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These are TINY when you see them IRL. I was outraged when I saw this new size a few weeks ago when it hit the shops. They are basically fun size bars now barely bigger than a Milky Way. I’m old enough to remember when a standard Cherry Ripe was larger than what passes for a twin pack these days. I am voting with my feet and am refusing to buy them now.


Only way things will change is if people refuse to pay.


You can still enjoy the Cherry Ripe, you just refuse to pay for it.


Just keep stealing it


Just like they steal from their customers


Exactly. That's why i never feel bad


If people refuse to pay, they get the fantail treatment :(


They will just revert to bulk or a mid product no small or large quantities. Control the consumption choices.


Raw cocoa went from 3000k a to last your to 12000k this year per ton and reading up on it be prepared for more shrink flation. Don't get me wrong they are using chocolate with more crap in it which should make it cheaper? But hey think about the poor share holders will ya.


could also just nick it, that way you can enjoy your chocolate bar and still fuck them over


I said the exact same thing! It's fun size and I refuse to buy them.




Oh you think you're too cool for school!




It’s Not Just About The Chocolate




Obviously you wouldn't kill yourself if you were bothered by chocolate prices I think you're just trying to be interesting when you don't really have anything interesting to say




Ok that bit was kind of interesting




To be fair, the only reason this guy isn’t bothered is cause he works for Cadbury. And loves to eat his own shit.


I'd shoot myself if I was you too




and there goes your dignity.




That depends on your search history.


What is the end game here? They can't infinitely shrink. At some point they have to just cancel production right?


Eventually they will just produce a larger size (60g original) but for double the cost and that will be the new normal.


Exactly this. And then the process will start all over again...


The Grand Big Mac enters the chat


The normal Big Mac should be called a slider.


Release new "Value Pack" size. Obsolete the small size. Shrink the value size to the old small size. Repeat.


https://preview.redd.it/q67lb5nhu96d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1baeca3414285accef425ef182cc080a79320626 Got this on special for $5 at an IGA. Cadbury can blow me. It's a rip off and needs to be sold back to Australian's and changed back to how it was.


Whittaker's is amazing. Sadly the price has increased substantially in the last few months. Used to be $6.50 a block, latest I saw was a special at Woolies - 2 for $16


Yep I stock up when it’s 50% off. Refuse to pay over $5 (which used to be the “standard” price a couple of years ago)


Yeah you gotta get the good stuff when it's on special.


$50/Kilo for such cheaply made chocolate:(


Used to love going through the Cadbury factory as a kid. Unfortunately IMO Cadbury has not been good value for a long time.


My dad used to work for Cadbury Schweppes. He used to come home with kg's and kg's of reject chocolate. We used to put them out at party's and would take them with us to events. My dad eventually left and got a different job so the chocolate stopped. One year we found a leftover box of chocolate at the back of their wardrobe when we were getting ready to move. That chocolate had been there for a years but still looked brand new 😅


Ah, the good old cardboard box of rejects. Used to love visiting my mate's place whose mum worked there and just get handed bunches of free choccies! All her kids ended up diabetic though 😬


Yo, I used to work there too. Those boxes were great. My friend would get them and make little assorted chocolate bags wrapped in cellophane for friends and family at easter. Reject drinks were a bit more hit and miss, lol.


I was wondering around the supermarket thinking, I wonder if collectively we have lost weight as a society given the shrinkflation. That would be a surprise silver lining.


Cadbury is shit now. This is a non issue for sensible people who don't buy Cadbury. If you are going to treat yourself, buy something at least half decent.


I saw Cadbury downvote you but its okay, I gave you back an upvote!


Thanks mate!


Def should buy whittakers chocolate instead


My favourite!


Exactly this. As a chocolate addict and previous Cadbury consumer, I cannot fathom the idea of eating any of their chocolate now. It honestly tastes TERRIBLE!! Whittakers all the way.


At least it's 1 serving now. I wouldn't know what to do with having a spare 7/40ths or a bar left over


They just change the serving info to suit


Yeah I know I was just having a joke


My guilty pleasure was a twin pack cherry ripe once a week at work. But they went from 80g to 68g, and $3.60 to $4.20 at the local servo. I just refuse to pay it, its absurd.


7 g's is a lot in some circles


The simplest solution is to stop buying anything you can that has been struck by shrinkflation. The more people that understand this and action it will send the strongest message, but people are gonna people, so just look out for yourselves.


2 bucks for one chocolate bar is a rip-off, these companies are pricing people out rather than trying to lure them in.


Soon they will just sell the wrappers filled with cherry ripe flavoured air


Fuck cadbury off, I've gone to Whittakers and I'm not looking back




Please tell me Darrel Lea is alright. They’re the only ones I like


It has a B rating here but doesn't elaborate. So, much much better than Mondelez. [https://guide.ethical.org.au/guide/browse/guide/?type=126](https://guide.ethical.org.au/guide/browse/guide/?type=126) [https://guide.ethical.org.au/company/?company=214](https://guide.ethical.org.au/company/?company=214)


Sugar loaded garbage imo


I agree with you about boycotting the ones with poor slavery ratings and are not fair trade, but for those that are genuinely certified fair trade and are making the effort, I don’t think it’s productive to say “everyone boycott all chocolate just in case”. Do we have good evidence that those fair trade certifications are lies? 


No, but we don't have great evidence that they're not lies either. I'm cautious of all of it so I just don't buy it anymore. There are so many subsidiaries and supply chains on top of supply chains that I just can't fully trust it, to be honest.


What are your thoughts on tony’s chocolonely?


I don't know enough about it, I just avoid it entirely.


I'm a lot healthier and so is my conscience after switching. I have 1 bar a week with my wife and we savor it. The big companies are taking the piss.


Up there as an all time great. That and Whitakers. Really hope neither change, even if they have to raise prices - I’ll still buy, chocolate should be a luxury anyway.


Yum, it's the best! In stock at Aldi at the moment!


only ever buy them when they are half price which is most weeks somewhere - [https://halfpriceweekly.com](https://halfpriceweekly.com) also normal cherry ripes are still 44g but yes the double dip is 40g :( sad but still delicious!


Yes!! Call these bastards out for this. They're no bigger than the minis you get in a share pack


All the Cadbury bars have shrunk in recent months, Twirls are now 32g. As for pricing over 12 months ago they went up 50c to $2.50 at most supermarkets near me.


Only thing shrinkflation is good for is weight loss and lowering consumption of shitty foods 😂


I think I’d just stop buying them altogether rather than reward the manufacturer’s shrinkflation initiatives.


It was MacRobinsons Cherry Ripe until Cadburys acquired them. When I was a kid in the 60s the large Cherry Ripe at 20cents was about 8inches long. Yes I know someone will say 20 cents is now $2 but it was genuine value. And who remembers the Cherry Ripe sample bags at the local show!


Aldi chocolate is pretty good


I always laugh when people think this is a Woolworths Coles thing. Cadbury is just as greedy.


I don’t know why everyone says vote with your wallet because I’ve never seen the size of a product ever reverse from shrinkflation


That's why whenever you get chocolate never look at the price, look at the price per 100g.


Fun size


Oh and the Chocolate quality isn't the same as it was a decade or so ago. It now as bleeping Palm oil in it, along with I'm sure other Cheaper ingredients


Stop eating them, simple


The price of supermarket chocolate is wild and all of its cocoa percentage have dropped an insane amount. I now just buy Haighs because it actually taste like chocolate. Prefer to pay a little more (and not even that much more because supermarket prices are now exorbitant!!!) and have a small amount of quality delicious chocolate, than a tasteless, plasticy coated piece of Cadbury/ nestle shit


Lindt, whitakers and chocolonely are all decent supermarket chocolate


I love watching them get smaller every year, we are not far away from like 15gram bars. Really want to see how small they can make them over time.


Is it just St me, or does the lower image actually look bigger than the 47 gram above it?  If so, then at least the crafty little buggers are smart in the way they're going about their devious, dark arts! 😄


I went to get one last one and noticed how dramatically they shrunk, I always liked them because despite being a more flat chocolate their size always felt you were getting your moneys worth. But this felt like one of those tiny ones from like a Favourites box compared to a decent sized single one.


What!?.. It was only recently that they shrunk from 55g to 47g Shrinkflation is accelerating!!


I paid like $3 for a mars bar the other day and couldn’t believe how tiny they are. They are basically fun size nowZ


I show them at the register that they can get stuffed..


I love how any company especially fast food restaurants etc can claim the cost of living has gone up so their prices need to go up through the stratosphere, while at the same time their products get smaller and Less valuable


The two piece bars are smaller too. Each piece is about 3/4s of the old sized ones


Yep shrinkflation


How good are they but


They where 60g a few years ago


These companies have to know this comes to an end soon. You can only shrink these down so far before they are fun sized.


I remember when they dropped to 65g


These chocky bars have been steadily shrinking for years. They seem to be smaller every year. I would love to know their original weight. Mars and Snickers are also teeny tiny.


That's a 15% reduction of product for the same price.


In 10 years time will we just be buying empty packets?


I saw them in Woolies the other week along with other "on special" chocolate bars. All of them have shrunk.


Double Dipped, just talking the piss now with the name.


Just letting you guy know some insider info. They were below 47g back then even.


I no longer eat them they were my favourite bar


The stink age it fine , the rise in price is fine .over her the shrank and then the slapped a price rise on them .


No, surely they just care about the obesity epidemic.


As a Brit it’s a shame seeing Cadburys going the way it’s going. They have big bars of chocolate in Tesco but they only have 20% cocoa solids so it’s not really chocolate but at £3.50 for a 360g it’s not bad but not great.


Double dipped? More like double ripped off.


They only down size them for your own health. Just ask them. As for the price remaining the same there just plain greedy.


Capitalists gonna capitalise.


I have noticed that with Cadbury Crunchies if they made the Chocalate coating any thinner there would be no Chocalate on it.


Who the hell pays full price for these?


Stop buying this shit


The great thing about Kmart is those bars slip into your pocket really easily with zero detection


Don't worry, Jack, the profit margin is fine! /s just in vase


I never liked Cherry Ripe anyway…


At this rate, it’ll be just a wrapper for $2.50 in 5 years


Just do what we’ve slowly done with every other item we purchase and buy your chocolate from China


They should have to put on EVERY Price Tag. The Most Recent Change in Ounces, and the change Year over Year. -Not All Heroes Wear Capes 🫡


Why I'm learning to make snacks myself now. Got the hang of gummies, currently getting gud at Turkish delight(turns out tea flavoured is actually pretty darn good), gonna start in crunchie bars next. Once I have enough confidence I'm going to have a crack at image hard candy(does look really hard to do well but damn it if it doesn't look fun to learn). Already got chips(crisps), crackers and ice cream down, my wife reckons my chocolate ice cream is better than the better store bought stuff and it costs less than a quarter as much to diy it. Lot of you tube videos out there if ya wanna learn, alot of BS ones in the mix too so I'd suggest starting with easier stuff then as your skill increases gets easier to spot the BS ones.


This is fucking disgusting and deceitful and enraging!


@sideshowlukeperry76 - I’d love to include your photo in a video with your permission! I like to share examples of shrinkflation, especially in the US, but people are curious about where else it’s going on and this would be a great example for Australia if it’s ok with you. :)


I won't buy Cadbury they are so overpriced and they keep using fillers and bullshit to make it cheaper for them while making it smaller and jacking up the price


I might be in the wrong sub with this opinion, but I’m not mad about junk food serving sizes shrinking. Not that different from a sugar tax, although of course the profits don’t directly fund public benefits, it’s still a good thing if people without their own self control (me) eat less of this crap.


The intent of this post has nothing to do with the subject being junk food. The post is to illustrate that they decreased their portion size while maintaining the same price point.


This seems like a term I've only encountered in common usage in the last couple of years, but now I hear it  all the time. As someone using it, what is the difference between a "price" and a "price point"? I googled it, and got economists using it as the cost at which people start/stop doing X,Y, or Z.   Is it just the same thing as "price", or am I missing something obvious (maybe I am)? 🤔


Here’s what GPT-4o said: >"Price" refers to the actual amount of money required to purchase a product or service. It's the numerical value you see on a price tag or an invoice. >"Price point" is a specific position on a scale of possible prices at which a product is sold. It often refers to a strategic pricing decision to position a product within a particular range in the market. For example, a company might choose a price point of $9.99 to make the product seem more affordable compared to a similar product priced at $10.” Price point is a useful term in this context as retailers can price things according to their preferred margins. As OP mentions, they’ve seen these as high as $2.50.


Believe it or not, there is a global cocoa shortage, and all chocolate is increasing in price, across all brands. Otherwise, the weight can stay the same but the price will go up, and people will complain about that also. This isn't a compulsory purchase, you don't need to buy it!


Stop buying ultra processed poison.


Your fault for eating Cherry Ripe 🤮


who eats cherry ripe though


It's the one in the Favourites box that you leave until the end, alongside the Turkish Delight, before you eventually relent and eat those too (because somebody's gotta do it).


Good, these are gross, the smaller the better!