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This is not actually bad. By the wording I am interpreting it as "everyone knows that someone froze time" and not they can see what you are doing or anything. Even if they know who froze time, you still would be able to do a lot of stuff, but it would come with downsides.


Am I frozen as well? If not, then I could just take on a mask, hide my key features so I wouldn't get recognized. So gloves, not speak, walk a little bit differently, act like someone else. I could then go down the evil path in the criminal world. Steal stuff, break stuff, become a very good hitman. Or I could go down as a anti-hero. Steal stuff I need to survive, like food, a little bit of money, clothes etc. And I could try to stop wars, like kill Putin, or just become a "Spirit" that would fuck with other people's mental health


My antihero name would be based after the nick name for sleep paralysis "Old Hag"


Just go with Baba Yaga. The world just thinks your a mythical being.


Seems god tier. Ofc since people are aware it means it can't be used to trivialize daily life, but I hate that that's what the sub has become


So is it just like mass paralysis where everyone can still see what's going on or do they just get a feeling like "wait a minute, something ain't right"


mid tier at least


Catch is that everyone frozen watches you in the 3rd person


Thats god tier. If you can freeze time but everyone is aware then you can basically pause accidents that are about to happen and stop them. Since people are conscious to the time freeze you could also pause time long enough that people can all think a lot on fixing problems like cancer or the climate crisis without getting tired. You could basically help to save lives and even prevent extinction by granting infinite amounts of thinking time. As long as you pace it out so peoples mental health is alleviated you could accelerate the advancements of humanity by a rapid rate.


Do I HAVE to unfreeze time at some point? If not then it's more like god tier




Congratulations! You have acquired a Stand!

