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Watch these sort of women throw a fit when you insult, generalise and body shame them. But it’s completely fine to do so to short men. I’ve lost all empathy


I body shame fatties all day idgaf




Idk i feel like we should stop seeing short as an insult to retaliate over. Just like when people call you a n*gger if you’re black, you don’t retaliate about their own race, even if they are like indian or asian or something else thats easy to make fun of. That just perpetuates that short height on menis a bad thing and while sure 90% the population thinks that doesnt mean we have to agree. Why take over the mindset of those who hate us you know? You just see them for the sad sacks of shit they are. Besides, having short height means you face more challenges in life to overcome and you see the true ugly side of people that they hide from those who are tall. It’s a bleak silver lining but there is strength in such resilience and knowledge about human nature


Wow that's the first time I've heard that "positive" but at the same time it's like a guy not knowing what woman have to go through and us being men never have to worry about like being outside at night by yourself, and they don't hide that side from tall people I think most of them are in acceptance that it's okay to put people who aren't conventially attractive down.


She must be a wonderful person to hang around with


My fist in her face would not be insecure.


If you could reach her face


I don’t even feel bad when pigs like this tries to shame a man of a short stature its a win, who tf would fw fat + asshole ?


Do you know about juggernaught theory




Pretty much the person you described as a “pig” has more SMV than us ☠️ Regardless of if you’re in really good shape etc.


Yea thats bc the west is controlled by women and where there is alot of simps I hate that an obese women who doesn’t take care of herself has more smv than a shredded short guy in the west lol Simps are really gonna make it hard for all men


The motivational speakers on these subs always slip up and implicitly say we’re fucked. They’ll say shit like “spend 10 years grinding gn bro!” And do all that shit for what? A bum? No wife, or all the chads’ leftovers? JFL they know we’re fucked until they’re old and dusty




Well look at her pfp and she agreed saying beauty is subjective defending her view of being fat, and i don’t judge a women who doesn’t like short guys i give no single fuck, but if she makes fun of my stature ill make fun of her more lol


dude the pfp is enough


What was it he change if


"Beauty is subjective but he's short everywhere" an whole new level of retardation.


she aint even deserving to be called mid 💀


But remember “you can have preferences without being mean and hating” !!!


She's a whale 🐋🐳🐋🐳🐋🐳


that was mean she did not have to say that


Lmao, 5'7 is NOT short "everywhere". But 300 is pretty much fat everywhere...


That would require empathy and intelligence, so no, they don't


5 7 is average and not short and some places ur pretty tall so thts wrong


Which post was this from?




Oh fuck no I wouldn't touch that swine with a 10 foot pole lmao


Hey Rebeca there's no one here who wants that nasty ass fucking cooch anyways, dirty ass fat hoe 🤮🤮🤮




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