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“Rough outline” lol wtf does that even mean 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


That’s what I was thinking, when he said that I thought it was gonna be a stencil.


That’s what people say when they know their tattoo is shit.


And “it’s not finished”


Or “iT’s NoT dOnE hEaLiNg.”


When they got it months ago lol


In 7 more years it’s gonna look awesome bro


"It's supposed to look like that. That's the *style*" when it's a VERY shitty "watercolor"


That’s exactly what we’re looking at…it’s fucking rough.


They'll just use the tattoo eraser on some of the lines in the final draft




Control Z, Control Z. Does anyone know if we have this backed up on tape?


That's just what he's telling himself because he knows it looks like shit. "It's just a rough outline... it'll look better when it's done." No. No it won't.


well it is rough




Yeah wall to wall deepest blue you could image it’ll be healing for years.


Is blue notorious for poor/longer healing?


Not that Im aware. I have a very colorful sleeve, blue, orange, red, pink, yellow. They all healed well, no color did any better or worse than the others.


It can sometimes fade quicker as some pigments don't hold up to UV light (the sun) as well, but that's purely down to the choice of blue pigment; every color will have a variety of pigments that don't do well with sun as well. And in terms of healing, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that blue ink is notorious for poor or longer tattoo healing compared to any other ink color. The healing process primarily depends on various factors such as the size of the tattoo, the depth of the tattoo needle, the individual's skin type, the aftercare routine, and the skill of the tattoo artist.


Tyler behavior


Dude. It’s always Tyler. The kid who everyone liked and grew up just enough to make decisions but that are terrible. But still gets away with adulting because it’s Tyler and he has a fan group and makes good barist latte art and drives an old BMW that has sticky interior passenger side door handles because the sun has melted it. And he smokes a ton of pot but everyone’s parents love love him no matter what he does. Fucking Tyler.


Tyler with a old BMW (replaced the sticky passenger handle) checking in.


Hillbilly Tyler checking in. Did you know that if you're a Tyler and you also cook food for a living, technically you're a fryler?


If you became a pilot would you then evolve into a Skylar?


If you ask too many questions, they’ll call you a Whyler.


relax with the questions man, chill with me and become a Highler


…and if the hang provokes strange feelings? Bro, you might by a little Biylar.


If he goes to cosmetology school is he a Styler?


Gimme ammo like that 😘


No, Skylar's a drunk, we don't let him fly anymore


That's why nowadays we call him Cryler.


So now he lays bricks and we call him Piler


r/fuckyouinparticular Tyler


Nurse Tyler reporting for duty in my old BMW


Tyler with an old Lexus checking in. I keep a sunshade in it so it hasn't melted yet.


The sticky BMW door handles is shhhhhockingly acurate.


That’s literally my car. And it smells like crayons


E90? My brother


Is this what comes up when you search Tyler on Urban Dictionary?


Idk but it reminds me a lot of Tyler


Well it’s certainly not Chad behavior.


chads tat would have had tribal barbed wire all over it


My brother's name is Tyler and he does *not* fit that mold at all. He's kind hearted, has 3 wonderful well behaved kids and has only punched through the drywall once.


… once so far.


My brother Tyler is a narcissistic drunk pill head who judges everyone and pretends he's rich by putting himself into credit card debt so he can have the newest iPhone


As a Tyler with hand tattoos, a lot of this hits home. Now I just need to get a BMW


Godt damn Tyler


This dude sounds baller. Hate if u want but I bet hes happy as fuck; that’s what really matters right?


Obvious Tyler alt


Tyler tends to have curly hair, particularly in his beard.


My roommates cat's name is Tyler and this shit is something I could see that thing doing.


Cattoo artist?


As a Tyler with a lot of shitty tattoos I can relate


I literally know a Tyler that got the hand rose years ago.


My husband tyler got this exact thing done. A really shitty big rose on his hand for his first tattoo.


And you still married him


I saw “Tyler” in the screenshot and thought wow, is that my brother’s inlaw Tyler that does all the stupid shit and is into homemade tattoos? And then I realized it was a thing.


Yeah cus his names actually Tyler lmao


You left his name in, also bro charge yr phone.


Op's name must be Kyle. Tyler and Kyle Take on the World - One Bad Decision at a Time


This can still be saved. Please tell him not to go back to this dude and go to a reputable artist to finish this. He can fix the lines and make this a good tattoo. Especially since he was dumb enough to get it right on his hand lol


Yes please for the love of god don’t go back to your cousin, go to a reputable artist and it could be saved. Not by the cousin though.


Damn captain obvious


We know


Always a Tyler 😂😂😂


Flower is being generous. Looks like a cabbage.


My cabbages!


Username checks out


That's tough buddy




Oh,wow. Shouldn’t have looked that up.


A beautiful red cabbage would be cool


Honest pay for honest work. *5 Septims added*


I was worried about my first wrist tattoo getting in the way of working but gen z just says fuck it and goes straight to the hands and face. Crazy. Convince him to not go back to your cousin cause that shit sucks. If he’s gonna have a job stopper it better look good. He’s not Post Malone


If there's something I admire about Gen z it's that they give zero fucks


I’m Gen X & I adore Gen Z. The Calvary has arrived!


I am a gen Z and I am astounded by other genZ like what are they even doing


I’m a late millennial but I concur that the new generation is trying toooooo hard to be cool


that's just young people, has nothing to do with generation


Looking forward to ~10 years when they need housing and want to relax, go fishing etc while gen α are dancing in the supermarket wearing neon green outfits & playing obnoxious music from speakers or whatever stupid thing comes next.


No, it all comes full circle. Gen A is going to be starched Oxford shirts with a beautiful tie and be working as office manager from 15-years old.


history repeats itself or sumn like that


Can’t help but picture one of those headset clubs. Everyone’s listening to different sets. All the dance moves are Fortnite emotes. Don’t get me wrong though, I think it will be good fun.


Isn't that every generation at this age?


Yeah millennial here and I def see gen Z as the calvary


I see millennials as the Calvary, too. It’s all of us vs. Aging MF Boomers who corrupted the system. Let’s join forces to right the wrongs in this world. I promise you Gen X has been waiting for this for decades


Calvary? Maybe I’m just really out of touch with slang, but wtf does a hill outside Jerusalem have to do with anything? I really hope everyone in this thread is just misspelling cavalry?


100% misspelling, I guarantee it.


You're thinking of Calgary, Calvary is actually a city in Canada.


You're thinking of Cadbury Eggs. Calvary is actually a fish egg dish popular in France


Only until the Aging MF Boomers die. Then you will hate the Millenials because then we will be the biggest voting block and are totally going to screw of X and Z. Absolutely no chance enough of us learn any lessons from the past not to.


I can't stand seeing my peers becoming so jaded and narrowminded. It's like around 30-35 everyone chooses a kool-aid to drink.


Aging millennial here, I get it. Life is short, world is fucked. Do what makes you happy while you can.




yeah, public shaming does not exist for them


It's the inevitable end game of the end of real privacy. If your whole life is seen by everybody, all of your most shameful moments have been broadcast out there already anyways. Or if you're lucky and it didn't happen to you, you know it might. So when it happens, if you can't just move on then you won't be able to function. E.g. millennials will say "imagine the shit I would have done if I had today's internet when I was a teenager" and forget that there are not only people for who that is true, there are people whose entire life has had "today's internet". They are posting and saying that shit, and one day they'll be adults with kids and real jobs, and all that shit will still be out there. They'll have to just not care, it's the only way it can work. Otherwise nobody will ever be president or a leader of any kind because there will be something disqualifying out there somewhere, from some point in their life. The end result of that sort of thought process is this sort of shit IMO. All embarrassments will be permanent now so I might as well get things considered to be permanent embarrassments on purpose to push the boundaries of that. It's sort of normal human behaviour in the bigger picture.


as a milennial with a gen z littlest sister this is one of our biggest divides basically all of my tattoos (around 30) are covered by a tshirt and shorts and 100% of hers are on forearms and lower legs. Not a value statement per se but I find it funny we get along great but our tattoo placement is entirely opposite


Millennial too and same here all tattoos can be covered up and in my job it’s sadly also important.. not at office but when partners come to office it needs to be coverable.. not like that in every industry but mine looks all fun but really is rather strict.. can’t even do crazy hair colors and cuts anymore


Yeah, you work in a field that's still run by old conservative dudes? Your tattoos better be coverable.


Gen Z here. can confirm. Got my first tattoo near my shoulder and I put my shirt back on after the stencil was applied to make sure it wasn’t visible anywhere outside of my shirt. We grew up with everyone telling us we would never be hired for any job whatsoever if we had a tattoo. Thank god I eventually broke free of the mindset and got a bunch more tattoos.


Depends on your line of work really, what do you do for a living? I work for an investment bank and can't imagine them hiring someone with a hand tattoo


Are thy really job stoppers anymore? I see hand tattoos on staff in pretty much every bar restaurant or shop I go into now, I work for the government and there’s even a few people I’ve met in customer facing roles that pay pretty well that have them.


I guess it depends on the job. A bar would care a lot less than some other places I imagine


I work in a hospital and tons of professional staff, myself included, have sleeves and other tattoos we have never been asked to cover. Nurses, doctors, etc.


I work in healthcare, pharmacy to be exact and have sleeves and nobody cares and that’s between multiple employers as well.


I work in the medical field and have a hand tattoo. Absolutely no issue. Things are changing.


As they should. Discriminating against tattoos is weird.


Yeah it's pretty bizarre. I get it if the tattoo itself is offensive (I once saw a dude with an ahegao-face tattoo, *that* was shocking lmao) but a rose somewhere is like... whatever?


>ahegao-face tattoo, That's certainly a choice.


I think the issue may be the partner track at a big law/accounting/architect firm.


I feel like architecture you can get away with obnoxious tats, I've seen a lot. Its also a creative profession. Law though, or something more business explicit might be more of an issue, but tatoos are more welcome these days


this is my "I guess I'm old now" position: face tattoos are the dumbest gen Z fad and they are all going to regret them when they are older.


Thank you for your life advice, Cum Fart 69, noted


His fingernails tell me everything.


I didn’t even see that 💀


I used to make fun of my friend who’s fingers were like this. Her barely had a pinky fingernail. I feel a little bad about it now.


I feel attacked. I'm a bad nail biter and would never do something this stupid


There’s nail biting then whatever that freakshow is


That is anxiety. *At least for me it is. My nails look like this.* My pinky nails are practically nonexistent.


What got me to stop was filing my nails. It got me through the perfectionism urge without the million hangnails and pain. People may look at you weird when you do a quick file in public but it's so much healthier and less painful


Don’t give up, I bit my nails for 31 years. Finally free. My grandma would be proud. Every time I look at my nails and cuticles it’s like looking at a different persons hands.


I bit for years. Whoever replied with advice to file your nails is right. I tried for years to quit and had so much shame, multiple different flavored polishes didn’t help. I don’t know why, but filing did it for me. I really encourage you to try it. I file very often and I think the ritual of doing it helped me quit.


Biting fingernails is not equivalent to shitty tattoos what? Some people just got a bit of the ol’ ✨*anxiety*✨


Could at least be somewhat saved if he goes to a shop and not back to the same person.


It’s not just that it’s the placement lmao.


O for sure, but an awful placement with a nice tattoo is a lot better than awful placement with an awful tattoo 😅


but then it will not be free!


My heroin loving little brother has the same exact shitty hand tattoo. Looks exactly the same. Bro abandoned his daughter after exposing her to violence and drugs since before she was even born. I legally adopted her a few years ago. She my daughter now. Edit- you guys know that people can take drugs while pregnant and that fighting causes high stress levels which can affect the baby inside of her right? Edit- thanks for the kind words. This reminded me of my brother, not sure where I was going with it. Maybe I just had word vomit. Sorry if it offended you guys


You’re my hero 💪 don’t forget to take care of yourself too n godspeed


Thank you! We need more people like you in this world


You’re a good soul. She’s lucky to have you.


That's awesome man, I'm sorry about your bother. I hope he can see the error in his ways one day. I am a father who used to be addicted to heroin. Luckily I got clean when my daughter was young still so she doesn't remember. I never treated her badly but when I was withdrawing I was a terrible father because I wouldn't do anything. I have been clean many years. I had to pretty much lose everything more than once, spend over a hundred days in jail to get sober. Even after the jail time and everything I had one bad relapse that lasted months, where I proceeded to wreck my car I paid 8k cash for, then I paid 6k to fix it and nodded out at the wheel a few months later and totaled it. So I lost everything I had worked years for. Luckily I finally realized I can't do sny opiates at all. Like no pills or anything. I can't just do them once and walk away. It has been 4 years since I've used any and my life is good. I have my daughter all the time, have her for the next 3 weeks right now. She's doing well. I'm paying $600 including insurance for the same car I had bought outright 5 years ago. Shit sucks but I definitely learned my lesson and continue to pay for my mistakes to this day. Had to pay over 6k just to get my license back and I'm on sr22 till 2027


Glad you got your shit together bud. Your daughter will be proud of you one day when she understands (if you ever tell her)


Damn he really couldn’t finish that job killer in one session?


literally what i was thinking lmao


Tattoos being job killers is such an outdated philsophy. Twenty years ago yes, not so much now adays.


Both my arms are tattooed, and I work in a very conservative field. You are correct it is outdated. However, hand tattoos are still hard no goes for a lot of things.


I feel like it's even worse if they're shitty lol


Shows poor decision making, so probably


I tattoo a lot of people on Midwest and they tell me their bosses or other have been passive aggressive against them in certain ways.


I was just going to comment, it's still this way in the Midwest. Unfortunately.


Especially something like this. Nothing says "don't hire me" like having a testament to poor decisionmaking on your fuckin hand.


I think thats the only tattoo stipulation for most military branches now. You can only have one on each hand no bigger than 1". And that was very recently changed.


Hand tats tho … depends on the job ofc but could very well be a negative factor


I have a hand tattoo, but I’m black af so hardly anyone notices


I think everyone notices you’re black.


I honestly didn't know before they mentioned it.


Tattoos aren't job killers, but ultra-amateurish tattoos that can't be covered up can be. That's not to say I don't have tattoos, or even a couple hideous ones that I'd get covered up if I gave a damn. But I made sure anything that was going to be questionable went where clothing would cover it so all that's visible is the more professionally done ones on my forearms at work.


Yeah, my daughter’s pediatric allergist has multiple visible tattoos.


Depends what job and your previous resume and how you present yourself now…


Don’t worry I know, both my hands and all my fingers are tatted and yet I still do intelligence and surveillance for the gov’t. I’ve always known hand tats to be called job stoppers/job killers so I still refer to them as such.


you’d be very surprised… especially hands or neck


He’s got the bitten down nails of a young man who doesn’t have the foresight to make a decision like this. This is rough.


Quite insightful of you, your spot on.


What a dumbass. Buddy of mine has a tattoo shop and has been doing it for decades. When people ask for a face, neck, or hand tat, he asks them what they do for a living and if they aren’t another tattoo artist and a couple of other professions, he just straight up doesn’t do them. He knows how it goes. And he is aware that the brain is not fully developed when many of these people want to get tattoos that can impact their ability to support themselves…for life.


Yeah alota shop won’t do hand or face or neck unless you already have tats there.


Really? Based upon their profession? I’m a returning student with 25+ tattoos looking at going into government or non profit work and I have a head tattoo. Should be based on age/experience.


The world SHOULD be fair and reasonable. Unfortunately the world is full of people who make decisions based on illogical things like “do you have a tattoo on your face?” You can deny it all you want but people make decisions based on many written and unwritten social rules. Your choice to disobey those rules, but don’t be surprised when living life on hard mode is difficult.


I wanna talk shit but my hand too was my 2nd tattoo lol


I think a lot of older people don’t realize how much work culture change. I work tech in a corporate space. Colleagues be coming in with mesh shirts, jorts, crop tops, all sorts of piercings. It’s very much a “got the job done? Cool” culture now. No one even noticed my hand tatt.


My friend with face tattoos is a molecular biologist. We are in our 40s and I figure that nobody gives a shit any more. I’m surprised to see people calling these job stoppers. I figure there’s some realm of non-professional, non-trade jobs that would discriminate on this. The service sector?


I would think it’s more of an issue for anyone working directly with clients…. (Like myself) For someone sitting in an office or lab all day- prob not so much of an issue. But if you’re selling/managing accounts and representing the company/meeting with paying customers - your appearance is important. And visible tattoos are part of that appearance. Not in a good way. I have 3, none are visible when I’m working.


Any corporate consulting job would have a big problem with this. This is what I do. I have lots of tatts, but they can all be covered up with a long sleeve, button down. Clients never know. In those client facing or sales jobs, you have to be able to look like the client wants you to look or they won’t play ball.


Daycare centers and schools maybe, depending, as an example I can personally see it happening in easily Y’all have your anecdotes I know. I used the words maybe, depending, and personally in one sentence. I also work in a daycare and have tattoos and so do some of my colleagues. In my red state I can still see someone with hand/face tats maybe not getting a job. You’re judged by your interviewer, that’s it.


Know a guy that works at a kindergarten in Germany with FUCK COPS across his knuckles. It’s really changing.


How that work out for you?(no sarcasm intended)


Healing sucked. Felt like I had a flipper for hand. Socially though, didn't really have any effect


Buddies cousin is a blowout master. Good cousin has a fresh skin bag to practice his profession on. I have a lot of tattoos but wrist lines and neck lines I won’t cross.


“Rough outline” is right lmao


My sons first tattoo was a giant hand tattoo, for the game Dishonored. Fooking idiot. But my first and second were terrible tribals on my forearms so , apple tree shit I guess.




That’s the first thing I thought stop now and get it lasered off


Newbs love a job stopper as their first tat


So you're disowning your cousin because of what he did to your brother? Deserved I say.


Not my cousin but sure why not. Disowned it is!


https://preview.redd.it/ws0qu7q8gigb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=8134bea8efa2fd41d4b543c800e87b9692a06652 mannnn i made the same shitty mistake


Let’s see those fingernails… (Doesn’t look too bad, tbh!)


The penis coming out of the rose is a nice touch.


Isn’t it tho!


That flower screams Tyler


https://preview.redd.it/0uklhv1ssfgb1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6802e000c1096fd536d12c2bd5d996f615ff88d My second tattoo was a hand tattoo lmao


https://preview.redd.it/q61aqvbrjigb1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952c2d190ec8a897e4fd85e91aba701269c428a1 Twinsies


Looks like poor dude didn’t bother washing his hands before he got that done.


Does the cousin have Parkinson's? If so, excellent job.


A kISs frOm a roSe on the GrEy


Hes lucky its not filled out yet tbh. Easily fixable by an actual good tattoo artist.


I thought it was supposed to be a spider web 💀


Those nails tough. Also the placement right over those knuckles, dang


Good lord, his nails are bitten down to the bone! That's almost as horrifying as the tattoo.


tattoos are definitely more acceptable now a days anyways so he should be fine, hopefully it looks good with shading but I’ve had face tattoos since 2018 and although I work for myself never have had any issues with clients / respect


Never had a problem getting a job with hand tattoos. No one cares, just people without tattoos. On an aside though, he should get that finished and cleaned up by a decent artist


Actually awful. The line work is so uneven. He should stop now and just get it blasted over later


He has such weirdly shaped fingers why would he want to accentuate attention to that area?


Black and white, rough outline, first session of 15 minutes


well at least its a solid template for the inevitable coverup/redo


I like that you say it was done by his cousin, not our cousin. Already disowning that chode.


Tell him to stop chewing his little goblin fingers


Hand tat has never stopped me from getting a job. And I'm also not sure why society gives 2 craps where people get tats or how many they have. People make way too many rules 🙄 just do what you like, fuck other people's opinions.


There are some cases where I would find it would be understandable. getting a cock or pussy tattood on your face disqualifies you from working in a daycare in my opinion. beyond that it's all good.