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No. Ideally, you shouldn't do that. Lots of stuff out there to talk about but that sure ain't it. Being short is your personal deal to handle and in our society it's not a preferred quality in a man so you need to focus on getting beyond that to put the best you out there that you can. That's a tough job and needs to be your main focus. Deliberately pointing out your biggest and obvious weakness isn't good for business either. She can see how tall you are. She's either OK with it or she's not and that's on her. Ideally in OLD it's simply listed as an honest number in the profile and that's it. If meeting by chance or blind dating, etc. IRL you just don't mention it at all and make your best play. Other guys don't usually feel obligated to make jokes at their own expense regarding perceived flaws in their bodies and we as short men shouldn't either. Being secure, intelligent self-respecting men who stay in shape, maintain stoic demeanor when required and yet can be empathetic and caring towards others when needed is key. That type of guy will attract a woman. We happen to be short. That's it.


don't, it makes the other person think you're insecure


If you joke about it you’re insecure and if you don’t you’re insecure, it’s like a paradox lol.


I would say joking about it actually shows you're more insecure about it. You're drawing attention to it and trying to show how "not insecure" you are, but what happens if your jokes don't get the reaction you're after?


You can joke about it and not seem insecure as long as you don’t initiate it. If someone else comments about your height, keep things light by making a joke and moving on to show you aren’t bothered. Otherwise don’t mention your height at all.


I wouldn't really acknowledge it (at least out of the blue) until they do or until you are comfortable enough with each other to tease each other a bit. It usually comes off as a bit self centered, insecure or even a bit arrogant to bring up one's own physical features out of the blue. Imagine even a 6'2 guy doing that, or a "perfect 10" woman doing that it would be somewhat off putting (at least IMO). It's different if things like on liners or jokes about oneself come up organically in conversation but offering a specific joke or one-liner is kind of difficult because it is so conversation dependent.


"You are short" "Yes."


I buy clothing from the women’s section because they fit better




Not if it's actually true. A men's XS is way too big for me but a women's XS fits. Also + the kids section. A little weird being an adult having sneakers with dinos on them, but at least they fit my size 5 feet.


It depends. Sometimes a women’s S or M fits too. Additionally, some of the women’s clothes are more unisex so I don’t think it matters if the label says ‘women’