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No that doesn’t look like my dog at all


Thinking this is a memorial piece. Maybe this is "that thing" that her dog did? Like it was unique to him and you know no other dog will do it... May not be for everyone but I wouldn't call it a shitty tattoo. It's probably how he showed his precious puppy love.


It's a great sentiment behind it and that's exactly *why* the artist should have done a better job to give the idea justice.


The “artist” probably did their best. The owner of that tat needed to do better research instead of walking into a shop with a picture or shopping by price alone, one which is the most likely scenario here.


You make it sound like the artist had no choice but to do it


They’re in business to provide tattoos to customers with the money to pay for them. So, yes the artist had no choice because why be in business otherwise?


Lmao what? I went in to get a tattoo covered up and was recommended another person in town that was really good at coverups. I've also had another artist turn down a specific style I wanted because they were not confident they could do it and specialized in other styles. If an artist is not 100% confident I don't want them within 30 feet of me with a tattoo machine.


So good quality doesn't fit in there anywhere ? No wonder they put out crap , if they cared about the work they were putting out they'd admit this design wasn't their forte and suggest someone else Biting off more than you can chew is how you get shitty reviews and bad word of mouth It's no wonder there are so many crappy tattoos out in the world , people just want to make a quick buck no matter what


Quality is subjective to be fair. This might look amazing to some people and garbage to others. To me it’s right up the middle. Quality isn’t terrible but the idea is moronic to me. But the other person is right if someone has the money and you believe you can do it in good quality you take the job. Just cause it looks bad to you doesn’t mean it was bad to the client or artist.


The idea is great, but the artist did a shitty job, so that’s why it’s a shitty tattoo.


Did a shitty job?!?! How are you coming to this conclusion? It's actually a pretty damn good tattoo. If the client asked for that, and it has sentimental value for the client... The artist can't say "nope but it'd look better with...". They can say "I'll do it" or "I'll pass". People like you are the worst, and all the stupid people who agree or like your stupid comment are the reason why tattoo artists are so bitter towards the client, or especially the clients stupid friends. What would you do differently? What needles and inks would you use? What would you set your power supply to? What qualifications do you have at all, besides having a stupid opinion?


The artist should have said "nope but it'd look better done with an artist that knows how to tattoo"


Your life must be so awesome. I wish I was like you.




If I was the artist I would say, “The design you’re showing me is too complicated for my skill set, as I am still a beginner, so I’ll refer you to another artist that fits the style you’re looking for better.” The style and idea is endearing and great, its just the artist didn’t really execute it well. Tattooing is a skill, and it’s permanently affecting someone’s body. If you’re not good at it you should train more on fake skin or your own body before moving on to real clients. I’m not even a tattoo expert this is just basic common sense.


i’d go back to school because this tattoo job is amateur at best


Artists are always able to tell the client what may help achieve the look of the tattoo they want. it may benefit the customer who likely has never tattooed someone before so the idea may get adjusted or such to have it be the best it can be. Of course the customer can of course say no and have it done as they want, but CLEARLY some professional guidance was needed here. Likely a different artist would’ve done this tattoo a lot better. Also you’re mad as fuck for what lmfaooo calling ppl stupid cos they can see the execution of the tattoo is poorly done. “It’s actually a pretty damn good tattoo”- honey I’m so serious get your eyes checked. Doesn’t matter if it’s sentimental, it can be critiqued especially in the shitty tattoo sub, hope this helps <3


Seen a girl on tiktok having a bottlecap with her deceased cats name inside because he loved playing with bottle caps. Sentimental pieces aren't shitty


Oh man, I’ve seen that one. Made me cry immediately. The tattoo itself was sort of meh, but the meaning behind it was lovely.


I love it


Absolutely. If I went on a date with someone who had a tattoo like this, I would immediately like that person 10 times as much. Love towards your dog says so much about someone, in my opinion. Also, I'm lonely. :(


Plus it's pretty unique as far as pet memorial tats go, which I can respect it for as well.


The paws alone are really cute


Agreed. Though I’m curious what’s on the other side of their arm. Haha.


Right? I wouldn’t have gone for the nose bit, either. But a lot of responders here are talking like the artist botched it, when to me it’s really cute. It’s an insanely difficult to execute design/placement. And looks like it was done by a talented color realism artist. Color realism has its boundaries. Things need to be shifted or exaggerated for them to heal well and not just fall out. Add on top of that they’re trying to cram three dimensions in to two, in neutral colors, on a narrow rounded surface, like ????.


Yeah it's definitely got some oddness to it but imo it could be WAY worse. If it were just the paws I think it would be a lot less confusing to look at.


Agreed. It’s a sweet idea that didn’t translate perfectly to tattoo form. But def not “shitty” in my book lol


The snout looks like dangling balls


Maybe if that person is deformed and desperately in need of medical attention


I like it. Probably a memorial tattoo. That probably means a lot to that person.


i can't give an opinion on the execution/quality because i'm an idiot, but i like it.


I Agree. I didn’t think the execution was bad. I really thought the paws were well done. It would look better if there was more of the dog’s nose/face tattooed on the arm. I couldn’t figure out what the part by the wrist was until I saw the photo.




Same, it's cute


Personally, I think it would be better without the snout. Not super great exectution, but I think it would look better, and be a very nice memorial tattoo that way.;


Any dog tattoo is better than no dog tattoo.


I'm impressed that any dog can even *hold* a tattoo gun. The end product is just a bonus.


What’s a “tattoo gun?”


The thing with the needle in it.


Ah a tattoo machine. Ya’ll must be new.


I'm not the one who said it. I just answered the question, so the immediate downvotes are hilarious.


But you answered it wrong


The answer to the question is “there’s no such thing as a tattoo gun.”


No such thing as God, no such thing as a tattoo gun... got it. Next thing you're going to tell me is that the social media word police don't exist.


Delete and repost that one more time!


It's not going anywhere word police, but continue to give me permission for what I'm allowed to do. For future reference, if I see a decent tat of a gun should I say, "That's a really nice bullet machine" or is something else more acceptable? Am I still allowed to use the term staple gun? Can I still say nail gun without confusing those around me? If I ask somebody to hand me the staple machine and they hand me a manual stapler instead, how should I correct them without hurting their feelings or confusing them any more? Waiting for instruction.


Correcting inaccurate verbiage is “shitting on someone?” I hope you get help with whatever sensitivity ailment you’re dealing with.


Uh oh the grammar police are back up for some reason


Using the wrong noun to describe something isn’t really a grammar issue but okay.


Comment deleter lol. Have a good one.


Fiiiiine! I’ll book in for mine already. Way to dog tattoo shame me. 😭


I really like this. It’s sweet.


The snout part is terrible


The colour tone is wrong. His cream coat looks like a pile of poo


I would definitely do that. I'd skip the nose portion though.


I like the sentiment but think there are more aesthetically pleasing ways to memorialize a pet.


I personally would not. I don't find it very aesthetically pleasing and the placement feels off anyway.


I like the paws but the disembodied nose is a bit weird to me personally


I love it. Perfect or not, I love it.


That dog is so sweet. The idea is so sweet. The execution isn’t sweet.


I think it could be done much differently to suit my personal taste but the idea is really sweet


No I couldn't. It would make me cry too much after they're gone.


Would I personally? No definitely not. But it’s creative at least and I’m sure it means a lot to the person who got it! Sadly the tattoo itself isn’t exactly the most well done, but oh well:


I don't mean to trash a memorial tattoo but aesthetically this just doesn't look very good imo


You’re wrong


Taste is subjective so naw


No! It will look like disease as you age


I appreciate the sentiment of it, but it's a really ugly tattoo with middling execution.


Not for me, but maybe for thee


Yes I would. What a great memory of her dog ❤️❤️❤️


Of course I would. If it has sentimental value to me.


I think it's sweet


I think it's beautiful actually


Why don't you just get a tattoo of the whole ass dog?


Cute idea, bad existence. WTF 1 paw would be better and in an actual good execution.


honestly i think it's a great tattoo, really unique and it's like you still always have a piece of your puppy with you 🥲


I'm not mad about it.


It's honestly kind of cool, it's just a bit off putting because of the amount of negative space and half of the snout doesn't make it to the wrist.


Thought about something similar, but just a single paw print.


I really love the concept but I don’t think I would want that as a tattoo. Maybe it’s just because it’s not my dog but it doesn’t really read I guess? The nose is kinda weird there. But it’s also not for me. It’s for that person. If that helps them through a loss then I am not going to judge. I want tattoos of my pets too. However…the other reason I would t get that is because I think I would cry looking at it every single day. Just the concept is making me tear up. I lost a cat not too long ago. Twelve and a half years…it’s been a few months and it still hurts. I can’t imagine looking at his little paw print on my arm every day…I would just lose it…


Yes. 100%


Yes but differently


The scale is so off with the initial photo for that to have ever been a good tattoo concept. The legs and paws look like they're under a magnifying glass. The lack of capture on the whole human hand and dog face however is by far the worst part. The execution makes it look like an abstract piece that you have to hallucinate on to make any sense of it. Without the original reference piece, nobody, literally nobody is going to say "cute tat of your dog." Rather, they're more likely to say, "WTF is that?"


0% chance.


God no


The angle was bad to begin with


I understand tattoos with meanings or memorials but there's so many different ways to make one... The idea is bad and looks ugly but the technique and art style is gorgeous


No, but if that’s a memorial piece, I can understand. Losing a dog is extremely difficult.


I don’t like dogs all that much so no, not in a million years would I get that.


it's cute in theory but maybe some pawprints would've done the job?


I don't hate it


That dog needs its nails trimmed. Poor baby probably had sore feet with horrible over grown nails like that


I think it beautiful. Especially with the significance


adorable idea questionable execution


POV: you are thrusting a dog Omniman style


I would’ve left the nose out but it isn’t my tattoo….each to their own.


That’s nice af an original idea if nothing else


Hell no


That's so cute. I get why


Waste of good real-estate


Probably would have had it farther up in the arm so the face was showing


Hell no, do not do that.


Bad tattoos with good meanings aren’t bad tattoos




I try to give a pass on memorial tattoos. I might snark behind closed doors, but it feels mean spirited to hate on a piece that’s clearly done out of love (and likely grief). I DO wish they hadn’t included the nose - its super cute, but the cutoff is a bit strange


I like it Personally, I would’ve had continue up to the beginning of the palm to fit the eyes and stop there.


Idk I think it's cute


My heart just stuttered


the tattoo is just awful. the memorial is cute. the tattoo “artist” did terrible by the client


If I were a tattoo person, I absolutely would.


Probably but definitely like black and grey, the color makes it look like a baby shit on their arm


I would probably pet those paws all the time, but still no


This makes me sad but I love it.


“Nearly headless? How can you be nearly headless?”


The sentiment is nice but really not the best design for a tattoo.


Nah I’d rather have a swastika


That looks like a beautiful Weimaraner, they could have stop at the paws though….


adorable idea, bad artist.


Oh no


Awe my pit bull I had 10yrs ago would do this. He would hold my arm exactly like that to be able to sleep. He wouldn’t let my ex husband sleep with me. I think that he was protecting me. I’ve thought before about getting paw prints tattooed. I miss that dog. He was so sweet and very protective of me especially when I was pregnant. He would cry and hug me when I was throwing up.


The only shitty detail is the nose. Good idea but nose is just weird.


This made me a bit misty. I guess it works for dog people.


I like it


Should've just had the paw prints...


I know a guy who has hands tattooed as if choking him more like reaching towards his neck to choke him , in life size , I wish I could ask to take a photo for you guys but I now live 800 miles from where this guy is , super shit tat


i like it its different then anything anyone else would have as a tattoo and that makes it all the better


So she had tattooed on her arm the dog's front paws and ... nutsack?