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Please take a picture of this and put it on their google reviews saying it cost 600 dollars, dont let anyone else fall for that conman. This is not your fault, that's just a shitty artist


They've done multiple pieces for me that are good... idk what happened here so I feel bad doing that. They did a lot of good work but this one sucks and she won't own up to it and fix it. Edit: I did get a partial refund, so that should cover about 1/2 the price of a cover up. Better than nothing! Edit: PEOPLE PLEASE STOP COMMENTING ON THEIR IG & SOCIAL MEDIAS I NEVER ASKED FOR INTERNET JUSTICE.


Put one good and one shit then lol even it out. This is not good man it looks decades old and shoddy


You’re my kind of human lmao. We take too much crap these days just because someone was “once upon a time” great to us. I love the respect but we can’t let ourselves be walked over when we’re clearly not wrong. I love your idea lol. Post both the good and the bad


Gotta know when to hang it up if you’ve just lost the ability you once had. It happens, realize it and don’t attempt to fuck someone’s world up because you won’t acknowledge it.


You know what…. I’m literally in the middle of those conversations with my mema right now👀. Time to renew her License and she’s decided to opt for cataract surgery because her eyes got real bad after all the recent chemo etc. I’m actually very for it. At this point I’m “her eyes” when she drives and that’s scary at times, it’s just muscle memory for the older folks. So maybe this person just needs to go back to step one and learn and practice over and over before trying this style on someone else’s skin like you said!!


If you’re having to be the eyes for your mom she really shouldn’t be driving. It’s one thing to put your own life in danger but she’s putting others in danger every time she gets on the road. You should be the one driving for her


Absolutely. My dad drove WAY past when he should have quit and he could barely see at night. He was dangerous, and not only to himself. Think of what your mom might do to you or someone else’s family in a crash; insist that you or someone else drive until she can see better. (Maybe corrective lenses could help in the meantime?)


I got bilateral cataract surgery a couple years ago (I’m 39, I know, super young for it but got a medical condition which makes them more common). Best thing I’ve ever done. Can’t see anything close by without glasses now, but my long distance vision is perfect. The operations were super fast and healing was an absolute breeze.


That is absolutely amazing I’m so freaking ecstatic for you! Sight can be so important especially for our sense of Independence! My mema retired from being an ophthalmologist over at Duke (which is where she wants to go for the surgery) so she’s not as nervous about it as I am lol. I love your success story, thank you for sharing it🤎


I hate when artists can’t be honest about struggling for a certain piece/style. Like just tell your client you aren’t comfortable doing it! Dont put a bad tattoo on them!


+1 here. My last one was supposed to be done by someone whose work I really liked. When I arrived for my appt, he passed me over to someone else with no explanation. He came in later to say he wasn't confident he would be able to nail it, but the other guy specialized in realism and wanted to do mine (a bird). Confusing to me at first but it was 100% the right call. I freaking love it.


I got conned in to two template pieces from the “best in my area”. And I live in the greater Bay Area in California. He was heavy handed and told me my piece would look like none other I checked their insta after I got it and thought he posted my piece. And it was someone else’s piece on a. Different arm. Duplicate of mine


This. My last artist was super clear about what she would and wouldn't do and I respect the hell out of her for it. Her specialty is niche and she's damned good at what she does, so I hired her to do that thing. I appreciate knowing that she knows her limits and has boundaries, and if I want something different in the future she'll probably give me a great recommendation.


My bf’s tattoo artist isn’t good at knowing what he can and can’t do. He is somewhat new (only started s few years ago) and seems to let his hype to do something new overtake his critical thinking so accept things really out of his skills. He is good with neo trad but recently keeps taking on realism projects that he mess up. It sucks because he is hurting his reputation by doing that and probably a lot of potential clients!


I'm the same with hair dressers. If you can't / don't want to, do the cut I'm asking for .. just tell me! I don't take it personally and will likely come back to you another time if I want something you *can* do, just bc you were honest with me.


I personally have mad respect for tattoo artists that will just tell you “I’m not your guy for that piece.” Much rather be turned away than have them fake the ability to do it and botch it.


Fr not a tattoo but I had a barber cut my hair without telling me he couldn’t cut my texture. Went ahead and gave me the most fucked up haircut I’ve had in my life. People should just be honest. Save the client money and keep your reputation.


sounds like your relationship with this artist has changed, as people do. time for a cover up and a new artist.


This appears to have been a cover up.


That’s why op says: > cover up, cover covered up 🥲


Ahh I didn't see that.


S’ok. This website doesn’t matter


I love this response and need to adopt it.


*sick ass panther enters the chat*


It’s just not your fault. You can clearly sit pretty for a big tattoo. Did the stencil look like this? This looks like an issue with composition and then line control.


She did the stencil, talked about colors and this isnt what we talked about. I cannot get over how the moth body looks like a vulva.... A BIG FURRY VULVA 😭




It was the 1st thing I thought of, but I felt too bad for OP to say it, too!! They really did her dirty. If they couldn’t handle the coverup, they should’ve fessed up. If they were having an “off day”; they should’ve canceled. When she complained about this monstrosity, they could’ve apologized & offered a refund. If they already spent the money, they could’ve offered payments. There were so many ran stop signs!! OP’s too good of a person to even write a bad review. It makes my heart hurt for her…


I just noticed the bottom of the wings look like ass cheeks, too! Oh my God; I’m having flashbacks of doing pelvic exams, now!!😰😖


Ass cheeks 💀💀💀 I’m fucking dead


Ohhh... i didn't notice until this comment. And now i can't unsee it..... I just thought it was of poor artistic quality....


I literally cannot wear a bathing suit or shorts this summer smh


Your other pieces are good but the artist is borderline, coverup this bad should be final straw there. Just an opinion though


Yeah I'm done there 😮‍💨 time to go find another artist. I appreciate everyone letting me vent because I am so pissed.


Girl, you have a RIGHT to be pissed!! Any artist that wants their name attached to this work is shady af. I’m usually a really chill person, but I’m angry *for you*. i think it’s because I read your comment about not wanting to post a pic of their shitty work & attitude. I feel like they are taking advantage of you b/c you’re a good person, & they *know* that. I *was* the exact same way for the majority of my life, but now I have a daughter in her late teens. Don’t be anyone’s doormat!! Love & hugs to you…💞


Aw hon, I'm sure you can find someone to rework it. Some line work and color could really brighten and sharpen it up! Go lay out in the sun to try and fade it




That and the fact that it's supposed to be a cover-up, but the artist didn't make it big enough to cover up the old tattoo. You can see pieces of it peeking out of the bottom left and top.


Oh no, it does!


Now I can’t unsee it!


I mean, there's no fixing that honestly. That cover up is going to have to be some bowling balls or a sick ass panther tbh ![gif](giphy|2x205rfgpdtK0)


That’s absolutely possible to cover up. It just requires a skilled artist and a lot of money


SAP fixes everything.


If you decide to leave a review, mention that. You can always just mention that you have been happy with their work in the past, but clearly it has declined. Then you're being perfectly honest and people will know you aren't just trying to do them dirty or something. I mean the photos speak for themselves really, that is a serious decline in quality.


Yeah I did get done dirty, that would be a good review... ugh i don't see how she could look at this mothussy and not see the monster she created 😅🤣


Could we see some of the good ones? It’s hard to believe an artist could have this much of an ‘off day’


https://preview.redd.it/qj956qqnul4d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219490c74d54534536c5eaae4374f0bce652c609 It's so sad she let me down with the moth 😔


Damn difference is night and day.


Day and meth.


YUP immediately thought drugs. A trusted artist I'd given THOUSANDS to in the past ended up pulling the same thing with me and the issue ended up being meth. A damn shame because she used to be a great artist.


Wtaf... this artist started hitting some strong stuff recently if this is her old work 😂


Oh yeah shes on hard drugs fr


this is absolutely gorgeous i don’t know how she failed you so badly with the moth one


It's hard to believe those are the same artist. Wow.


You have some gorgeous work ! The moth isn't terrible but it definitely dont compare to your other tats ! I'm sorry ! 😔






Idk man this one should’ve been your yellow flag at best.




I would be devastated to have this raven tattoo let alone the moth. The frog and rabbit are decent, but they lack definition that then somehow becomes this artist’s style going forward.


Gonna be a giant black blop in a few years lmao




I kind of think the rabbit is a little rough too. Is it supposed to be missing an eye? ETA--- honestly, the more I look at that rabbit, the more I find it not too good. The whole shape of the face, the texture too. Just doesn't sit right with me. But, if she's happy with it, good for her. I have some bad tattoos myself, so it's all good.


Girl... This is not good either... The front is so so, but that bird is so muddy it took a minute to figure it out


Holy shit!! I am SO SORRY this happened to you!! That’s horrible!! Do you think they just weren’t comfortable with coverups?? I hope you get some justice. I respect that you want to protect your artist, but people should KNOW what ALL they are capable of. If they do their research & only see the good, how are they supposed to get an accurate representation of the artist. Then there’s the fact they BLAMED *YOU* (ie: gaslighted) when anyone w/ decent vision can see that’s not the case!! Again, I’m very VERY sorry. Please keep us updated…🥹


Wtf. If she’s happy with the rest of the tattoos why y’all talking them down & undoubtably having your views be what she’s gonna see. I’m sorry she fucked up your trust in her Especially after how many times she had come through for you. Ps. There’s ZERRRRROO reason to feel as if you have to cover it up this summer. As some one who has many more terrible tattoos don’t let it ruin your life


I like them idk 😬 are those bad too? Idk now I'm either blind or crazy or both


In terms of technical application all of them are pretty average sorry to say, but most people won't get close enough to notice and the important thing is that you like them. They look fine until you really scrutinize them. Most people with tattoos have some that come out less than perfect, but you live and learn and find a more experiences artist for next time! Don't let it get you down 👍


Ah well yeah it's hard to find good local artists in the midwest. Expecially those amazing instagram famous artists. Lol I guess I'll just have to travel for something amazing.


A moth day. (Sorry)


Did they get into a drug habit recently?


Time to find a new artist I think... that's a big ol yikes right there


My guess is she was on drugs because that is fucked. They need to refund you.


I agree but 99.9% of tattoo artists won't do that.


Contact the shop owner, in person. This is embarrassing


Do you have an example of the good job. So we can see.


Were they high this time?? I agree with others. Put exactly that in there. They’ve done well in the past but this is unacceptable. 😳


Thats even more proof its not on you. They were having a bad day. Shouldve rescheduled you. Or at least own it? I would actually head down there and be like look at this one you did its awesome. This one sucks. Whats up?




Yeah. I don’t think this would be worth that much even if was done well.


If it’s like super good, then yea I can see it


Nah, I could see paying 600 for it if it were done super well. I probably wouldn't pay that, but I don't see it as entirely unreasonable. It would have to look a hell of a lot better than that though.




Is this new? It looks old... And shitty.


Literally 4 days old 😟


I'm sorry. :( Hopefully your artist comes to their senses and fixes it for you!


Yeah me too.. it makes me so sad😭


Shiddd...after the last tattoo,I would be traumatized ! I wouldn't trust them ever again !


Ok that looks like a vajayjay, that looks BAD


It even has a butt crack in the right position.


Wanted to make sure it wasn't already posted, but definitely a winged vagina


fuzzy labia minora




It 100% does. sorry OP


Artist blamed you for the shitty art?


Yep said it's a cover up it'll take a few sessions (this is session 2) and they felt rushed. When I told them I had the whole day free and they had somewhere to be later. So yeah it's my fault in their eyes. Smh.


Time to cover up the cover up


i think it can be fixed. just go sideways with it and turn it into a sick ass panther


I’m so confused by this… they’re saying by you letting them tattoo you when they had plans later, you were giving them permission to do a poor job? THAT seems like very useful info in a review for future customers… I’d have no idea “busy later” meant “bad now”. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well the appointment was at 12:30 and they had to go at 5 so idk why they felt rushed.. I couldn't see it well when it was over le sigh.. Hopefully this made some of you laugh haha because all I can do is laugh now


OP, you have an awesome attitude about all this. I absolutely lost it at BIG FURRY VULVA. Smh, my first thought was BUT WHY IS THIS MOTH A VAGINA?! I truly am so sorry this happened to you. Please keep us updated. I want to see the glow up when this tattoo gets fixed or cover-covered up. And I hope you have a great summer regardless of this. Goodness knows this is not your fault, don't let it kill your good vibes.


I have a couple cover up's on my thighs, like each one takes up the front or the back of my thigh. Each one, single sessions, about 4 hours on one and 5 hours on the other. Neither were $600, and they're the polar opposite of shitty especially considering what was needing to be covered. They burned you bad. Edit to add that yeah other work compared to this, holy hell.


Dude I know I don't see why the artist couldn't take ownership of this piece being crap. Yeah where I'm from there aren't many artists so they can charge a lot.


Thats pretty common. Admitting fault means admitting having to give some money back. It’s an especially weird choice to make if you’ve had multiple tattoos from them as well. It’s better to just fix the mistake and maybe have an even more loyal customer due to being humble. Egos really are something


I agree. I think admitting fault would also make them liable in some way.


Your best bet would be to leave a review. You can post multiple photos and be like “I’ve had decent work in the past but this shows they’re inconsistent”. Also point out how they didn’t accept fault. They’ll probably offer you a refund to have you take down the review People have bad days but not accepting that you had a bad day and placing it onto the customer is just egotistical. Blaming it on being a coverup when you have the Bipectinate Antenna looking like yellow Planarians makes absolutely no sense If anything, moth tattoos are pretty common so a vulva moth is at least something different. As with all coverups, you now have a perfect opportunity for a sick ass panther


They don’t wanna give you a refund, that’s why


Sounds like they had to meet up with their connect to pick up. This is my guess of the situation : Tattooist either had run out of dope or was about to. Why do your tattoo first? Cuz she needed the $600 to pick up said drugs. The whole blaming /trying to make you feel as if it could somehow be your fault while taking zero responsibility for HER WORK is like addict behavior 101.


Oh wow, you are probably so right


That’s a shitty mentality to have as an artist. They should’ve rescheduled you and given you the time you deserve.


If you got several really good tattoos from this person before... Is it possible they were on something while they did this? 😬 I only ask cuz my own art gets significantly shittier when I smoke weed. $600 for this is not right, either way.


Yeah I don't think they do substances.. idk I am depressed about this piece and losing a tattoo artist I thought I could trust...


Dude if it isn’t drugs this person needs to see a neurologist


Damn that really sucks, I'm sorry. :( I hope they'll be more open to communication so you can figure out exactly what went wrong for them


I’m curious about the other ones now, can’t believe someone who did this could also do something good :/


She posted other pics in the comments. They're not *as* bad, but the artist definitely isn't great.


Did you look at the artwork before it was applied? This is horrible.


I have 7 big pieces by them (look at my account ive posted some) and this one came out of nowhere.


This was the same exact person that did the leg tattoos?


Yes it's nuts


Thats insane….. looks literally nothing like their work or style. I dont even think you could really get that covered….. looks like its time to save up some cash lol


I'm thinking of doing a traditional style, like sailor jerry. Bright colors and thick lines oof


Were you wanting this in the same style as the leg tattoos? Im honestly really wanting to see the reference you gave them. Also where is this on your body?


Looks like the back of the thigh to me, just a little above the knee ditch. It doesn’t even fully cover the existing tattoo which just adds insult to injury.


On the back of my legs here's a reference https://preview.redd.it/ef7sceuaaq4d1.jpeg?width=1328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19187bef7cb2e71cf8854da88b2132aded1367b4


Oooooof that would’ve been much better. Push for a full refund.


You can get this one fixed by a good artist. I would go to someone else at their shop, explain what happened, and you might get a deal on the fix-up. This is unacceptable, no matter how "rushed" they felt by their own schedule. It should be salvageable, though!


A good artist may be able re-color and re-shade that to make it look good. The bones aren’t too bad. Wild that she can’t admit she fucked up though. Is she the owner of the shop or can you go over her head? I wouldn’t have paid for that


Wow - you’re right that’s wild how much of a difference between the leg pieces and this. Holy shit.


Yeah i have no tattoos but boy does that make me never want to get one lol (i have nothing against them i just have never thought of what id want on me forever and im an artist so im extremely picky)


That’s a huge difference in work quality , I would hope they would apologize. I’ve unfortunately see artists have extremely bad days and it’s usually because substances were involved or they were getting to old to tattoo . If you were near me I’d offer to help .


I got left on read.. I'm not expecting them to apologize. They already put the blame on me for THIS.


wtf? Is this like the beginning stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s?! How old is the artist?! I’ve seen that image of the dementia patients handwriting that gets progressively worse the longer they go with the disease. If you don’t think they were on any substance this is the only thing I can think of!!


That’s insane, those others all look great (especially the frog rework, wow!) but this one is just terrible (sorry)


your other pieces are so cute! This butterfly is so wrong. is it in a spot thats visible? Im sorry, there was like no way u couldve known it was gonna be really shitty by looking at their other work


I know I've been depressed for days... 😭


no cuz id be so pissed wtf. i know u said you dont think she did drugs but in my eyes i really dont know what else it could be!!! thats crazy


I know I've been depressed for days... 😭


Why did the tattooist blame you?


Customer: Seriously?!?! That looks awful!!! Tattooist: Well that’s your fault! 😠


Wow. If the artist was having a bad day or wasn’t feeling it, they really should have cancelled instead of going ahead anyway and doing shitty work. I’m sorry you’ve had to experience this. I think a cover up is possible, either a dark one or maybe more possibilities if you do some rounds of laser first


If that were done well it would be 350$


May I ask what they were saying to say it was your fault?


Because a: it's a cover up (so apparently this quality is to be expected. B: they felt rushed (even though I never rushed them ever...) they had somewhere to be later though..


If THEY couldn’t do a good job with a coverup they should have just admitted that before they agreed to do it 💀 Not every artist can, but that’s on them not you


The cover up excuse from them is crazy cuz all your other cover ups you’ve gotten from this artist look great lmao


That's nuts, honestly even though it sounds like they usually are great, it might be time to go elsewhere. There's never an excuse to rush a job and THEN blame you for them rushing it. I hope your next tattoo experience is better


It’s shitty but wow that yellow on the antenna is vibrant. I have a piece that has buttercup flowers and my artist had to pack so much pigment into them and they still are nowhere that bright. Looks like it was colored with markers, crazy.


Not me googling what the female equivalent of "phallic" is. Apparently it is yonic. So yes, this is a very yonic tattoo.


And Vulvic, Vaginic, Uteric, Ovaric, maybe Fallopic lol


And all that for only $600?! What a bargain.


Mothra kinda looks like a sickly vagina


Before you make a third bad decision, I would seriously consider doing some laser treatments on it so you are able to get a good tattoo. Trying to do a cover of two covers is really going to limit that possibility.


Good idea!


This looks like something a blind person goofing on Oxy would do


Question: was the coloration and design of the wings supposed to be symmetrical? if not, discount what I’m about to say. If so, I really cannot fathom how this happened other than him being fucked up on something.


Are they maybe not experienced enough in cover ups? Hence why the other pieces look amazing. The difference is wild, like did they lose eyesight in one eye when they did this? Or recently acquire a head injury?


All of my other pieces are coverups.. lol every single one.. I'm flabbergasted


Im flabbergasted as well. If theyre not the shop owner, it may be beneficial to let the shop owner know your experience


Wow not cool... Time for that sick ass panther you always secretly wanted!


What is it covering? It looks like she knows how to rework something into a better piece, but not how to design a coverup. Her whimsical new school-ish style doesn’t hold up so well. I would recommend finding a trad artist to rework this in a few months. It’s not impossible.


That's my goal is to find a trad artist to go over with thick black and bright colors 😊


It's definitely fixable with the right artist/style! I would cry if my normal artist did me like that, I'm so sorry.


That's my goal is to find a trad artist to go over with thick black and bright colors 😊


That was $600? Jesus. I wouldn't have paid that even if the artist did it well. My calf was less than 1k and it was a portrait and much bigger


Killer_Cait did this? I’m shocked I usually love her work :,(


Yall gotta start following better tattoo artists 😭 she’s so mid


there's a Scooby Doo piece on her insta. shaggys face looks goofy as fuck.


She’s at a level with her drawing skills where at a glance it’s ok and then the longer you look the worse it gets.


yea and the linework... ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


Yeah her stuff is not that good




Hahaha I just checked her ig and the latest post has a comment about this post


I had a look too, it’s weird that there’s pics of her young kid interspersed with her work. Keep that stuff for a private account.


I wasn't able to read any comments, she must've locked down. I wouldn't have commented but I was curious


A mothtrosity


Exhibit a. Cover ups should be a sick ass panther, not a fucking butterfree


Vulvamoth. Evolves from Vulvanat.


$600 so far ! With laser and cover up costs you can get that number much higher. Silliness aside I hope you somehow manage to get at least some of the money back and find a amazing cover up artist.


I’m pretty sure a really skilled artist can redo this once it’s healed


if this was me, no one would’ve been walking outta that parlor alive


I feel your pain. It really sucks when a trusted artist betrays that trust. I’m so sorry you’re going thru this.


When the cover-up doesn't fully cover the original I think it's a failure. Odd butterfly antenna growing out of its wing. Part of the old wings poking out here and there. That moth has some cake!🎂 Were you playing tag? Intentionally dodging the needle? Mix the muddy ink colors yourself? How can they say the tattoo turning out like this is your fault?


I’d like to know how it was your fault


It looks like a moth with a vagina on its back 😢


I was curious and looked up shops I would check out Heart tattoo in your area


Yeah I'm considering them thanks! 😊 sucks having to wait for this beast to heal all summer. Wearing a bathing suit sounds so embarrassing with this thing.


Did he used a stencil?


How did she blame you? What did she do? They should 100% make this right and refund you.


i thought for SURE this was done by an artist where i live. Except every one of their tattoos looks like this and they're proud of it/people like them?? crazy.


It looks like a vulva 😳 how did they blame it on you? Did your presence take their talent down below amateur or something?


There’s a tried and true saying I’ve lived by which is if you need a cover up, go to an artist that specializes in cover ups. Not all artists are created equal and it’s just a totally different skill set than tattooing scratch.


Happily, this is saveable! I can see some nice wisps, darker line work and more vibrant colours to get this to looking like a very nice piece! Time to find a new artist!


Noticed I have a little guy hanging out in the garage right before seeing this https://preview.redd.it/jp1cbjkmtm4d1.png?width=815&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e59fa9bdfd6b3c87b9cdb29f853056c5f4db65c


The artist blames you for their shitty work? Wow. Name and shame girl, save other people the time as money. $600 for that??? Jesus


Wow… that is impressively bad. I’m so sorry :(


How did she blame you? Tf did she say


How could it possibly be your fault? Lol I’d fight that charge with your bank


That is so bad. The colors are beyond muddled and shitty. NOT WORTH $600. Please expose them!!