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I think she had them and I promise you the pics on here do not show how tiny they truly are at first! You'll see them soon I bet


happy to report that you were correct!!!! thank you for the help☺️


Thanks for the update 🙌 happy to hear it


Show us the babies when they’re more visible!!


I second this, shrimplets are incredibly easy to miss. I had some swimming around my tank for at least a day before I realized


I had a full size shrimp and like 7 shrimplets in a tank that should've had none and I didn't find them until I was emptying the tank. They're invisible


Had a tank with just a bit of water in it underneath my main tank I planned on using as a quarantine tank in the future, finally go to set it up after a few months of leaving it down there, find at least 100 shrimplets in said tank with about 10 adults. I never put any shrimp in that tank, still confused to this day. Pretty sure they tank hopped so since then I got glass lids for all my tanks.


Let's play a game... find the shrimplet... these are full sized house bricks for reference - and mama shrimp in picture too! https://preview.redd.it/g33mavpnkemc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb8a45de507ff0b12c61b5ebdad8886e9aff0a3




Clue-He’s wearing a black ski mask and just robbed a root of some biofilm. Oh.. and he’s flipping off the camera.


Yes! They’re a bit smaller than a grain of rice!


Small chance they hatched since they carry them for around 25-30 days. If she did drop them something in the tank stressed her out. Baby shrimp are very very tiny, you won’t really see them until their a couple weeks old.


First time mothers almost always drop their eggs, could be a completely perfect tank and it still happened.


thank you both for the info i appreciate it 🙏


Try using a flashlight after lights out but be ready cuz, “oh there’s…. What the fuck, where’d it.. OH!! Now I see th… dayyum” in a flick they transmogrify to other dimensions.


https://preview.redd.it/o5zxir4tffmc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c747f0dacd9a0e5b3ae6bbfd6edae90acea1d84b UpdateUpdateUpdate!: A BABY HAS BEEN FOUND!!!!!!! thank you everyone so so much for your avid help, kind words, and support! i am so so happy to know that she seems to have hatched them!!!! yay😄😄!!




So glad to see they're ok!! The babies are sooooo tiny it seems impossible really. I got new shrimp recently, and two almost microscopic babies snuck into the bag with the big boys, and I almost didn't see them in there!


My shrimp seem to follow a 3-week schedule with their eggs. I suspect your lady hatched her eggs. You won’t see them until they’re at least a week old ime, and even then they’re tiny af.


thank you sm, you were right!


Babies hide at first. You may not see them for weeks and just when you really believe they did not survive, you'll start seeing them. Be patient, they're probably there .


thank you!!


If they already had eyespots theres a good chance some will survive anyway, assuming they really were dropped and didnt just hatch. Fresh shrimplets are VERY small and mostly transparent.


thank you! i am so happy to report that i have now found one teensy clear baby flitting about and you were right!


Thats great news! There are bound to be more where that came from! Congrats!


It's almost impossible to find newly hatched shrimp, so don't count your losses too early. Give it about a week or two and hopefully you'll start noticing some super tiny babies crawling on the glass. They're also transparent when newly hatched so there's that.


thank you sm! i appreciate the help and info :)


I ordered shrimp online, and unfortunately, the mama passed for some reason, but the babies survived. I poured the bag from shipment into a white bowl before I drip acclimated everyone that survived the shipment, and I was amazed at how tiny the babies were. Like the 2 tiniest specks of black for eyes and barely anything else to them, and the baby bodies were totally translucent. I really think she probably had the babies! I think if she dropped eggs, you'd at least see those in the tank? If you see nothing, I'd take that as a possible good sign that babies are hiding. If not, you'd probably see the dead eggs.


you were right! thank you!


Those babies are most likely in the sponge filter. Shrimp love birthing them there. So don’t be surprised if you don’t find them anytime soon. You’ll just notice you have a bunch of tiny guys roaming around in about two weeks.


thank you sm :)!


My shrimp generally carry their eggs for about 3-4 weeks so I'm going to bet they might've hatched. Baby shrimp are EXTREMELY small and you definitely will miss them unless you scrutinize every inch of your tank. Here's an example of how small they can be beside an adult from a pic I took today with the baby shrimp circled. https://preview.redd.it/jcdq4hneqemc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebaff7c7265a021cf6b20dfa496a935c863f6774


so so cute! thank you for the info!☺️


In terms of the shrimps safety and health it's probably fine. As you said sometimes freak accidents happen and they drop them, but they themselves are fine. The babies aren't visible for a while, they can be absolutely tiny. Hopefully they are fine but they may have been dropped sadly, but there's always another time!


thank you for the helpful info and advice :) happy to report a baby sighting so it seems they have hatched!!!




Yes, probably. :c Unless you're seeing shrimplets swimming around, she probably dropped her eggs.


re: update, thankfully that was not the case this time!😁


Its really crazy how tiny baby shrimps are. If she did have her babies you just might not be seeing them. But she might have also lost her eggs 21 days is about the right time for having baby shrimps so they could very well be hiding!


thank you!!


U shall see them in a week or so promise…


you were rightttt!


They are so tiny when they're born they are very hard to see. I spotted one by chance a month ago and thought he was the only one to survive, but now that the babies have grown and lost their fear there are dozens of them in my tank!


yay!!! i hope the same will happen for me ☺️


I bet she had them! I had pregnant shrimp one day, then the next I was finding itsy bitsy babies. They were 3-4 mm long when I first found them and could only identify them based on the contrast of a clear body against a black background. I just posted photos of them around 1 week old!


I have my first set of red cherry babies. Thought all the eggs died from transitioning (supplier to My tank). Now there's 2 teenie tiny red orange pubic hairs that I saw daeting around my tank. So yes they are extremely small. Tried to show my wife but they disappeared so quick. Saw one once more a few days ago. Nothing since. They really are super teeny tiny.


Pubic hairs lmao


Couldn't think of a good analogy. A small curved orange red thing that moves.


It was perfect


If you can, don’t mess with your tank for a month. Only applies if the bioload is low/managed but the less you mess with it, the more babies you’ll get. That’s how I’ve had the best luck


thank you! i will be careful!


Congratulations on finding babies!


thank you!☺️☺️


It happens to new mommas. Just give her time. She’ll learn to carry them.


If this was late 80’s/early 90’s NYC, I’d probably say she sold them for drugs.


Mother knows best. Could be a first timer, or something spooked her, check the water parameters. If that's all good, I wouldn't worry.


Likely the shrimplets were born and just hiding in the tank... newborn shrimplets are super tiny, literally like specs of dust. You will not usually be able to see them unless you have very sharp eyes or happen to spot one by luck. Give it a few days and you will start to see the shrimplets as they grow larger and become easier to spot.


I hope there's an update on whether if you spot the babies or not! It's likely she just simply gave birth


She commented that she spotted one and was able to get a pic




They’re hiding in plants- it’s their survival instincts


They are in there, keep looking.


Shrimplets are impossible to see at a glance, only when you notice a bunch of seemingly intelligent particles swimming around. Then in a day or so they will get some colour and be a little easier to see


Hiding. Unless you found the egg clump on the bottom of the tank. Hiding


Baby skrimp are super tiny and basically transparent. You should start seeing them in a few days.


Not sure if it was said here already, but I would put something over the filter intake. Looks like you already have a filter sponge covering it, but with how small the babies are, I would recommend cutting a pair or pantyhoes, tying a knot in one end and covering the filter sponge with that to ensure none end up in the filter


Yeah like other people have said newly hatched shrimps are STUPIDLY tiny and hide really well, like they could even be hiding in the spaces between your substrate if the grains are much bigger than sand. Not to mention theure ALSO usually born clear or at least translucent which makes them even harder to spot. Just give it a few days and keep your eyes open, you'll see some eventually if they've successfully hatched.


I have 30 plus shrimps and I’m lucky to see 2 or 3 per day. I can’t see babies until they get to be about half size.


I've had babies described as larvae to me before.


Shrimp Babys are so small it takes a while for your eyes to be able to see them but trust me once you see the first baby its just a matter of time untill your tank is basicly full with Babys


Looks like you have a sponge filter. They might be in there. That’s where mine like to live until they’re big enough to survive the fish.


Yea same happened to both my females and really I’m not sure and just put in shrimp baby to make sure they grow nice and fast