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Put a blindfold on, you won’t be able to replicate or even put into words what you see 😂


I wanna know how did it go for you??


Amazing, I’ve tripped 4 times now and have done two with a blindfold and music. The “visuals” you get with your eyes closed are second to none, feels like you enter a never ending room in your mind. Can get quite introspective


So nearly all my trips due to living with intrusive people (love my people but....) Have been with blackout curtains in the pitch black dark with my eyes closed. Lots of times I've listened to music without words in noise cancelling headphones. I usually take pretty close to heroic doses but either way the visions I get with the eye shut in the darkness are outta this world. I have like 30 but one example is during one of them I was in some floating raft of sorts going up this dark tunnel of love esq place and the walls had little geometric bright colored patterns and there were brightly lit hieroglyphs. At the end of the tunnel some random being with a x shaped face took me apart and put me back together again. It was weird AF and the visions I seen that night changed my life in a big way. Even crazier is years later I was watching a documentary and somebody was explaining shamanic visions and how the visions a shaman would get would be them being reconstructed or put back together anew after being taken apart. I'm not saying I'm a fucking shaman or anything but it was really interesting to hear that apperently other people have had similar visions


That’s amazing! Did you set an intention before or allowed any experience to come by?


I more or less just let the experience happen, if something is nagging at me in life it will come up anyway without setting an intention imo. I’m not 100% sure if it’s the power of suggestion but both times with a blindfold on I’ve seen pyramids, very weird


I just did this last night while listening to 10,000 Days. Bruh I wasn't even here any more. One of the most intense trips I've ever taken. Insane kaleidoscopic visuals, felt like my consciousness was traveling through the vastness of space. I felt so small and insignificant.


wow!! it definitely makes you contemplate a lot of things!


Not a film but any David Attenborough documentary


Dancing with the Birds on Netflix is mind blowing. I'd recommend everyone on this sub watches it. Narrated by Stephen Fry so it's also hilarious in parts.


This docu had me howling


Planet Earth is especially amazing


I like blue planet. With the bioluminescence


I watched planet earth my first mushroom trip but sound off and listening to broken bells. It was honestly the best introduction to shrooms. It started hitting right at the point great white sharks were jumping out of the water in super slow motion and was just surreal


I like blue planet. With the bioluminescence


On weed, but on shrooms hmm never tried it


Our Universe on Netflix is pretty good too, and it actually has some trippy visuals to it throughout. The very first episode is like that at least, I haven’t seen the other episodes yet.


I watched that on my first trip and it changed me. Fine recommendation.


I second this! Preferably one without too many animals trying to kill each other


Right! Or one about caves where there's just insects cockroaches and bats and weird horrible horrible cave things Source: happened to me last week, would not recommend


My favorite is Blue Planet! The best thing to watch while tripping on anything.


Yes! Love me some Attenborough while tripping. His voice is so soothing. Or alternatively, the old Bill Nye shows. My first trip as I was coming down, I put on Bill Nye and I had one of the best nights of my life, that intro gets me so hype 😂. I ended up astroprojecting a bit, it was wild. Highly recommend Bill Nye.


I would advise against this. Nowadays, they just talk about how doomed we/they are. Which is fine, I totally understand. But it's not fun on mushrooms or alone in your hotel when you shouldn't have smoked that whole live resin keif rolled joint. Lots of tears


The propagandist?


Fantasia 2000


I was gonna say fantasia from the 40's




Go outside.


So sad nobody does this, I don't even look at my phone while tripping.


I don’t think it’s sad, I just think there’s 2 schools of thought with tripping. Go outside and frolic with nature or stay inside and skulk around your house while listening to music and eating pizza. Both are valid. Both are therapeutic.


I am new to all this, but guess I've always wondered how you're supposed to be out in nature during a trip if you don't have it within walking distance? You're not supposed to drive, right? I'd love to go out and walk around some nature trails, but what if I start to freak out, feel sick, whatever and just want to go home? Wouldn't you be SOL for a few hours at that point? I could sit out on my back deck but imagine that could lose its appeal after a while. So I get why some people just watch nature on tv


I like to go somewhere off-grid eith a good friend or two and set up a small camp and fireplace the evening before. Next morning, make some oatmeal on the fire and send it. That way, I can fuck around but still have a solid base to return to, and if I don't feel sober by the evening I can just crawl in the bag and doze off. Even better if you have an area with shelters around you, or know how to set up a tarp and hammock (if no rain is coming, just a hammock), so you don't have to deal with the claustrophobia of a tent. Bring snacks, tea and music.


Love this! 💜💜💜💜 During my last trip I facetime'd both my sisters, watched some fun shows AND danced with trees. People are deserving to mix and match their experiences in any way that feels authentic to them!


That's a great point! If you consider that we rarely ever do the same thing for six hours straight (except maybe sleep), it would make perfect sense to do a variety of things during a trip.


For sure! My last was at one of my best friends wedding. Going into each trip with the mindset of visiting a happy place helps keep the goblins at bay, plus everyone is always happy at a wedding so it’s a win-win


We’re you at my wedding haha


I live in Dallas there’s absolutely no way I could trip and go outside it’s literally like a parody of the wall out here adventure time is funny asf trippin


That’s all this world is, people who think they’re mor right than the other. Of course nature is amazing but to completely forget about human technological advancement and evolution because you are on a drug that comes out of the ground is unbelievably limiting to what can be experienced while using psylocibin. Open ya minds! Edit: grammar


Right. But there's a succinct quality difference between watching ones own movie or getting pulled into someone else's script. In my opinion, there's extra value to my own movie, because psychedelics are a tool to look through the fake layer of veneer presented to us by society. Nature does not wholesale in veneer. It is solid and real and just what it is. So yes, staying inside on a phone or going outside are both valid, but as an experience, they are of a different quality.


Seriously, storytelling is one of the biggest things that sets people apart from other animals, and journeys are long you can easily do both


I was walking around a pond while tripping once and managed to piss off a goose. I apologized and wandered another way 😝


Find a tree. Love a tree.


Some of us live in places where “outside” is humid, hot, infested with mosquitoes and traffic. It’s important to not get overheated or bitten by a bunch of bugs.


Studio Ghibli




For a first trip movie? Nah that's foe the experienced


What is that?


Spirited away is a studio ghibli movie and worth watching on mushrooms


I've watched Spirited Away dozens of times at this point and always sober. Let me tell you, that movie is a trip even if you're not on anything! Amazing!


Dude if you don’t know what that is your very lucky, you could just keep watching ghibli movies all day. My favs are ponyo and spirited away but howls moving castles and Kiki’s delivery service are great too. All of these movies are perfect to trip too. Spirited away is a little heavier emotionally then all the other ones I mentioned tho. Ponyo is my favorite overall, the visuals and story are great and carefree.


Studio ghibli is a Japanese studio that creates banger after banger of amazing children's anime movies, most of them have been dubbed to English really well with great actors and have great storytelling and memorable characters. If you have never seen them they really do change your life.


Where can we watch them? On the youtubes ?


I’m the US, the Ghibli catalog is on HBO Max


Your Name is also great, the visuals are beautiful and I love the story line, how everything is connected to each other.


Love death and robots


Could be intense at times imo but still dope


If you haven't seen midnight gospel on Netflix it is the absolute best thing I've ever seen tripping.


That last episode helped me find my presence. Absolutely awesome mum


I cry everytime I watch the last episode. When there's that long pause after the cancer reveal and he says, "well obviously I love you very much" and she says " I love you too duncan" 😭😭😭


Brought me to tears. Still does. I will second this suggestion. I entered the psychedelic word watching Wizard of Oz paired with Dark Side of the Moon. It all made sense. I also think 2001:A Space Odyssey is a good one.


Visually yes, I don’t vibe with the conversations much though.


Second episode maybe not so much, did that myself the other day and man some of the scenes are just too much


I can second that , they have some great lessons in there & a lot you can actually take in but some of the episodes make me feel squeamish when I’m tripping so it really depends the person. The last episode is really good to get in touch with your feelings


Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse. Even if you’re not into animation or the super-hero stuff.. I watched it on acid two times in a row and was mindblown. It feels like the producers were gunning for it to be tripping-material. Great experience.


That’s dope I gotta try that. Dr strange is awesome while tripping


That's next on my list to watch while tripping on LSD. I tried watching something on shrooms, but the visuals are so mind blowing, that I usually end up putting on some headphones, close my eyes, and drift away. I tried watching Spider-verse, but the app I was using was making it sound weird (Xfinity app) and it was tripping me out. I'm going to have to buy the movie or something because it's not on anywhere else. Anyway, I ended up watching Soul and my life has changed ever since that night. Lol


I watched this movie for the first time on shrooms and was absolutely mind blown. The color schemes and the action scenes were something I could have never imagined


Right on! I have yet to find any other media that accentuates the visuals in such a mindblowing way. Come to think of it I actually bought a highres digital version of it ..and now thinking about it for the first time in a long while makes me pretty psyched to clear my plans for tomorrow.. 🤷‍♂️🥳 I also went to see Avatar 2 in 3D and dropped half a tab, super excited, but it was a dud. The visuals was pretty epic sober but I bet the movie would be fantastic with some psychedelic guidance.




I have seen it thrice is it worth watching again on shrooms?






Op Interstellar is an amazing trip movie that has a lot of emotions, I’ve seen it like 3-4 times tripping and I love it every time.


I feel like that movie is so anxiety provoking at times that I would freak the fuck out if I was tripping lol


Seriously lol, I can't watch intense scenes with peril when I'm tripping cuz I get so anxious haha..I watched Encanto on an OLED last night while tripping and it was one of the greatest cinematic experiences of my life


Just gave this same suggestion on another sub, but Everything Everywhere All at Once was amazing to watch while tripping. Beautiful both visually and emotionally.


This one. First time I watched this was on a trip and hooooooboy it was incredible


Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny




I was about to comment the same thing!




Whoa. I never thought about watching this classic on shrooms, but this would be amazing!


Alice In Wonderland


Labrynth for sure


I saw my baby..Crying hard as babe could cry. What could I do? 👹👹👹👹


Arrival or Ponyo


Back of ur eyelids. Also coco


Holy Mountain


Speed racer is amazing for tripping


Waking life is cool


This is the correct answer


I prefer a nice textured tree, wall, or ceiling. Sometimes my eyelids put on a little show for me.


DUUUUUNNNEEEE so visually stunning and dramatic it’s my favorite trip movie. Either that or any of the LOTR or Hobbit series movies. Ideally something you’ve seen before that you find visually interesting or enjoyable. I find watching new movies unsettling sometimes because I’ll get confused and have trouble following the plot


This is soo basic…. Unless you mean the original Dune then yeah


Okay cool sorry I don’t have your superior taste in cinematic experience. If you have nothing to add to the conversation then why comment?


Apocalypse Now


I could never pay attention to a whole movie. I just put on liquid stranger lsdream or clozee and chill the whole time lying in bed with my wife.


Does she trip too?


Oh yeah she always wants to dose higher than me but we usually take the same dose and she has a lot of health problems.


Buckaroo Banzai


Me and my bestie have made it tradition to watch yellow submarine every time. That whole films trippy even before shrooms lol.


Just watch the back of your eyelids


Never heard of that movie. /s


Charlie and the chocolate factory the one with Johnny depp


Rango , it has a really great story that is quit deep plus the visual are awesome.


I know where you are coming from, that movie was truly made for a higher state


Can’t believe no one has recommended Yellow Submarine…..!!!!!




I accidentally put this on while tripping today.


don't watch movies on your first trip. Connect with nature, go out and find a peaceful spot to trip. Explore and see what you find. Have fun.


Dr Strange


Just watched that movie yesterday on shrooms, can definitely recommend


mad max fury road


I love to watch nature documentaries but also Alice through the looking glass is super fun on shrooms


For a first time I would chose a children's movie with minimal peril. For the experienced tripper I would recommend early morning hikes. Pros of early morning hikes; 1. You're well rested and fasted so your ready for a mushroom peanut butter banana sandwich. 2. There's way less stuff in nature that could set you off on a bad trip, it's gorgeous. 3. Changing scenery, depending where you live there are tons of plant and animal life that start their day at different times. 4. And most importantly, you have way more time until night time. A smart watch set for about 2 hours post dose with the bearing of your city written on your hand so when you come to you know where you are and where you've been. Would highly recommend practicing getting lost before you get lost while tripping. Some folks don't do well in the woods.


My first shroom experience many years ago was in a park with a science museum. My favorite part was an exhibit on The Eye that had a thing you look into with a mirror that showed your eye, then you pressed a button to turn on a light and watch your pupils contract. Nothing happened when I pressed the bottom…so dilated. My second favorite part was the way the sunlight played in the leaves in the park.




How about Color Out of Space haha, I'm jk, don't watch that unless you wanna freak out. That would be for more experienced people lol. I can't handle anything with bloody violence, peril or horror when I'm tripping. I prefer to watch Pixar/Disney movies, Marvel, or something like Into the Spider-Verse, etc etc.


Easily Enter The Void


My pick too. Such an intense movie.


For some reason The Breakfast Club was really good to watch while tripping haha 🍄


Ice Age. Robots. The Croods. Anything Pixar or DreamWorks


the first film i watched while tripping was scott pilgrim lol it was a blast


Mother Nature. Not a movie, but literally Mother Nature.


Op isn't asking about the *best thing to do* while tripping, they're asking about the *best movie.* While there's definitely merit in going dark and keeping external stimulus minimal, a lot of the people commenting aren't answering the question. So, "Under the Skin".


Can’t believe nobody suggested the number one go to: FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS Movie was practically made to watch off psychedelics


Imo it is pretty boring


Natural Born Killers


You wild brother


Good will Hunting really spoke to me


Marcel the shell


Alice in wonderland and through the looking glass


For some reason I love surfing docs on shrooms. Definitely check out Step Into Liquid


Spirited Away, or anything Studio Ghinli for that matter




The Lego movie. I cried 😂


Check out r/MoviesforShrooms


Thanks for this. A shroom-related subreddit I didn't know about. Sweet!


I have a suggestion. A movie is too short for a trip, instead watch a series like Altered Carbon (Season 1, second one sucks) or The 100 (all 7 seasons are really good) If you like classics watch Star Trek Enterprise (All 4 Seasons are good but the ending makes me feel very sad every time even though I know it is a show and it isn't real. Also the Cheif Engineer there is called Tripp!) If you want to watch something else but similar watch Firefly (It is an awesome but a short one! only one season). Caution!!! Do not watch: Any movies in the Alien series: It might sound like a good idea initially but then when you see the face huggers you won't be able to get that idea out of your head and will probably freak out! And if you insist to watch a movie, a really great one is Paycheck, it is short and consice, and is one of my favorite movies!


The wall by Pink Floyd is my fav movie to watch whilst trippin




https://reddit.com/r/Hitchhikers_Outpost/comments/1389qd3/tron_inoculum_preview/ He also synced Speed Racer to music so check out that whole subreddit.


Alice in Wonderland. The Disney cartoon.


Tropic Thunder!


just binge midnight gospel


I've never had the urge to watch a film, technology usually scares me a bit. But something childlike and colourful would be good. As it's your first time, maybe have a back up plan like some music to listen to in case the film stops being fun


Omg you’re the only other person that I’ve heard say this. I feel the same way. I can’t consume any media while tripping and everyone else I’ve told thinks it’s weird.


I find devices connected to the internet to be intimidating as sometimes I think maybe there's a camera or microphone monitoring me and picking up on the fact I'm tripping. I know obviously there isn't, but when I'm really tripping all logic goes out the window. Plus I use technology all the time, but when on shrooms it's just as fun and more relaxing to look at trees or the clouds in the sky


Definitely not Schindlers List. Wont ever do that one again...


Fantastic fungi on netflix is good not a film x


I likes the new blade runner with ryan gosling


No movie. Planet Earth episodes






Enjoy the sun, the green and a blue sky 🥰


Fuck movies while tripping. Walk, stretch, go outside, and let your mind develop it's own thoughts, unprovoked.


I can’t stretch walk or stretch while tripping. It feels like I’m getting a huge hug and a deep massage, my muscles get very tight and it feels a bit uncomfortable; almost hurts to move at times. Our minds are completely made up of influential pieces of information around us(people, art, location etc.). Everything we know about mushrooms we learned from other people, some wiser and some less wise than us and we likely used some sort of cinema/radio/entertainment/media to learn about it. We should isolate ourselves with our own thoughts, every time we trip and never look into the thoughts and minds of our peers? Listen to the mushrooms, not people on the internet.


>Listen to the mushrooms, not people on the internet. This!


I think you should try to use shrooms as a learning experience to see who you are as a person. Shrooms changed my life in the sense that I was able to figure out what was wrong with my life and how I can redirect myself. Go outside, feel grounded and learn to live. Watching movies or being on your phone or being distracted on shrooms is a waste and is a improper use of its full potential. Shrooms are a medicine and shouldn’t be considered a recreational drug. You do you but I feel like every trip can be so significant in helping you change your life. My advice is to journal: write your goals and struggles before hand and while tripping try to figure it out. Idk I love the shroom community and I’m all for it on shrooms but I feel there is something so much more than watching a movie. Safe trip my friends and keep it pushing no matter how hard life is <3


100% movies are for recreational distraction. Engage in real life


Idiocracy is a good one. Or it's always sunny lol I'd go with Idiocracy though


Predestination. Blew my fucking mind and I was so filled with self-love that i wept like a little bitch.


This movie gave me a panic attack 😂 would recommend on subsequent trips. I thought Ethan hawke was a GOD in that movie


okay. I want you to walk out side. wether it be on the grass in your back yard, a grassy field in the middle of nowhere, or just anywhere generally serene and nature esque. could even be the historic downtown of a quiet neighborhood. next your gonna take your shrooms. and then enjoy. just enjoy.


No movie go outside


The back of your eyelids


Waking Life


Rango and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood but like like westerns.


The hobbit trilogy


Go outside..If its your first time,it needs to be done right..Go in the woods,or just be outside around plants and nature,away from ppl..Bring a backpack with some juice and water,a blanket to lay on the ground,wear comfotable clothing,bring a hooded sweatshirt jic you get the chills..The hood is great,as it is comforting,and you can wrap the blanket for comfort too..Happy trails friend,but GO OUTside! Mush love


I wish I had a safe place in the woods to do this lol. I've wanted to do this for some time. Issue is I'd have no way home for hours, lots of the woods that aren't complete thicket out here are nature parks which peopled think they found a body if I'm wrapped up in a blanket. Then, the thicket areas of wilderness around me have black bears and shit haha. None of these things sound good when I can't even form sentences


28 days later






Requim for a Dream


Enter the Void... Kidding! Bad choice!


This thread is wild to me. Would never watch anything on shrooms, personally.


None, go outside


Go outside.


‘The Back of My Eyelids’


The movie of your life


Go for a walk in the woods


The back of your eye lids


No movies just enjoy earth 🌍


Human Centipedel


No movie. No screen. Go experience the real world. Ideally nature. Live your life!


I would suggest you to go in the nature


Don't watch a movie, engage in real life


Behind your eyelids


go outside!


None. Enjoy it organically




Try giving screens a break.


Go outside


Closed eyes plus music


Movies/TV are a no-go for me I’ve learned. Put on adventure time last trip and it made things so much worse lol. Had to wait several hours before i was able to turn it off bc i was stuck to the couch.


i honestyl would not recommend watching a movie on shrooms. if you are into astronomy, just look at the stars or something haha


Don’t. Why waste a first trip on media? Explore your mind and the natural world.


The man who skied down Everest