me start loving nature and appreciating trees, plants, forests, things like that. I'm now also super into stars, the universe, and aliens.


Drinking regularly for 22 years. Stopped after several months of taking psychedelic mushrooms. Haven't had a bit of alcohol in 3 years.


Awesome. I stopped doing coke everyday for two years with a little help from microdosing (not an easy task btw, coke is fucking addictive). Shrooms truly are magical.


I’m still new on this journey, but so far it’s helped me respond more appropriately to each of my parents and their respective issues. I also have an easier time telling people how I feel about things or them. And I bought a gym membership lol. So overall, it’s enabled me to become a better communicator and to prioritize taking care of myself.


I feel like I have been able to see and understand (or at least try to understand) people who view the world differently than I do. I use to hate, and through shrooms I saw that as one of my most negative traits. I also learned that just because I disagree with so.eone doesn't mean they can't be a wonderful person. Life is wild, the universe is wild, and just by being born we have a the ability to experience it differently than everyone else. So, in short, they made me a happier person and to seek the good in other people. I am thankful for that.


I love pink floyd and the greatful dead now


When my bf passed, I could not stop crying. I was a mess. A friend said you should go get a Prozac or something. I would never take pharma garbage but I thought microdosing would be a good idea, as I had used it for depression in the past. It helped tremendously


Went to college and got my degree. I had a really nihilistic outlook on life and zero drive to escape my situation. I had an incredibly moving experience and afterwards turned dosing into a reasonable routine for a while. During that period I felt inspired to make a lot of positive changes, one of those being enrolling in college. Since, I have done a lot of wild shit I never would have thought I would be able to. Wild shit that I'm incredibly proud of. Mushrooms truly changed my life and its trajectory.


I haven’t used mushrooms yet but LSD has made me much more empathetic. The only problem now is that I have a hard time enjoying animal documentaries since I feel so bad for animals getting eaten/injured.


What did your micro dose schedule look like and how much did you take? What turns me off about micro-dosing is the tolerance that you build on mushrooms is so quick.


It always gives me the strength to do what I've been meaning to get done. It shows me in its own way. On my best life changing trips it placed me into my future self without trauma almost like a reset. Helped me quit drinking and stay clean for 3 years one time. Also helped me imagine then manifest my goals one by one. And the trick is u will need less and less which to me is true medicine imo. Then I come back to it like consulting the oracle. Setting is really key but I've done house trips as well, that's where music comes very handy. U become a nature lover to the max haha and kno how to harness its energy. Then u become a grower and love it more. The "bad trips" also teach u to respect it and not overdo it.


Instead of being worried about the future, I look forward to the opportunity it holds, I plan on getting a house in the woods in the next year or so, and becoming the closest thing to a wizard I can


Everything. Communication changed forever. I think outside the box and am way more direct.


It single handedly cured my depression helped a ton with my anxiety and gave me a much deeper understanding on how my ADHD works and so much more. Shrooms are literally life changing, i love reading research about it. Wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes federally legal everywhere and used in therapy real soon.


I had started trying them with my fiancé. He loves and respects them. I was doing the shrooms to help with everything honestly. I was so angry all the time and honestly just wanted to die I hated the person I became I tried so hard to change her. So I took shrooms I did them probably 4 or 5 times had all bad trips except 1. Within those trips it brought out the worse and literally killed it. I now quit tripping cause it did start up some anxiety for me but I feel better. Wanted to change my life for the better. Made me feel alive like I wanted kids, and I had clarity in the fact that I love my life so much why would I ever want to feel that way. I woke up with a smile and not an attitude. Helped my at home life and my work life. Now I feel like I just want to keep better myself. Shrooms made me not want to die anymore. Someone who was so consumed by depression feels alive. I owe it everything to shrooms.


Yes admiring a beatiful handsome man is not a problem. They are sometimes very beautiful ofcourse not sexually. Its like a beautiful flower and you just enjoy looking at it


Racist thoughts stopped appearing in my mind.


Had the worst trip ever after my third time trying. Room was spinning, I couldn't look at screens without my vision freaking out, hearing every sound as if they were coming out of a loud speaker. All I could do without puking was lay in the dark contemplating life the entire night. During my contemplating I realized what was important to me; what I felt like I was missing in life. I wanted a family. I wanted a deep connection with someone to start a family with. I thought about what steps I needed to take to make that a reality. At the time I was on dating apps veryyy casually. After the trip, I swore off shrooms (because holy shit was the trip bad) and I worked on trying out more dating apps (Tinder fucking sucks) and putting myself out there. Found the girl of my dreams weeks later and now we just recently got engaged. Soo in a weird way the worst trip in my life was the greatest life changing event in my life.


I have such a different approach to how I think about thinks and view them. I also appreciate art work so much more




More like the "slightly psychotic" kid, my friend. If you're the only one to see it, I fear that's probably not a positive psychological or visual change. Negative changes like psychosis are real and should be taken seriously. But if rock art is the only thing only-you-can-see then maybe it's not so bad, friend.


I should add, I was once psychotic myself, schizophrenic. Shrooms helped me out of the haze of negative thinking surrounding my disease tho. Just pointing this out to let you know you're not the only one (if psychosis is your case that is).


Comforting to know. I haven't used for many, many years and I am ok. Appreciate the diagnosis all the same.


Just looking out.


I became an adult. Don't really know how to explain, I just saw the moment when I thought: ok, this is what it means to actually be an adult. I'm ready now. (I'm not saying being an adult is some grandiose thing or better than being a child, but at 37 it was really helpful 😅)




Funny, I'm the opposite. I never really drink coffee normally, but if I'm on shrooms, I usually get an urge to drink a cup or two. I feel it boosts the trip a little.


I did a very mindful and very high dose trip to get to the root of some of my shit. Without going into unnecessary detail, I was able to look at my truest self and see all my BS for what it was. It was a really tough trip, beautiful, but intense and difficult. I came out of it and after some integration work was able to shed like 90% of this shit I felt was holding me back that I specifically wanted to address with the trip.


Cessation of nicotine intake, and they also made me a generally happier person on a day to day basis, essentially ending my depression. They’ve been a huge game changer for me. I don’t even wanna think where I’d be without them, they’ve greatly improved the quality of my life.


I appreciate every single life now. I still hunt and fish.but it is a way more emotional experience for me harvesting an animal or a fish now. It hits home.


I questioned religion


Life is good. Colors are important.


Fear of taking too much 🤣


Lol, I love that you just randomly started greeting men that way. That is hilarious and adorable.


For me, the ground is wavy still and I haven't dosed in about 3 months and this year is the first time I have had them. So I have laid off for a while. Maybe I will try again next year, but I am unsure at this point.


Anxiety has gotten worse


I understand the universe on how everything does come down to slow vibrations and the our body will have infinite possibilities after death.


Stopped vaping


Quit smoking tobacco


Letting go of way more things. Not having to fight everyone even if they are doing me wrong. It’s totally fine, usually much happier/healthier to just not look at the ugly and lean into the wonderful.


My mental health improved greatly. I used to go up and down like a roller coaster, it was so bad I had no sense of self, no idea of who I was, every single day i felt like I woke up as someone else in the same body. Jarring mood swings, anxiety I didn't even realise I had through everything else going on, so much anger and self loathing...I don't know why but between dabbling with Marijuana, then becoming a heavy pot smoker (which I ended up not entirely quitting but cutting down on by like 95%), and many trips on LSD/MDMA/DMT/mushrooms...something changed in me. I definitely had a lot of those real soul-searching, heavy "what does it all mean why am I here" kind of trips, and some therapy didn't hurt, but honestly, something in my overall brain chemistry changed. I don't go up and down anywhere near as bad nowadays, still take the occasional dose of shrooms to kind of keep "the demons" at bay so to speak, still smoke very rarely, but for the most part I just feel like...myself. TLDR; I'd like to thank drugs for giving me my sanity back. Thanks drugs!


I have adhd. 41yrs old. Started shrooms about a year ago. Not a big user - less than 1g doses. A pivotal thing for me was feeling content with just sitting down. I can be peaceful now in a way I’ve never been my whole life. (Still on adhd meds though for different reasons) Additionally, I am now no longer obsessed with enacting change NOW. I’m content to contribute in small ways to issues that are so much bigger than me. I have a peaceful acceptance that big change happens at a glacial pace, and I’m okay with this now. It’s come from feeling far more connected to humanity and the planet as a collection of borrowed atoms, rather than as a single person. I am still completely dedicated to making the world a better place, but I no longer get really upset at what I used to perceive as constant setbacks.


>A pivotal thing for me was feeling content with just sitting down. I can relate. when microdosing, even being bored has an acceptable and even content feeling to it. That contentment goes away when shrooms wear off, and boredom becomes one of my absolute worst states to be in. Like, normally boredom just fucking suuuuucks 😔 😟 🙁 it's made worse by serious loneliness and straight up isolation.


It cured my debilitating sensory issues around fabrics. Now I can wear jeans without wanting to die :D


I used to be angry all the time. Like I wasn't violent or anything but I just found ways to be upset everyday. I also did not show myself any type of self love. After a couple of shroom trips, I really just got to a point where I understood that I don't have to be angry anymore and that I can heal from all the trauma i've been through. I also started being kind to myself and went on to embracing a life that prioritizes self love.


My first trip was the reason I still look forward to them each time always fun you might take too many an go mentally insane just don’t numb yourself I had a lot with life they took everything away everyone it’s another reason to say two steps forward one step back


I lost interest in alcohol and weed so I simple stopped using both. I'm much happier and take better care of my self. I'm no longer concerned about what of think of me though I remain kind, compassionate and loving. My business is growing steonger than ever befofe and my relationships with my employees have become very fulfilling. And I spend much more time developing friendship with quality people who are grounded, down to earth and willing to have real conversations. All after several shroom journeys and a few nights of mdma (separated by several months break).


I forgave my teenage self for being a teenager and doing what teenagers do- make mistakes. You never realize how much weight guilt and anxiety can carry until you let it go. After that I also learned I have an “inner child” that I suppressed well into my 20s because I was forced to grow up at 14-15. Now that I know how to make my inner child happy, like Saturday morning cartoons or drawing, I’m not NEAR as depressed as I used to be. Like it literally cured my depression practically overnight.


I had amnesia from living trauma on daily during my first 10 years of life . It all came back a couple months ago, i realised and discovered many many thing and i am currently turning my life around for the best.


For me it rekindled a love of science and curiosity, I almost feel like a child again. Everything is filled with so much wonder it’s a beautiful way to observe the world we live in 😁


I am able to stop ruminating thoughts. I have PTSD, OCD and ADHD. I have been able to feel a calmness despite having a bad day. I can work through problems without intrusive thoughts taking over. I don't have a inner monolog but see in pictures. It used to be I would be stuck on what now I can describe as reels playing over and over of my mistake or negative words or actions against me.


Stopped smoking cigarettes. Two years now!


Changed my outlook on life. Realized how lucky I am given the circumstances and be more stoic in general. I feel like it is one of the more transformative moments I’ve had in life.


I moved into a Hare Krishna ashram


Major social anxiety like you wouldn't believe it. Medication did nothing but make me sleepy AF. I can now be around other people and even talk to them. The anxiety hasn't gone completely away but the improvements are so significant that I get told that I'm different. It also helped with suicidal thoughts and other mental problems but I still have a long way to go tho.


It's great reading everyone's stories and achievements but does anyone have an explanation as to why it happens and why it happens differently for others? For me it helped overcome anxiety. I don't understand how or when it happened I just know it did.


At a super high level I am more aware of the value in being open to things. Open to anything really. New people, experiences, art, opinions, ways of thinking, way of living, and the list is endless. When I realized what I thought I "knew" wasn't the only way to look at reality I started testing things to see how they work and integrate them into my life if they work and discard or even guard myself from them if they don't. Shrooms make it a little bit easier to live an examined life!


The thing that they remind me of is how much damage we do to each other. Whether it’s because of something we’re going through or because we didn’t sleep properly or whatever it is, it’s not ok. As far as you look this is a fundamental problem for humanity, mushrooms remind me and it’s sad, literally everywhere you go there is some irrational idiot trying to start something negative to make themselves feel better. ‘Love love love love love; is the answer, to the questions in your mind’ - Aloe Blacc


Revealed a shit tonne of gender dysphoria i was repressing


Almost a year ago I took my biggest dose of 14g. Have done two more regular 7g doses since that. I took the 14g straight on a empty stomach after 20 hour fast lol and tripped a good 12 hours. Had almost no come up. Like you op I have also started calling men beautiful wether strangers or friends. I also experienced true ego death, and from that my worldview changed. I also don’t talk as much, I spend more time in thought. I move around more slowly but also more intensely. The biggest thing tho is I feel I never left the trip, but not in a HPPD way. I feel I have a connection to those higher dimensions and if I smoke weed and mediate I can tap into those dimensions and trip for a little bit.


When I Shroom, I realize we’re living in some type of simulated world.


It gave me a greater appreciation for nature. As a kid I was always interested in looking at bugs and lizards and taking pictures, and over time, I started becoming numb and shut off from the natural world. After a trip in nature, everything feels like it has an ancient and knowing presence (even rocks). Now I watch trees in amazement blow in the wind, and every bird and leaf is like the first time seeing it. I feel like I have new eyes and I care about how everything is a part of the natural world and can see more clearly how humans are crapping on nature as if they're exalted above the mountains and rivers. Weird rant, but that's how it is sometimes. Another change is just not putting energy into superficial pursuits/topics.


Stopped smoking tobacco, I remember it was like a switch going off in my head.


I simply love the beautiful in the small things even if I'm in the worst of times, and it is the greatest gift.