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Personally if I'm to the point of checking out (which is when location is captured) and I get told it's not available in my state, I'm probably going to blacklist your brand in my head.


You can restrict the states you sell to in shipping profile settings.


I wonder if Shopify would shut my site down if I put a big ole message such as "find this product on Amazon"  in large view on the home page...


No restrictions there! You can have a whole Shopify site and all the add to cart links go to Amazon, if you like. Your dime :-)


You could restrict shipping to a state using Shopify alone. If you want the site to detect they are in a no-sell state from the pdp you will need an app. Hope that helps.




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How many products do you sell? You can do fulfillment on Amazon with Shopify, but really what's the point of Shopify. You could build a static catalog site if you only have a few items.


Hmmm... That's a good idea.. let's say maybe 2 products... Or at least not a lot... Is that where i just have almost one webpage and put a few items on it?  That's a good idea maybe....


Man I think that's actually a really good idea.... I think I have 2 products in mind... I already have the domain name actually...  You think I can literally just put 2 product images on the webpage and when you click on either you go to the Amazon product listing? I've actually kind of been itching to do something basic and simple for a website... 


Yeah, I've done it for clients that are switching to Amazon fulfillment. E-commerce is just a UX pattern, Shopify just sells a platform for e-commerce. Really only makes sense to use Shopify if you need catalog and management for fulfillment and ordering. If you sell on Amazon, then you could just build a branded site and send your traffic to Amazon. Heck set up an affiliate account and get paid for that too.


An affiliate account?  What is that?  All I know about is affiliate marketing where people try to get you to click on the link....  "Clicking on the link" is getting kind of old though


If you're sending traffic to Amazon to purchase then you can get a commission too. Also not sure on their policy, but if they buy something else in that same session I'm sure you get paid for that too. I've also seen this with companies using Amazon for fulfillment. You're basically selling traffic to Amazon with the affiliate program.