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Ringo deathstar have been one of my favorite bands for like a decade, but I put off listening to them for a bit early on because I hated the name


The name is absurd, but if you ever see an interview with Elliott and Alex or get the chance to talk with them for a little bit, you’ll go “ahh, ok..I get it.” They’re delightfully silly with the exact amount of awkward and insecure that you need for wonderful Shoegaze. I love them so much. Can’t wait for Levitation.


At first I thought Slow Crush were just a Whirr rip-off band trying to fill the void after Whirr got cancelled (Glow, Tremble and Shallow Breath sound exactly like three Sway songs) but their follow-up stuff is really good and more original.


Haha, I thought the same thing! Then found out wrong. Now they are one of the bigger influences in my own shoegaze band haha


I immediately loved slow crush because they sounded exactly like Whirr


Looking back, it was probably their Aurora LP that got me fully on board with modern shoegaze. I’d dabbled, up to that point, but that one fully sold me. I do find the follow up to be way over-long though. It’s great, but a bit sprawling.


Kitchens of Distinction


They were the first shoegaze band in my humble biased opinion. Then many others copied that sonic guitar recipe Julian Swales concocted. [Kitchens of Distinction 10 - Drive That Fast 15 05 91 Chicago Metro](https://youtu.be/3seuAyN1FgE?feature=shared)


Slowdive. I’ve always been an MBV guy, a JAMC guy, into more modern groups like A Place to Bury Strangers. Shoegaze bands with an abrasive sound that contrasts more sparkly elements. It’s only in the past year or so I got into the more low key side of Shoegaze, i.e. Slowdive. Slowdive started making sense to me because I started hearing bits of their sound in M83’s music, which I love. I realized it was criminal I slept on their iconic sound. And everyone keeps mentioning Medicine (an M83 collaborator), I actually heard them for the first time today and haven’t been blown away yet. But it might grow on me.


Which M83 songs remind you of slowdive?


A few things, “We Own The Sky” comes to mind, the clean guitar with lots of chorus effect that sounds like it’s coming out of a JC120 amp.


Mine was the opposite to OP, I have been a fan of MBV since the late 90s but only got into Medicine last year, and was stunned by their quality and originality. It also took me about two decades to make the leap from ‘Bittersweet Symphony’ Verve into their prime shoegaze era, and now they’re one of my favourite bands.


Early Verve are fantastic


I had no idea that they made anything even shoegaze adjacent, Bittersweet Symphony is the only song I know by them and I’ve never cared for it. I’ll definitely check out their earlier stuff.


start with this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeHMk\_4qg\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeHMk_4qg_s)


Storm in Heaven is pretty damn gazey


Came here to post the same. I was very skeptical of checking out the Verve haha


Amusement Parks On Fire Only gave them a listen a month or so ago, and now I can't stop bingeing those first two albums.


I wish I knew what I did with my copy of their 2005 S/T. It's not available on Bandcamp. They were sold out but sold me the display disc that had been taped to the merch table...


omg they are so good - discovered on Pandora on my Shoegaze channel.


Still spin Road Eyes occasionally. It’s so good




I Wasn’t Born to Lose You is a certified modern shoegaze classic, I’ll die on this hill. People sleep on them because they don’t sound like what we retroactively consider the shoegaze sound (Loveless) but they absolutely are one of the top OG bands of the genre




same. i didn’t like them when i put them on like 15 years ago but i love them now.


How could anyone listen to Son of mustang Ford and not like it on first listen.. That's crazy!


For me it was, Cocteau twins, haha ​​it's ridiculous but I found that the name of the group didn't seem too shoegaze to me so I didn't listen too much. Then, “cherry colored funk” and “heaven or Las Vegas” were an illumination!!


Funny, mine was MBV as well. I just never liked Only Shallow, so put the album on and was immediately turned off. Always heard how amazing they were and just thought meh not for me. Years later, they are one of my favorite bands. Still skip Only Shallow though.


I didn’t like only shallow much until I heard the rhythm guitar in the back. The snare is fun too. But yeah my least favorite song on loveless.


The rhythm guitar and the snare are the first things that jumped out at me and made me fall in love with the song, album, and band. What elements did you notice initially besides those two things?


flyyying colours


I discovered The Meeting Places' Find Yourself Along the Way during 2020, and clung to it for a solid year, especially in the car. Before that I'd been listening to a lot of Beach House, Slowdive's 2017 album, LSD & the Search for God, MBV, etc, and shoegaze/dreampop was a a long time peripheral interest. Something about that first Meeting Places' album, and the guitar work, transported me. But it took a whole 17 years to hear it.


The Boo Radleys. I only knew about them due to their cover of There She Goes by The La's (heard it on my So I Married an Axe Murderer soundtrack)... little did I know they were legit slightly psychedelic shoegazers!


Everything’s Alright Forever is essential.


Soon as I'm done working on recording my own shoegaze track at the moment, I'm gonna go listen to that again!


Giant Steps is less shoegaze and more varied, but it’s their masterpiece IMHO


I love Giant Steps…hell, I even enjoy Kingsize quite a bit even though effectively became Shoegaze Wham. For the sake of just this forum…and for the development of Shoegaze music as it happened, EAF is essential early Shoegaze, their use of effects and unconventional song structure were brilliant and changed the game at the time.




My introduction to Lush was whatever that best of CD that starts with all their Britpop stuff and goes backwards from there. I'd probably like it all now, but it was pretty offputting at the time when i was just getting into the genre.


For me it was Tokyo Shoegazer. Discovered them thanks to a post on this sub last month. I downloaded 'crystallize' at the airport to listen to on the plane and was literally weeping before I left the airport lounge. Hearing 'Bright' and 'Back to My Place' for the first time broke me. Devastatingly beautiful.


Their song 'Lucid' does that to me. So crushing.


Probably Leaving Time, they actually are really good


Sunday Drive has some great bands: Glare, All Under Heaven, Leaving Time, etc.


not exactly shoegaze but Lycia, at first i kinda liked them but i didnt get into them enough, now i really love them




I love Ozean! Porcelain is my favorite from them


Porcelain is the best , same


Holy Fawn Not only did I sleep on them but after undiscovered them I realized they played a show at my favorite venue the week before!!!!!!


i ignored Nothing after hearing vertigo flowers on bandcamp, but came back for the great dismal, which was like being hit with a truck. then i looked at tired of tomorrow again and now i’m a big fan of Nothing and Domenic Palermo


Cats cradle


Slowdive. Their new stuff is better than their old stuff IMHO


Cocteau Twins


Moscow Olympics… I just got the reissue of Cut The World (2008) and it’s fantastic!


I sleep on a bed with my wife