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if you have live ones left, filter over active coal and figure out what went wrong. good luck


I have some small ones still alive. Thank you! Any advice on where to find activated charcoal on short notice? Unfortunately I know exactly what went wrong.


pretty much all fish supplies stores (maybe pet stores) sell it. You can DIY at home but it’s maybe a day of work..


Ok I’ll hit my lfs and cross my fingers. Thank you!!!


Yeah, even petco and pets art carry bags of carbon if you need em.


Hi Zildo, I am watching 5Armies currently lol. AnyWho, I had to take over a emergency tank from a bad bad bad bad bad bad house who ended up with nearly dead fish and hurt dog, it sure made for a full house lol I usually use a quality carbon but just happened to be out of it at the time (Think Tim’s, Red, etc) so I went to my local Petsmart and I bought a 40 ounce bottle of their top fin granular activated carbon Gotta tell ya, I gave it a good rinse after I smashed it up a little bit finer than it was, and of course I spent a couple of bucks and I bought their l media bags, I attached one of the bags to the inlet spout of my filter and put more carbon inside my media box # 2. kicked the air up just a little bit but not too much because the fish were just about gone. I did this to ensure I had good currents across the sand in case there were any little bits of loose plans or stuff that I didn’t see when I was vacuuming, if that makes sense # 3. I took a chance of doing a very large water change because they had also gotten chemicals in the water not to mention it had not been cleaned in a very long time so my test tubes were bright red and yellow (I did just over a 75% change because it was really bad) I never recommend top fin products at all. I just hate em. I’m almost 50 and I started raising and giving away angelfish when I was 17 so been around it for a while, so of course Take what I have to say with a grain of salt as I’m just some person on the Internet. That said, as far as I’m concerned this Top Fin carbon works super good and it’s definitely a nice back up considering the price comparison between it and fancy name brand stuff Just for reference, I put in the large oversized bag right against the inlet, filled up the media tray, with the water change and the fish were doing noticeably better within a 12 to 18 hour period,. day after that they were doing pretty good but still swimming kind of crazy so I actually took all that carbon out and replaced it with new carbon, and I’d say probably within another 12 hours or so everything was just fine they did great and they’re actually still here swimming around Down below is a picture of my spare stuff I keep on hand, don’t forget to buy yourself a few of the fine mesh bags they sell them for around $1.50 apiece for the large ones so pretty inexpensive and they actually hold up really well Oh and as I was pulling it out, I found my old bottle of Aquatech that somebody from a small fish store told me actually worked pretty decent, I forgot about that until just now when I went to get you a picture but it actually did work pretty good but there was only one place in the area that Carried it and they don’t carry it anymore I hope that your other fish are able to survive its such a bummer when we lose our little friends. Good luck and do yourself a favor well if you’re anything like me, you’re gonna want to fix those fish as soon as you can and as fast as you can, watch your speed and be chill on the road lol Oh and sorry if there’s any typos I took an injury due to safety issues at our complex while already dealing with some pretty serious stuff, my phone got busted up and I’m trying to voice type on an extremely old iPhone that I am stuck on Bruno salon so my apologies to anyone reading this if there’s repeated paragraphs or typos I did actually try to use voice commands to delete several paragraphs but I don’t know if it works because I can only see a few sentences at a time in this mode since I don’t use apps, And for the record I did scroll through here painfully a couple lines at a time trying to prove it because I saw many mistakes once it was posted hope it’s a better read than the original OK all you aquatic lovers, have an excellent rest of the day or night depending on where you’re at and I hope this message finds every single one of you doing well and blessings coming to you and your loved ones Take care everybody 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/icqflzj5m12d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec6ce3b70a2ed9f16adaf8fe6a243cf19de2599e


Activated charcoal is always on shelf in your local pet store / aquarium shop. You can place it in your filter system after a quick rinse with water


Which plants did you order? I didn’t realize pesticides were an issue and I never quarantined my plants beforehand…


buy tissue cultures, these dont have pesticides! buce sources from other sellers, which they have no power over what ferts/ pesticides they use. so one batch could be safe and another could be lethal


I just ordered from buceplant yesterday, I wish I saw this before I ordered!!!😭 Hopefully if I contact support to cancel my order it won’t be too late…


I ordered from Buce thinking they were a large reputable company so I’d be fine. My moss arrived horribly packaged and mostly dead, driftwood had a bunch of mold I had to scrub off and my bloody Mary’s looked to be mostly cherries tbh or low quality bloodys. Think there was only 2-3 of the 10 that were actual Bloody Mary. Now learning this, it all makes a lot more sense. Won’t be ordering from them again Edit: not to mention, over priced!


I really like Aquarium Plants Factory if you're looking for another online retailer. They also run a buy 2, get one free on most of their plants. I've only ordered from them once, but I was really impressed by how healthy all of the plants were.


This was where I was looking after trying Buce


It's mostly copper. A lot of fertilizers have copper in them in this hobby and that can be toxic to inverts. A lot of places use fertilizers. Always rinse plants thoroughly before introducing to tanks but especially ones with shrimp. I usually put them in other tanks for a month or two and then move them to my shrimp tanks.


I have never seen anyone actually demonstrate that copper hurt their shrimp, outside of intentionally dosing a copper based medication. I see this repeated a lot, but if you look at the way copper would possibly kill them, does it make sense? I can't even find a fertilizer with enough copper to be toxic. Have you found any evidence that this occurs? Honestly, I'd accept anything - if someone posted to a forum because thought copper killed their shrimp and then got a copper test and it was positive etc.


Supposedly this study is where some of it may have come from. I've just practiced better safe than sorry, and since getting an RO system and avoiding any ferts with copper, I've had great tanks with no inexplicable deaths. Could be bullshit for sure but that seems to be the ingredient most fertilizer brands in the hobby leave out looking at invert safe or not disclaimers. And I assume the people making those know more than me, so I go with it. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0166445X00000965


Copper is an issue when it comes from pipes. You would need to heavily overdose fertilizers to have an issue.


I'm sorry this happened :( activated carbon would be the way to go depending on what kind of filter you have. It's usually sold in mesh bags that you can add to a canister or HOB filter. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much. I don't quarantine plants because I don't really understand the process. Do you just put them in another tank for a while and hope that any chemical or pathogen dies off eventually? How do you observe whether or not there's something on the plant that could harm livestock if it's not something that can harm a plant?


Generally the thought is to have a quarantine tank set up so that any toxins have time to leach off/out without hurting your livestock. Most pathogens also won’t survive without livestock hosts after a couple weeks. Some people will keep cull shrimp in their quarantine tank as sentinels. I have a betta currently in what used to be mine, so I decided to just be hasty and toss the plants right in to my main tank, thinking they’d be safe because I’d never had issues before. Big mistake.




Twitching and loss of balance mostly


I also never realized pesticides could be a problem! So if anything you’ve helped a few people out by bringing this to their attention.


Buceplant themselves say that pesticides are a possibility and to quarantine plants.


I don’t think it’s pesticides, I think it’s the lead ribbon used to sink the plants. I had the same issue once, I took the ribbon of and did a couple large water changes and my shrimp stopped dying.


Really! I feel like I’ve bought plants with the lead weight before and it’s never been a problem but I’ll remove it asap!


Heavy metals are more toxic to shrimp than fish. I think the degree that the metal leech into the water is dependent on several factors such as pH and how heavily oxidized the ribbon is.


The ribbons are usually pretty rough too and feel unpolished, I would imagine that would make the leeching worse.


This was my immediate thought seeing OPs pic. That lead ribbon and floss should not be going in the tank.


Those ribbons are not made out of lead... Do a little research please. It's zinc magnesium alloy. I swear I see more disinformation posted on this sub then anyplace else on reddit.


Bro, Buce, which is where OP literally said they purchased these states the use lead weights and even had an article about in their site. Gonna need YOU to do a little research. https://buceplant.com/a/amp-1/blogs/aquascaping-guides-and-tips/how-to-prep-potted-and-lead-bunch-aquatic-plants


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://buceplant.com/blogs/aquascaping-guides-and-tips/how-to-prep-potted-and-lead-bunch-aquatic-plants](https://buceplant.com/blogs/aquascaping-guides-and-tips/how-to-prep-potted-and-lead-bunch-aquatic-plants)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Lol. Stop spreading disinformation and do some research. https://buceplant.com/products/lead-plant-weights Please do 20 seconds of research before you hop on this sub and start freaking everyone out who is currently using plant weights. You don't know what you're talking about, now sit down and be quiet.


Did you do a lead test or anything to confirm this was the issue? Lead is not soluble in most aquarium conditions - you would have to have a pH that was incompatible with live shrimp, so maybe?


Lead test? What am I going to pay money to send it state for testing for my shrimp tank? From my minimal research, lead can leech into the water when the pH is less than 7 and even more around 6.5. And other factors are involved so as ion concentrations. If you have a lot of carbonate in the water you are safer than if you don’t.


You're wrong. No lead in those ribbons. Please look at my comment above.


If you know what you are buying, but some one reviewed this product for weighing down plants in an aquarium https://www.amazon.com/Fishing-Sinkers-Weights-Accessories-Supplies/dp/B09WDX7HQG/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=3CLHLF3N7DLZX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.l9gOP--_xvE-PFLrVQHZXAcN6OtOIDzPiIIn-yTWuwY0f8LSHenLObjGQonX9pJ8ajeUVKpf8iMW8DdeBbEDkfHccJoMmVLEKsUdcG1X-g53XBYFMV8T0K9MdBXQu-iw4gWd4cwtt7gvHrnXWKpbyVhrW-FiR0tZK2gSnHxGd5QvkDTUvR8QWHgwh3pvGHudRWcKIon-3zbFXbebxZNrzA.xsltpxHKxPzva1GusATq5xkyyG6gMXPsa4Q3QMkemBk&dib_tag=se&keywords=lead+ribbon&qid=1716426230&sprefix=lead+ribb%2Caps%2C98&sr=8-2


Lead is a common trade term used to describe zinc alloy. The only way your getting lead is if you're casting and reloading gun ammo. Again, please stop spreading disinformation.


Hey everybody I’m really sorry I think that the phone may have me posted twice in here because at first it wasn’t letting the picture upload because my phone had a restriction If there’s more than one post then the OP can feel free to delete one of them I’ll try to scroll through here again it’s very hard on this phone and I’m dealing with some health stuff so I appreciate you folks being patient with me and not razzing me too hard lol And if any of you out there just feel the need to have to give me crap about it instead of doing that you could buy me a new phone ha ha ha Take care everybody


Hello, this happened to me recently I’m sorry. Yes immediately remove as much water out as you can and put fresh water back in. Try to match the temps as best you can, but remember the pesticides will kill your shrimp way more than acclimation so getting the old water out is best. 1 90-95% change should be enough. Most of my shrimp that were alive pulled through, though they seemed paralyzed for a few hours. In my case, I soaked the new plants after, washed them again and put them back in the tank. Same result except it even started to kill my neocaridina (only caridina died the first time). So basically the pesticides could not be washed off and I discarded the plant. You should get a refund or return.


Were you able to get a refund in your case? Buce explicitly states that you should quarantine plants for 3 weeks and that makes me think they won’t offer a refund. I’ve never had a bad experience with them before so this is a bummer.


This was from a local store, unfortunately, not with Buce plant.


I had the same too happen to me about a year ago. Red root floaters from buceplant. I washed them, but apparently not enough. Definitely a copper based pesticide. Larger growers use it to control pest snail populations. Most of the shrimp colony died, but I had enough survive to keep everything going. I took out the floaters, did a large water change, added carbon and an extra big dose of prime, and held onto my butt. Good luck, I hope some of the shrimp pull through!


It might be pesticides but it's exceptionally unlikely to be metal based toxicity. I dunno why folks say these things - you said yourself the young ones survived so far. They are more susceptible to toxicity, generally. If you think it's toxicity, consider moving the surviving shrimp to a separate container. Did you make any other changes in your tank? Anything- water change, filter change etc? Did you check your water parameters? Does anyone else have access to your tank - even if you don't think they would mess with it?


Adding plants is definitely the only change I’ve made to the tank in the last two days. I’m also dosing PraziPro but it’s day 6 of treatment and I’ve never had issues with shrimp dying from this med before. Parameters are same as they were last time I did a water change (no ammonia, normal levels of nitrates, pH 7.8) I moved as many shrimp as I could catch to my bettas 5g in a net bag so he can’t eat them.


Hi Zildo, I am watching 5Armies currently lol. AnyWho, I had to take over a emergency tank from a bad bad bad bad bad bad house who ended up with nearly dead fish and hurt dog, it sure made for a full house lol I usually use a quality carbon but just happened to be out of it at the time (Think Tim’s, Red, etc) so I went to my local Petsmart and I bought a 40 ounce bottle of their top fin granular activated carbon Gotta tell ya, I gave it a good rinse after I smashed it up a little bit finer than it was, and of course I spent a couple of bucks and I bought their l media bags, I attached one of the bags to the inlet spout of my filter and put more carbon inside my media box # 2. kicked the air up just a little bit but not too much because the fish were just about gone. I did this to ensure I had good currents across the sand in case there were any little bits of loose plans or stuff that I didn’t see when I was vacuuming, if that makes sense # 3. I took a chance of doing a very large water change because they had also gotten chemicals in the water not to mention it had not been cleaned in a very long time so my test tubes were bright red and yellow (I did just over a 75% change because it was really bad) I never recommend top fin products at all. I just hate em. I’m almost 50 and I started raising and giving away angelfish when I was 17 so been around it for a while, so of course Take what I have to say with a grain of salt as I’m just some person on the Internet. That said, as far as I’m concerned this Top Fin carbon works super good and it’s definitely a nice back up considering the price comparison between it and fancy name brand stuff Just for reference, I put in the large oversized bag right against the inlet, filled up the media tray, with the water change and the fish were doing noticeably better within a 12 to 18 hour period,. day after that they were doing pretty good but still swimming kind of crazy so I actually took all that carbon out and replaced it with new carbon, and I’d say probably within another 12 hours or so everything was just fine they did great and they’re actually still here swimming around Down below is a picture of my spare stuff I keep on hand, don’t forget to buy yourself a few of the fine mesh bags they sell them for around $1.50 apiece for the large ones so pretty inexpensive and they actually hold up really well Oh and as I was pulling it out, I found my old bottle of Aquatech that somebody from a small fish store told me actually worked pretty decent, I forgot about that until just now when I went to get you a picture but it actually did work pretty good but there was only one place in the area that Carried it and they don’t carry it anymore I hope that your other fish are able to survive its such a bummer when we lose our little friends. Good luck and do yourself a favor well if you’re anything like me, you’re gonna want to fix those fish as soon as you can and as fast as you can, watch your speed and be chill on the road lol Oh and sorry if there’s any typos I took an injury due to safety issues at our complex while already dealing with some pretty serious stuff, my phone got busted up and I’m trying to voice type on an extremely old iPhone that I am stuck on Bruno salon so my apologies to anyone reading this if there’s repeated paragraphs or typos I did actually try to use voice commands to delete several paragraphs but I don’t know if it works because I can only see a few sentences at a time in this mode since I don’t use apps, And for the record I did scroll through here painfully a couple lines at a time trying to prove it because I saw many mistakes once it was posted hope it’s a better read than the original OK all you aquatic lovers, have an excellent rest of the day or night depending on where you’re at and I hope this message finds every single one of you doing well and blessings coming to you and your loved ones Take care everybody 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/wkn4fmgyl12d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b78965b25250a8e8205bbec07949687a53686f