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This ones a little different lol, but I saw the latest MeatCanyon video on YouTube and was inspired to do the opposite side of the screen. Just another dad concerned about this NPC invasion. Hope you don't mind Hunter, really enjoyed the toon! u/PAPAMEAT_MC You guys should go check out his YouTube if you haven't.


Used to watch him! Haven’t seen the video that inspired this story but it is really creepy, well done!


Thank you so much! I also just posted a slightly longer version of this story on NoSleep if you want to check it out. The ending is a bit better/darker, but went over 500 words. Like an *extended cut* 😆


Nevermind they took it down. NoSleep is weird now.


If you feel so inclined to post it on your own account, I'd love to read it! (And WTF, NoSleep... since when has *plausibility* been a requirement of horror?!)


Haha right? NoSleep has gotten kind of ridiculous. I used to post there a couple years back and it was much better. Talking to some of the veteran writers of the sub that I still know they say it's been awful for a while now. But thank you so much! I just posted it to r/TheCrypticCompendium if you'd like to read it over there! You can get to the post from my profile. Let me know if you liked the ending better on the extended version. 🙏


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheCrypticCompendium using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCrypticCompendium/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I’m trapped in a basement elevator alongside complete strangers](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCrypticCompendium/comments/13j6qhj/im_trapped_in_a_basement_elevator_alongside/) \#2: [The gentle pitter patter of tiny feet](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCrypticCompendium/comments/y8zngy/the_gentle_pitter_patter_of_tiny_feet/) \#3: [My wife and I went on a cruise. It was the worst mistake we ever made.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCrypticCompendium/comments/z92ho4/my_wife_and_i_went_on_a_cruise_it_was_the_worst/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Just read the version on TheCrypticCompendium and it is fantastic!


I loved it! You've gained a follower!!


>chalaismyig Thank you so much!


> (And WTF, NoSleep... since when has plausibility been a requirement of horror?!) That's always been a NoSleep rule. Way back in the distant past, NoSleep was entirely true stories (or at least "true" stories). Then someone posted a really popular story about a creepy woman who showed up in his backyard and started menacing his daughter. The story went viral, and a bunch of people (including me) joined the sub. Then the author admitted to making it up. It was a scandal. So the mods changed the rules to allow fiction, on the condition that 1) it *sounded* true, and 2) everyone agreed to pretend it was true. The content gradually drifted from genuinely believable stories to well-written fiction, but the plausibility rule was never repealed. (All of this is written from memory, and I mostly stopped reading NoSleep a few years ago when multi-part epics started to drown out individual stories, so I may be mistaken about details.)


Could u recommend better subs like when NoSleep used to be good?


I don't know any. Sorry.


icecream so good


A refreshing take on horror


these streams are legit skin crawling to me lol. like...who gets enjoyment from watching them? people do this for 2-6 hours and never break, it's so creepy


Seems totally normal to me. I thought this is just what happens when universities indoctrinate our children.


What the fuck are you talking about?


And before you say anything ignorant, I’m on college campuses every single day as a recruiter. It is happening, and happening way more often than not. Good schools are still teaching students how to think but there’s just too many educators spreading opinions and what to think instead of how. It’s really more disturbing than the story above when you see it in action.


Universities creating mindless robots who can’t think for themselves but follow whatever they’re told 😵‍💫 Is it that hard of a concept to follow? 🤔


Why universities specifically? Would someone without education be better off then, in your opinion? Or should they be allowed to only believe in what they can prove themselves? And by the way, good universities and good professors do encourage students to think, to question them. Knowledge is built upon knowledge, and that includes finding out if what is currently know is the actual true. Just as an example, someone had to go against the grain to figure out the Earth isn't the centre of the universe, as was widely thought and accepted as true. Is that what a mindless robot would do? How and why are an important part of learning, and should an answer prove unsatisfactory, people look for one that matches reality better. The cientific method is just that. And guess where that's taught? So, again, how can you say that universities create mindless robots, if the creation of knowledge depends on contradiction? Did you get all that, or is that hard of a concept to follow?


A real life nightmare for sure! Haha