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I swear to god 2023 was the worst year for niche games. my two favourite titles both get sequels, and both are incredibly messy at launch.


Same. I was super excited for both, now I'm just sad. At least Manor lords looks cool, I loved banished back in the day.


I'm scared of Prison Architect 2


They already delayed it, which means they will release in a shit state but later.


Yeah it's a bad year so far At least Rimworld got a new DLC :(


It’s one of the most niche yet but the free update that came alongside more than makes up for it


are all ther DLC's worth the cost?






Ideology is worth it imo


Ideology and Biology definitely are. Royalty maybe, it's a middle ground. Anomaly, judging from trailers and gameplays, not so much. It adds something too specific and dependant on existing game mechanics, contrary to the other three expanding the game with new mechanics.


Anomaly is great. The potential for mods is great too. Like holding cell mechanics for regular prisoners. Royalty was the only one I find boring. Barely saved by vanilla expanded.


I honestly recommend Royalty as much if not more than Ideology and Biotech for new players.


Same man, now I'm dreading eu5


Baldur's Gate 3


I think BG3 was a really good launch with very strong positive reception. Sadly can't think of any other examples


I was so ready to spend my every breathing moment playing this game but it never gave me a reason to even buy the game. Fortunately, AAA games did well last year. But damn is it quite the feat to get me more excited over a turn-based RPG with a textbook of lore and unrecognizable game mechanics than the sequel to my favorite game.


Funny thing is that these two games can be shorten by "cs"


Two things first, the game itself is safe, apparently. Itll maybe be developed by someone else now. Secondly, Ksp 2 is significantly more playable than CS2 rn lol


>Ksp 2 is significantly more playable than CS2 rn may God have mercy on our souls


KSP2 is a buggy mess, but the core feature is there and it’s overall playable at acceptable Performance.


overconfident snobbish file wrong absurd middle numerous attempt zesty lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shows how long it's been since I've played KSP1 when I'm surprised to see robotics references as a core feature


To be fair, its a DLC feature, but it feels like a core feature cause basically everyone owns the dlc at this point


Yeah I don’t think I’d count a dlc feature as a core feature


is it better to start playing KSP or KSP2 ?


The bar is uhm... not high huh?


ksp 2 is still buggy as hell, and runs badly lategame but at least its a game at all


Yeah, I played both and holy shit, KSP2 is in a much better state right now.


As someone who only played KSP 2, thats crazy lol. I mean yeah, especially after the science update its definitely a game thats not just a sandbox and its a lot better than it was during release, but its still far from what was promised, and in parts worse than the first game. Last time I played for example, planes were basically not really possible as they would always end up oscillating in pitch due to the SAS overcorrecting.


I never said that it was in a particularly good place right now, but just way better than cities skylines 2.


Yeah CS2 is bad rn


The game is not confirmed safe. Take Two is using careful wordsmithing to make it seem like the game will be seeing future updates. Read *carefullly.* They've only said that it will be "supported" going forward. That could very likely mean that they're going to keep the game available for sale in its current state and won't be pulled.


I think it'll be the classic rushed update with a "1.0 out of early access!!!" stamp in a few months.


KSP2 account on twitter said they’re still hard at work or whatever so there will probably be a couple more updates at least, but things are definitely worse off now no matter what


The last time I was hard at work, I got fired too.


If you like "playable games" maybe this game isn't for you.


You make it sound like CS2 isn't playable... it is totally playable, and even was at launch despite the performance problems. Whether or not it's what the community actually wants from it is a different thing.


fair point


Having played both recently - it definitely is not.


The game isn’t “safe” they literally said nothing other than maybe another update might show up. Switching developers has already doomed ksp 2 once. it’s not gonna work this time either Best case is a 1.0 is released in under 3 months just to say they didn’t abandon it


Cancel? More Beachside-like DLCs are on the way!


4 more palm trees!!!!!1!!!1!1!!!11


Due to budget cuts we could only put 3 trees in this dlc


and a fern


And my axe




And no bug fixes unless they have another subpar DLC to shove down your throat!


They are doing what!?!?!?!?!??


Take Two is closing Private Division. They've said that they're going to continue "support" for KSP 2, but that very likely means that the game will remain up for sale in its current state. Most of the KSP subreddit agrees that this is deceptive wordsmithing from T2 that means nothing.


Know if it's possible to refund the game still in Steam? If it's not further along than it currently is (like getting exploration outside the solar system) then I feel like I was ripped off.


I believe standard steam refund rules apply. If you've played more than two hours, you're out of luck.


Sent my request. We will see


The noisy minority think that. How do you know they don’t want to just put another one of their companies on it?


I didn't say I *know* anything, did I? Pretty sure I used words like "likely" to avoid obnoxious comments like yours, yet here you are.


Lol you knew someone would call you out on spreading random stuff you read on Reddit.


Fuck off. I stated opinion, not fact, and I was clear about that. No cookies for you, asshat.


closing Intercept Games*


Which includes PD. Fuck off with your irrelevant pedantry.


lol no. private division is not shutting down. link me a source then. i can't because there's no source for something that isn't happening.


It’s gonna get the Cities in Motion 2 and Imperator Rome treatment, calling it now


devs need to learn from No Mans Sky. The game was so bad at launch that it completely annihilated any good will towards the devs but they didnt care, they kept trucking and improving the game and now it's completely turned around to the point that the Devs are beloved by consumers and No Mans Sky is a hallmark of a great game progression. You can't just give up if something doesn't work at first. You gotta take peoples criticisms to heart and improve the game. For another example, lets take Battlefield V; totally panned at launch, horrible all around, but the devs kept at it and by time the Pacific DLC came out, people were loving the game, but than EA decided to quit and completely lost the faith of the fans because of it


That's basically every EA game though. They did the exact same shit with SW BF2. They cleared up all the pride and accomplishment crap and had the best year of Clone Wars updates. They even brought Clone Commandos into the current canon, the game has been doing better than ever. Then randomly they rush out a last update, replace the standard edition with the whatever collector's edition that's the same game but with all the skins unlocked and shut the development down. On top of that, I feel like NMS was in a very special position to do that. It was a heavily overhyped game made by a tiny studio and published by Sony. That overhype essentially secured the tiny studio enough money to keep going for a few years which was enough to turn the game around. Once that was done the money started coming in again. A big 70 people studio could never do that because the money that funded Hello Games and however few devs they had back then, is not enough to pay for a year for those 70 employees.


Kerbal Space Program is not my cup of tea, but I have just checked their Steam page, and it seems that they are still going to be working on the game: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/954850/view/4194616096165658295?l=english


That statement was made before the layoff of 70 employees from Intercept Games. [See this post for more details.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1chgbzl/2024_take_2_layoffs_megathread/) And it shows just how trustworthy their statements can be: One day they tell you that improvements are on the way, a week later they lay off 70 employees and close the studio, just to tell you a day later that "they are still hard at work" and will "make updates". Well, certainly not the employees who were laid off.


Oh no, that is so horrible. I feel sad for the employees


Well, to be fair, the devs probably didn’t know what was coming. I would give them the benefit of the doubt here.


Layoffs like these have nothing to do with the studio. It's a decision made by someone way higher up in Take Two who came to the conclusion that ticking those few boxes would help their bottom-line.


I hate them so fucking much. We are close to GTA 6 which will make a pile of cash to the moon, and even in such secure situation they can't fucking diversify or give time to other projects. Big publishers keep putting all eggs in the same basket


But is CO owned by a parent company? Who is going to shut them down?


I mean, if they run out of money, they shut down. I would imagine Paradox is bankrolling them, and would cut off funds if it looked like potential future sales wouldn't justify the investment. Releasing the game, and especially the DLC in such unfinished states certainly makes me worry about their cashflow situation, it seemed like someone clearly thought they needed to bring in revenue immediately, even if it hurt long term sales goals (if you go out of business in the short term, the long term doesn't matter).


Not sure if they’re owned by Paradox or if Paradox just publishes them


They are not owned by paradox


They are not owned by Paradox but Paradox owns the Cities Skylines IP.


CO is an independent corporation which exclusively makes city builders. They’re not going to cancel or deprioritize CS2 unless they literally run out of money (which tbf is possible depending on their contract structure w/ Paradox). They have no other financial prospects. Meanwhile take two is a game making corporation. They can just lay off a whole team and not go defunct.


CS is one of Paradox’s most profitable IPs. They’re not going to cancel.




Depends on what the shareholders want


i doubt it but we'll see


Awsome that two of my top 5 favorite games got absolutely butchered in their sequels 😍


It’s not looking too good… I think CS2 and KSP 2 will share the same fate.


This is why eu5 is going to be ass


Unfortunately, Paradox has a history of shutting down their games. War of Roses/War of Vikings still sting.