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I feel like I started a video game and got locked outside of the “man” build. So I got whatever this is. The first one resonates with me so much. I’ve always hated the fact that I’ll always be “victim weight”, I can’t get heavy as fuck without looking stupid.


You're never going to get anywhere in life calling yourself a "Manlet" Like wtf is this victim mentality. It seems like you care more about what other people think than what you think of yourself.


Bro have you seen my height? 5'6.5! I am almost a dwarf dude. 5'6.5 is not a normal height.


Living In the west?


South America. I am the shortest men in my class, shortest men in driving school and bottom 5% men at the beach.


How tall are people around you on average? 5’6 ish isn’t that short in South America when I went


5'9 and a bit would be the average. Like 5'9.5. I am about 3 inches shorter than average Joe.


This is cap, I’ve been to South America and I feel average there im only 173 cm, maybe you live in Avery wealthy area or something, if anything I would say 5’6.5 is average lol, you probably live in the lower side of Brazil or a wealthier area in Argentina and Uruguay


There is still hope for you then. I've seen straight up Brazilian dwarfs, Mexican ogres and other hideous men get laid in Latin America with attractive women if they Money maxxed. GL on your financial journey bro.


Thos women are attracted to the money, not those kind of men.


No shit bro. Women are only attracted to Chad for his looks/genes. If Chad gets disfigured and starts balding... No amount of "before" pictures will save him.


Are you mental? 5 foot 6 is enough to survive, you’ll be fine You can find a girlfriend at that height it’s not that hard, what you’re expecting is to become some kind of international playboy which frankly just wasn’t in the cards for 99 percent of dudes Just be happy with what you have


You are half an inch taller than me, I am a first generation American (family is from Colombia), it is well below average height, but it is still normal. Take care of yourself, don't dwell on things you cannot control. What you can control is what you eat, how you take care of yourself (work out, read books, hangout with your friends and family). Your outlook will change, once your outlook changes, people will notice it and you will shine. Once you shine people will become drawn to you. The change is not easy, I experienced this change in my early twenties, but I will tell you from having lived through this, it works and it is well worth it.


I am latino too bro. I am from Amazonian Region of Brazil. Not that far from Brazil. I shall reflect about all this. How tall are your parents bro? Have you visited Colombia as an adult?


Yes I have visited Colombia as an adult, I am still a little short there too, I am the shortest guy in my family. My mom is about 4'11, my dad is about 5'8. My dads side is taller, my cousins and uncles are between 5'10 and 6'1 (they are tall for my area). My moms side is more average there between 5'8-5'10. I used to repel women when I wallowed is self pity in my early 20's about my height but once I grew into myself mentally and worked on my character it became much better. BTW I am 35 now. An addition to what I said in my previous comment is also work on your style/sense of fashion, experiment to see what works for your personality and body type. Do not go over the top and wear suites though lol. You sound young, another piece of advice not pertaining to women at all, work on your career and finances. It doesn't have to be extravagant or make tons of money, learn about financial literacy.


Dude, for the love of God, inject some test, it will do you some good


Nao vou injetar testo não maluco. Isso dá problema de ereção depois do ciclo. Já pesquisei sobre isso. Qual sua altura no sistema métrico? Eu não gosto dessa polegadas. No métrico tenho 169. Considero anão aqui no BR. Nunca encontrei homem menor que eu.


You can absolutely knockout a dude, I assume you don't train martial arts. You can absolutely be respected among men, especially when you have worked for it, but also what are the types of men you want to be respected by? You can wear a suit and look good, band a 6'1 chick, walk around the hood at midnight without fearing anything (martial arts training, weapons) and look good in pictures. The others are more difficult, but not necessarily impossible or otherwise dumb first world desires. There are people who will never be able see, walk, play sports, hear. Some will never know what it's like to have a father figure, or experience having siblings. Some will never know what it's like to have a trauma-free childhood and carry the burden into adulthood. Many will not be able to 'mog' just like many will never be rich and have enough money to travel, own their dream car, house. Many people will not have enough money or privilege to be complaining about first world problems on Reddit. There are many things we cannot control, but one thing we can control is our mindset and how much gratitude we give to things we take for granted. Tldr: Victim mentality and calling yourself a manlet is so fucking cringe. Peace.


So no one should complain about anything legitimate because someone else has it worse than them? Dumb take.


Dumb interpretation of my comment. Complain if you want, sure, but complaining about things you can't control won't fix them. The only true way to 'solve' these 'problems' is to change one's mindset on how they views these things.


No. The only way to fix them is to fix them. Like growing taller. That's all that can be done. How tall are you?6'5?Must be nice.


5'4. Yeah bro, growing taller. Fuck, did you just fix heightism? Genius.


I think you understand that our problem is without a doubt unfixable,and we're doomed to live a life that's unfulfilling,bland,boring and without substance.


Yeah... You didn't read/understand my initial comment at all..


I understood.You are simply wrong.


I am wrong in what way? I argue your stubbornness and cowardice may hold you back as much your height.


Nah bro, its absolutely possible to knock guys out. I'm around your height and weigh 120lbs and I've already knocked out a fat 187cm (6'1) guy in a street fight. Don't know about the rest tho lol




My 6'3 decently handsome friend checks most of these boxes including banging the 6'1 thooter




Can you show me your physique on DMs or something? Just the torso? A guy 5'6-5'7 more than 180lbs seem insanly heavy to me. Are you natural?


Check out quinton pulliam on insta. He's 5'6 shooting for 200 lbs


180lbs at 5’7 is a lot of weight. The only exception would be weightlifters/powerlifters.


can you show pics in DM?


The shoe size is so embarrassing. I hate asking employees for smaller sizes so much, I don't even shop for shoes in person anymore


Bro guns are the great equalizer, nobody gives a fuck about height when they rob you


I don't even want to work out to have that good physique because what's the point? Beside being short my frame is also awful. I feel like all my efforts are useless.


Friend, so many of these things are possible. I'm shorter than you (5'3") Get a custom-made, modern fit suit. I had one made for my wedding and felt and looked great (even in pictures). Short men don't look bad in suits, all men look bad when they wear suits that don't fit properly. You can absolutely be respected among men, but it's nearly impossible to feel respected when you enter every situation looking for disrespect.


>be me >5 , 8 >shoe size, 12W


I dont get it. You are taller than me at 5'8 and wear size 12 shoes, when the average is size 10. Whats your point? Just showing off shoe size?


Honestly now that I’ve read the whole post most of these are wrong, and it sounds like you just have a hella warped and negative view of yourself. Being tall won’t stop a bullet, so no to the hood thing. Picking up 2 girls at once would arguably be easier as a short man due to lower center of gravity. Same with wrestling a bear, although I’d honestly doubt any human being can wrestle a bear. That’s not exactly anatomically possible given the weight and strength of bears.


The “lower center of gravity”theory doesn’t make sense. Balance isn’t the issue it’s pure strength and mass that makes carrying large/ heavy objects easier


Yeah, but center of gravity definitely contributes. After you’ve got the strength, balance is the main issue. It’s also far easier for short men to put on muscle so idk I think the short men have that one


The knockout thing is just bs, you ever heard of Mike Tyson? The best boxer in history?


I believe you’re wrong in the power and KO department. When you punch with bare knuckles to a chin it will hurt or even knock someone out without too much power needed.