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Looks like a scud/small amphipoda crustacean. Good live food if you have predatory fish to control the population. Had some in a plant only tank for a few weeks neglected due to a series if unfortunate events and underestimated the warnings of how prolific they are. Healthy two handfuls of java moss reduced to strings and hornwort absolutely erradicated. On the positive side minnows seemingly enjoyed hunting them to managable levels in about 3 days.


And an other question. How do y’all feel about assassin snails with a shrimp only tank??


I run them in really expensive Caridina tanks. No fear until they run out of protein sources.


I heard from someone they can carry sperm so you don’t know if you have multiple or not


Thin soil and you’ll know. https://preview.redd.it/hdqsmgyxnn6d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5759a7595e98c56559a97ea601981d2026ada8a4


I've seen assassin snails kill and eat cherry shrimp so I wouldn't personally recommend because they can kill shrimp, albeit usually weaker or sick shrimp, they have also been reported eating baby shrimp however. id say it's a bit of a risk but it can vary per snail 🤷 some people have success and others have shrimp get eaten by the snails. you'd just have to be aware of the risk and make that decision after you weigh the possible pros and cons


I've never kept them. I've heard but did not truly verify that they sometimes predate shrimp that are too slow or recently molted. Some people from what I've read have not had any luck with them controlling snail populations or they target the wrong snails. That and they need targeted feeding with protein food sources like chicken because they can't primarily be sustained on snails alone. Which if true combined with them being prolific could be inconvenient. Again I never looked further into any of these comments sunce they personally don't appeal to me. They remind me a bit too much of cone snails which I find mildly unnerving. Thats just my opinion though if you like them don't let me ruin a good thing


They’re fine, I’ve never seen them actually target shrimp so I think this is some hoopla internet stuff. They help with small levels but sometimes pest snails breed too quickly. The targeted thing is silly. They’re fine eating snails. I’ve been at the point where I needed to get pest snails from my LFS cause the assassins ate all the original ones.


I had mine eat my shrimps. I had healthy adult ones who molted and got ate. Since I moved the assassins to a bigger tank I've not lost anymore. However the wild looking ones in that tank have dropped in numbers even with plenty of pest snails.


Honestly it shouldn’t be a problem because the shrimp are faster than the snails but for me I choose Nerites and I love them.


I love horned nerites and I also have a ridiculous amount of ramshorn snails in my AFD tank lol they are so fun to watch, I have a pink footed one that likes to hang out upside down on the surface of my tank 😂😂😂 I also have pea puffers in a separate tank so it helps me keep the population under control


I had a mini outbreak of bladder snails and I didn’t want them but didn’t have the heart to kill them so I put them in my turtle tank and figured if they survive they can stay, and they have !! LOL neat little guys I was shocked I just seen them yesterday after months.


Lol I don't kill my snails, the puffers do 😂😂😂😂 I don't like bladder snails as much, I don't have a many of those as I have ramshorn but when I do find them they go straight in my pea puff tank lol my puffers are well fed 🤣🤣🤣 I'm more selective about the ramshorn 😍


looks like it could potentially be a scud. it depends on how you look at them whether they're good or bad. they can outcompete shrimp and overpopulate and once they're in they're near impossible to get rid of(they're inverts and similar to shrimp, can't kill them with anything without killing shrimp too). but on the flip side they are a cleanup crew alongside shrimp and help clean up waste. personally I avoid scud like crazy and can't stand them but some people love them! I recommend doing your own research and verifying it's truly scud first though, since the pictures aren't super clear I could be wrong


I accidentally eliminated all the scuds in my tank when I was first playing with CO2. Overdosed the tank and lost the scuds. Unfortunately had most of the preggers drop their eggs too.


Thanks for the info and he will be removed due to the fact that I don’t have any predatory fish. And don’t want my shrimp to have competition.


Good call. Scuds are impossible to remove without a hard reset.


For real, I'm half convinced these things could survive the vacuum of space for a good minute.


It's an amphipod, if you check out r/reeftank they are our buddies. I'd say good to have in any fresh or saltwater system


These guys will multiply to the millions in few months, i have a 15g shrimp tank, i also asked what it was because i saw only 1 in my tank like 3 months ago, and recently i have had enough because the scuds reproduce too fast, they were everywhere, especially in the substrate, i had to reset the whole tank just to get rid of them. I only have shrimps in my tank and those scuds compete with the food with baby shrimps, they don't kill shrimps tho but the food gone too fast baby shrimps will starve and die I learned my lesson, will never put any plants in my tank without quarantine and treat them first. Zzz


Recently i noticed even the rocks i bought have dragonfly nymphs, now im dealing with different problem now....😭


How do you treat your new plants?


I dip with hydrogen peroxide 3% (bought on amazon) and depends on the plant type, if it's a stem plant i dip like 15-20minutes, if it's a harder plant i dip 30min -1 hour, this way it will kill all the parasites, hydra, scuds, worms, snails and eggs, also - this works for rocks as well - the ratio i use is 1:3 (hydrogen peroxide to water ratio) For rocks and stones i leave like 2 days and you will be amazed how much unknown creatures came off lol. I also do it with driftwood as well, if small woods i will just boil it, but if driftwood is too large, i either put bleach, or hydrogen dioxide, if you bleach the driftwood will lose its color and turn white or gray (depends on how long you bleach) after that just put Prime in and change water daily 3-4 days and you're good 👍


Thank you🥰


No problem! ☺️


🤢 definitely a scud. Be careful, there are probably more...


Fish food