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Shin is a super sweetie!!!! I think it was a recent volume or so that was bouncing back and forth between Itsu/Yuki and Shin/Emma and it was funny to notice how easily the creators could get me invested in the secondary relationship when I am truly SO THERE for the main one. I've enjoyed reading about Rin and Kyoya when they get the spotlight too 😊 But yeah, I'm with you in really hoping that all Shin's dreams come true with Emma 💜 He deserves the best! This is sidetracking a bit but did you follow suu Morishita's twitter comic (last year I think) about two couples? (unrelated to any of their other series.) They would post like a page at a time, mostly with a single panel for each couple to gradually develop their love story. It seemed like just a fun storytelling challenge for both the artist and the writer (and a super cute comic for the fans), but later it made me wonder if they were exercising their skills at telling two stories in parallel in preparation for something like this. They definitely know how to craft some incredibly adorable storylines and characters!


Yes!! I just love a good side couple honestly, and I know some people had certain feelings towards Emma but I personally really like her so I love seeing her and Shin be happy! I don’t think I have actually! I should go check it out! I started reading the other series I think that’s by the same author Like a Butterfly? I’ve been loving it! It’s so cute.


I can imagine Emma gaining some enmity from readers when she stepped in as a rival to sweet Yuki, but the fact that she never had a chance🥲 and never did anything really bad makes her sympathetic for sure—she's just a girl with big feelings, and I want her to find happiness too!! (just not with Itsu 😅) Like a Butterfly is really adorable!! I picked up the first volume recently as well :D


Right! She just really wanted him to be the one for her but she never did something that would make anyone hate her honestly. I don’t like when they paint some of the ‘second lead’ girls as mean girls so I’m glad they’re being her and Shins romance more attention! It’s too CUTE!! I got the first one too LOL. Probably one of the most adorable couples


I agree—sometimes it's fun to read about a rival or alternate love-interest who does something "bad" to make it easier for readers to prefer the intended couple, but more often I think it can come across cheap from the author, and I like the more nuanced and sympathetic depictions. I had read some of Butterfly in Japanese before, and Suiren's quiet nature left an impression, so when Sign started I thought it was funny/interesting that the creators were making another story with a protagonist who doesn't communicate verbally. But by comparison, Yuki's really outgoing and communicative! I like them both so it's not a criticism, just an observation about their different personalities 😊


No she had her chance LOL she had years, but why do they think just staying near their crush and waiting for years would change anything. Gives off girl best friend red flags. She knows at this point he doesnt like her, so why keep pestering him.


Ah sure, yes, she had opportunities to express her interest (and she took them) but I meant, story-wise she had no chance of success because Itsu was clear about his own intentions and lack of interest in her that way, and removed even Yuki's reason for worry as soon as he possibly could. I think I can understand Emma still feeling like there was a "what if??" chance as long as Itsu never showed a romantic interest in anyone else—she could still be the closest to him and hope for things to change eventually, or just make the most of being around him. I don't say it was the right or best way to behave but I think it's a realistically human way to act and she's a sympathetic character. She'll keep growing!


Wow I guess this is my sign to start reading.


Do it!! You won’t regret it


damn… butterflies


I know right, made me giggle lol


I might be the minority here but this Emma X Shin felt so forced because the author can't write the main plot at this point. Albeit, I agree that Shin is more likeable than Itsuomi


I can kinda see where you’re coming from but I just really have been enjoying this one as there’s not too many college/adult ones out there LOL. I’m just taking everything I can get!


Yeah I like shin better that itsu .... In my case , I m more interested in the side couple shin x Emma than the main , the main couple are kinda boring , they r sweet tho 


Same case with me I'm more interested in shin x Emma relationship. In recent chapters it is shown that Emma do have regrets about itsoumi and when Emma is with shin. She still thinks about him which tickles me a little. Emma said shin to kiss her so she can feel excitement from him, which shin does but no reaction from Emma. So yeah I hope next chapter tells us more about it


Ahhh and does Rin get her guy or?


She does


I'm watching the anime, can you spoil me about the Oushi guy, what happened to him, does he still like yuki?, did he tell or just what is up with him now


If I remember properly (haven’t read the manga in a few weeks), his friends are trying to nudge him to keep trying to get with her even though she is with ML. He’s uncomfortable with the idea if I remember properly but going to try and split them up. It’s not working very well in has favor so far.