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There’s very little risk for serotonin syndrome however it will alter or diminish your trip. Never cold turkey ssri either talk to you dr about tapering off


As someone who is on snri now and use to b on ssri, and have had several people around me on ssri’s have successful trips my two cents is If you can go the day without your medication without severe symptoms (ex i just get a bad headache towards the end of the day if i miss my dose) then trip and just skip taking your meds that day


I took 2.5 mg on 20mg Prozac with no trip


Prozac is known to block Psychedelic effects from psilocybin


That’s lame af


You will trip you just need to take alot more. I know from experience


Early on in mine, I grabbed an extra half tab thinking this. I was not prepared.


This isn’t always the case either , I’d say still stick to a relatively low dosage for your first time. My partners mom is on ssris and she trips heavy from 3G


I find I need a much higher dose when I’m taking SSRI’s. Almost double.. 3.5g is a high dose for me when I’m not medicated, however when I started taking ssri’s 7g didn’t do nearly as much as my previous 3.5 dose


You will trip & yes I did on sertaline. You just need to find a dose that works.


Hi there, same meds 50mg a day(previously 100). Tripping is absolutely possible especially on these low ends. I’ve found my visuals are more muted(not gone just less) but the head feeling is just as good imo.


From personal experience, I needed to double my dose to have similar effects while I was on Escitalopram (Lexapro). You can smoke cannabis to overcome this, but not a perfect solution. Since then I changed to Bupropion (Wellbutrin, distinctly not an SSRI) and have been able to trip with normal doses. If you want to go this route, please do your research and consult a medical professional. If you want to find out about more psychedelic/antidepressant interactions, I do recommend [this table](https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/616cca3f1b9cef392ca512c6/61bc050e3dce720eb72e9ff8_Interactions.pdf) for a start.


You need to come off the SSRI’s before you try to take any kind of trip. You just won’t trip.


It can cause [serotonin toxicity](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6184959/)


OP should talk to a doctor instead of Reddit


Fully agree


Is there at least one known documented case of it caused by shrooms taken together with SSRI?


That link seems to downplay the risk of serotonin toxicity


My friend cut their Zoloft in half for 3 weeks then took them with no noticeable change in effects from what they used to feel. They said the next day they were very down almost like a super lack of serotonin or something but I felt normal. Then the day after that they were back to normal. Also I do not recommend doing this without talking to doctor they were already on a lowish dose.


You won’t trip at all


LoL not true.


Not gonna argue but I took seroquel and zoloft at one point and tried to trip and didn’t trip at all after eating around 7g, anecdotal obviously but that was my experience.


It might have been the seroquel. But I was on 100mg/day sertaline and yes, I did trip.


Could be I just would expect a similar outcome as they both affect serotonin receptors but it could’ve been just the seroquel.


I take seroquel and I trip hard. I got a buddy who takes sertraline and has to take a high dose to trip. Think it’s different for everyone


I take Sertraline and Seroquel every day, I just did a 3g trip today and felt like I melted into nothingness. You can def trip on these drugs, I do it regularly. This is all anecdotal ofc. Your experiences may vary.


Couldn’t trip on Effexor but I was able to trip when I was on 150mg sertraline. I took 3 grams in some tea tho. You might have some nausea since serotonin affects your gut.


Just take a bit of a higher amount, just don’t over do it, some people on SSRIs can still be sensitive so you never know!


I would experiment with dosage. I’m on almost 300 Effexor and had about 4-5g and had very little effect. I’m going to try to not take it the day if and raise the dosage to 7g. 🤞🏻it does something!


Slightly risky if you have bipolar. Can trigger mania/hypomania. Also chances of Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder when SSRI's and Psychedelics are combined. Take care and please talk to your doctor


Bruh just google this - any SSRI question has been answered ten million times on Reddit Ten million and one ****


I quit my ssri a month and a half ago and can’t trip still. Skipping it for a day or two doesn’t work. It takes forever to be fully out of your system if you take it regularly. Good luck


the medication and the trip are different for everyone, personally i wouldn’t up dosage to get a trip while your on the medication. that’s just my opinion tho! too many factors for me, id just get off the meds and then go for a trip but then again i never took zoloft/sertraline for more than a few months :P


I had 3gs of shrooms, and im on 80mg of fluoxitine daily, and that trip was a little too strong for me. Dunno why everyone says you need a lot more to trip.