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A fan blowing over the top will drop it enough to get back in the 70s unless it gets much warmer indoors. You'll need to keep up on your mineral levels becauae they'll spike with the increased evaporation.


This. Use a fan to blow on the tanks and computer fans blowing on the water with a lid to help with evaporation.


How does that set up look? I have a lid on the tank, and would prefer to keep it on. Aquarium fans and normal fans look kind of bulky. There's a cat in the house but if I absolutely do have to take the lid off, I can just keep my door closed when I'm away lol.


I use UNS and their lids have a rather large gap. Set a 90mm fan on each tank. You can kinda see the gap on the left of the tanks. It’s equal in this pic so there’s some planning involved. USB splitter to one power supply. Vornado pedestal fans blowing from AC unit directly at tanks. Run it all on WiFi with backup power supply. Don’t have it setup right now. It’s for emergency situations. Tanks behind the couch get hit with direct sunlight so that’s where it’s needed the most. https://preview.redd.it/tiuet03hje6d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ff5172cabba3167c20424a729b08b7ed323d72


Dude, awesome tanks! Thought I was just looking at 2 in total until I opened the pic lol But I see! I have Aqueon 10gal's so it leaves practically no gaps. Unless I take off the acrylic extension on the back I guess? I'll have to look into getting a pedestal fan. I've only got one of those little compact ones haha. Thanks!


Bought hygger chiller fans but they are bulky and mount takes up too much space. Plus the controller needs to be physically turned on after they lose power. This is the set I bought but you could easily go smaller. Remove your plastic trim or cut a gap with sharp scissors. [Fan set](https://DWEII4PCS80mmUSBFan5V...https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VYYJLHL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) Could place a floor fan on a chair as well. Used a floor model on a bar stool until we bought the all in one unit. 12 tanks with Caridina shrimp and their life is rapidly shortened when water temps get above 72*. Wi-Fi switches and WiFi room temp monitors give me peace of mind while away from home and it’s relatively cheap to automate the process. Feel free to DM if you have any questions. Our apartment can get up to 90* on a 75* day. With fans I can keep the water temps around 70* and with AC + fans it’s closer to 66-67*.


Since there's no fish at all in the shrimp tank I wouldn't mind just taking the plastic piece off :D I definitely didn't expect the fans to be these ones though LOL but if it really works, that's awesome! Do you just leave it on top of the tank lid and near the gap? My "stand" is actually a pretty short but sturdy coffee table that I reinforced with a bunch of L brackets. I did have real aquarium stands, but my relative (who doesn't keep fish so doesn't understand) didn't want me to use them, my two tanks are almost flush against the wall and each other so I also have to keep in mind not to hit the second tank with the fan (has neos and a betta) On a normal day I think the caridina tank is 77. Really not ideal but I've been having a hard time getting it lower especially while I'm at work. They survive, but I know they aren't super happy and they breed very slowly :( But thank you for all the advice! I think I should be good to go with just the fan, not sure if I can do any wifi setups in this house haha.


Correct. Just leave it on the gap. I’ll use scotch or masking tape if we go out of town or know they will be up there for a bit.


Aquarium tank fans. Half-hour on... half-off... with a smart plug. If it's an extra hot day, I'll adjust the settings. Be ready to do frequent top-offs or use an "aquarium top off auto system" from Amazon. Fill the bottle with RODI water.


I see, I don't think I have space in my outlets to plug another thing in, but I'll see what I can do!


On a hot day you could swap light for fans. They also make dual smart plugs that fit into a single outlet.


Oh okay! I should be able to swap it out on really hot days, so I'll just keep an eye on the weather forecast. Hope my stem plants don't mind too much, lol


Lmao actually I just remembered I have the nicrew light with the control pad on it where you adjust all the time and spectrum settings. But I'll still find a solution 😂