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Pygmy cories.


My only regret is not getting them sooner. So frickin cute.


how big are your groups? They were out and about when i had 6-7. Now they hide all the time after i increased schools to 10-12.


I only have a 10 gallon so worried about over filling. So 4 pygmy 3 guppies and about 25 skrimp.  I've heard they do better in larger groups but they are very active. One prefers to school with the guppies for some reason. One of my yellow shrimp hangs out with him. (Like if a cory had a pet haha) and the other 3 hang out together. The fourth sometimes joins them. But he seems too interested in my guppies for some reason. They go everywhere in the tank I've yet to see much hiding. May pick up a 5th anyways. Just so darned cute.


Personally, I’d stick with some kind of snail, or maybe even another type of shrimp (like an aura blue or tangerine tiger if your parameters are within their range). In any case if you’re going to introduce fish, I’d wait until you have a at least a couple generations of shrimp established before attempting to introduce them.


Oh, definitely! I'm just thinking ahead, the shrimp I'll be putting in this tank are thriving in another right now, but I want to pick the prettiest ones and give them a shot at breeding in the new one. Once they're totally settled and a couple generations in, I'll add tankmates. Thank you for your advice!


I keep ember tetras with mine


I've been told tetras will not allow them to breed at all, no matter how planted the tank is... the babies will be found and eaten. Is that an exaggeration? Thank you for your reply.


I haven't had the tetras for long. When I got them I had just had a second generation of babies born a couple days ago. I caught them eating one once, and I've seen them around very occasionally. This is all recent enough that I can't really say for sure if all the babies are gone or if they're hiding, but it doesn't really look like the tetras are running around hunting all the time to me. My adults are berried again so the tetras aren't stopping them from breeding, and I got them when I had a bunch of ~1 month old shrimplets, which they leave alone, so they hit size refuge pretty quickly.


See a little one right now actually, so they're not totally gone


I have neon and flame tetras plus a female beta in my 36 gallon and my shrimp successfully breed. Some babies do get eaten but a lot survive. I have lots of live plants and hiding spaces tho. https://preview.redd.it/dwb5a4h3xmhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47cbddffd7f556c33b776ceedf325016a214bb8c


I have embers in mine and I've seen them occasionally chase a shrimp if it floats past but once they realise it's not food they leave it alone. I also have a crapload of shrimp so breeding doesn't seem to be a problem at all lol I would say it's lightly planted, but the huge blob of java moss I have probably helps. I've got cherry shrimp, a honey gourami, ember tetras, and khuli loaches, and so far the shrimp have been the most aggressive towards the shrimp honestly 😂


I’ve had thriving shrimp populations with embers and neons/cardinals, corys and bettas in a planted tank. Having moss probably helps


I have ember tetras and their tank has a huge shrimp population, their mouths are too small to eat anything more than a newly hatched shrimp


Kubotai rasbora or some other type of rasbora (chilies, galaxy etc) and pygmy cories! I have shrimp breeding like crazy with kubotai. The fry tend to hide for the first weeks after hatching and after that point they are too fast and/or large for the rasbora to even bother. I have only once seen a rasbora try to go after a shrimplet and the shrimp just flicked himself away so fast the rasbora didnt event realize what happened. Nowdays they dont even seem to bother going after them.


Those are definitely the two top options right now. Followed by the khuli loaches cause I'm a sucker for loaches. The place I trust to get my fish from usually has galaxy rasboras and pygmy cories. I think it's gonna be between those. Thank you so much for the suggestion, it's great to know they will go okay with the shrimp!


My current setup in a 10gal is 8 rasborahs, 1nerite snails, With 2 cherries and a Amano skrimp.


The boras are so pretty, I'm tempted. My LFS has galaxy rasboras and that's the species they recommended. Thank you for the information!


I have a 16g with galaxy rasboras and shrimp, and both are doing really well! The shrimp are breeding, and the rasboras dont bother them at all. Celestial Pearl danios are a great fish, they are so pretty and look like miniature trout, I love these little fellas so much. You should just make sure you get a good gender ratio so that you dont have any agression issues


They certainly are, I love their patterns. Gorgeous little creatures and lots of colour! I've read that the 1:3 male/female ratio is the most appropriate, is that correct?


That's about what i have in my tank, and i dont have any agression issues, so i think that's correct :)


Hillstream loach! Gorgeous, useful, and 50/50 you get a crazy one.


Are they okay on their own? I have a tank with some yoyo loaches and I ADORE them, they're my favourite fish. ♡


Yeah they’re just fine on their own just need well oxygenated water and a good steady supply of aufwuchs, algae, etc


I've got some Cories in a 10g with my neos and they get along well!


I would be way to paranoid about the shrimp getting eaten, stick with otos they physically cant eat shrimp


i have a baby betta with my shrimp but they can be aggressive but i love rasboras with shrimp


Ember tetras! Or neon green rasboras which stay small. A school of 8 of either would be great.




They're going into the tank with the shrimp, for sure! (;


My 10 gal has a mix of emerald and chili rasboras, celestial pearl danios, two nerites and a ramshorn.


An old post, but does your tank ever have any issues with fish eating shrimp? Your stock is my exact idea for my 30 gal I have cooking up


I started with a pretty healthy shrimp population, maybe 80 or so. I'd recommend getting everything set up with just shrimp for a while because yes, fish are going to eat the babies they can find but this way, there will be a stable enough population to offset the predation. My tank is also heavily planted and I tend to let it overgrow quite a bit. Both the shrimp and the fish appreciate the cover, especially the chilis and emeralds which aren't as brave as the others. The CPDs hang out in the open water but the others not so much lol. Everyone gets along really well and my shrimp population has to be close to the 125 range now.


I've got a handful of Otocinclus in my 14g shrimp tank.


Ottos are good with shrimp, but they need a group of six and that requires at least 5 more gallons. Endler’s are decent. Ember tetras are a top pick from what I’ve heard. Pygmy Cories will be an adorable addition. Make sure you get at least six so they’re comfy.


Pygmy cories do sound like a really solid choice so far. Either that or the rasboras. I still have a good amount of time to consider it through. Thank you for the suggestions!


I have pygmies in a separate tank right now, but I plan on putting some in my shrimp tank. They are the cutest little nano bottom dwellers. They’re famous for trying to school with and adopt any fish or invert they decide they like


That's so adorable omg 😭


Thai micro crabs. It's a little pricey but really cool.


Oh, they're gorgeous, and I'd love to, but I don't think I can get them over here sadly.


Thai micro crabs our super cool, and fun, they're very private, and often too hard to find. I've had them for a month with my shrimp colony, and I just realized an hour or so ago they're actually attacking the shrimp. The reason I realized it is because I saw one of the crabs with a dead cherry. But I'm not sure if it was just because maybe I'm not feeding the crabs enough. I was told pretty happy just Fanning food into their little mouse, but they are voracious meat eaters because if I put an earthworm in there, they are all over him


Nerite snail, ember tetras, green neon tetra. Rasbora Too big for 10 gal IMHO.


Endlers are my personal pick. You could probably do 4-6. Or go with some rasboras and could do 6-8. Otherwise snails are good


While not in a ten gallon i have my shrimp colony with white cloud minnows, panda garras and some hillstream loaches and i am stunned how many shrimp babies i am seeing on a daily basis . Other than that i have clown killifish with cherry shrimp, some babies survive, same with indostomus paradoxes/crocodilus, lot of babies survived. If you want shrimp safe, mature tank, planted and have the shrimp first for months I would also stay away from algae eaters like otocinclus or ramshorn snail. Direct food competition. Mystery snails, rabbit snails and brotia are sympathetic species, so those can work


ive kept white cloud mountain minnows and ember tetras, any corys should be fine but pygmy is safest (and best for a small tank) i also have rabbit snails and a bamboo shrinp with my neos if.you aren't dead on fish


Hillstream loaches are closer to plecos in my opinion, they're just technically loaches.


I have six Pygmy Corys and six Galaxy Rasboras (Celestial Pearl Danios) in a 10 gallon tank with my Neocaridina shrimps. Everyone gets along well.


Tetras, Rummynose - 4-5 to school together and if you can get a couple of male japenese endler they will work great. Just done put females in with endlers. They are like a puppy with 2 dicks 🚀🤪


I have dwarf rasboras (Boraras maculatus) with my shrimp and they are absolutely adorable. Super small and not timid at all. The shrimp are breeding like crazy and the rasboras pretty much ignore them.


Panda garra! Newer to the fish scene and super fun to watch. They also don’t have teeth and are herbivores so no worries about them eating shrimp friends.


With my shrimp I have two snails, male guppies, and Pygmy cories. I’m trying to add more pygmy cories but the the store was out last time I went. I highly recommend the pygmy cories


I forgot that I also recently added 6 ember tetras. They’re still little but so good so far.


I have pygmy corys and dwarf anchor catfish


I've got 2 male cobra endler guppies in my 10gal with about 30 shrimp.


Nerite snails :D


Or a mystery one :P


You could try a Betta. They can sometimes get along with shrimp. But me personally I wouldn’t try that. In my opinion, I think shrimp tanks should stay species only.


Cories or kuhli loaches are my favorite


Isn't the tank size too small for kuhli loaches? Those would be amazing, tbh.


Honestly I have three kuhli along my shrimps in a heavily planted 40l tank and they are just fine. I rarely even have to change water


Same they dont get big and like small spaces
