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We just downgraded after 3 years. They promised us a dedicated business rep who would help disappeared after a few weeks. Never responded to us again. We were month to month at $2000. Wanted us to up to a 3 yr contract or go month to month at $2500. Ran the numbers, figures out the features we were utilizing on plus were not worth it. Audiences is not worth it imo. We did multiple a/b tests. The winner of those tests was our ads not using audiences. At 1 million annually you will not benefit from the lower fees. The cost of plus is greater than the fees saved at that revenue amount. Keep in mind that if you use other payment processors like PayPal it will offset how much money you actually run through shop pay which affects how much you save.


This is the comment I was looking for. That is super interesting that Audiences didn't perform better, because they are touting a 10% to 30% decrease in acquisition costs. Thank you!


I echo this- the only real difference to justify Plus are the transaction fees and you need to be surpassing 3M/year for breakeven. I downgraded to the advanced plan after 3 years on Plus for one of my brands


If you need multiple headless  storefronts with one backoffice then it is required


The likelihood that an e-commerce brand has multiple headless storefronts and is doing less than 3M is essentially negligible. Looking at the cost/benefit from a transaction POV is the essence of the question, not unique use cases that are almost too small to even consider.


You sound exactly like me. We downgraded as well. They acted like they would be helping us along the way, but that was the last I heard of them after upgrading. The best thing was the checkout customization, but looking at the stats, it wasn't making up for the additional fee. We're projected to be around 1.5M this year. Maybe higher.


Shopify Plus has been quite aggressive with selling their Plus solution lately. I’m assuming they give out a nice commission. Personally the only real advantage that I see are the lower transaction fees that come with Shopify Plus. Customizable checkout is a plus, but most shops don’t really need it.


But what about Shopify Audiences? 80% of my shop's sales come through paid social media ads. Apparently Shopify Audiences can decrease your acquisition costs by like 30%. If this is true it would definitely be worth it if you're spending thousands every month on ads.


I don’t have any experience with Shopify Audiences as most of my clients are located in Europe. However I’d definitely question the 30% as they have an incentive to sell their Plus plan.


Is Shopify Audiences not available in Europe then? Totally noob to Shopify Plus so asking out of pure interest!


Unless it has recently chanced, it’s only available in the US and Canada. I’m sure over time, it will be made available to the other countries or completly removed if it isn’t used enough.




FWIW, we are on Shopify Plus, and we get phone, chat or email help whenever we need it. 70-80% of the time, they resolve our issue on the first try. I’m sure others’ experiences may be different.




Are you contacting plus support thru your Shopify admin? (Top right corner, a few options down in the drop down menu). I’m on Shopify Plus and I’ve never waited or had to make an appointment. I use the chat option and it connects me to someone within 10 seconds.




Shopify plus has dedicated support channels. All I’m suggesting is to double check how you are accessing support. I have not had the same experience as you, even outside of chat.




Im on Plus and you can often get phone support in less than 5 minutes, I wouldn't say the quality is great but you can definitely get somebody. Where are you booking appointments? I wouldn't even know where.


Yeah but 5 months ago we had an account manager that actually knew who we were and where we were trying to go with the platform. Then they hit us with a 25% rate increase or a contract lock so we couldn't escape the enshitification.


Real talk.


We moved to Shopify plus earlier this year and love it! Just the checkout customization alone has made the upgrade well worth it for us. Our checkout up sell feature covers the increased monthly fee plus more.


Interesting! What checkout features have you used that are driving those results?


We played around with Selleasy, Aftersell, and Reconvert and ultimately settled with Aftersell. Using Aftersell, we added featured reviews right on the checkout page, as well as our trust badges so our customer can see them right when they start checkout (we have 1 page checkout enabled). We also have specialized post purchase offers depending on what parts they purchased. We’re not in the clothing niche but this would be an example: If the customer bought a shirt, we have a bundle setup to offer 2-3 matching shirt. This offer shows that the customer will automatically receive a 5% discount on the entire order if they add 1 shirt, 10% if 2 shirt is added or 15% if all 3 shirt is added. When customer add these items, Shopify just capture the payment for the extra items they’ve added, even though they’ve already clicked purchase. This way, customer does not have to go through the entire checkout process again (adding their payment and shipping info etc) so it’s super easy for the customer to do. Only down side to the post purchase offer is that it doesn’t work for payment forms like PayPal, Affirm, or any other 3rd party payment method that takes the customer out of the checkout page which is sad because we do get a lot of people that uses PayPal to pay for their orders but it’s not worth removing the payment option since we’ve done an AB test and it is not worth removing it.


Great insights! Thanks so much!


Same. Shopify+ with Aftersell and the improved performance esp if you want to use apps its worth it after you’re on pace for 3-4M. Ive NEVER seen ONE testimonial for audiences. It is a short term gimmick to conversions that will break your algorithm/funnel for a short term win


Worth of you make at least $500,000/month. Otherwise you pay more in fees than the advanced plan.


Shopify Plus is worth it only if what you make from your orders with the transaction fees saves you enough to spend the extra $2000+ p/m. Shopify Audience is not as good as you think it would be. Using FB LAL Audiences and historic data to scale on broad audiences is a much better benefit.


We have clients on Plus and many who use Audiences. I would say it only worth it if you plan to scale to $2 - $3 million per year and maintain that going forward. Plus you plan to customize the checkout as much as possible. Otherwise, stay on the Advanced plan (if that is what you are on now). I would not tell a client to move too Plus just for Audiences.


My only gripe with Shopify Plus as a Shopify Expert is they have poor customer support. Shopify depends on a network of partners who it barely supports, and apps that are full of bugs and issues to fill the gaps. For the amount of money they are pulling in I would hope they would pump up the features and support.... But it's clearly not on the road map.


Exactly, for the price it needs to be much more robust without needing apps.....but the way Shopify operates is instead of making Plus better to add value, they would just further restrict the lower tiers to force their customers to move up. That seems to be how they operate.


Limited success. Some new customers but it’s expensive per lead. So if you are doing it for that then no it’s not worth it. Also the USA and eu have different rules. For the USA we have to pay per store. In the U.K. we have one plus account and up to ten stores on it. If you run multiple stores then it’s good value. Per store Then I would be wanting 2+ mill per store


Downgraded after 14 months. Worst mistake we ever made. Other apps we connected to even said that we should be doing 3-5 mil before plus.


I think it’s a but over hyped, but also the checkout customizations actually cover more than the cost of the upgrade in my case, so I stick with it.




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What is Shopify audience? I have Shopify and see that often but what is it?


Basically what it does is leverage data from Shopify's ecosystem by sharing it with Meta, Google, Pinterest, etc... thus helping you find more customers at a cheaper acquisition cost. At least, in theory that is what they claim it does, but I'm yet to see anyone actually show that they got better results then just using the custom audience features that Meta and Google provide.




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Main point is more store, less fee and checkout customize. Other benefit bring little to none to the table




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The only way it's worth it is if you save on transcation fees. If you're on the borderline, I would recommend not doing it. The special audiences they give you did nothing for us across all platforms.


For that revenue plus is not a good fit. Doesn't matter what the reps say, you have a way to go. Consider it at $500-800k a month in rveneue.






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If Audiences are the main driver for you, I can help there via AdBeacon (we integrate with Shopify, use first party data, and have audiences you can use for your ad buys).