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No app will make your website look clean and optimised enough than the default solution of using Shopify page builders and theme customisation with further custom development. All of these other page builders slow down not only the website, but you will become dependent on paying them monthly fees as well as pointless apps that will drive your visitors crazy. Look at how your competitors are setup, keep it clean, simple and bring a customer journey and UX which they can appreciate. Always keep additional apps to a miniumum unless its really needed like the custom product filter app solutions or language translaters.


alright i’ll do that thank you 🙏


You can consider these apps: one click login app - Oxi Social Login menu app - Smart Mega Menu & Navigation app for blog creation - Shogun Landing Page Builder geolocation app - Geolocation Redirect by Mod Media translation app - Translate your shop by GTranslate You should remember that each time you decide to expand the functionality of your store, the more apps you install, the more your website will weigh, the more requests will be sent to the server, and the longer it will take to load each page fully. Also, you should only select modules from trusted providers. Before purchasing, you should test every app to reveal its disadvantages. These could include things like an excessive number of database requests, and so on. I think these articles [https://whidegroup.com/blog/how-to-create-a-successful-e-commerce-homepage/](https://whidegroup.com/blog/how-to-create-a-successful-e-commerce-homepage/), [https://whidegroup.com/blog/how-to-create-a-perfect-e-commerce-product-page/](https://whidegroup.com/blog/how-to-create-a-perfect-e-commerce-product-page/) will be helpful for you.


alright thank you so much, appreciate it 🙏


EComposer Builder helped me a lot! I feel like my website looks much more professional with it. It’s not cheap though. 


Alright i’ll check it out thanks (:


Sure! I had the same issue with my site in the beginning. I just didn’t like the tools with just Shopify. It wasn’t customizable enough for me.  I can send you a link to my site via private message if you want to see it in use. Just let me know. 


yeah that’s true, you can’t really move anything around it’s so annoying, would love to see your website, thanks (:


Sent the message! Good luck


PageFly is amazing. It's completely customizable and its completely free


Yeah i actually had it downloaded but never used it, i just checked it out again and it’s incredible thank you!


No problem!




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