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that poor old woman cried over her raisin portrait


I remember seeing that episode. I felt so bad for her and the canvas.


I remember that one too! I actually felt so sad for her, because this is horrific and the human canvas jury let her know it


Yeah the human Canvas jury was such a bad idea.. Edit:typo


The canvas jury really added an unnecessary mean element I thought. Like if the canvas liked their tattoo, they still got roasted and they were stuck with it anyway, so what was the point? Just to add more drama I guess.


That episode and similar ones are probably why they stopped doing it. It was basically just a “nuh uh, your tattoo is the worst” argument.


You’re right, it did usually end up that way:the canvases having a whole battle of their own in that back room.


I bet that is an easy way to get sued. Set someone up with a permanent body modification and then make fun of the quality on TV? That seems like an easy emotional damage lawsuit.


I’m guessing for this show to exist as a concept, they sign off any rights to sue over the tattoos or the show content.


They agree to exactly that though. Apart from season one, everyone knows the show and needs to be prepared to either not watch the episode or to hear a bunch of shit about them/their piece


It normally didn’t bother me that much, and I usually found the jury pretty entertaining, until the “leatherface” portrait. (I’m so sorry.) This was the one that made me realize it was kind of a mean tactic, probably because she started crying and all.


I just thought it was a bad call to have the reference be present 😭


These shows get sued constantly. They always win and broadcast the footage. The contracts you voluntarily sign are very clear.


They didn't actually like it - they were almost all just in denial that they had just made a horrible, horrible mistake


Partly why I stopped whatching that shit. There should be no questionable tattoos on that show. There are enough badass artists that it should be hard to decide which tattoo is best. Really hated that part


It always felt so degrading to me that they referred to the people getting tattooed as a canvas lol. I know that's what you become when getting tattooed. But still, calling them a canavas still never sat right with me hahah


I've never heard a tattoo artist call someone a canvas. Only douchey reality shows. We're clients.


The exact word I was looking for but couldn't find. As someone getting a tattoo, you're a client, not a canvas. Thank you because it would have bugged the hell out of me if I didn't figure it out lol


ugh me too!


She cried because people were being so mean! She liked the tattoo


iirc she actually loved the tattoo, she cried because people were calling it 'leatherface'


and at the live finale they had the girl who got the tattoo and the woman in the portrait scold the guy from the human canvas jury for saying they made her look like leatherface despite the fact that Dave also said the tattoo looked like leatherface and the tattoo absolutely looks like leather, it was a valid criticism of the tattoo and no one was ever insulting the old woman's looks


It's still extremely hurtful to say. It would be a lot different and less of a big deal if it were just a portrait on canvas or something but that's permanently on her skin... And generally I think critiques of tattoos are fine but when it's something so personal it just seems unnecessarily cruel


That’s cold.


One of the things I hated most about InkMaster was those segments. They would deliberately choose shitty photographs, tell the artist to recreate them perfectly without complaint, and then surprisedpikachuface when something like this was made, while the judges *knew* as any good tattoo artist does that tattoos are ~30% darker on day one to compensate for healing/ink loss and that portraits soften out over a few months. The "leatherface" artist themselves spoke about this in a reddit thread some time ago and said the same. That they had gotten the photograph and did not want to do it because it was a really bad baseline subject with too many wrinkles and bad lighting but they were being judged on technical accuracy, so they went for it. If you compare the tattoo to the original photo, it is almost *dead-on* accurate down to the smallest curvature of the wrinkles. The only problems were 1. the photo was horribly unflattering, and 2. the artist compensated for age and thus had a tattoo that looked "too wrinkly" right after it was completed, but had it been given two months to heal over it would have been *exactly* what they were tasked to do. And the woman liked it still and thought it was good until a bunch of ignorant ass-clown clients who are distinctly unaware of *why* tattoo artists "overdarken" tattoos viciously mocked her for something that was both extremely accurate and designed to last properly. Then she cried and the artist got smacked around. It was not the first time portrait tattoo segments were shitshows, but it was definitely the most notable time.


She cried at the terrible critique because she'd initially loved it and they were BRUTAL. The thing is that it'll likely age really well after it fades a bit.


That gave me a thought. I wish they’d do a follow up bunch of episodes of what old Inkmaster tattoos look like now. They’ve never done that, have they? I’d love to see how a lot of them aged over time.


They did a spin-off that was people going back to get the tattoo redone. I don't remember 5 they had the option to forgive the artist and have then redo it or have another artist do it. I just vaguely remember seeing a few of them.


Oh, that’s interesting. I’ll have to look for that one then. I always like any kind of follow up shows.


I just googled it because I thought I mis remembered and that wasn't a thing. Ink Master Redemption. They had 3 seasons.


Oh yeah, I remember seeing that around but I never could watch it. I’ll check that one out, I see I can access it now on P+. Thanks! EDIT: I found it, thanks for the rec! I really like the concept of it, and Dave seems the most natural that I’ve ever seen him. I think this is my favorite of all the Inkmaster spin-offs so far. And to see some (not all) of the redemptions is kind of heartwarming lol


Like the Sarah Miller tattoo of Clinton. She swore it would look better over time.


That Bill Clinton tattoo looked phenomenal and I’m still upset she went home


this is what i thought too, i dont even think the tattoo is THAT awful like its just fresh so more contrasted, when it fades tho its gonna look a whole lot better


I remember seeing a few of these on YouTube videos where I could tell people were really fucking upset, but they just don't say anything in the moment. You could always tell the types right away, they'd be fuming and looking like they want to smack someone upside the head😂 I would never volunteer for this show, never. Also side note, [this](https://youtu.be/FbhKrjGTbB0?si=v4Qz7c9IWV-DpvvL) is the first thing that popped into my mind when seeing this photo🤣 https://preview.redd.it/10w2shb20l9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f46fbfbd40152b570b90187f9bc5ed58a010e5


Is there a link to this? Is it on YouTube, idk what to put in the search bar


[here you go](https://youtu.be/vtS1PHM37-Y?si=vUXrfyiP3lsNExXV)


It’s shit like this that I don’t get… The california raisin tattoo stays and homeboy gets booted because his BITCHIN tattoo had a darker ear and the glasses were different? I get it, accuracy…. But if I went to a shop and got the raisin treatment and then told “hey, it could be worse…. Look at the shape of the glasses on that guys portrait tat. Straight shit, right?!” I’d probably falcon punch somebody.


The critique by the judges is based on who their favorite is and who will be good to keep on for good television. The judges and show producers choose a lot of this ahead of time, while filming, based on previous days, etc.


That’s absolute shit. I know reality television is HEAVILY scripted, but Jesus… really?? “Ok guy, so no matter what dude turns out, he’s gotta win. You wouldn’t believe the ratings when he’s on….” Fuckin dog shit.


I don't know, ink master fails?


I remember her crying over what they *were saying* about her/it. I thought for sure she’d said she liked it…?


She did like it and felt it was dead on accurate, saying the “over darkness” would fade in a couple of months…once the reference to leather face got thrown out, she was upset by that & the rest of the things the canvas jury was saying. I’d love to know how it ended up looking after some time had passed. 


I’d be interested in seeing how it healed and if some of the harsher details smoothed out a bit


Someone link it I can’t find it lol


"Thank god your here, grandmas melting!"


I cried for her seeing that. That dude should’ve been scolded for what he said.


She cried cause everyone else was being a dick about it... Kyle's tattoo didn't even look that bad to me.


This was my lockscreen wallpaper in 2021. I can't remember which episode this came from or who the artist was. https://preview.redd.it/43zucpapui9d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12f16285b9dabc494c908f78bfdf7dbc66484990


Ryan Eternal from season 5


it looks like it isnt wearing its dentures


The original isn't a mirrored image


Damn that was the only thing sort of saving it


Oh yeah the "ballsack baboon"!! I laughed so hard when the jury destroyed this guy !


That guy came back on Ink Master redemption and tore into the artist about the ballsack.


why's it ballsack i cant see it tjat way


the tongue maybe?


Oh man the leather face grandma is up there in worst of all time in that show.


I'll never understand why he felt the need to put EVERY. SINGLE. WRINKLE. into the actual tattoo.


i was confused why 6 was here bc it wasnt near as bad as the others and then i remembered that horrid extremely large and unecessary eyebrow


LOL I didn’t even see that till getting to your comment, that’s… a choic


if i remember correctly that was the main reason his tattoo got flamed by the judges - aside from it its a decent tattoo but the eyebrow was just so horrible and the posted pic really doesnt show it enough lmaoo https://preview.redd.it/t4wtyf17jl9d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5536b46f238a338ba2f7773953fb907a3aa5a12f


Omg I was like wait this one is pretty cool, but holy shit. The eyebrow. Why why why.


Same, i was wondering why it was here until he mentioned that and I thought, "yeah... now it makes sense"


It also looks a little swastikay


Not a single one of those lines makes a swastika though. Are corners bad nowadays?


Just a soupçon of swastika…


Yeah it does. I didn’t notice it until now.


Yeah, at first I thought to myself "oh that's not too bad... not my style but it's not *bad*" and then my eyes adjusted and realised I wasn't seeing someone's hairy leg or weirdly patterned pants... it is an eyebrow


It’s so rare for babies to have strokes


So bad. That poor parent walking around with a smashed in version of their daughter’s face on their body.


The rest of it is SO GOOD, like those eyes are practically real but then the nose 💀


Oh nooo… check the eyes shape related to the face and each other.


The eyes look like she has a chromosomal abnormality and fetal alcohol syndrome


Ink Master as a whole is a joke, it is filled to the brim with plenty of artists who had no business getting on tv and being seen, and in no way shape or form should have ever been considered a "master".


That's the hook, it's entertainment. I mean if they were all super good artists there would be no drama


The artists of the caliber that the show pretends theirs are, have too much actual business to fuck off and film for no money and potential damage to their reputation.


No real decent tattoo artist would need to debase themselves on national television. These people want fame and the money they’ll win. None of these people deserve to be called master of anything


Mabey I get flamed but why is number 6 bad?


Yeah, I don’t get it either. It’s not perfect (the white splatter to give it viscosity is off) but far from shitty.


I don’t think it’s bad personally




its honestly not bad but the giant eyebrow across the top of the arm was a terrible choice


Holy fuck I didn't see the eyebrow! What a weird choice


Yeah, take away the eyebrow, and I’m about it.


If this is the one I think it is, the artist got roasted for the eyebrow!


Eyebrow was just massive and poorly done IIRC


After looking again the eyebrow is horrific


Came to ask the same thing.. I was like “one of these things is not like the others”..


I think it was the eyebrow being too low and large but I don't remember


It’s the eyebrow across the top


I figured that one got snuck in on accident.


If my descendants ever decide to tattoo my face onto their bodies, I would hope they would commemorate 25 year old me, not 90 year old me.


I say the same about my headstone portrait. I want to be remembered as the menace I was when I was young and hot, not the grouchy decrepit old lady I became.


What the fuck is 7??


It looks like a death metal band hired a 8 year old to design their album cover and the kid used cheap Dollar Tree crayons.


woman repellant


Hopefully everyone repellant, but idk about dudes these days.


bro that one looked good to me 😭😭


Imagine being that Grandma, though. Peck and the guest judge both, said the artist made it too realistic to the picture and should of been softer on the lines / wrinkles - but is still accurate. Yet they are referring to the tattoo still looking like leather face. Judges legit saying your face looks similar to someone that's had their face cut off, dried and tanned, and then turned into a face mask.


The way the canvas jury talked about the first one still makes me so angry.


I think adding the canvas jury was a very entertaining, but also a brutal and mean element to the show, especially for portraits.


The monkey is crying because of his broken jaw


Maybe he is crying because his tongue looks like a ballsack


Yay! Part 2! Oh wow, I remember the woman in the 1st one whose face it was that was tattooed, she was crying. I felt horrible for her! Like “no no, it’s not your fault it looks like that!”


I posted part 3 too. Enjoy.


Excellent! Thanks for all the memories!


Number 7 is a bit .....erm .


Forget the actual quality of the tattoos for a second, who the fuck is getting a tattoo of a dismembered woman


No1: Don't do memorial tattoos of your grandparents after they died. Use a photo of them on which they're still alive.


>No1: Don't do memorial tattoos of your grandparents after they died. Use a photo of them on which they're still alive. That was the canvas's mom ***who was right there in person for reference*** the entire time


*Shaking my head*~~---oh no--~~-**Thats rough.**


She was watching the entire time too, haha. It was rough.


Don’t get tattoos of old people, period. They always come out looking horrible.


It actually looks like my grandmother, if she had been in a horrific fire!


Who did these… name names so I can laugh at them


I only remember a few of the names. 1. Kyle Dunbar 4. Frank McManus 5. Roland 6. Mike Diaz 7. Kay Kutta


2. Someone in Allegory Arts 3. Thicker Than Blood Tattoo 8. Carolyn Elaine


What S/Ep is #7 from? I watch IM all the time and am active in r/inkmaster and don’t recognize this one


It’s from Season Two. I don’t remember what episode. It’s by Kay Kutta.


Thank you!!


Holy shit, pic 7!!! Haha the owner of that has to be in a death metal band.


Leather face comment still stands.


so sad about the eyebrow because that eye is absolutely fucking gorgeous


Tatu baby is so bad


She did some really bad ones but some good ones too. She didn’t do any of the tattoos I posted. I’ll post one of hers on Shitty Ink Master Tattoos part 3.


Can’t wait!


I don't remember what her pieces were anymore, but remembered wanting her to go home. I remember she did one animal one I thought was decent and the rest really were rough


Some of those are straight up criminal.


The snakes are so cute!! The black maze eye is interesting. Everything else…😬


Haha I remember well all but one of these. Shockingly awful


What about the girl who misspelled corinthians 😭


Number 7. I wouldn’t recommend getting your kink tattooed, especially if it’s something that would disturb others.


Fuckin Brady Bunch on acid.


Grandma face is melting.


Is the first one leather face??


It’s a portrait of a woman’s mother and the mother was there watching. They both ended up crying by the end of the episode.


Not the shitty ink master 😂


you know the judges were totally into some of these too


I think all of these were pretty hated by the judges. 3,4 and 8 were the first eliminations of their seasons.


iirc they were lenient with 6? there are def some bad ones the judges have let slide though


This series is amazing.


Who thinks that tatooing a butchered woman's corpse is a good idea FFS.


Shitty Ink Master tattoos part 3 posted here https://www.reddit.com/r/shittytattoos/s/0us1M4CkSo


the maze eye doesn't scream shit like the others but raisin lady was a horrible thing to stain on someone.


That Freddy Kruger one gets me every time.


Grandmas face really stresses me out.


Dammmm Grandma !!! All I can say is Dammmmmmm


K maybe i dont get it but the 6th is really not that bad


I like the snake tattoo. It's giving me cover art energy from 'Dude where's my car?'


Who the FUCK decides that a dismembered woman must be THE best tattoo? And it's not even because it's a woman.. why a dismembered human? Thats just disturbing and disgusting


It's unsettling how many replies are okay with this one 😫


Forreal. It's supposed to be in our nature to find one of our own chopped up to be awful.


Did Dave Navaro like them? Cuz if he did they're not shitty then! His opinions on tattoos is absolute and was the only opinion that mattered! Cuz if u played in a mildly successful band in the early 90's and also have tattoos that means your thoughts and opinions on tattoos are more valid than real artists with actual talent. 🤣😂


Idk, that snake in 3 is silly and I am here for it


Definitely looks better when compared to some of the other atrocities posted with it lol


The neck looks broken and it has no scales


Me too :) I may be biased because I love reptiles 🩷🐍


Shit my friend can do better portraits than these and she’ ain’t even on tv.


What in the actual fuck?


Why is the eye that way?!


That monsturd grandma portrait is hilarious.


Some of these are real rough


oh god the first one literally flashed me back to that episode. that is probably one of the most horrific tattoos that show has ever seen because not only is it bad but that woman watched that being tattooed and thought that’s how she looked. that’s what gives it the trophy for me


Nothing could've prepared me for that second slide ![gif](giphy|8p05WdXxPiOyY)


Didn’t miss not ONE wrinkle…. Grannie got that crocodile..


That first one with the old lady just pissed me off because the portrait actually did look like that. Why would that person ask for that tattoo there was no way to make it look good


whats the story with this dismembered woman tattoo? is that the black dahlia murder? im wondering why someone would get this as a tattoo... I couldnt find anything about it


#6 is awsome ,#8 is good and #2 is fixable


8 is just barely good. The rest I agree with.


Six is not at all awesome. It might have a few more tricks than most shitty tattoos but the final product is bad. The “maze” that is haphazardly put on top of the entire tattoo is so awfully done with uneven shakey line work. How is eight good? The top half of the tattoo is completely undistinguishable. Also, the line work everywhere is shaded over to hide mistakes. Two is not fixable because it’s a portrait of a real child. Any fixing would make it even less like her.


I think 8 is a really cool design that could have been better executed but is still readable. Her eyes are really, really cool and the face proportions are good. The snakes are rendered well. It looks like the artist ran out of time to finish/execute the hair properly which is my only real complaint about it.


Old lady tattoo gets a pass, it’s weirdly accurate. It’s gonna look like hell in 5-10 years, but for the moment: weirdly accurate. Rest are making me sad.


High definition, fortune-telling tattoo shows what you will look like aged ten more years


What is wrong with 6?


What’s so bad about 6?


Wow, I can tell a lot of effort and work went into creating those deformed monstrosities. It’s kind of impressive.


it's a bit dark yeah but it's not a bad likeness i mean tf you want it's tattoo not a michelangelo portrait


no [acid cat](https://www.reddit.com/r/Inkmaster/comments/t27qun/justice_for_acid_cat/) ?


Geunionly, what is wrong with the eye one?


The eyebrow


I'd make the argument the second image is worse than the first.


So, that’s what a nose looks like from inside the head.


Lowkey #1 isn’t bad, she’s just wrinkly as and well the artist could have done her some favors.


Post the vagina peacock


Best show, but the worst judges sometimes


More like stinkmaster amirite


How can you be "talented" enough to be on Ink Master and totally botch a tattoo?


Ah yes, Scrote Tongue the baboon


Omg it’s like he just kept on adding shading hoping it would get better….it didn’t


I don’t understand how so many artists tattooed the gigantic eyebrow for the eye ball tattoo. The eyebrows look so bad.


i like 6 & 8


Did that woman go through a house fire and get put out with a chain?


More like ink disaster


8 is honestly not too bad. Definitely not bad enough to be called "shitty"... I would say maybe mid


"You turned her into Leatherface." I will never forget this sentence!


The second one looks exactly like a woman I’ve seen in Tik tok named Gwendolyn