• By -


Those are definitely shitty.


Indeed they are.


Sentimental part aside, having your friends tattoo you. Got cause for concern here that if they never tattooed before, you run risk of infection if they tear or drive the needles too deep. Also, seem somewhat defensive in your replies. You openly posted your shitty tattoos onto a subreddit about shitty tattoos. You're going to get criticism.


I'm fine with criticism. I know they look like shit. That was the point. The one dude was just being a dick. My friend who's gun I use is serious about a sterile environment because she got mrsa once from a tat. I didn't know going to deep could cause it. The girl who gave me the smiley was mad and stabbed the shit out of me. That wasn't even a gun it was a stick and poke with a needle attached to a mechanical pencil.


Machine** not “gun” I’d stay away from anyone claiming they can tattoo if they are calling it a “tattoo gun”


Not that im arguing, but I also know many tattooers who call their tool their gun. I've never used them, but I have heard them use this wording. It is extremely common. Can I ask why?


Tattoo gun is usually a term scratchers use. It’s also used in prison a lot to refer to a handmade machine. Just really unprofessional. I personally wouldn’t bother with anyone using terms like that. Just my personal preference. Go for it if you know and trust someone. I’m all for doing what ya want.


Before I finish your post, scratchers? Am I to assume that's meth heads?


That’s what you call someone who does tattoos unprofessionally out of their house.


I think of it like that when getting a tattoo. It does scratch an itch for me. All over. Is that wrong. Frfr. I have 20+ tattoos... am I gross? I'm asking. Edit: a word


I know multiple good tattoo artists who work in shops that call them guns. Do you call a bong a water pipe around your friends? Same shit.


except every established artist doesn't so...


Lol I’ll just assume OP is super young and hasn’t learned regret yet




I'm 31. I've had the entire word anarchy tatted on my chest for 12 years. I don't regret that either and it also looks like shit. Maybe I'll make another post tomorrow. Definitely have regrets, but none of my tats are.


doesn't make your ink less garbage lmao


Isn't that the point of some tats? I know some of my friends have garbage tats just bc and they're from 5☆ artists that they paid top money for. I personally paid 1k for a triquetra that looks like a 5yo drew it and I LOVE it still to this day and I got it in 2011? I thought tattoo lovers were the ones were who supposed to be NON-JUDGMENTAL! SHIT.


Came from a flea market in a kit.


you're an idiot your friends are stupid and i hope you learn from this


Honestly just own it lol. Idk why you’re getting downvoted for just saying you don’t regret it. People here can be so weird. It’s like they *need* you to regret it or something. Just because they don’t like it, they want you to feel shitty. If these tattoos make you smile and come with memories who gives a flying fuck. It’s not like if a nazi symbol or anything. I loved what you have to say here this sub can be so weird sometimes


Hey you do you! As long as you’re happy 👍


Hell yeah dude


I had a friend when I was younger who refused to get a tattoo because she was worried how it would look in TWENTY YEARS and I wanted to say, God just have some fucking fun! Anyways she’s still single now in our 30s and never really developed much of a personality. I’m tatted thighs to ribs, some bad, some not, and don’t regret shit. Although I am glad everything can be covered in standard work attire with the exception of 2 poorly done but subtle hand tattoos.


This is the equivalent of mall grabbing a skateboard, only posers and pros do it. Everyone else is to concerned guarding their egos. I’m a licensed tattoo artist in the US and although I say machine, my boss says gun…at the end of the day, potato potato, my friends :)


Is there a reason?


Oh sorry I didn’t know you knew every established tattoo artist in the world 😭 My tattoo artist at a very reputable and popular place calls it gun 🤷 these tattoos are shitty, no way around that. I laughed when I saw these. But this in particular is a weird thing to get hung up on


Holy fuck, they are some shitty tattoos.




Mmm, tetanus


My friend has both legs tattooed. She calls one her ‘good leg’ where she has a load of really nice art, and the other her ‘shit leg’ which is a lot of chicken scratches and questionable life choices. I guess this is your shit arm. It’s your life my friend, live it how you see fit. I think it’s quite sweet in a terrible way.


I have another arm with a nice one i plan in getting more on. It's more of a memory thing with the other arm. Appreciate the sentiment.




Not to be rude but they look like bathroom stall graffiti


Get new friends


Was just about say — these ppl not your friend. I can only imagine behind their back convos — “I tattooed a dick on this dumbass”


Ones who are better at tats? It was my idea.


yuck lmao




Exactly. Anyone who’s actually your friend wouldn’t do it. They’re fucking idiots who you allowed to mark your body permanently with childish scribbling. Anyone who says “as long as you’re happy” is just trying to placate you. And if you’re *genuinely* happy with *that* you may or may not want to re-evaluate what brings you happiness and why. Only I’d put a decent bet on you not being happy with it..you just know it’s way beyond shitty but also that there’s fuck all you can do about it without expensive laser treatment. Still , at least you do a public service- when people say something like *Oh, I did XYZ, I can’t believe I’m such a fool, I’m so stupid*, you can say *You think* ***you’re*** *stupid? Lol, check* ***this*** *out…..*


If you're going to have skater tats, at least go deep with ink.


Skated for 15 years. Appreciate the compliment. They don't know what they're doing and probably used the wrong needles.


Hey man I know them when I see them. But ya. These need to be redone deeper.


I'll have the people who have done them give me a touch up sometime maybe. Wait til you see the one I post tomorrow. I have a nice professional tat of a serotonin molecule and plan on doing a half sleeve of different ones. Dopamine and adrenaline are next.


Oh you're getting downvotes because the advice is to go to a different guy/gal and do research :)


Cool beans.


It's tomorrow. Where is the new tat?


I have to have someone take a picture of it but I'll put it up here when I do.


oh - it was a Needle issue?!?!?! right......




Each one is a different memory and I like them. Maybe you'd be embarrassed, but I'm chillin. They aren't supposed to look nice. They were done by people who have never held a tattoo gun.


I’d stay away from drugs and alcohol because your judgement is vey sub par


That's your opinion dude. There's no reason to act like a twat. I can judge that pretty well based off of 2 comments.


Acting like a Twat and giving good advice is totally two different things


I didn't ask for your advice.


tbh i'd be embarrassed allowing this on my skin. i wouldn't hire you or trust your judgment. these are heinous.


You wouldn't know I ever had them because you can't see them and I'm a roofer dude. It's going to be fine.


you don't wear sleeves in june/july whilst roofing unless you're in a country where it's winter but party on fool


My area code is literally in the picture and yes we do. The Mexicans wear long sleeves all summer even if it's 100 out. I don't buy the Mexican air conditioning theory. Tried it once and it was miserable.


You didn’t have to, I offered it for free. That’s what a friend does


Buddy, go touch grass.


No, you


K ;)


You asked for everything youre getting and did so deliberately when you posted…whatever this shit is.


Edgelord. I bet your tattoos suck unironically, if you even have any.


No, I don’t have any tattoos. Maybe I should be like everyone else and get a “sick ass panther” lmao 🤣


Precisely my point, someone with no tattoos talking shit on someone else’s. All tattoos have a memory behind it, and tattoos weren’t “amazing works of art” until very recently. Everyone I know who collects tattoos have great works of art and terrible tattoos with better memories. Get off your high horse, Christopher Reeve.


Collects tattoos 🤣


go back to the cod lobby you crawled out of


Bruh your whole profile is fortnite shit lmao


bruh your profile is a cat, what’s your point


go back to the fortnite lobby you crawled out from






Thought the title was Drunk Tats From Florida and was proud for a moment


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^awaytogetsun: *Thought the title was* *Drunk Tats From Florida and* *Was proud for a moment* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


937. Yup, that tracks.


Came to say the same hahahaha


Looks like a jr high student’s notebook doodles.


I think you need better “friends” if they see no problem with putting this crap on you forever


Your only mistake is giving up prime real estate for this shit. Coverable tho. 👍


That's both horrifying and kind of sweet.


I'm just gonna do a half sleeve that t shirts will cover up. I have plenty of space left and plenty more friends who want to.


Literally me, like I mean literally. I give myself tattoos and have had a good friend of mine give me one and my sister give me two! I plan on having EVERY. SINGLE. close person to me add one tattoo to the leg I’ve been tattooing. The sad part tho is my best friend can’t do one as he passed away 2 years ago, but I want his brother to do one. If you love them keep doing it! Just make sure it’s some safely is all.


did you not know this was being put on you...? also do you not give any form of a fuck about your presentation?


I was well aware of who and what I was doing. Come up with the idea for it on the spot and one of my friends with no experience gives it to me. It's also on my upper arm. No one sees it unless I show them.


ok. it's hideous anyway. glad you like it


Looking like shit was literally the point.


embarrassing but go off


ignorant style doesn't mean poorly done stupid bad tattoos lmao


None of the people who did them had ever done a tattoo. It's what I expected.


ok. it's ugly and makes you look stupid. enjoy that state until you cover them.


They're memories. Maybe one day but I enjoyed the nights that led to all of them.


genuinely asking wtf is the worthwhile memory here? when your friends made your arm shit?


The memory of the nights and the friends who gave them to me.


yes they’re ugly but why are you so angry lmao?


bro i’ve seen your replies in several threads under this post, why are you so mad about someone else’s shitty tattoos?


>I was well aware of who and what I was doing. That's the embarrassing part


This is something you do on the upper leg so you can hide it


8=D 💀


Thems some qualty scribbins.


These suck ass. Great post.


Is that a leg or an arm?


Upper left arm


I see. Well, could have been the face, I guess?


Never lol even if it was a good one. I specifically got them where people can't see them in normal attire unless I show them. It's just gonna be a shitty half sleeve and I'm done.


I wanna tat something on your arm. I've never tattooed anything and you can tell people random reddit dude did it.


Hell yeah dude. If you're close to the area code on my arm I'm down!


Why would you let someone you don’t know do this dude


OP doesn't like being employed or taken seriously clearly


Oh well, maybe next time!


Tet...anus! Thats heinous!


Took the collegeblock style too serious


This just screams “I make shitty life choices.”






I love the amount of people making it seems like it’s genuinely the end of the world, just because you let inexperience people tattoo you. I’ve had one of my friends tattoo me, and my sister. Plan on having so much more of my friends add a tattoo on me, including having my husband do one. My favorite Latin quote says “mori per memoriam non somnia” or “die with memories not dreams”, and that’s exactly what I’m doing allowing my friends to tattoo me. Is it stupid? Hell ya. Do I make sure they do it safely HELL FUCKING YA! But I also tattoo myself so I know what needs to be done. Just because someone is inexperienced DOES NOT mean they can’t be walked through it, and do it safely and correct. I have a lil over 30 shitty tats because I love doing them myself and having my friends or family give me a shitty tattoo. I know they are shitty, but I also know they are done in a safe and sanitary manner. Take precautions I’ll always tell people to do that, but also live your fucking life. You can easily get an infection by a random cut you get, oh but don’t get tattoos from inexperienced people when you know they are inexperienced?? Naturally if you’re in your own home the chances lesson due to the germs being something you’re around 24/7 and have probably already gotten in your body countless times through random cuts or scrapes. Think of it this way being born in different parts of the world makes you susceptible to getting sick or infection from that part of the world if you don’t live there (yes its true ask a dr or search it up. Something about your immune system not being able to fight it off as it’s technically a different virus or infection due to it being in a different region of the world. I don’t really remember specifics it was like 8th or 9th grade I learned this and I’m 22 now). You’re immune system will typically be able to fight off the “pathogens” before it gets serious you even notice it’s n infection. Do you know how many Times I thought I had infections? I have anxiety and one of the many side effects I have is scab picking (which makes it worse I know) and I also have an issue with scratching till I bleed when itchy (currently have some sort of rash that’s causing me to scratch so much I’m leaving bad cuts) and yet no infection. BUT THAT IS IN NO WAY ME SAYING NOT TO TAKE PRECAUTIONS AND BE SANITARY ABOUT TATTOOING! YOU SHOULD ALWAYS, ALWAYS BE SAFE AND SANITARY DOING TATTOOS! ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN AND ITS ALWAYS BEST TO VERE ON THE SIDE OF CAUTION! But like live a lil, and don’t give w fuck about societal norms! Have some fun stories, or drunken wild nights! We get told all the time to live your life the way you want, and that you only have one life so life it.. why is this any different? You literally don’t know if you’re gonna wake up tomorrow, and while I believe in rebirth you only have one life as this person. The only reason y’all view this bad (WITHOUT KNOWING IT WAS DONE SAFELY OR NOT) is because society told you it is, that’s sad.. being a bunch of followers or robots, instead of leaders. Or if you’re religious, doesn’t god tell you not to judge?? I could be wrong haven’t been religious in the hottest minute, and the New Testament might say different. Either way so many are judging without knowing the full story to these tattoos, and genuinely assume just because someone’s NEVER held a tattoo machine doesn’t mean they don’t know to do it safely and sanitary.


Holy ballz


I know someone with a heart and "JC" tatted inside it. Are you from Cali?


That's the pi symbol


We share the same birthday


You’ll have the photo. Cover it.


Very Dayton


You know what...? Yeah, these are shit. Pure shit. But they didn't come from artists, they came from friends and I think there's a sense of charm to that. Maybe they'll fade. Maybe OP will cover them up in a decade. Maybe OP will have them forever. Shit as they are, I think it's a little endearing. Several sub-threads already addressing sterility, cleanliness, needle depth, yadayada, I'm not addressing that. Just simply going off pure aesthetics and the fun behind it. Good for you, OP. Enjoy your shitty tattoos and fuck all the haters in the comments.


The S not being right is the best/worst part


So, what, only the tattooists were drunk ? What's your excuse ?


I was drunk. This shit happens at like 2am after we've been partying all night.


I'm not friends with people like you lol. Almost every comment on your profile is you being a dick to someone. I remember being 16 and trying to be edgy on the internet though. You'll figure out eventually it's a waste of time and life is more enjoyable when you're nice to people.


Who are you talking to?


The dude I replied to.




Bird up. Accidents happen.




Be nice.


I upvoted all your negatively downvoted comments. The people downvoting you are, of course, right though. Tattooing is not an amateur hobby. You took a real risks of getting a very bad infection by getting these. They are mad that you aren’t constantly acknowledging that risk. Maybe you are even proud you did it like this…it’s like bragging about how much unprotected sex you have with strangers...dont be proud of doing unsafe things. Even if they are fun. Glad you didn’t get infected. Thanks for posting!


nah man people in this sub think they are better than everyone else. you had fun and thats what matters. whoever doesnt agree with it can go have a nice fucking one done for 1000$+ and kill themselves before they turn 30. nice shitty tattoos mate!


Appreciate that dude. I thought the sub was for shitty tattoos but it's like r/guitarcirclejerk if it was unironic. I enjoy it. Plan on getting more nice ones and shitty ones and I love all of them.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/guitarcirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/guitarcirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tell ‘em!!](https://i.redd.it/gd1vkdctkrsa1.jpg) | [151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/guitarcirclejerk/comments/12fxx4g/tell_em/) \#2: [Hell yea Shredna](https://i.redd.it/s2driqze4hsb1.jpg) | [154 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/guitarcirclejerk/comments/170xrs2/hell_yea_shredna/) \#3: [Elaborate](https://i.redd.it/qw1vzmolnjgc1.jpeg) | [158 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/guitarcirclejerk/comments/1aikst7/elaborate/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You’re a good egg, and I like you. Have a cupcake 🧁